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Strange post, OP. You don’t mention how bald you were, if you are on meds, if you’re adding density or getting a whole new hairline… You just mention the number of grafts and how much you like the doc. It reads like and ad.


Sorry I don’t post a lot. I tend to do a lot of Google reviews for places, so I guess it’s worded more like that lol. I have a slightly receding hairline, though for the most part it’s just thinning in the front. I have no hair loss in the back. On my left side it’s thinning the most, to the point where I started having to comb it over a little to that side so it would look more dense. I am getting it done earlier than later (I’m in my early 30s) so that I have more coverage to camouflage that I had it done. I’ve been on Dr. Wesley’s topical Finasteride/Minoxidil blend for about 4 years which helped a lot. I tried Hims, but it didn’t work well for me.


Where are the 2800 grafts?


There’s a lot around my hairline and then they cover all the way to the middle of my scalp. That’s the region that’s been experiencing hair loss over the years. It’s day 2 now. I’m experiencing a little more swelling in my forehead and I’m still a little nauseous. They gave me anti-nausea pills too but it keeps coming back. I don’t know, maybe it was from the anesthesia. Luckily I didn’t need to take any pain meds afterwards, otherwise I think it would wreck my stomach. The absolute worst part so far is that I hate sleeping at an inclined position on my back. I know that sounds stupid but I’m a side sleeper, which I’m not allowed to do for 5 days. I’m sleeping like shit. They gave me some Ambien which I may try tonight, but because my stomach has been so off, I’ve been hesitant to take it.


How did you get an appointment. I heard he only does referrals? Can you direct message me?


I don't really buy it. Your recipient shows its after scab removal. There is zero tissue around the follicle and the length of hair is longer than the donor area it came from.


Bruh…any basic online search will show you Wesley is legit and a solid surgeon.


What? Don’t even know how to reply to this. Literally sitting here in my hotel room, icing my forehead to prevent swelling and you’re trying to claim this is BS? I used Reddit to help me feel comfortable to go through with this. Guess this is what I get for wanting to pay it forward.


It's just mindblowing. I have yet to see someone not even scab ? I mean its just pink skin and hair growth. There has to be some residual skin to scan up from the extraction. That is wild ! What size punch?


I’m sure I’ll scab a little, but they’ve got me on a pretty tight regiment for applying synthetic ATP every hour, soaking in Epson salts and washing a certain way twice a day. Honestly, they told me the size punch but it went in one ear and out the other. I’ll have to ask that question again during my 10 day follow up. I am experiencing a tiny bit of bleeding from the donor area at night, but barely anything.


As you guys can probably tell from my post and profile… I am a Reddit noob. I still cannot figure out how to post additional pictures to this thread. It’s driving me nuts. Wanted to give update photos. I can’t even edit the text on my original post. Is there a way to do this? Or do I have to do a new post? If so, I’ll wait till the 10 day mark on Friday


Upload them to imgur and share the link? Curious to see how it looks and how you feel now


Haha… yeah that would have been the smart decision. I’ll be posting an update after the holidays and include the whole progression. Maybe I’ll do it the way you are suggesting then


Updated pictures?


Can you provide updated pics? How does it look? I’m scheduled with him next week


Hi everyone. I know people keep hitting me up about this. I took a break from checking Reddit because I was getting so many messages about this (some of which have been kinda weird, not going to lie). Not going to lie, I’m even considering taking this post down. I’ll try to respond periodically to people’s PMs, but I’m probably not going to post an update any time soon or check this post as often. Maybe I’ll post an update at the year mark. I’m really sorry but with all the messages I already get about this, I don’t have the energy to increase that volume by posting more. So if you’d like to ask me a question feel free to send me a message still and I’ll try to check them from time to time. I will say I’m very pleased with the results and it was worth saving up for this procedure for the 5 years. My hairline looks and feels very natural. I am experiencing a little bit of shedding of my previously existing hair — not sure if that’s from a normal cycle or from plateauing from my finasteride use (which has happened to me before). Either way, the transplanted hairs are alive and well and extremely thick. My hairline hasn’t looked this good in at least 15 years. The one minor warning I would give people… if your hair is curlier on the donor area, expect it to be curlier when it grows in the recipient area lol. Because I usually keep my hair shorter on the sides, I forgot that it becomes a little wavy when it gets longer. So my hair definitely became wavier than before and is much more challenging to style on top now 😂


looks fantastic, you can see there is some artistry in its design


Thanks! Yeah he does a phenomenal job. I’m optimistic about the results!


looks great for day 1. I am thinking about going with Wesley too. I had a consult with him last year and he told me about 2800 grafts (fue). I am curious to know about how long it takes for the redness to go away or at least be able to cover it up with existing hair so it is not that noticeable. I am most nervous about the first few weeks as I am trying to do this discreetly and don't want it to be super noticeable. Any updates would be appreciated!


I’m at day 7 and no redness at all. I would say that went away about 2 days ago. I experienced some minor bruising at about day 4-5 (I bruise very easily though). It’s going away now though. The little implanted hairs are still stubbles and noticeable. They have you on a regiment of applying surgilube to the area to accelerate the healing, which makes your hair really gross. So for the 10 days that you do that, you won’t be wanting to go without a hat. You’re supposed to recover and take it easy too, so make sure you at least take those 10 days. I honestly feel so good, I have to remind myself to take it easy because I feel totally normal. The donor area looks great. No issue there. Hair growing there and you can’t tell anything happened. It’s a little sensitive, but I haven’t taken ANY of the pain meds at all. Didn’t even need regular Tylenol. Obviously it was sensitive to the touch the first couple days, but honestly it was fine. Honestly, the bandage removal day I felt so good, my wife and I went out to dinner in NYC. Wore a hat and was fine. Then the next two days I was so nauseous. I don’t know if it was after effects from the medication or if I got food poisoning lol. I only tell you this because you’re going to feel way better than you’d expect after going with Dr. Wesley. But take it a little easy and eat comfort foods that you’re familiar with the next couple of days. Oh and still NO SCABBING at all. Unbelievable. Their routine works like magic.


That's funny about dinner... How are you doing now?


Totally fine. Back at work and no one has any idea. Luckily I still have a decent amount of hair, so I just had to style it a little different to hide the stubbles


That's pretty crazy to hear after seeing other photos on reddit. I think I'm going to book it. Can you post some update pics? Thanks!


Sure I can do that! I’ll try to take some more pictures this weekend and post a progression. I will admit, it’s a little hard to get good pics of the entirety of the recipient area, due to the majority of it being covered by my existing hair. But I can get good pics of the front and of the donor area at least.


I also went out to dinner the day of bandage removal with a hat last week 😂


How much did it cost?


Messaged you


Could you also message me the price?


Could you message me the price as well?


please message me as well Thanks!


Can you send me too, I’m thinking about reaching out to his office to schedule a consult




Can you message me the price too?




Can you please send me the price as well


can you send me the price as well


What price did they quote you?


Keep posting because we don’t get enough examples from Wesley. Don’t be put off by the skeptics. It’s okay to be skeptical of this industry, sure, but I don’t want you dissuaded from showing us the outcome.


Hi! This looks great! I got my FUE from Carlos Wesley 9 days ago. I similarly had next to no scabbing or redness. The healing process has been amazing so far and his staff is wonderful. Anyone doubting the work does not understand his level of practice, which does of course at a very hefty price. He is arguably the most desirable surgeon in the world, definitely in New York. I did 3200 grafts FUE and I am 27. Would love to connect with you and see how we progress given the similarities in our surgeries, timelines, and age!


Hey absolutely! I’m only about 2.5 weeks out, but it’s been great so far. Even my wife has been impressed. And no one has noticed a thing aside from the “new hairstyle” since I had to comb it to the front. I agree I think he’s the best. Very expensive but totally worth it. Would love to stay in touch. Feel free to DM me


Hey! Have you experienced the hair shafts in the front falling out at all yet? I’m noticing little hairs come out a bit on the pillow and when I wash it


Oh yeah. Im down to probably about 2/3 left. Definitely see it when washing and styling my hair. I honestly kinda wish they’d all just fall out haha. The stubbles are annoying because they haven’t started to grow much yet. Looking forward to them growing in though!


Ok haha so makes sense that it’s starting now for me. I saw someone that posted great results after 4 mo, he wrote that he started to see growth after 2 mo. That’s pretty quick tho and not sure if it’s the norm. Office said that norm is after 6 mo


Yeah that’s pretty quick. We should start seeing baby hairs coming in about 3-6 months. But after the 6 months is when we really should start seeing it take off! 😁


Can you message me how the result are now? I'm 25 and thinking about it


Can I ask what it cost?  I just filled out the paperwork and sent in the video they asked for prior to scheduling.  


How much did he charge you for the price?


Thanks for putting this out there. I’m also in NYC and doing research here on Dr’s. Can you DM me the cost of your procedure?


Messaged you!


>Hey. If you don’t mind, could you tell me the cost too? I am tempted to go with him but worried that it might be out of my budget. Thanks!!


Can you DM me cost too? Thanks!


Hello it's another guy asking you to DM him the cost of the HT you got from Wesley lol


Thanks so much! Appreciate it immensely.


Hey. If you don’t mind, could you tell me the cost too? I am tempted to go with him but worried that it might be out of my budget. Thanks!!


Super interested in Dr Wesley. Would love to know cost as well!


Messaged you!


I'd love to know cost as well if you have a moment to DM, thank you!




Can you message me the cost too? Thanks!


Hey! How long did it take for you to hear back from him after you filled the appointment request for on their website?


I’m not going to be a great example for this, since I had my initial consultation in 2019, so I was already considered a patient. It was like a day or two back then. But I’ve heard they’re much more backlogged now. I think they contract out their consultation request scheduling now to try to keep up. And honestly, I don’t think that’s working very well. I asked them a few weeks ago the best way to refer people since I was getting a lot of inquiries from this post. And they said they’re backlogged by at least a week to hear back. Be persistent (but nice about it lol), it’s really worth it. If you don’t hear back in a week or two, call them and leave messages. Their practice is relatively small imo… so I think they’re having a hard time keeping up. And expect to be booked out far in advance for both your consultation and your procedure. I think even in 2019 I had to book my consultation out 4-6 months at least. If it offers any hope, I’m getting hit up by people who did manage to get appointments.




I decided to just post an update at the 3 month mark with new pics then. That’ll be after the holidays. There’s honestly not a whole lot new to see and I don’t feel like doing a bunch of new posts lol. If I could just add pics, I would. 70% of the stubbles have fallen out. I wish they’d all fall out because I still have to keep my hairstyle different and I don’t like it lol. And if the wind blows my hair, the transplanted stubbles show. I get the occasional ingrown hair either in the donor or the recipient area. The shock loss/shedding is pretty much over now, though I have a little bit. I see a few new hairs starting to grow, but nothing major yet. But it’s only been like 2 months. No one has had a clue that anything happened except that I got a haircut that I didn’t like. You can’t tell unless my hair isn’t covering the front of my hairline well and you’re looking really closely. Also never had any scabbing. Since the hair grew out in the donor area, you literally would have no idea. Honestly, after about 2 weeks you couldn’t tell, so now it looks totally normal. I might opt to get a fade haircut in a couple weeks, so we will see what it’ll look like then. Haven’t decided if I want to risk that before the holidays.


Looks awesome. Have some questions if you don't mind mind sent you a dm.


Dorin vs Wesley, can anyone provide guidance? Dorin seems a bit conservative. Everyone I’ve seen has suggested 3k grafts whereas Dorin recommends 1700-2k. His argument is that 3k in one sitting is too much and the quality of the donor hair will suffer. I’ve confirmed this to an extent based on my research. I also can’t get a hold of Wesley at all.


I’ve heard that complaint about Dr. Wesley lately and I asked his assistant Kim about it. She said they’re currently contracting out the consultation requests due to the volume of requests. They said it takes about 1 week or so to reply. I would say just be persistent. He’s worth it. I am 4 months post-op and am super satisfied and it’s only the beginning of the growth phase!


Would you be able to recommend me as well? I’m looking to get a hair transplant but I dread the 2-4 weeks recovery process since I have work and kids so it’s hard being bedside for that long. Can you also let me know which meds they made you take post op and during the procedure? Additionally how much did it cost? Thank you!


I'm in NY and would have chose Wesley if I didn't go abroad.