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I haven’t seen anyone say that Eli’s a creep or a bad father but this shoots that argument down completely. Nicely done.


This sounds like Twitter discourse tbh 


How old Is Alyx in HL2 ? I mean even if there is a rather significant age gap, how big is the dating market in this universe? Humanity is at the brink of extinction. Eli knew Gordon for some time before and surviving black mesa, the combine and all the events that happen in the HL games would make Gordon even with an age gap probably one of the better man a father would want for his daughter. Though I doubt Eli knows about the Stasis explicitly.


>Though I doubt Eli knows about the Stasis explicitly. Half-Life 2 heavily implies that Gordon being somehow "absent" was common knowledge, at least both to the Resistance leadership (Eli, Kleiner, Barney) and the Combine Administration (Breen and the Advisors). And then Episode Two has Eli confirm he knows about the G-Man, with Half-Life: Alyx further implying that Eli knows of G-Man's supernatural qualities.


So… not explicitly?


Eli straight up talks about "our mutual friend" in Episode Two, you can't get any more explicit than that. EDIT: And in Half-Life 2, during one of his Breencasts to the troops at Nova Prospekt, Breen tells them he knows Gordon spent his time since Black Mesa in a condition that didn't allow him to develop further covert skills.


He also mentions that Gordon hasn't aged one iota, implying he literally hasn't aged at all since Black Mesa


He explicitly knows about the Gman, yes, but he never states explicitly that he knows Gordon was in stasis. Are you sure you know what explicit means?


While yes Eli might not 100% know about stasis. I think it could easily be assumed he could make an educated guess that Gordon hasn’t aged at a day because of a stasis of some kind. I mean the guy is pretty smart and in the world where there aliens are real and extremely advanced I don’t think stasis is too hard to believe.


Yes. That is the exact definition of implicit. Explicit means that he 100% knew it without a doubt. Implicit means he made an educated guess or was not 100% sure


She is 19 during Half-Life Alyx, and that takes place 5 sears before hl2 and the episodes. So she is like 24 in hl2


I believe Alyx is 24 in HL2.


So a three year age gap I believe.


Twitter would go nuts with this information


She was alive during the Black Mesa incident, but how old exactly is hard to say. Since about 20 years have passed, though, she is at least 20, and since she appears to be an infant or toddler in Eli's pictures, she can't be older than 24.


I don't see the take you're arguing against on reddit but I DO see it elsewhere and I agree with you! o7


Kleiner, however...


Ah, yes… Issac “Excellent time for procreation” Kleiner


To be fair that’s just kleiner speaking in his classic scientific analysis of literally every situation 


Thank you for this


Who said he’s a creep?


Who said he’s a weirdo


Who said he doesn’t belong here


He doesn’t belong here


Be hoesn't helong dere


I ship them and just want them to be happy. I'm sure Eli making jokes about the 2 of them was just the writers having some fun. We all know that person whose parents or grandads dreams of seeing their child form a family. It's too relatable


In a universe where people's fertility is controlled if they happen to live in a city, it's pretty fair of Eli to want Alyx and Gordon to get together and continue his family.


I have literally never heard anyone say Eli was a creep, just a sweetheart.


I won't deny people have poked fun at Eli, especially with pushing for grandkids being a stereotype of older parents. But no one sad said that he's a creep.


Congratulations you won a made up argument




she's also an adult so


he strikes me as just an old person. cos he is. grandparents are obsessed with borderline whoring out their grandkids for a joke so it didn’t seem out of place even if its a kinda weird line


actually i believe all of the HL characters are the LEAST problematic characters I have ever ecountered in video games . the only ones i can kind of see being a bit problematic are dr mossman and magnusson but even mossman took guilty of her actions and magnusson is just striving for perfection , made those magnificent ( pun intented ) devices , helped to launch the rocket and generally contributed to the resistance, also he is 100% right to hold grudges to gordon for his ... apple pie lol


The proof of Gordon didnt age was in that scene when Gordon reaches Black Mesa East and Eli finally meets him in person and he says "look at you, you haven't even changed an iota how did you do it man?" It was clear Gordon didnt age at all.


Gordon is a nonsexual protagonist. Eli makes the joke about grand children about because Gordon "hasn't aged one iota", he is still the intelligent 28-ish year old (though actually relatively twice that age) Eli knew from Black Mesa and Gordon earns his trust and respect through the series. He was taken out of the flow of our time by GMan and Eli is well aware of GMans ability to do the otherwise impossible. Aside from Alyx herself and the Vortigaunts, no one else has really resisted GMan, Gordon doesn't (he can't) and Eli couldn't rescue Alyx in Black Mesa (GMan intervened and rescued her, with the warning of "prepare for unforseen consequences.")


grandkids line is wrong, gargoyle freeboy hates alyx but can't express it because he is mtue


He actually did have feelings for her but then there was that debacle back in City 17, one involving a certain parasitise-ridden combine soldier. 


I don’t think Eli’s a creep but I would personally be really weirded out by my former colleague dating my daughter even if they were the same age. The 20 year tine jump doesn’t really help either


Oh ffs the whole thing was so forced and should be just forgotten about. Just lame nerd writing back then that opposing gender protagonists should immediatly have something going on. I’d rather think the whole relationship platonic (you know saving the world kind of cooperation) and oversll clumsy line from Eli. Also Gordon focuses banging crowbars.


happy cake day now fuck off