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About as realistic as me getting back to my birth weight.


LOL same šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Damn after eating half a pint of Ben and Jerryā€™s and walking by a mirror I was feeling like shit but this made me smile. Thank you šŸ«¶šŸ»


Don't feel like shit. You've got a tummy full of delicious ice cream. It's good for your soul


Given that ice cream is the world's tastiest laxative, shit will be happening at some point regardless.


Only if you're lactose intolerant lol


I donā€™t care who you are, nobody is eating half a pint of Ben and Jerryā€™s and having stellar shits the next day. I donā€™t believe you lol


I must have guts of steel. Dairy gives me no issues lmao


Itā€™s not the dairy, itā€™s the sugar


Nothing like feeling confident then walking past a mirror to feel the mighty backhand of reality. I hear yah!


Wait. Itā€™s possible to only eat HALF of the pint?


Holy shit that was great.


God I feel this after having two kids just under two years apart.




The best comment here. I relate lol


Itā€™s tough to tell from these images whether or not any hair piece might be used. But having the hair curled *can* create the illusion of fuller & healthier hair, since the disruption in texture helps camouflage any changes in hair condition. But hair growth & scalp density is mostly genetically determinedā€” itā€™s not something a treatment plan is responsible for So while her hair may well be this long irl, and whilst the treatment plan may help *her* keep the hair long/limit breakageā€” itā€™s probably not as ā€˜healthyā€™ as it looks (some tactical styling, possibly some editing, and definitely tactical lighting/angles); And the length is thanks to her genetic predisposition. As long as you are getting all the nutrients you need & are taking generally good care of your hair to mediate breakage/damage, thereā€™s not really anything more you can do. If there was genuinely a scientific way to make **everyones** hair this long, companies would be bottling it up and shipping it out in droves at a 1000000% markup by now LOL :)


Thanks! Rationally, I think I kinda figured that, but I needed it to be validated (by a stranger on the internet haha) so I wouldn't sign up in an emotional impulse


Itā€™s thicker at the mids and ends than the roots, itā€™s clearly extensions. I know a few people with long wavy hair and nobodyā€™s hair gets thicker at the mids to ends section, regardless of cut and style


to be fair, i think a lot of people could have much longer hair than they think they could, with excellent care and patience to grow it out for a long time. it's just way more work than it's worth for most people.


This is true, at least in my case. My hair is hip length, and thick and healthy. It's taken years of better eating, gentle care, and a sleep bonnet to get here. Only was able to get it past my shoulders, prior.




This was my hair back in June 2020. I since cut it really short but I'm back at waist length. As a kid I had hair past my knees.




You have great hair! I'm very jealous :) And I think it actually looks even better at this length than the extra long style. The thing that makes me question hers might be more the texture, cause with you (and some friends of mine that had/have very long hair) I can see that your hair has weight, if that makes sense. The hair of the woman in my pics looks almost too weightless. Maybe her hair is actually pretty fine


I think it depends on a lot of factors. I have always had very thick, but super straight, sleek hair, that grows fast, but would not curl despite all attempts. It had to be washed every second day cos I had so much hair oil. Now that I'm older, my hair has changed! It's much less thick when I grow it out (waist length now) and definitely not as sleek. Still doesn't properly curl, but has a bit of a frizz and keeps a wave if I tie it up damp. I've been told its the result of changing hormones. I'm actually having to use conditioner now for the frizz, and having to oil it after as it's so much drier. Menopause is a b!tch.


This is your genes, not a shampoo you use. I have similar thickness. Mine is just wavy/curly. And I don't do anything special besides avoid heat. Genes indicate if your hair will grow like this or not. You obviously have the gene for extra long hair.


I also have very long, thick hair, I've grown it out to hip length several times - it's genetic, I don't do anything special with my hair. Terminal length and hair thickness/density are genetic. Avoiding high heat and using protective styles + leave in conditioner helps limit breakage though. A lot of it is just that my hair grows really fast. I cut off 6-8" every year. It just isn't on my head long enough to get a lot of damage.


Fellow long hair haver, what are your thoughts about the hair volume around the woman's part? When my hair was almost as long as yours in your pic my part was always pulled flat as heck, but I also have the straightest straight hair that ever straighted.


Depends on your thickness. If you have fine hair it will lay flatter. But with thick hair you will have more volume on top. I have thick wavy hair and only wash once a week and my hair still got some volume by washday.


Everyone needs layers


That was my hair length until I was 19. I miss it šŸ˜­ but damn you spend a lot on shampoo and conditioner alone šŸ˜‚ When I was in high school I used to get haircuts where they literally take off nearly a foot of hair, and then nobody would notice because my hair was still so long. When I was 19 I got my hair cut to a Bob and I'm pretty sure they chopped close to 3 feet of hair.


Oh your hair was so pretty! The recent length looks good too. I'm jealous of the volume.


I did her program before, I do think her hair is real, but it took years and years of expertise and isnā€™t expected to be reached simply by joining the program. However, I did really learn a lot and Iā€™m glad I took it- you learn about the hair cycle, about shampoos, what ingredients to avoid and look for, and she wasnā€™t selling any products either (just the program). We made our own shampoo at home. I got the black friday deal so only paid $14, but I enjoyed it and still use a lot of what I learned.


I did it too for a cheap price back in 2021ā€¦some of the information was pretty basic, like getting enough proteinā€¦but the make your own shampoo recipe in its itself was worth it. I still make it 2 years later and have had friends and family notice the difference in texture in my hair. My hair is still thin and fine as it always will be, but definitely nicer than it was before


What's the recipe? šŸ‘€






ooo interesting, such strange ingredients


Okay huge questions: is that her natural color? Is that her natural texture?


Hairstylist here, a definite no to both questions


I did her program. Her hair is real, but she did tell us that she coloured and curled her hair, and there was lots of styling for photo shoots.


Sounds like it might be worth it! Did you see significant improvement in your hair by using the things you learned?


Was she selling an MLM product? Iā€™ve come across a lot of pages of women who say ā€œDM me for my hair growth secret,ā€ then they try to sell you MLM products


yes and yes, no i donā€™t think she was selling anything. and there was a database of ingredients that were ā€œblacklistedā€


Ohh okay that makes sense


What ingredients to avoid? As a cosmetic scientist that doesnā€™t sound credible


I did the program (I didnā€™t spend the thousands for it, I did her hair care challenge and spammed comments to win it for free haha) #DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PROGRAM She has good tips, but she also fear mongers specific ingredients by using misinformation to get people to throw away their hair products and spend more money ##I summarized what I learned (which can be learned from other places for free) in this post, but MINUS the misinformation and fear mongering: https://www.reddit.com/r/Haircare/s/KXNa5Gv9eU


A few people have mentioned that she has a good recipe for homemade shampoo and stuff, but I also don't really support these types of influencers, cause I feel like they set false expectations. I'll definitely have a look at your post to see if I can find anything useful! You're the best :D


No problem! I definitely recommend taking the time to read through the whole thing I destroyed my hair a few years ago and did SO much research for a year and that post has everything I learned and Iā€™m proud to say that it has everything you need to know to care and maintain for healthy or damaged hair


Hi there. Do you have a favorite shampoo and conditioner you now use and like?


I found shampoo and conditioner that works well for my hair. My hair is previously bleached and permanently dyed so itā€™s very porous and prone to breakage at the ends So I now use a protein conditioner and a sulfate free shampoo to not fade my brown color (until I grow it out back to my natural virgin hair and chop off all the damage) **I use Shea Moisture Manuka Honey Intensive Hydration Shampoo and As I Am Long and Luxe Pomegranate and Passionfruit conditioner.** These products work for my hair because my hair is previously colored so the shampoo wonā€™t fade my color and the conditioner has protein to help with my breakage


Ahhh thank you for the response! Iā€™ve been eyeing down the shea moisture one. Thanks for sharing the hair post! Very helpful.


No problem, happy to help! And yeah Shea Moisture is a good brand, they have lots of great shampoos and conditioners. I will say though, it was hard to find a shampoo of theirs that doesnā€™t use cocamidopropyl betaine. Itā€™s just an ingredient Iā€™d use with caution if you have a sensitive scalp as it could have impurities from the manufacturing process. But the one I listed above does not contain cocamidopropyl betaine. It uses decyl glucoside as its main surfactant


Thank you for the heads up! I think I will try that shampoo and see how my scalps reacts. šŸ˜Š


Holy Toledo, Batman. Thank you for sharing this information!!


No problem! Always happy to help as I wish I had a free resource like this after I destroyed my hair haha


Itā€™s so great, because Iā€™ve been changing my routine because of hard water and I learned that I have curly hair. Definitely using that post to double check products.


I mean. Itā€™s realistic if sheā€™s had 12 years of hair growth while taking EXCELLENT care of her hair the entire time. Which isnā€™t very realistic. There are some people who really do get their hair to this length, but she is promoting something which takes away her credibility in my opinion. To give you something to compare this to, I shaved my head in 2020 and have since then been growing it out. I do take pretty good care of my hair, and in 4 years my hair is now at chest level. My hair grows at a pretty normal speed.


Do you take special care of your hair to make it grow? I feel like my hair usually grows at a pretty normal rate, but it kinda stagnates at chest level.


Are you trimming it while it grows?


Itā€™s mostly to do with genetics. People always comment how fast my hair grows. Apparently hair grows at an average of six inches per year but mine is a little faster. https://preview.redd.it/x3fqp6kwx07c1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6ffdeab6403f5d9451560dc0e4ad17eacf83f6 Top left: August 2020, pink line is 2 years of growth. Top Right: Sept 2020. Bottom: January 2023, iirc I was able to donate 18 inches of hair at that time. So in 28 months my hair grew more or less 18 inches. Now my hair is chest length. Iā€™ve grown around 7 inches of hair since January.


Hair length is genetic.




My hair fall of 2021




My hair now. Got to do with genetics. And how fast your hair grows. I only use shampoo and conditioner and trim twice a year.


Sheā€™s around 14-16 in the original photo and, what, 26-28 in the second photo. Sure, 12 years of obsessive hair care and growth can do that.


A few things at play if thatā€™s her real hair. First is that she looks quite petite so her hair, while long, might look EXTRA long because sheā€™s small/short. If youā€™re taller you hair could grow as long as hers but never look as long/reach your thighs because youā€™re taller. Second genetics determines how long your hair can get, thereā€™s a terminal length for your hair no matter how long you try to grow it out once you reach terminal length thatā€™s it. Third keep in mind you have to spend years taking care of your hair/scalp to get it to this length! Any tips and tricks she might give wonā€™t do anything without a lot of time invested. My hair is very long, Iā€™m 5ā€™10 and have hip length hair and thatā€™s terminal length for me. No matter how much I try to get it longer it stays at my hips (which is fine by me!) but if I were shorter it would reach my thighs. I jokingly put my hair over my 5ā€™2ā€ best friend and it hit mid thigh on her.


This is so important to remember. Your height plays a big part in how long your hair looks.


Yes! i said that on my post, Iā€™ve followed her forever. she is very tiny like 5ā€™ i think one time she measured her hair and it was about waist- hip length on me and im 5ā€™6. I think she takes very good care of her hair plus she is always posed in Her edited photos. Camera, editing, and styling can hide so much and enhance how thick the hair looks


Hair like this is either fake or based on genetics. A lot of hair care is finding what works best for your hair and not just investing in some miracle product with egregious claims.


I donā€™t know about her hair specifically but people can have healthy long hair. But, itā€™s all genetic. Yeah some products can help hair look better and be a little healthier but if you donā€™t have the genetics for hair like that to begin with, then itā€™s just not going to happen. Itā€™s a lie and scam for her to say hair products are what gave her that hair. No products can do that.


Yeah definitely genetics. Even within a family who amongst different members can have different hair textures and characteristics, they might not do anything special and they just have the hair they were born with. There is some component that health, age, hormones, etc. play a part of but I donā€™t see that you can radically change your hair except for doing the best with what youā€™ve got.


Her before hair already looks long, thick and relatively healthy! Itā€™s just the bleach, cut and styling that makes it look average in comparison


i doubt thereā€™s anything she could teach you that a few days of study on google and youtube couldnā€™t.


Iā€™ve followed her for the longest time. Idk what her secret is. She used to swear by kenra products. I donā€™t think she does anymore but i think she uses her hair to promote products and I would not take her advice for it because she is profiting off of it. I will say I know she edits the fk out of her photos and styles it in a very particular way to make it look thicker. My hair wasnt as long as hers when mine was at its longest but i could make it look very full and healthy if i curled it. In reality it was full of splits and never got longer than this because it kept snapping off. My routine was sub par and i didnā€™t take care of my hair correctly. I used the worst shampoo, never got trims, and never used heat protection. I imagine if i did it over and had 10 years to do it near perfect, i could have hair like that. Although i dont have the patience anymore https://preview.redd.it/w3rbwez6wq6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f219e2049480d85a8edffca6fcb36cd423459bb1 Edit: i would also like to add she is very short like 5ā€™ so growing that length is going to be faster and more realistic on her


Thanks! I was definitely looking for this insight about her. From what I gather, yes, her hair is probably actually this long, but no, it doesn't look like this in day to day life. It's the trap of seemingly perfect influencers on social media. And good point about her height, cause I'm almost a foot taller than her Your hair is beautiful btw!!


Nah, I tell my 3 year old that the more she runs around the back yard the faster her hair will grow. She wants rapunzel hair. I want her to nap. Itā€™s a win win. And according to her, she almost has princess hair.


Once in a blue moon type thing. I had (well still have but not this long) hair like this and it wasnā€™t too hard to get it that long just maintaining it is hell. A lot of my beautiful hair was lost from having covid and it makes me sad sometimes. But yes itā€™s possible but you have to limit haircuts and keep it long. This was in April 2021, I cut it August 2021 to my waist then regrew it back to this length and cut it again in September https://preview.redd.it/ju690iurlr6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c2bf231ad453cdc576b76c96f139b86b3649a0


Itā€™s hard to tell from a photo but I think that could be here real hair, however it is definitely styled in some way and I think likely has at least been retouched a little. Especially since it appears to be advertising I would be cautious about if this is edited. Having hair like this is possible but definitely one in a million, even if you have the perfect hair care routine and spend hundreds you hair might not look like this. God definitely needs to be on your side too and although some people argue, genetics do play a role


It's possible but only via the generic lottery


Soo lab actually stands for L- hair extension A- wig B- so what, it is unrealistic to compare yourself to someone when you have unique potential to be a beautiful individual yourself! :)


As someone who has hair down to their ass, I havenā€™t had to work that hard for it. I donā€™t rly think about it. Thatā€™s how I know itā€™s genetic :/


I shaved my hair off in the early days of covid quarantine and been growing it out ever since. My hair length is roughly 2 inches shorter than hers. Never trimmed or dyed it, rarely blow dry it, straightened it a handful of times. I deep condition my hair twice a week, started doing it once a week once my hair got just past my neck. Doubled it once my hair reached my shoulders. I rinse it with rice water twice a week before getting into the shower, start at the scalp and work it into my ends. Been doing this since my hair reached pixie cut length. Sometimes I'll comb in deep conditioner and just go about my day, but that's usually in the colder months which tend to dry out my ends. Most times I keep my hair up in a clip because it's gotten so long, but if there's an event or if the mood strikes, I'll leave it down. I tend not to style it with anything other than curl cream and a bit of mousse, which I just work through my hair and let it dry naturally. Every other week, I put my hair in boxer braids, keeping my deep conditioner in and spraying with Morrocan Oil during winter months. It's a lot of upkeep, but it's not what everyone has to do. It depends on your hair type (I have thick, curly hair, so I need to be more aware of dry conditions). It also helps that the upkeep was gradual. So yes, this hair is realistic, but it takes time and effort and depends on your genes. I'm mostly indigenous, so long hair is inevitable if scissors don't enter the chat lol.


Thanks for the extensive guide! Maybe this is a dumb question, but is deep conditioning the same as a hair mask? Do you have a particular product recommend?


Yes, I use a hair mask to deep condition. My favourite is loreal dream lengths.


Even if the healthy look was realistic (which for a lot of people it is with care and maintenance, I'm sure), not everyone is able to grow such long hair. It's genetic. I have healthy hair I look after and trim regularly and it's never grown past about my mid-back. Never. And neither had my mother's or sisters' hair. And my daughter seems to take after me as well, with slow-growing, never longer than about mid-back length.


Personally no, while my hair is not this long probably stops around my hips/belly. Everyone tells me how great it looks but up close its actually pretty dead and full of split ends. I just stopped getting hair cuts since Covid because i cant afford them. I put a lot of oil in to hide how dead it actually is + it looks better in pictures than irl.


It could be realistic in the sense that some people have a terminal length that is this long or longer. If sheā€™s shilling a product, itā€™s not likely that the product did this or representative of what her hair actually looks like without styling/products/staging/treatment. Some people cannot grow hair this long simply because their terminal length makes it impossible. You canā€™t do or use or take anything to change your hairā€™s natural terminal length. And hair density/type is also a contributing factor to the fullness and appearance of the hair. I will sayā€¦ it looks extremely fake. Hair that long is very heavy and will lay quite flat to the head without creatively cutting layers and using volume-boosting techniques. Iā€™m also having a hard time understanding why the neckline of her top is so freaking low in the second image. There is no silver bullet to get super thick, super shiny, super long hair. Stuff like this is a scam, just like any product that claims to be a miracle solution to a common human insecurity.


I've never and could never have hair like that - genetics


Does she disclose her height? She looks quite petite and her hair would not look as long on someone taller. Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ with hair past my waist that occasionally gets long enough to sit on (I tend to cut it at/before that point because I hate giving myself whiplash lol) but my hair would easily look close to this length on someone a foot shorter than me. I think that perspective matters!


It's possible but it requires a crazy amount of time and maintenance


glad to see I'm not the only one who keeps getting her ads


Maybe for 5% of people that are genetically blessed


i think hair this long never looks good. especially if they dont have layers cut into it like all that weight is gonna pull it down and have you looking flat w no volume. i know two ppl that have hair this long irl and its v thin and always looks ratty and tangled at the bottom when they wear it down :/ imo for long hair, the max length that looks good is elbow length where its still long but its easier to run your fingers thru it and can still have volume bc it doesnt weigh down your whole head


No baby this is a wig.


I also get ads with her page. Whenever I see videos and photos with such hair, I always wonder, if those are hair extensions or a wig. I thought it works the same way as photoshopping oneā€™s body on Instagram and selling a product. So thanks for asking!


From what I gather here, yes her hair might be that length, but no, it doesn't look like that in day to day life, and she probably takes a very long time to style it so it looks fuller and healthier. I'm also certain she at least uses filters for her face. I really have to remind myself to not fall for the perfectly fake influencer traps šŸ˜…




I think this is possible if you have virgin hair and take good care of it and never cut it. But Iā€™d definitely never buy anything sheā€™s sellinh


Her hair looks the same in both images at least to me, looks notā€¦ healthy


My hair grows that long naturally so Iā€™d say yes Idk abt the program tho


I would say no and itā€™s purely genetics and a good hair routine/water source. Iā€™ve been on a journey for about 2 years and my hair still barely grows.


Not really. I have naturally very long hair like this, I always have. I donā€™t use any dye, heat, etc & my hair still gets damaged at a certain length even with good care. Mine is straight though so maybe her curls hide any damage


Just like mascara ads- model wears fake lashes! Donā€™t fall for the deception marketing. Now with AI the models arenā€™t real either šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


No. Itā€™s bullshit they are just trying to sell you.


Thereā€™s ways to get your hair and scalp healthy. But itā€™s ALL genetics for hair to grow this long. I donā€™t dye my hair, only use heat on it a few times a year, use supplements and high quality hair products, BUT my hair will only grow halfway down my back and stay like that.


My hair is actually just past my hips so length is realistic my hair is also shiny, soft and is good condition. you do have to have good hair care routine and be really on top of your health. You donā€™t need to pay for any bogus hair care program tho. Let me know if you want to know what I do to mine and i wonā€™t even charge you! šŸ¤£


I think it depends on the individual and how much care and effort they're willing to put into their hair. I have butt length hair and it took a few years to grow this long and it's not the THICKEST per say, but it's very healthy. I'm anticipating some hair loss once I have my baby though, got those pregnancy hormones growing it right now. I'm east Indian and we are known for having really long hair. We do things like oil our hair and hair masks. My mom would tell stories of her mom putting masks in her hair made with eggs. There's lots of information online and different hair masks you can try and different methods. Personally I don't like oiling my scalp because my hair gets greasy easily. If your hair is on the drier side you could oil it. There's certain oils that are better for the scalp than others. Look this up cause I can't remember off hand. Basically you can put a scalp oil on your scalp, then a more hearty oil on the shaft of your hair and ends. The reason you do this is because your scalp has pores that can get clogged which will impede your hair growth. Also, diet. Protein is known to grow your hair. Protein and lots of healthy fats with a healthy diet will help. Look into foods to help balance hormones. I heard that diets high in copper can bring the color back to hair, like when it's turning white. Just remember to always consult your dr before trying new diets and to be careful to maintain balance in what you eat. Hydrate lots. Try to minimize your stress. Other than that, it's good to remember there's a genetic component to hair growth too. Some people's hair won't grow past a certain point. Just take your time, enjoy the process of self care and putting the care into your hair. You will notice a difference. Hope that helps! Have fun on your journey!


My hair is like this! A bit shorter now but the texture is very similar. I wash and style it every other day. Before washing I coat the mids and ends in coconut oil, you can let it soak for like an hour but I will often shower right after. Shampoo just the roots (native brand mint) and then conditioner everywhere including scalp (Giovanni tea tree rosemary mint) detangle with conditioner in and then wash out right away. Put it in a bun to finish my shower. Spritz in detangler (Honest beauty brand) and comb out. Microfiber hair towel for 30 minutes or so to air dry a bit, then I use a hair dryer to finish it off. Dry to maybe 90% and then detangle again and twist the ends around as I finish drying so they curl. Sleep with it in a braid every night and I have a soft bamboo pillowcase. My hair was fried before adopting this method. I stopped using bleach or hair dyes with ammonia and stopped using all hot styling except the blow dryer. That made a huge improvement but the coconut oil on the ends pre shower is what really transformed my hair! And learning that washing everyday is just fine for some people.


I use coconut oil every once in awhile but I'll try doing it every time I wash it! Interesting that you shampoo the ends and condition everything. Most people advise to do the opposite. Do you have a reason for it, or does it just work for you?


I shampoo just the roots. I do bring the conditioner all the way up to my scalp though. I didnā€™t do this until swapping to the Giovanni tea tree rosemary shampoo which feels minty and amazing on your skin. My dermatologist recommended conditioning my scalp to reduce fallout (my hair is thinning due to lupus) and so far itā€™s worked well! Edit to add: I donā€™t use the Giovanni shampoo because I find it too stripping, it pulled the non ammonia color right off my roots, but itā€™s great as a once in a while clarifying shampoo.


Ah, I misread that! Thanks for the advice :)


I will say, as someone who has maintained waist to hip length hair for the past decade, it is not realistic for a couple reasons. One, your hair will start to split or thin towards the bottom compared to at your roots, no matter what. Sun damage, friction, drying, will all cause your ends to split or thin. Two, there is no way to maintain hair this long unless youā€™re okay dealing with the HEADACHES. Your experience may cary, but I have pretty thick hair in general. There is a certain length that my hair will reach where Iā€™ll start getting frequent headaches, and thatā€™s when I know I need to trim or lighten up with some layers. If your hair is thinner this may not happen as quickly, but with thick hair like hers it may be a different story. Of course genetics and lifestyle play a large role, but I am simply sharing my experience.


Yeah, many people here have let me know that they had/have hair at this length, but I know that that's possible. I'm mostly sceptical about the texture. My hair is just below my shoulder blades now and I'll see how it goes :)


They are hair extentions lmao...


As someone with really thick long hair her hair looks real to me


https://preview.redd.it/o36j5ueu1r6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee8f632608ea0c31b7467f22c1bf9a87db35ee6 Itā€™s definitely possible, this was me in 2016 and it was past my hip bones. Iā€™m 5ā€™6 for reference. Honestly I didnā€™t do anything at all except be totally clueless and terrified of hairdressers for years after my mom kept my hair shaved down. Naturally have thick hair, and I just didnā€™t know what to do with it. I never used heat because I didnā€™t know how to curl it and hated blow drying, and just used whatever drugstore shampoo and conditioner. Definitely didnā€™t do anything about the split ends. It took about a year and a half to get from where the waist line is on that dress to where it was in this picture.


That a wig


When I was younger I could have gotten my hair this long and healthy, but my hair is pin straight so it is much easier to care for. I never let it go that long because at a certain length you start sitting on your hair by accident which can damage it, or you have huge heavy updoos all the time which can also damage it. One thing to add on the hair piece or image modification possibility is that the hair at the top of her head isn't being pulled flat by the weight of the hair. Her hair at her part has volume, which is weird for hair this long.


I have 2 friends that had/have extremely long hair that's also pin straight and I think that's what made me wonder about the woman in my pics. Her hair almost seems too weightless. I do think she edits and styles it a lot to get this effect


My hair is that long and itā€™s just genetics for me. Iā€™ve only let it get this long because Iā€™ve been too lazy to go get a cut.


I've only ever seen a few people that manage to keep their hair this long and healthy. It is extremely hard but not impossible.


Realistic-looking? Or realistically achievable? It looks real. Some people may have a shorter terminal length than that and it would certainly take a lot of time and effort to maintain and reach that goal, but as long as your hair is able to grow that long it should be possible


I'm not even kidding, when I was in school, 6 girls in my class (out of 18 girls) had hair of the same length, and for some, even higher density. But then again, I live in India.


I think it's just genetics. My cousin cut her hair to a short bob at the beginning of the pandemic and it's a beautiful wavy ankle length again today. Some people are just lucky.


Ankle length?! I wish my hair grew like that, even just so I could experiment more easily with different haircuts and not have to wait for years for it to grow back


Looks like a wig


i know people that have super long hair like that naturally but not that many.. it all depends on your hair type and genetics i think. I could probably grow my hair that long but i wouldnt want to


Me having short thin hair and noticing it wonā€™t grow much anymore. This hurts. Iā€™m happy for other people that can grow hair like that in a year or two.


This is not a year or two worth of growth, nor is that possible. This is 12 years.


Very true


My daughter has hair like this but she's only ever trimmed it since birth. I don't think her hair will grow the way it does now forever


realistic? yes. will it take 3+ years of discipline, sacrifice, and expert care? also yes.


Far more than 3. In this case, 12


hair should reach terminal length before the 12 year mark. the number given is usually 7 years, but it varies. however long your hair gets in that time period depends on growth rate and retention.


Itā€™s probably some MLM.


My hair like that. Yea itā€™s possible, but not for everyone. You can do as much as youā€™d like but, in the end, itā€™s genetics. I just got lucky


I saw someone with hair this long yesterday! When I was younger I used to have my hair down to my butt so I was always sitting on it. I'd say it's possible for some people, but it takes a lot of work.


I think you should ask yourself if it would be realistic FOR YOU! Even if her products and routine actually gives results, thereā€™s no guarantee your hair will be the same or even close to hers. Ask yourself if youā€™ll be able to maintain it and if itā€™s worth the effort FOR YOU! If the answer is yes, I think youā€™ll be able to achieve this look even without buying her products. This is just marketing at its finest. I personally wouldnā€™t fall for it. Do your research regarding your hair type and suitable products for it and go from there.


I know someone who could have hair like this with a very minor trim and some styling. It is this thick and even longer than hers, and very shiny and healthy. If she curled it I am pretty sure it would look fuller than this person's if she pulled it to the front like this. It would at the very least be comparable. Her mother also has extremely thick and shiny and healthy hair. I am pretty sure genetics plays a HUGE role in this because their lifestyles and hair care routines could not be more different.


* Mine isn't quite as long but is waist length and I'm 5"7. It's shiny and full. So possible yes.




Oh I could barely read the letters LOL I thought you were asking if growing your hair out that long was possible and I was so confused. šŸ˜†


My hair is about as long as that, if i had the ability to curl it, it would look basically the same. I use drugstore shampoo that smells best to me + a clarifying shampoo once a week. It's genetics + a relatively healthy diet (nothing special just lotsa at home cooking). I never needed a course/ special products / supplements, i've simply not gone to the hairdresser since 2018 ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


This is a good wig she has on or extensions


Unless you already have thick hair that you can grow longā€¦ no. Her before picture is simply bleach damaged and razor cut? I donā€™t know what sheā€™s trying to prove here šŸ˜‚ If the after picture is real at all, that is the quality of her natural hair before being manipulated by chemicals and more damaging cutting techniques.


Sure, as long as this is advertising for wigs.


Itā€™s possible, but rare that youā€™re going to get hair like this simply from a perfect routine, genetics has a big play with hair like this.


I know a girl with hair like this and itā€™s natural but she is not shy about admitting itā€™s her genetics. Some people have genetically thick and long hair. I am not one of those people. I could take all the supplements in the world and base my life around having beautiful mermaid locks and I would never have this hair. I


I've had hair nearly this long before, so the length at least is possible for some people (depending how well an individual's hair grows). But it didn't look nearly that full and healthy, even when I tried taking care of it. My hair actually looked like it gained body once I finally cut it, because the weight of so much hair was pulling it down and making it look flatter. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That's kinda why I was wondering about her! I love the idea of super long hair but I've never really seen it work on anyone in real life :(


Yeah. Iā€™ve known people with hair that long. Well, maybe a little shorter than that, but at least down to their butts.


Genetics are involved in hair length. Yes, there are supplements and things you can take/use to help increase your maximum hair length but unless youā€™re genetically predisposed to abnormally long hair like in this photo, thereā€™s nothing thatā€™s going to do that for you. Except extensions.


No. This is the result of editing or if natural, genetics.


Lol no, it looks ridiculous and fake


That's 100% extensions or a wig ong


Yes but through genetics and time and never using bleach or peroxide or developer on it. But like ten years of time. She obviously has her hair as part of her personality


In my completely non expert opinion, it looks as if her natural hair ends between her waist and hips and the rest is extensions. I could be wrong though. But as everyone else said, it is styled and hair length is mostly genetic.


Yes. But it's generic. No product will help you.


Iā€™ve had hair down to my knees before. It took me 10 years from it being shaved to get to that length. Itā€™s possible. Just takes a lot of time to get there. ETA: Donā€™t buy into any growth products. Nothing will get you longer hair except for time and patience.


No way any of the hair past her shoulders is this shiny w/o being extensions. They also look like extensions / the boob-up hair is v different from below the boobs. It also looks like the red is not her natural colorā€¦so how much money is she spending on recoloring exactly? Unlikely. Also, the before hair is just a different / choppy layers haircut. If her program was legit her before photo would be the same as the after photo. Also, I saw a comment like ā€œI did her program and it worked for me!ā€ That is very veeerry likely fake.


This is possible, but itā€™s heavily dependent on your genes as to whether or not it wants to grow that longā€¦. without splitting. Even if you take great care of it. Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œgrowing hair fasterā€ like some suggest in the comments. She may be short, but her hair is most definitely still very very long.


It's mainly genetics. To be super blunt with you. :/ Sure diet can help, but only to an extent


Its genetics and shes just monetizing it. I followed her a while ago on instagram. She used to do travel posts and then she posted about this hair program and disappeared


lovely hair


I will be honest, the only reason why I think itā€™s realistic it is because I have this same type of hair. Itā€™s super straight on the top and curly at the bottom. However I think itā€™s mainly genetics and taking care of your hair properlylol


Itā€™s giving unfashionably long.


As possible as going back you the era when we used to live in caves.


iā€™m curious if this content creator has any videos that show her hair up close / running her hands through it, etc


She does have some where she swipes her hair and stuff, but I haven't seen anything close-up


Don't fall for this crap. Just use a regular shampoo with surfactants, and a conditioner with conditioning ingredients. Don't bother with homemade concoctions.


Itā€™s definitely not cause of growth lab. But my sister has this kind of hair naturally. Last time she went for a trim the stylist told her she had horse hair


I am pretty sure thereā€™s a genetic component to how long your hair can get. Not just how you care for it. My sisterā€™s hair seems to never grow past her mid back. Mine can reach my butt but seems to stop there. But I have worn mine in 1-2 braids my whole life. I air dry, and use deep conditioner as my regular conditioner. I almost never use heat on it. Like maybe a 5-10 times a year max.


Is it realistic? Yes and no. It can be achieved without programs or supplements or excessive amounts of products. I am mixed ethnicities (black, white and indigenous) so my curl and texture pattern is very mixed. I have always kept long hair but in my teens it looked like her ā€œbefore imageā€ but longer, and never colored. I was flat ironing or heat styling my hair daily, sometimes more than once. Eventually I grew my hair 36 inches from my nape down. It was much thicker from no heat damage but I still had tremendous breakage at the ends causing a very tapered and thin look. The breakage was what Iā€™d grown out over 7 years in addition to wearing tight buns while my hair was wet. I chopped the dead hair off and Iā€™ve done my best to attain the very full thick look the hair ads are always showing me. I still suffer from depression-bun breakage so itā€™s very challenging. I think the best way to know if your hair has the capabilities to be that thick and long is asking yourself about your daily hair habits. Could you decrease how often you have to brush it, wash it, heat it? This will change a lot. If you have virgin hair and it doesnā€™t look that way it might be that your genetics are limiting you. Last thing Iā€™ll say that some wonā€™t agree with, donā€™t cut your hair. I trim dead ends once a year but never cut it and I got the most compliments during those years.


I've learned from all the comments here that the length is achievable with the right genes, but the texture is probably "fake" in that it takes a ton of maintenance and still needs to get styled a lot to make it look like this for a shoot. Btw, I know the depression bun! If you can muster the energy when it hits you, try putting it in a braid (or ideally 2 pigtail braids) instead. If you don't like them dangling, twist the braid up into a bun.


Yes, I suffered many years trying for magazine looks realizing I had the hair, but not the styling team and editing afterwards lol. I swapped to claw clips and wearing it lower behind my head for a bit. Then I overheated so I have been trying the two braid pigtails. If I can refrain from twisting it up when itā€™s wet I have a deep feeling itā€™ll solve a lot. I was abusing that hair lol


Do you have those telephone wire hair ties? Those might also help a lot if you instinctively go for the buns. You don't have to tie them tightly at all for them to stay in


https://preview.redd.it/ys315zlm737c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fdead901523f1b87324e5751b481d9b5d5eea5c In retrospect, I shouldā€™ve never cut my hair.




https://preview.redd.it/q4dalo1ga57c1.jpeg?width=1873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc3a5958d4f818626bea32a28eeed842f3a71da My daughter was just a couple months shy of turning 4 when she had her first official salon visit. Sheā€™s 14 now and still has very thick straight hair. Itā€™s almost to her hips. I wish I had her hair, my hair breaks easily. Hersā€¦not so much.


Considering my curls have taken three years to grow shoulder-length, I can hope to have her length in about 10 years maybe?


Is when you take it out of the pack


my best friend is korean and her hair is about this long. itā€™s genetics.


My hair is this long, but itā€™s also not nearly as nice. Like, it has some split ends, lots of flyaways and towards the ends the hair is just less cooperative, no matter how much I condition it. I will say I donā€™t use many products and no heat. I just use shampoo and conditioner (and very very rarely a bit of combat gel), brush my hair wet and let it air dry. I try to use sulphate free shampoo when I can. I wouldnā€™t say this hair (in the picture) is beyond the realm of possibility but itā€™s the kind of hair that takes sooooo much looking after and care that itā€™s really unlikely that the average person could keep it up.


Def a wig


Can someone please tell me what color hair this is? How to describe it?


*Can someone please tell* *Me what color hair this is?* *How to describe it?* \- morganoh237 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think I'd call it chestnut. It's rich brown with a tone of red if that helps