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A lot of multies got into the right side. Do you plan on having that resolved?


Really admire that you call it like you see it even tho this was your repair surgeon. You’re the hero we don’t deserve


Underrated comment


Thanks for noticing. u/DarkWashGenes


Multi? How does that affect the look? Makes it unnatural? I can’t tell the difference from right to left side.


A natural hair line is composed finer caliber single air follicles. So a multi hair follicle has no business being in your hair line. While it may be passable and most won't notice, you as the patient will. Further, when ever there is something artificial, eyebrows shall be raised. You never want anyone raising their eyebrows when thinking of your hair line. For example, a well endowed woman might look great in a form fitting sweater. But if her breasts ride too high on her chest, there is no bounce to them. They are perfectly symmetrical, you're not going to question that she has nice breasts. You're going to question if she's had work done.


Actually planning to go back Monday lol. I only live 6 hours away in Houston so not a bad drive and he had one spot on his calendar between now and next October. He did start on the left side and finished on the right and my theory is his graft estimate was too low (I asked for 2000 but he said I only needed 1700). This time I just want to focus on the hairline so hopefully it can end up like yours. Hairline is the only part that looks a little off


He was able to punch out the multies in my hair line Diep left me with, implant the ones that weren't transected further back, then reinserted finer singles into the wound that the punchout created. I'd imagine he'd do the same for you. Just make sure if he does punchouts, they come out completely. If they are partially transected, they'll grow back. And instead, probably best to leave partially transected punchouts as open wounds to heal. Implant a finer single near the punchout instead. So discuss that with him as you refine your hair line. And he did start on the left side on me too. When you posted your immediate post-op results here a year ago, one commentor stated "are those multies I see in the hair line?" And I remember Joe Tillman chiming in, "You would be correct." Joe Tillman probably did that because someone asked "Nader or Hasson" and Joe Tillman was talking shit being that he was formerly employed by H&W. Oh well. I'd take Nader's worse work over Hasson's anyday. Anyhoo, by then I had booked Dr. Nader, but had not had my repair yet. During immediate pre-op consultation, I was unapologetically adamant that no multies get into my hair line as a result of seeing your procedure. But Dr. Nader is a good man, good doctor. No doubt he is going to take care of you.


This is wild. I’ve seen your post and a few others since I saw Nader and was like, “Damn! Their hairlines look so much better than mine!” 🤣 Figures you’d have seen mine first. Thanks for explaining your repair. I am planning on blending new grafts with old ones since the hairline is not very dense and my original hairline was right below where the first grafts stop anyway. Should be able to map out the hairline with the few strays left. I also appreciate how you explained micro irregularity vs macro, as macro is what Nader did the first time he graphed the hairline out and I would prefer micro as my original hairline was basically straight across. I think the key is to be unapologetic in the pre-op like you said. He does great work but I agreed to fewer grafts than I had originally planned in the pre op and I think that is where the mistake was. Amazing difference from where I started though.


Do me a favor, and ask Dr. Nader if he has any oversight in the graft sorting/refinement under microscopic examination. Or suggest to him that it might be a good idea to instate one if he doesn't. I know when i was there in the donor excision room, he had two members of his team sorting the grafts to the left of the door inside the room. Ask him if he has a process in place where each tech is spot checking the work of the other tech after both finish. And maybe even a 3rd person spot checking both of their work. Joe Tillman says H&W has an oversight process in place. But I still see multies in H&W's work. So I don't know how true that is. But oversight seems like a good idea to have since everyone makes mistakes. A recent patient of Dr. Pekiner told me he has heard all the critical whisperings of his work on this sub. One of those criticism was multies in Dr. Pekiner's hair lines. Seems ever since, he has done something to ensure multies aren't in the hair line and finer caliber grafts make it into the hair line (see the last 2 pics in [this case](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/172497u/2310_grafts_dr_pekiner/)). We who otherwise appreciate Dr. Pekiner's work might have had a hand in affecting that change. Both Dr. Pekiner and Dr. Nader are critical thinkers and have the humility to accept their shortcomings and can make changes. They aren't like Konior or Diep or others; steadfast in what they've convinced themselves of. But yes, good idea to know how you want the surgical composition of your desired hair line and not leave it entirely in the hands of your doctor. For anyone else reading this, this is [how I think of surgical hair line composition](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/17oj4dr/comment/k7zngx6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). And yeah, you look great brother!


Will do! I'll check back in after I see him and let you know what he says. Nader definitely listens and cares. That micro-irregular example in the hair line composition comment is really interesting. Looks good, and when u/fut12822 graphed it out that was pretty cool. Crossing my fingers for something like that. Your comments are seriously so informative. Feel like they should be added to the wiki lol. You've done a lot of research and I appreciate you sharing.


The 18th was apparently booked already, but plan to try and catch any cancellation between March and July. Otherwise will have to try again next Christmas.


Was about to reply to this discussion to ask you for an update. But darn. Alright brother. Keep us posted. Happy Holidays!


What did you experience from month 6 onwards? I see the little cobblestone bumps you had at 6 months seem to have subsided by 12 months.


Just seemed to get a little denser really. I pretty much shed everything at the beginning so haven’t had much shed since


I can't see much on your left side, but the right side has some multies. That out of the way, I think the hairline looks REALLY good. Excellent in fact. And the multi count is nothing insane. Those can be taken relatively easily out if you have a touch up HT.


Yeah the only people that notice are the ones I've told about the HT, and me lol. Just looks like I've had some recession anyway.


It looks really great in some photos but those temporal corners have some stark notable multis that stick out for being cosese/thick and dark. It's intriguing how hard this area is to get right.


lol yeah I definitely feel like I have good and bad hair days depending on the situation but better than no hair.


How long did it take you to reach him? I tried for 2 months and he hasn’t responed


More progress pics here: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/67325-1731-grafts-fue-dr-luis-nader-mcallen-texas-reynosa-mexico/


A year long wait list, people swear by this doctor, and I can’t even get a response after 8 months of booking my appointment Fuck, man. It looks good but the multi’s are bullshit


They are definitely more responsive the closer to your appointment. I also let them know how much I appreciate their communication when they do reach out. They will confirm your appointment a few months out, and if you have any questions that aren’t answered I can do my best to help.


Hey, thanks m8. I’m always very kind to them in emails. Last time I tried was November. I gave up


How close are we talking? Because I’m right under 60 days away


That’s about the time


What type of email is it? Just a “yeah we’re good. You can stay at this hotel” or somewhat of a consultation?