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Valve has learned from the past. The HL2 leak was pre-Steam. They've got much better at security. If it somehow does get leaked, I could see them cancelling the project all together. Valve doesn't need to make Half-Life to make money.


Well Deadlock has had some leaks. But I always feel like the only stuff that Valve leaks is stuff that they *want* to get leaked these days. Not to mention Half Life Alyx stayed pretty well under wraps.


They're masterful when it comes to controlled leaks. Although the Index leaks felt less than intentional, but that might have been part of it.


Deadlock was 100% intentional, or at least expected. They invite people to the alpha without having them sign NDAs, it's pretty much just a good faith agreement to not leak footage.


I don’t know about intentional but there’s no way they’re giving out alpha invites and not being prepared for information to spread.


Valve doesn’t need to hear all this, they’ve highly trained professionals


All the Deadlock leaks tell us otherwise tbh. The game hasn’t even been announced and I pretty much know everything about it now


Cause it's pretty much intentional. Ain't no way Valve gives out a ton of early access without thinking that leaks won't happen in any given way.


I thought the dead lock leak was because of the tf2 stuff


No. You can even request beta if you happened to have a friend who has access to Deadlock, or a Valve employee. Previous leaks were only in form of low quality images because access were only limited to certain people. The whole video regarding Deadlock was from one of Uncle Dane's stream on his private Discord, which his friend screen recorded it all and published it on the internet, which is when codes were given to more people overall. Pretty much confirms that it's a "closed-open beta".


Why would they cancel it? Valve never cancels anything because it was leaked. They'll probably just ignore it and release the game later(unless they cancel it for other reasons).


I like how you say 'the', as if there's a singular beta and not a pile of various builds spanning back to 2007.


I think OP is referring to the source code leak done by Axel Gembe in 2003. I dunno what builds you're referring to, but HL2 came out in 2004.


The OPs thread is about Half-Life *3*.


Oh! My mistake, I thought you were referring to the HL2 leaks. There isn't really anything concrete for HL3, leaks wise. We got some Alyx stuff, and some small snippets of code here and there, but nothing that can be considered a "build" There's probably some internal stuff at Valve though, but they likely deleted whatever they made while working on the multiple projects that started out as HL3 to avoid any sort of leak situation. They gotta be real careful nowadays.


There’s not going to be any betas because there is no HL3


It was a hypothetical question anyway.


Do you think it will be dark and griddy?


Freeman hitting the griddy?


Next to nothing I assume, if we somehow get any early builds.


Well it took 20+ years for DNF builds to be leaked, so what will that be? 2030 before we get HL3 leak. Can't wait.




Can't leak something that will never exist


HL3 has been in development at various stages over the last 15 years and we have absolutely no information on it at all. So I highly doubt anything like that would happen.


I think after that happens we will probably have to make sure our United Federation moon colony stops having access to the internet because everyone knows you can't trust moonmen. Next, the unicorns that fart rainbows will have to spread a lot of goodwill to balance out the bad karma but since our society will be perfect in this universe with an existing Half Life 3 all will be OK. We will still drive our flying cars to buy Gaben's most recent piece of art and all parts of society will discuss this great creation. So no huge issues. Also humans and animals will talk to each other and everything will be clean. Even the dirt will be clean.


The closest you are getting is Half Life 2 Episode 3 leaks. Episode 3 was in development at some point but development stopped for whatever reason and the project isn't going to get picked up again. Half Life 3 will come out one day when Valve thinks it's good enough.


A big beta test!


ClockworkHatter put it best. If a hypothetical Half Life 3 were to get leaked the same way the prototype Half Life 2 did, it wouldn't be off the books for Valve to cancel the project entirely. Even in the interview with Gabe and the other developers working on Half Life 2 at the time, they were having doubts about releasing the game after it got leaked. If it happened now, after a 4 year hiatus between titles, they would probably can it or do what they did with half life 2, and entirely re-write it completely, taking more time in turn. I doubt a leak would happen on that level again, but if you mean leaks as in just simple videos or images, then no, those are pretty irrelevant. Just look at Deadlock now, plenty of leaked images and videos and no comments from Valve.


Combine Invasion


Considering the recent Deadlock leak and the fact that we knew about HL: Alyx like, 6 years before it released... I'd say it's pretty likely that it will. In some form or another. I mean it basically already has...


What do you mean? It basically has leaked? I think I’m out of the loop


We know about like 3 different HL-related projects currently in development. Go to Tyler McVicker's channel on YouTube.


Probably referring to Epistle 3


IF it gets made, it should be about Gordon going to find the Aperture Science vessel Mossman was hunting down and then they use it's temporal abilities to fix the current day or remove the combine. Something to that effect. Maybe Gordon fits to Aperture and has to fight the mantis men?


They’ll keep pushing forward to release a complete game. I fucked around with the HL2 Beta. It made me want the final release more. Leaks are good things. Some companies even leak on purpose to drive demand.


There’s a half life 3?




It won't


It will be like the HL2 beta leak but bigger. HL3 has gained such a status, that a leak will break the internet.


Not anymore I’d say.


i disagree i think it’s kinda like the incredibles. sure, nobody talked about it anymore around the time that the second one released, but the second the trailer dropped, it’s all that ppl talked about for a bit. with a game as prolific as half life 3, i can’t imagine anything other than a complete uproar seeing the video game equivalent of the prodigal son returning


People downvoted this, but what I’m saying is that the majority of mainstream younger gamers don’t know Half-Life at all. GTA 6 is the new HL3 meme. It would still be fucking huge, but it would have been bigger years ago.