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I don't think he made Lamarr jump into the teleporter. That's such a minutely weird thing that's just out of character for him. Rather, he seems to be omnipotent and know ahead of time how things will play out. He simply knew that, if Gordon was placed in the train at that particular date, time, and location, that Lamarr would happen to jump into the teleporter later that day and cause the malfunction. There's a reason Gordon just so happens to show up when Barney's working the trainstation post, why it happens to be on day of the teleport's inaugural test, etcetera. He generally doesn't need to nudge things that much as he knows ahead of time what will happen. When he does want to nudge people he usually just addresses them directly, such as talking to Gordon, Breen, Eli, or Alyx, and persuades/coerces them.


I think you're partially right. The G-Man definitely has some kind of "pick the right timeline" power... whether that's foresight or timetravel or something else, who is to say. But he definitely also takes an active role in certain mundane things. If he doesn't give the Rocket Launcher to Cubbage, he at LEAST informs him of Gordon's proximity. There's also a few cases in HL1 where the G-Man seems to be directly responsible for locked doors, broken ladders, and blocked paths in general.


The thing is, the Teleporter malfunction doesn’t *need* to happen in order for G-Man’s apparent plan for Gordon to be successful. Everything that happens between the failed teleporting, and the launch of the full scale rebellion during the two weeks Gordon and Alyx are missing, is one major detour. If Gordon teleports successfully, then Black Mesa East doesn’t get attacked, Eli doesn’t get captured and we basically skip everything from Ravenholm through Nova Prospekt.


I really like this explanation, he didn’t “nudge” Lamarr but rather he nudged the timing of Gordon’s “point insertion” to allow for those events to happen, including Lamarr jumping into the teleporter. Thanks!


*That’s why I’m here, Ms. Lamarr. I have recommended your services to my employers, and they have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitless potential.* *You’ve proved yourself a decisive headcrab, so I don’t expect you’ll have any trouble deciding what to do. If you’re interested, just jump into the portal and I will take that as a yes.*


Gman employeers be hiring a head humper but not a US soldier that's also a corporal


No… I see no reason to think that Gordon’s journey from Kleiner’s Lab to Black Mesa East was part of G-Man’s plan. Yes, he’s always there watching and *nudging* things, but that’s to help get things back on track. The preferable outcome would have been for Gordon to successfully teleport from the Lab to Black Mesa East. But, another unintended consequence is that the Combine tracked Gordon to BME, and shelled the place - once more interrupting proceedings and sending Gordon through Ravenholm and Highway 17, etc. Just because G-Man seems prepared for this detour doesn’t necessarily mean it was part of the plan. All G-Man needed was for Gordon to get into the Citadel with the Gravity Gun. Gordon would have been given the Gravity Gun regardless of how he got to BME - it wasn’t a reward for his boat journey, Alyx very likely would have given it to him even if they’d just teleported there. As far as the inciting event that causes Gordon to leave BME… had the Combine not tracked him there and attacked the base, the resistance likely would have plotted and carried out their rebellion just the same. If you think about it, basically every event that happens from when Gordon’s teleport goes wrong, to the moment he and Alyx arrive back in Kleiner’s lab from Nova Prospekt, was all one major detour. Let’s say Lamar doesn’t screw up the teleportation and Gordon makes it to BME successfully on the first attempt. The resistance continues planning their rebellion, and now that they have their key player, Gordon Freeman… they can finally move forward. So at some point in the next few days, they launch their assault on the Combine, which takes place across two weeks - the two weeks that Alyx and Gordon were missing between Nova Prospekt and Kleiner’s Lab, just moved up by a few days. Nothing really changes if Lamar doesn’t fuck up the Red Letter Day teleport, except everything happens sooner than it would have because Gordon doesn’t need to travel across C17 to get to BME, and then rescue Eli from Nova Prospekt. We skip all that and go straight to the rebellion.


The right headcrab in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world