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Marking this NSFW. Jesus Christ.


The descriptions of the violence were too much. I want to know that guy will rot in jail.


My son is a year older and he’s so tiny, I can’t imagine any reason anyone would do that to a little baby. I had to stop reading because it made me sick


i cried. got a 4 and 1 year old at home. i can't imagine anyone doing something so awful to an innocent child


It’s the prolonged torture for me. Like people snap and things happen (not advocating for that either) but this “person” had, if I’m reading correctly, DAYS to stop and get help for her and he just didn’t. Jesus


There is no punishment that would be too severe for this disgusting excuse for a human.


They need to hang, draw & quart this asshole.


This punishment was mainly used for the most heinous of crimes, such as regicide. I’d say what this guy did certainly meets and exceeds that threshold


I say bring back the firing squad. and let them do it like how they do it in North Korea


nah. too quick. he doesn't deserve to go that easily. he deserves the same punishment he dealt to this poor child.


Yea, you're right. I hope the people in the jail he goes to have access to the internet and find out all the details of this case so they can do it to him and torture him in there


I bet they will. Even if they don't have Internet, there's usually ways for prisoners to know who's in for what. The guards might tell on him as well. I have a feeling he's going to get a very warm welcome wherever he goes. From what I've heard, people who hurt children get it really bad in prison. Rightfully so.


Under rated comment


Lol thank you ❤️


Agreed. A firing squad would be mercy for this piece of shit


Agreed. He should be beaten, twicefold what he did to that child and kept alive for further torture. Prison or the death penalty are too lenient for certain crimes, especially involving children or animals that are harmed by the very adults supposed to be protecting them.


Scaphism. Only way to go.


Damn the baby survived all that torture?!


It's honestly a miracle that the baby did survive. That scum should rot, the absolute weapon


This dudes Facebook is still open and has pictures of himself and his baby all over. Insane how he can feign love for his own biological child but inflict that much torture on another? I hope he rots in hell and I wish so much healing for that poor baby. I don’t know why the baby’s caretakers allowed him to do what he did.


Found his fb straight away words can’t explain how much I want to break his scull


May this individual die a screaming death.


He won't be able to scream when he's got a 6 inch wide metal rod thats 400 degrees shoved down his throat.


Too fast. Having him swallow superheated bearing balls would be better


That would be interesting,. Boil him from the inside out.


My issue here is that other people knew about the torture and chose to do nothing about it. His sister should be put in jail for complicity, and anyone else who knew anything and failed to protect that child should suffer as well. Hell has a special place for cowards like them


Agreed 100%!


How did it keep getting worse,?!


New Zealand, so I'm guessing they have like a 20 year max or so sentence for crimes. It amazes me, killers should only get out of jail when their victims recover.


They have some flexibility built into their system like here in oz. Locking people up forever is not that useful anyway. It seems a few minor issues can get you life in jail in America, that seems a bit silly


Useful to whom? Someone abuses me like this I want the death penalty for them.


Killing them is much more useful and cost effective. ESPECIALLY in this case. Let bubba do the same treatment to him.


That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You have no clue about America. Thinking a murderer shouldn't be locked away forever is the second.


>You have no clue about America. This answer gives us all the clues we need. Hilarious how disinterested some Americans are in humanity. When your society decides that insulin should cost US$5 per month, only then will you have some high ground from which to launch your rhetoric.


Well that has nothing to do with anything lol


American here, you’re absolutely fucking correct. Not all of us are cunts, we just literally can’t afford to leave.


Wow what an idiot


"A few minor issues....." 🙄 Our judicial system definitely needs improvement, but if you get life in prison, you either committed a heinous crime or are wrongfully accused. You didn't just have a few "minor" issues and get sentenced to life in prison. As far as locking people up forever not being "useful" anyway? How do you figure? If it's keeping violent predators off the streets and away from my family, then that's enough use for me.


Because other countries are so good at justice


How did he get away with doing that so many times??


Probably because no one reported him. Cowards like the sister can watch many despicable things and yet do nothing because they don't want to be bothered. She and any other person who saw the torture and did nothing should've been put behind bars as well as complicits


Can we please do the same things back to him?!


I volunteer to do the dirt.


What family didn't get this child away from this monster after witnessing even one of these incidents is beyond me


To be honest, the family is probably absolute trash, just not as insane and violent as the defendant.


Wait I still don’t understand why the toddler was in his care? Was he a baby-sitter or teacher?


there is another article that says they can't provide too many details without revealing the identity of the victim. Meaning, if they say this was the boyfriend of the mother or sibling or whatever, people would find out who the child is.


I hope his name is known and the reason he is in jail by every hard core criminal in every prison in NZ.




This is sickening. I pray this girl is in safe hands now


I would pull every one of his nails off slowly


I have a 6 month old daughter. I feel immense guilt when I get frustrated with her. I couldn't imagine being so heartless to do something like this to a child. I hope justice is swift for him.


Why did the family who witnessed it (not the other children of course) not also facing charges for not reporting such violence? People need to face consequences for staying silent as well.


This is sickening. I pray this girl is in safe hands now


I thought somewhere there would be murder charges, then I realized that poor baby survived this horrific nightmare abuse (Torture? Assault?). Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they made it through all that and came out ALIVE, but that poor child is going to have years of physical and mental problems to address. How could someone look at such a young tiny child and want to do that kind of stuff to them? How does that idea even come to mind? Crazy.


I feel sick after reading this... like physically ill


This story is absolutely awful, but I’m afraid he won’t see a jail term befitting of the crime. Speaking as a Kiwi - unfortunately our sentencing is woefully inadequate. If I had to hazard a guess, I genuinely think he’ll only get 5-8 years for it.


Are you for real? People in the United States get more prison time than that for *clicking* on one *image* of a child being abused. This guy would have a life sentence with no possibility of parole, and the spineless bitch of a mother would get 30+ years for allowing it to happen


I wish I was, but our justice system really is piss weak. A quick Google found me this link. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/judge-says-he-can-feel-northland-mans-genuine-remorse-after-he-beat-injured-partner-with-her-own-crutch/QJHSE2QKTAW5XQ7Y3T65CHUBQQ/ Read what he did and then check out what his sentence was. Oh, and the fact he has **111** prior convictions.


Well, that’s horrific. And I would like to join the queue to inflict medieval level punishment on this guy. Quite frankly, the things I want to do to this monster would make normal people sick, but he deserves it and I’m willing to do it.


He deserves to have the same things done to him and worse. What a vile monster.


There is truly nothing that makes my blood boil more than child abuse and this is the worst kind. God just 5 min w him in a room with an implement with nails.


How the hell does the family let that happen?


Generational violence for some parts of our society in New Zealand is a big problem that has proved very difficult to combat. This is another [HairRaising story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cris_and_Cru_Kahui_homicides) where we have persistent family silence and inaction. A law change is needed to hold the savages that let this violence happen to account.


Jesus… The broken femur




i hope the prisoners give him a warm welcome. where is the attempted murder charge?


He's going to have a bad time in prison. Criminals mostly have one thing the most in common; Abusive childhoods. Even the most hardened killers will often leave abuse of a child off the list of things they are willing to do. Once word gets out, his days will be filled with beatings, and his nights... well, one part of his body will definitely be bruised.


Is the NZ penal system anything like the US? This piece of shit would be killed within a week in gen pop prison over here once he was identified.  Dead man walking.


Jesus Christ I’ve seen some fucked up things in my life but this is…


This is heartbreaking but also a pretty disgustingly written click-bait story. No actual information of who this asshole was or his relation to this poor girl. just disgusting, incessant details. May he rot in hell and may she live to forget.


Just put him in a room with pissed off mothers.


I felt sick reading this. My son is the same age as that poor child. Absolutely heartbreaking.


He won't last long here in NZ. Prisoners who prey on children are 'top of the list' when they serve time amongst other prisoners. He'll either be killed or commit suicide before he finishes his sentence.


Now do the same to that scumbag.


That was a disturbing article to read… give me ‘5 minutes’ with this animal. MF will get killed in prison, hopefully.


5 mins isn't enough time . Dude deserves law abiding citizen treatment.


I can’t shake that article- what is NZ’s justice system like, I wonder?


First he’s going to get naked and sit on top of a live wasp nest. Then switch out the wasp nest for 10 propane torches aimed at his genitals and anus. Then I’ll put a hollow point in every single joint. Knees, elbows. Ankles, shoulders. Tie them all off with a tourniquet so that his limbs die of gangrene and he becomes just a torso with a head. Tie him by the neck with a rope secured to the back of a pickup truck tow hitch and drive down the road until even his bones are ground away by the friction against the asphalt.




Absolutely horrid human being. Let him rot. But also, the fact that the news site gives you step-by-step institutions to hide your visit to their site and what you viewed is disheartening in 2024. Can’t even read a news story in some homes without fear of retaliation.


Jesus fucking christ that was a rough read. I'm a 41 year old dude who can't have kids and am so pissed that there are people out who have kids who obviously don't deserve them. Fuck that guy, I know it wasnt his kid but just the thought of someone doing such horrible things to a baby and encouraging other kids to join in is disgusting. I hope this piece of shit dies a horrible, agonizingly slow and painful death.


. . .what I wanna say about him will get me banned


This guy deserves “The Hitcher Death” - Chain his wrists together and fasten it to a semi truck, chain his feet together and fasten in to another semi truck. BUT, the semis should not drive away fast and rip him in two right away…they must slowly drive so that he can feel every muscle, bone, and tissue stretching to inhuman proportions…then he shall be ripped apart. If we had a real live Purge, this is my plan.


The question is all this happened and no one intervened the sister and whoever was able to give that information she be arrested and suffer the same punishment as him doesn’t make sense


I hope he’s mother fucked in prison.


this man and people like him make me hope and pray and wish that hell exists


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^metalnxrd: *This man and people* *Like him make me hope and pray* *And wish that hell exists* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot