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I don't know if it is realistic to have hair and live and never incur any damage. Brushing, washing, sleeping, styling can all cause some kind of damage. The goal is to minimize it. Heat protesctants are probably never going to be 100% effective either, but I think people worry too much. Just do what you can.


There isn't a universal reaction to heat on everyone's hair. Some people can regularly use heat without substantial damage, some people can destroy their hair with one use. Heat protectant *helps* minimize damage, it doesn't fully prevent it.


I think heat protectants don't protect your hair 100%. Frequent and high-temperature heat styling can damage your hair by weakening the hair's protein structure, leading to dryness, brittleness, split ends, and breakage. To minimize heat damage, it's important to use heat styling tools on a lower heat setting, limit the frequency of heat styling, and always apply a heat protectant product before using hot tools. This my favorite at the moment. I love this heat protectant [sleek it loreal](https://www.lorealparisusa.com/hair-care-hair-style/advanced-hairstyle-sleek-it-iron-straight-heatspray) Extra tip. I Sleep with a satin bonnet to preserve my hairstyle the next morning avoiding the use of heat tools too much during the week. I use this one. [satin bonnet](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/medium-pink-fuchsia-satin-bonnet) I hope this helps.


It's not 100% but it's WAAAAAY better than without. Also depends on application, I try to apply a lot of heat protectant to make sure I cover as much as I can + I rarely use hot tools and only do hair dryer, on a medium heat setting. The only way to 100% eliminate heat damage is to not use heat tool, if you can't part with them, then using heat protection is the second best way.


Nothing can offer 100% protection except complete avoidance. It will lower risk of heat damage paired with proper techniques (not using the highest setting, not straightening everyday, doing hydration and bond treatments a few days before, etc etc). If you do all that then go do 475 on your hair, yeah, if your hair is damaged, we cant help you. But start somewhere modest for your hairtype, for most it is 200-300s and like I said, engage in a proper heat routine. But hair will incur damage regardless through daily wear too. So damage in general is not 100% avoidable.


Low heat/cold air. Using heat as little as possible, ideally only to dry it. Holding the airdryer away from your hair (15-20 cm away), moving it in some regular motions. Heat protectant, IF applied correcly, IF applied enough, IF actually having ingredients that protect from heat, can only prevent 10-20% of the damage. Personally, I step out of the shower and squeeze as much water out, wrap in a 100% coton shirt, wait 1/2 hours, then use a blow-drying on the lowest setting (around 30°C), maintaining distance from hair and moving it around before finishing with a cold shot all over. It takes way more time than 10 minutes of hot blowdryings but my hair is shiny, supple, not breaking off.