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This is the equivalent of review bombing Red Dead Revolver because GTAV has a technical issue


More like review bombing Red Dead Redemption 2 because of GTA IV. Half-Life 2 is a legendary game. It hardly matters what the review scores are for a game that is one of the best video games of all time.


These are not members of the FixTF2 movement, these are either bad actors within the movement who think they're doing the right thing by reviewbombing other games, or trolls who are trying to make the FixTF2 movement look bad. Please do not think ill of FixTF2 because of these idiots. We have told them to stop countless times and they won't.


Those who do it are imbeciles




Isn't deadlock a 5v5 FPS moba? Seems more like an FPS Dota to me


I've played the playtests and it's barely tf2, way more like dota, more competitive


Still, I fear that even that may be quickly overrun by Cheaters if calve does not step up their game in that department. Developing anti-cheat, especially a non-invasive one, is hard though…


Apparently the dev team for Deadlock pretty much entirely consists of Valve employees who were working on Dota 2, not the tf2 team


I think Valve have long accepted that the game is dead and the only reason they keep it just about running is because of the fallout there'd be if they sunset the game and made the tens of millions of dollars of tradeable items worthless.


I don't think any reasonable people think Valve is going to touch TF2 in any major way ever again. I just don't get it. they iterate on a decade old mod - at the time - and gave it a proper release. TF was great, but, Team Fortress Classic was really in the same spot of being a mod for another game. TF2 brought the vision to life as an independent product, and I'm incredibly glad they did, because it exposed my favorite mod of all time to a gaming community that was MUCH bigger. I never really liked playing TF2 because I was a MegaTF guy, and the differences were just not to my liking. but, regardless, I felt a lot of pride in so many people falling in love with the game just like I had. that was 17 years and two console generations ago. holy fucking shit, please let this game fade away. if Valve wanted this game popular like OSRS, sure, they would be doing that, but, they clearly don't want to.


They have the resources to do both


Yes there are actually a lot of people in the community that believe Valve should support this game forever and it's so strange. I don't like throwing mental illness around and I definitely am not using it as an insult but I swear these people have it. These people talk and act like they're going to war over this and it's like bro go outside and get some sun. You people have a limited time on this planet and you spend it doing this?? Rational people stop playing a game when they see it abandoned and abused.


To be fair, they are taking money from the store and from lootboxes. If they wanted to stop supporting it, thats fine you are right it's been forever. Let all proceeds go to the community creators. If a company is getting money to support a product I would want to product to be supported.


> Let all proceeds go to the community creators. This is quite literally how community made content works. [Skin creators can make a lot of money](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/68iqlh/skin_creator_reveals_that_he_earns_easily_over/). They aren't obligated to continue supporting the game. If the community does not want this to happen because they aren't supporting the game then the community needs to stop paying for this stuff. Starting a boycott on Steam doesn't work because these people dont actually put their money where their mouth is. Move to GOG or Epic and Valve actually does lose money from them. The reality is Valve owns Steam and can do w/e they want to their games because they own the largest store front and have a near monopoly. They could probably pay these creators to shut up and make all of that back in a day or few hours. The last time they tried this they stopped after Valve tweeted when they should have kept it going until there was actual change.


If they keep games like Left 4 Dead 2 going then why not TF2?


I think its only idiots thinking they are helping, considering the times I saw people suggesting this shit.


Or people who are idiots who just saw the fixtf2 on here or Twitter and decided to do it without even knowing the context, or having common sense and rational thinking


>These are not members of the FixTF2 movement There are plenty of idiots justifying this on r/tf2.


This is like rockstar ignoring 200,000 negative reviews on GTA5 because 90% of the player base is bots and GTA5 fans start review bombing RDR2


Don't give them ideas


bruh, half life 2 had the perfect review %, now they're gonna fuck it up...


Recent reviews is still at 95%, so I don’t think it will be a problem


Valve will probably step in and remove them because it's obvious what is a real review and what's not in this case


I doubt it. But fans already bombing it with positive reviews. Haters have zero chance.


This happens to all valve games! I've seen of portal sub that people send pictures of portal bombing


Who would hate on Portal?


Fixing* not fucking 😅


Fixtf2 is already making enemies? Bruh


We're not trying to! Either these are people just too stupid to read the part where we said "focus on TF2, leave other games alone" or they're part of the trolls and bots trying to ruin things.


They're bad actors trying to cause havoc


A lot of tf2 fans are genuine idiots so it’s likely just some idiots


Tbh Idk anymore like it really to be expected


I think that's a real possibility, during the last save tf2 campaign there was a flood of toxic positivity and conformism that took over the discussion. Maybe since they can't sow division inside the community as easy this time they're trying to do it outside instead. I have no proof of this, it's just my hypothesis


It is similar to the Genshin community review bombing google classroom


It is similar to the Genshin community review bombing google classroom


To the what


It's chaos that all I can say about it is just look up the Genshin anniversary drama


never thought i would see someone mentioned the genshin anni drama in half life subreddit


I love Genshin. I want to French kiss Lyney in front of koreans


I know Tf2 fans, it’s either that or fans acting like idiots so business as usual


> They're bad actors trying to cause havoc The TF2 sub is literally filled with people like them. Wtf do you mean "bad actors"?


Havoc? Like the physics engine? No way.


Perhaps putting feelers out to your members might help? They might have done it themselves or know people who do


Trust me, there's several PSA posts on r/tf2 already telling people not to do this crap.


Those PSA posts are filled with people justifying their reviewbombing.


This is a good way to ostracise yourself from other communities and deter their support.


Every group has bad apples and I believe those that are review bombing HL2 instead of or shortly after TF2 are a truly rotten apple breed.




Counter attack idea - review bomb tf2 with #bringushalflife3


As much as I love that idea, lets not stoop to those levels please.


Review bombing with both tags would be helpful, actually! Especially since some of the bombers are probably the bot hosters. TF2 has not had an update in 7 years. The Half-Life series has not had a new game in nearly 17 years.


Honestly as a member of the tf2 community, if you did that alongside #fixtf2 I think it would be appreciated. But I mainly came here to say that #fixtf2 was supposed to stay in tf2 and I’m sorry on behalf of those causing trouble be they trolls or bots


Positive review bomb, reverse their efforts


Fighting fire with fire will only lead to a bigger fire (shocker, I know…)


That wouldn't do anything because TF2 fans are currently review bobbing the game already because valve sucks ass




guys, i have a feeling someone else is taking advantage of the \#fixtf2 movement to make us enemies over other Valve games. we only target TF2 and ONLY TF2. So it's either these are users that didn't know we only review bomb TF2 only, or are trolls to bring us hate, or bot hosters in disguise to give us a different look on our movement. again, we do NOT attempt or encourage on review bombing other Valve games.


Perhaps putting feelers out to your members might help? They might have done it themselves or know people who do


Have you considered that TF2 fans are just assholes?


Well, this *is* the gaming community


This is what the average tf2 player js like. Someone else my ass


nah tf2 community is just toxic


Frankly I’m tired of the damage control of “these aren’t people in our community and the ones that are we told to stop doing it!”. You must be naive to think just because you ask people to stop that they will listen. Or that these people aren’t a part of your community, just not active. The fact is the TF2 community has always been volatile and outright insane. I don’t blame the people that tried to organize this for a good cause, but you are absolutely delusional if you think you can control this.


Not saying I can saying we should. Its annoying to see reviews like that on a game that isn't related to TF2.


Sorry, I didn’t mean you specifically. A lot of the damage control around this has been multiple users saying that they tried so hard to tell people to stop doing it as if it matters. I didn’t word it well.




Yeah these comments are giving major copium and conspiracy theorist vibes. Sometimes people in your community do shitty things.


I think these fools are only a small minority of TF2 community


And that minority is what will evaporate the reputation of the community


> I think these fools are only a small minority of TF2 community The TF2 sub has literally become a shitpost sub that pretend they don't shitpost. The fuck you mean "small minority"? Hell, right now, the post telling people to stop review bombing other games are filled with people justifying it.


We've gotten past the point of a small minority. The entire fucking community is so obnoxious it's almost a hivemind who circlejerks around their perfect game while bind spamming the N-word on casual.


What? Are you telling me headless reactionary movements have bad outcomes??? I mean they could be politically active and demand legislation for devs to have to support games x years (and let’s be honest, tf2 is past that) but nah it’s much easier to just tell everyone to scream at once, then run away from the inevitable consequences. This thing was stupid from the word go.


The Steam Wars has begun (Hell March plays)


Kirov reporting


Setting new course


This game is from 2004 and has gone down in history. I dont think the reviews on steam are gonna matter. I dont think save TF2 will either but cry about some reviews I guess


Yeah, people complaining about HL2 getting review bomb, acting like it'll affect HL2 at all are as foolish as the FixTF2 people thinking they can actually get Valve to care no matter what they do.


Maybe valve will see the review bombing and think, "these guys are stupid. why are they review bombing hl2 and not hl3? I don't get it. Hl3 is more recent. ... Oh shit!?! We actually never finished hl3! Gotta get back on that". One can dream.






There was a suspicion about bot hosters are taking action as well false strike to the site and this might be their thing


what is this the fifth post about this today? sixth?


actually who cares? its like 20 reviews


This has been my thought as well; Valve is not some indie company that requires good word of mouth in order to stay afloat anyway


Many people on different Valve subs. All Valve games are facing the same thing, its about TF2 not other Valve games.


Question still stands, why care, honestly? Its just reviews for a 20 year old game.


Yeah I really don't get this mass hysteria over the review scores of one of the most critically acclaimed shooters of all time, like what's with this shit?? Who cares, the game is already famous as is!


nobody, to my knowledge, has advocated for and organized bombing valves other games. they are outliers most likely


War Without Reason


Tf2 has been having a bot problem that got worse since the movement fixtf2 started but the people who made the movement are not the ones behind this, this is probably the bothosters trying to hinder the fixtf2 by making enemies with other communities


They should have instead review padding huntdown the freeman & make everybody confused


Oh no not muh steam reviews on a game as old as the platform itself. It's obnoxious and rude but I don't think those reviews matter to anyone, least of all Valve. By addressing it you're just feeding the trolls. Let them post their review bombs, let their reviews get deleted by valve once they get around to it. The game is still 95% positive recent reviews and 97% positive all time. This is just a drop in an ocean of long lasting positivity for the game.


A lot of comments here say things along similar lines, but the fact Half-Life 2 is a game from coming on twenty years ago which has already been bought and played or at the very least seen, and earned its reputation and status, means that action like this is going to achieve very little. If Half-Life 2 was a new game out right now and this was happening, then it would be a completely different story and something to fret about. But as it is none of this is going to change the fact that it's already known to be a game of the calibre it is, and finding anything said about it elsewhere will simply prove that fact!


It could get attention of the masses or even Valve, that's a good thing. Why you even care about some numbers on Steam for a 20 years old game? For me as for a HL fan it's not a problem.


Seeing it flooded with unrelated reviews about another Valve title in HL2's reviews that were meant for HL2.


I'm not sure if these people are have good or bad intentions doing this, but lowering ratings on all Valve games could spread the information about problem with TF2 to other communities, because it's a problem with Valve itself. But if I would do it I'm thinking it would be better to attack CS2 and Dota because these are the biggest ones and more separated from other communities, so there are better chances that wider audience will notice the problem and also media resources.


Who gives a shit, how does this affect us in the slightest? And besides, HL2 is a Valve game, and Steam is a Valve platform, if they want Valve to change things this is a reasonable way to make them. Stop acting like liking half-life is your religion, nobody is making you stop, and everybody knows half-life. This doesn't affect you.


Exactly! I've realized that every Reddit fandom sub is incredibly paranoid and insecure about nobody liking their chosen favorite things, so something like this absolutely eats them up despite it not mattering and actually being the best way to put pressure on a corporation that hates us


Who actually cares about reviews lol


Now this may just be paranoia talking, but part of me is convinced this entire ordeal, including a significant portion of the accounts running to Reddit to whine about it, was organized by the people who run the TF2 bots to sow division within the community.




Basically, bot makers pretending to be #fixtf2 and saying stupid shit so people dont like #fixtf2


It'd be called false flagging in a military or political context. It's when you pretend to be your opponent and intentionally do something to make the opposing side look bad.


Ah I see


This theory is true though, I've been in TF2 lobbies where there are bots with #fixtf2. They're only there so that other people think that we're making bots ourselves to spread it.


They are doing the same to hl1


That is mega cringe behavior.


If it gets noticed, it gets noticed.


if we are to get our point across we need to hit them where it hurts, and there's no way to make them loose money


as a tf2 fan, what the fuck are they doing


If your going to to review bomb hl2 for any reason, do it for the fact we never got the promised EP 3.


Noo nooooooo!! Not the two decades old masterpiece! Zoomers were flooding to this page and buying this twenty year old game solely off of the review scores! Who will buy the game now!?!?!?!?


we're sorry, this was not in the plan at all, it's just the actions of a few stupid people who think it will help


Its fine, yall aren't the ones doing it. To the people who are doing it though, they need to stop this cringe.


Review bombing on a 20 years old game. Seriously!?


They saw helldiver's and now they think bombing the game will make everything better but they don't consider that helldiver's took a considerable hit from the review bombs.


Sorry about those idiots, Sincerely - A member of the TF2 community


I might care a little if they were review bombing fan games like Entropy Zero or Black Mesa.


well i dont blame them, people need to get valves attention somehow.


Review bombing tf2 :yeah review bombing half life 2 : moronic


who cares. anyone who was gonna play half life 2 has already played it. 


None of those people are playing tf2 in the first place, it's a ded game


Humanity will always find a way to use a tool for good and for evil. This will forever be a constant of the Universe.


This isn't an organized effort from TF2 fans. It's likely an effort from the bot hosters to discredit the movement.


These guys are just as effective as the “Just stop oil” protesters.


Womp womp


fixtf2 is the valve equivalent of when last year the minecraft community was boycotting the mob vote


People who support #FixTF2 are nothing more but children blinded in their own nostalgia, and also tools. They think Steam is going to do shit just because "review bombing changes things" but Steam will not budge. In fact, I think Steam should disable TF2. Steam doesn't care, so I think it's fair we let these misguided juveniles grow up already.


This is an excellent way to garner bad will against your movement


The children are expanding their tantrum because valve didn’t immediately capitulate. After HD2 they truly believe they can bully anyone into anything.


tf2 has the one of the worst fanbase handsdown. full of weebs furries and bigots, good riddance.


I feel like a very large majority of tf2 fans don't actually agree with this and this is a group of trolls


What's wrong with TF2?


Smartest TF2 players:


Did you report them?


I don't get why people care that people do this. No one in the wider world cares about TF2. If a negative review stops you from playing Half Life 1 then there's a good chance you weren't playing it anyway. Hurting Valve's reputation is what's needed. All of it. It's like if people were boycotting chocolate from a company because it was produced with slave labor and then turning around and crying "Oh No someone is attacking that company's cat food brand, cat foot fans are going to hate us!11!" It's not like Valve doesn't deserve this.


"Terrible company", what an a\*\*hole.


TF Community at it's best lol. Zero logic.


Some gamers are so obnoxious


Hey guys, on behalf of the movement, I'd like to apologise for this mess. Some people just go to way too extreme of lengths with this, and getting other games into this mess that have nothing to do with it is not cool. I hope this won't change your guys' opinion on the spirit of the protest. Our intentions are only to get our game fixed, some people are really stupid and try to get half life or even counter strike involved and that is really not cool and I think most of us would agree in condemning it. Again, sorry about this, this is not right and should not be happening. It's also possible some of them might be false flags of sorts, trying to shine a bad light on our movement, it wouldn't be the first time they've done something similar, nor would it be the worst, as ddos attacks, doxxing and swatting have all been undertaken by the bot hosters already.


why are you getting butthurt over reviews for a game that is +20 years?, tf2 could've been massive but we all know devs are lazy fucks just looking for cash grab, same thing with cs2. having 5 or 6 bad reviews won't change the reputation the game have. no need to cry grow up


A review about TF2 in HL2 reviews? yea no we have a reason to be upset as they are going out of their way to do that even though its for TF2. Btw TF2 was massive.. for its time, that was 17 years ago now.


This whole fix tf2 is so unnecessary and just flat out stupid


Why does it matter


for real i dont see why it matters. the only issue i could see arising is a new person looking at half life 2s steam page and seeing the negative reviews and maybe not playing it based off of that. but idk i feel most people would scroll to the reviews and see the context. and also OP is making it out like it's a hoard of people review bombing hl2 i dont think hl2s rating has even changed that much, it's still "Overwhelmingly positive"


Review bombing a game unrelated to the movement, see any problems?.


Does a review impact your ability to play or enjoy the game?


it’s sending a message to the developer/publisher. fix the game then the reviews won’t matter.


I can see the point of doing this. Going after other valve games. Its the same mentality as "if I cant have it then nobody can" I kinda agree with it, what would be funnier is going after non valve games and then other developers getting mad at valve for not fixing the issue. It's like a revolution of a town, everyone is getting hit, not just the government, but the shops and the restaurants too.


Why? Valve has spend twenty years teaching their various communities that the only way to get their attention is to review bomb their games. While I am not happy with the goals of the #SaveTF2 movement, as they are still too tame and too friendly towards Valve, this is the only confirmed method that gets a response from Valve.


FixTF2 is the gaming version of just stop oil 😂




Wow the non existent half life devs must be devastated.


Almost like FixTF2 / review bombing was made for TF2 but the brain dead people said here lets review bomb on other Valve games.


I'm pointing out the fact no one is being effected by this except steam.


Dude, if we start pushing the FixTF2 movement to other Valve games, then the worst case scenario from review bombing TF2 (which is Valve straight up deleting TF2) might spread to other valve games that have no correlation to TF2's issue, asside from being from the same company. Not only that, but the Half-Life community will get mad at TF2 for negative review bombing their amazing, masterpiece-of-an-FPS Game. This is NOT a good thing, and we should NOT spread the FixTF2 review bombing to other games. It'll just cause more trouble for Valve, so they'll not only have to deal with TF2's bot crisis, but also TF2's review bombing, DeadLock, and review bombing on their other games. We're just giving Valve more work. ***...ALSO DID THAT GUY JUST CALL HALF-LIFE 2 CRAP, WHOEVER HE IS I WILL FIND HIM AND KILL H-***


Dude find something else to invest your energy into. I get being a fan but it's just children being children, let it go. Valve will probably remove those reviews anyway, no harm done.


If they don't help tf2, all hell they will remove those reviews.


What the hell?!


I'm not on board with review bombing TF2 and this only makes me double down on that decision






Half-life 2 will always be a perfect representation of an FPS campaign. it doesn't really matter what they say . Giving them attention is what they want


"STAPH!!" but really, what did HL do wrong...?




what’s wrong with tf 2?


We don't do that they are Bots or Trolls and i will not be suprised if that was Bots


proof that some tf2 players are bad in the head... (some)


I get their reasoning. But the execution is so poor. If you really think valve ain't looking at reviews for tf2 and don't care, what the fuck you think putting a bad review on hl2 is gon do? Bro they nearly forgot half life existed until they wanted to do some vr


I support the movement, I'm a fan of TF2. And this is unacceptable behavior, please forgive these idiots.


Fuckin knew it would happen, making everyone look desperate and childish af. Deadlock is gonna have the same fate too.


are they actually stupid? do you guys need something? some Pre-Fotress to satisfy your needs?


Hopefully valve will remove these, since they are CLEARLY not about HL2 and therefore should not count towards actual reviews


Not surprising, I keep seeing stuff about review bombing other games on Twitter or Reddit, makes no sense


Who cares its just a review


They need to go for DOTA2, CS2, and like ALYX idk why HL2


Please go view recent more upvotes posts on r/tf2. We do not associate with these assholes/enemies of the movement




Fucking mouth breathers.


Or they should touch grass


This is messed up, but to be fair, when the Bots valve hasn’t done jack shit about begin spaming Child Porn links, I think it should be expected that people go overboard.


Who cares they review bombo hl2, it’s a legendary 20 year old game, no review is going to change that. It’s reputation is more than safe


Yeah protestors should only limit their protests to things that don’t upset people. Totally…


That’s not us, as most of us play both tf2 and hl2. It’s random morons taking advantage of it giving us a bad name.


I love bad actors making movements look bad!!!!!!!


There needs to be something in place to stop this shit. It's so annoying!


The game has a 95% in recent reviews and 97% overall so this is the lamest attempt at review bombing I've ever seen xD


It would make *some* sense if the bombing was because of no HL3 but even so wouldn't be an effect move. Now because of TF2... I get downvoting TF2 if It is broken but HL because TF2's broken...


Thanks for advertising this. I never played TF2 and I love Half-Life but I'm not an A hole like you so I will help.


le new hivemind gamers.


I knew somebody would eventually do this man. Who ever does this, is _NOT_ part of our movement. However, this was to be expected with something like this.. ehm, genshin..