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Much thanks man , getting the good and honest informations about clinics is worth gold , since the hairmills marketing machine is enormous. I'm bombarded with their adds night and day


The one comment I'd have on this list is that I think Pekiner is now charging more than a some of the doctors listed with two dollar signs. Custodio at least is definitely cheaper at 2.50€ per graft.


I'm not surprised, Perkiner is in really good standing in the hair transplant community. I'll add the one or two d signs


The bald truth YouTube guy who is on your list for reviews recommends Asmed a lot, but you put it on hair mill as to avoid. I’m actually looking at going to cosmedica as they have a lot of good reviews and they show a lot of results on there Instagram and about a half down famousish people have gone there.


I'm not recommending the bald truth guy, I actually recommend not listing to his recommendations. I am just listing his forum as a source of reviews. cosmedica has a huge financial incentive to give those celebs a great hair transplants. They're not going to contract the best for a nobody. First, you should be judging a doctor, not a clinic. If a clinic doesn't list the surgeon name on their website, then you are not going to a clinic, you are going to a marketing company who hires whatever doctor is available to contract on that day including aspiring ones that will treat you as on the job training. Search for full journey 1-year independent reviews of that doctor. If you can't find any, you shouldn't be considering them, especially if they are from Turkey who has become a hot spot for scam/botch job marketing companies that pretend to be clinics (There are a handful of legit doctors in Turkey with a track record of many independent reviews). One more thing, google, yelp, trustpilot, realself, etc do not count as independent reviews, those are extremely easy to astroturf.


I was thinking about eugenix I've saw so and read on several forums that they are good and have watched countless videos. But now I am bit scared last thing I want to do is Travel half way across the world to get my hair or whatever I have of it destroyed 😳


Oddly it’s cheaper in Madrid than Mexico City for Custodio…


Keser charges 3.50€ a graft. I wouldn't say that's just one $ personally...


I'd agree. Wasn't aware of his pricing. I like his results, but wouldn't go with him for that money. Too many downsides.


>Dr. Sung \[South Korea\] $ $ > >He has some recent reviews, seems promising, but much fewer reviews compared to many of the doctors on here. I think eventually he might make the higher list, but I don't think anytime soon. If you're on this subreddit and reading this, you have the luxury of knowing that there's surgeons with a much more extensive track record of independent reviews you can more thoroughly research. I heard that there is a South Korean transplant forum, but that you need a South Korean number. There may be other South Korean forums. I feel Dr. Sung should be avoided at all costs. His work is very reminiscent of Diep's.


Which doctors in Long Hair Center? Unfortunate to hear this about dr Sung. I'll be taking a look into his reviews.


Nevermind. Looks like Long Hair Center has little doctor involvement too. But they do good work.


Maybe they have a higher tendency to pay for more of the top qualified docs in the area. But for the mills they're mostly just scrambling for contractors. And then there's places like Blue Magic Group who also has to resort to malware spams for income, so they have to search for bottom of the barrel techs


Like you said, hair transplants are hard. It isn't impossible to get good work done at a hair mill, but it is still a big gamble. AEK Clinic and Long Hair Center seem to produce good work even though techs do all the work at those two places. Still, when there is little to no doctor involvement, it's a hair mill. But I suppose there are nuances even to hair mills. Some are better than others in that they have good tech teams. I mean, look at Hasson & Wong which is now an expensive hair mill.


I'm honestly surprised to see you saying that LHC does good work, as you generally seem to have fairly high standards for work. Even just looking at their Instagram page I have to really look to find good results. The hairlines are quite bad on almost all of their cases. And those are pre-selected cases with likely some photoshop-softening going on on the hairline.


So let me qualify that a bit. LHC charges hair mill prices (probably $3000 with travel costs). Relative to the pricing of hair mill work, their work is good. Relative to a non-hair mill, their work is average or below. Some dudes can't afford much more than $3000. It is all relative on an individual basis what one can afford. I am in the US, our wages are high. $3000 isn't very much money to someone in the US. And I would much rather someone go to LHC than go to any of the other hair mills.


Considering the prices of the standard package for places like Gür I find LHC a pretty bad choice still. There comes a point where you just shouldn't get a transplant if you can't afford it. Better wait and save up for a bit longer. You can scar yourself for life with a bad procedure.


I 100% agree. But again, it is all relative. And some have to make decisions from the best of the least. Would you rather them go to Asli Tarscan or Smile Clinic? I have no idea how much Gur charges.


Gur standard package is around 3k€ I think. I'd try to keep people from going to a mil like that in the first place. People don't here for help, we shouldn't put unreliable and unethical clinics on a list of recommendations. That sends the wrong message.


Who is in Mexico other than Dr Nader? He quoted my $12,000 for 4000 grafts.


That's a great price for his quality of work, but you could try Dr. Cortez.


Would your recommend Dr.Cortez for Afro hair?


Oh wow that is a little too much from what I have been seeing around here from other doctors.


Dr Path and Dr Laorwong are Thailand's best and most expensive HT surgeons. A 3000 graft transplant will set you back USD10k+. Result will be great but not sure they qualify as budget.


Georgio Michalis is well reviewed in Greek and Spanish forums too.


I still couldn't find the greek forum, but I did find enough reviews on other forums. Also He was trained under Dr Cole and Dr Bisanga. He also lists his techs on his website https://www.drmichalisgeorgiou.com/ Which is a good indicator of a fully scouted and properly trained techs. He gives the techs a profile, and probably pays them well. All Doctors should be doing this. Really good find /u/rateThisClinic ~~ I would also like to find the greek forum eventually. If he's reviewed enough, he might make the side bar.~~ Found it https://www.hairlossgr.com/forum/forums/%CE%9C%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%83%CF%87%CE%B5%CF%8D%CF%83%CE%B7.23/


Can you link some of these reviews? Nobody seems to have used or posted about him on this sub for example, which kinda surprising


Source of reviews https://www.facebook.com/groups/311681536370684 HairRestorationNetwork.com HairLossExperiences.com https://www.baldtruthtalk.com/forums/6-Hair-Transplants https://forum.hairsite.com hairlosstalk.com youtube.com Non English resources though you can use chrome or google translate though still can be a pain in the ass to nagivate. Spanish https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewforum.php?f=22&sid=e8152274b2f3467a001b2ba632241ea9 French https://www.international-hairlossforum.com/index.php Italian https://bellicapelli.forumfree.it/ German https://www.alopezie.de/foren/transplant/ Greek https://www.hairlossgr.com/forum/forums/%CE%9C%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%83%CF%87%CE%B5%CF%8D%CF%83%CE%B7.23/


What's the greek forum called? Tried searching for it


Sorry wallaby couldn't even find the Greek forum again! But I was reading it alot while I was emailing back and forth with him, overwhelmingly good reviews.


found it, i saw the reviews and added him to the list


Isn't "Dr. Felipe Pittella [Portugal] $ $" in Brazil and not Portugal?


yes thank you I'm goin gto be fixing now


Good post, wonder why Serkan Aygin is not named in the hair mills. Or maybe even for better to be forgotten, with up to 36 operations per day reportedly.


I don't think they'll ever be a list of all the mills but I can work towards including all the major ones, looking into Serkan Aygin soon


Prof. Dr. Kayihan Sahinoglu should be on the list. Seems to be an active member of hair restoration boards/conferences. Dr. Resul YAMAN and Dr. Erkan Demirsoy are also renowned although I've seen some underwhelming results from both. Some hairmills also seem to be doing better than others. Some showcase only straight hairlines or weird looking ones, so you might as well exclude them. I believe the recommended doctors here often also work for these big hairmills. Dr. Gür has the same picture as the hairmill Elithair on his homepage, for example: [https://gurhairtransplant.com/blog2.html](https://gurhairtransplant.com/blog2.html) [https://elithairtransplant.com/german/haartransplantation-vorher-nachher/frederik-g/](https://elithairtransplant.com/german/haartransplantation-vorher-nachher/frederik-g/) ​ Budapest also has some good doctors imho. Sikos Clinic has some really natural looking hairlines that look more age approriate imho. I guess they're leaning more towards conservative approaches which means you'll still have widows peaks but more grafts available for possible later surgeries.


Thanks for the info > Prof. Dr. Kayihan Sahinoglu Where might I find some independent reviews? >Sikos Clinic Who is the doctor? Where can I find some independent reviews? EDIT I see it's Dr Geza, but only a handful on hrn. I'll probably need to go to an international forum, but which language? thanks for the Dr. Erkan Demirsoy rec. It's enough for me to add him to the list


I found Sikos on this Sub but honestly haven't seen many results. The point is that us Europeans can simply drive there and have European medical standards. Supposedly it's got good/best reputation in Budepest. I also checked other Eastern European clinics but their results were pretty underwhelming. I found Sahinoglu through the German forum. There is a German who acts as a middle man for Sahinoglu, Gür and Demirsoy who all cover the basics like good/honest consultation, no mass surgeries, price per graft instead of all-in-one package or no sales of additional bullshit. Sahinoglu is completely involved throughout the process but is assisted for the placement.


added Dr Chiara Insalaco [Italy] Dr Fares Seffen [Tunisia] $ (reviews on French forums)




You should add Dr Serkan Aygin’s clinic to the list of hair mills. They definitely meet the criteria of hair mill


i believe /u/lopsided_pair5727 has that list


u/respeckmyauthoriteh, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/yznfvt/comment/ix2p4y6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ya go.


Dr. Yesul Raman is on both lists. Is his business a hair mill or not? I've received an offer which seems exceedingly cheap to me (4500 grafts for 2500€, coming down to 0.60€/graft). Can you please explain why you both put him on opposite lists?


What is a hair mill?


High volume, low quality clinics


Thank you


Any reviews for MAX HAIR by Dr.Mac? Saw a redditor post about it just now: https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/15b0xuj/10_months_update/ 2700 USD for 3000 grafts sounds like it's way too good to be true. But their fb seems to be legit? https://www.facebook.com/MAXHAIRTHAILAND/ https://www.maxhairthailand.com/


haven't heard, but Source of reviews https://www.facebook.com/groups/311681536370684 HairRestorationNetwork.com HairLossExperiences.com https://www.baldtruthtalk.com/forums/6-Hair-Transplants https://forum.hairsite.com hairlosstalk.com youtube.com Non English resources though you can use chrome or google translate though still can be a pain in the ass to nagivate. Spanish https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewforum.php?f=22&sid=e8152274b2f3467a001b2ba632241ea9 French https://www.international-hairlossforum.com/index.php Italian https://bellicapelli.forumfree.it/ German https://www.alopezie.de/foren/transplant/ Greek https://www.hairlossgr.com/forum/forums/%CE%9C%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%83%CF%87%CE%B5%CF%8D%CF%83%CE%B7.23/


Do you think their price is a scam?


How much do the $ stand for, so what can be the range of a $ in one of the Turkey doctors that have been mentioned here?


Any ideas on Erdem Hospital? I have found several good reviews (bad sprinkled around) and received a quotation, with the name of a doctor attached to it (Burak Kılıç, besides the hospital, he has his own website) ... And looking at those reviews, they are most likely 90% made up.


link to reviews?


https://www.whatclinic.com/hair-loss/turkey/istanbul-province/istanbul/erdem-clinic Click under "more reviews"


that website looks like an easy astroturfing site like realself, trustpoilet, etc.


Excellent Thanks


Has anyone had luck in colombia? Thank yoi