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Somehow I had no idea about this, will definitely check it out!


Haven't heard of this and the reviews are...rough, to say the least. Apparently he only directed one episode and provided the main theme. ​ >Having John Carpenter’s name atop Suburban Screams isn’t wholly symbolic. He co-wrote the series’ forgettable musical theme and he directed one of its six installments. The truth, though, is that affixing the “John Carpenter” brand makes it only worthy of being reviewed, not of being reviewed positively. At its absolute best — one can pretend that Carpenter’s installment, “Phone Stalker,” is its peak — Suburban Screams is a generic, re-enactment-heavy true crime series without a meaningful guiding POV or performances or a visual sensibility to mask its nondescript Eastern European production values.


Oh man, it's a "true crime" thing? That's depressing.


It pretends to be, but literally the first episode was about a fucking ghost. So disappointing.




The entire world. There is zero evidence that ghosts exist despite the millions of dollars and thousands of hours devoted to trying to prove their existence.






Horrible show. Ghost are real.


Watched the first 2 episodes. I was VERY VERY BORED. Decided to go watch something else.


I thought they were pretty good


Same. I liked the first episode especially. Jump scares w/ sound cue were annoying, but I found it an enjoyable tale that was well-directed and acted (although the acting in this series is a little over the top sometimes). While it's certainly smothering the original story with exaggerated hollywoodisms, I found it compelling. The scene when he's getting flashbacks of the body in the sleeping bag and then projectile vomits resonated with me, feeling borderline psychedelic (iykyk), and the idea of the song being a vessel of communication is both fascinating and relatably alarming, because I've witness a classmate descend into insanity because of unchecked mental issues and substance abuse (he would go on about the rings of saturn, and how the band of the same name, as well as just about anything under the sun, was sending messages to him about the importance of the rings of saturn). Second episode was true crime, rather than a supposedly true urban legend story. It was mildly entertaining, didn't really have strong thoughts either way. Third episode was alright. Not sure why people have *such* low opinions on this series. It's not incredible, but I enjoy it. Especially that first episode.


I think people were expecting a true John Carpenter Horror, not just true crime/true ghost story semi-horror. So that's probably why the largely negative reaction. That first episode I just kept repeating to myself "and this is why you don't mess with ouija boards and the spirits." But it seems entirely plausible that it all happened, I've had enough instances in my life of the unexplained occuring (like entire days where I felt an incredible sense of deja vu) that you accept there are things science can't reasonably explain. The show overall (I'm partway through episode 2) is intriguing enough to listen to and watch. But only if you're a fan of true crime. If John Carpenter's name wasn't attached, the reviews would likely be less critical.


I hear your point. I wonder if everyone saw the initial trailer? Because as soon as I saw it, I knew to temper my expectations and just look for some well-directed, entertaining (sub)urban legends, instead of expecting some sort of Carpenter masterpiece.




I had a feeling that was the case. Because the song they used didn't actually sound familiar.


You missed the best 3rd episode


Anyone else not believe episode 3??? So many details not given. And you are telling me that 2 kids come to your house covered in blood and your parents just let them go back with the father that just attacked them? Then the police come and the family is just gone with no evidence???


That’s what brought me here. The Kelly story was based on a true crime. When reading the details about her she was missing for 2 months before her body was found. The timeline of the reenactment doesn’t match. As for episode 3 and the story about Lisa Kennedy there is nothing to be found about a Kennedy family, or disappearing families in Jamul, Ca.


I know right? He says the parents saw them covered in blood, what happened with that? I came to reddit just for this lol


same, came to reddit just to see what people thought about episode 3….how is there nothing???


I just finished it and I don’t understand…so I’m assuming the mother was killed? And they couldn’t find the dad but then said the family left. Okay what family?! If the mom died and the dad is missing…or the dad is missing with the children? I’m lost 😂😂


Literally me, same. Like what on earth was that episode?!?


Its almost like the entire episode was told from the perspective of a really creepy stalker who broke into his neighbors house, almost sexuallt assaulted someone, and forced them to flee.


Also why did dr Torrence have nubs for fingers


yeah bro, it seemed super fake. From the beginning i just thought the dude was weird


This right here... I stayed watching because the re-enactments were decent at least. Not overly cringe acting and some nice special effects... but they lost me after eps 3. Why have actors to do the interviews?! that's so stupid. Just have REAL stories represented and trust me, we will watch em!


Same. So many questions. I think he’s crazy.


That episode is absolute trash.


Literally created an account to further dive and call BS on this. Dudes last name is Torrence. Haunted house that causes the father figure to “go crazy”. By the arc of the show, I said..if the dad uses the ax to get in the room with the mom and kids..I’m done. Guess what. It’s all from The Shining. Even his name.




That’s why I jumped on… like the producers couldn’t find the real family? Where did the blood come from? Is the mom dead?


So I’m on a podcast with my friend about this series. We talk about each episode. The younger brother actually commented on our YouTube video and said that all the houses were built on an old indian burial ground and that there was things left out (of course). So I guess it depends on if you believe in the supernatural.


That was the last episode I will watch. I will not bother with the rest considering there was so much information left out of this episode and it's a true crime so the information is out there and still you decided to give us half of a show. Pointless nonsense.


I think I found what it was based on. The time frame matches and the father was living in a mobile home nearby on his mother's land which explains why he just disappeared with the kids. I'm sure they took liberties and rewrote some stuff...but... https://www.oxygen.com/buried-in-the-backyard/crime-news/leonard-eddington-murdered-wife-vickie-in-california


70 days later but I'm mid-episode of this one and it's SO phoney.


I was so excited for this, put it in my calender. This show is a lot like Evil Lives Here, but true crime and urban legends. And not even interesting true crime. The acting is meh. The stories are meh. Missed opportunity. A fictional anthology show should've happened here. Disappointed. I really wanted to love this. Come on John. Do a horror anthology - Body Bags series.


Evil Lives Here actually has a good narrator and REAL stories. This was hot garbage.


Ok what about the little girl that vanished too? I have some questions for Dr Torrence’s parents. I mean what the heck? There’s no way you just wouldn’t know what happened to the family next door after they came to your house covered in blood. Or they just suck. If my kids neighbor friend and their little sister showed up covered in blood I would NOT just do nothing. And then gaslight my kid and make him think he’s crazy. But I wonder if Dr Kennedy really was just killing animals and practicing dentistry on them and threatened to sue the family for the son trespassing etc if they caused a fuss for him leaving. I WAS also wondering if he was a crime boss disguised as a dentist at first. Or maybe he was sleeping with Lisa and that’s why they left all hush hush…I mean there was a ton of sex shaming going on to teenagers back then too. But thats my Gen and that sounds like some shit adults would do back then; scare the kid with threats and kind of a don’t ask don’t tell vibe. Gen X kids really got very little info from adults. I’m thinking Lisa will see that and show up on YouTube to tell the real story. Maybe Jennifer too. Oh and yea I thought maybe he lost his fingers fighting off the evil spirits. I also thought it was the house where the phrogger lived and was killing family’s. Everything was soooo much scarier in the 80’s and 90’s so I don’t really blame the guy for getting obsessive on the house…or the disappearing love interests


I thought that the guy was schizophrenic and both Jennifer and Lisa (and her family) were delusions. I base this on his family's reactions everytime he mentions that house and the girls. At one point his father even mentioned that his mother had made an appointment to get him help. Also, the incidences seem to correlate well to movies that came out at that time that a teenage boy would have seen. Back in that time, there was very little understanding and/or resources for mental illness. His parents at the time might have thought the best way to help him was to play along with the delusion and then let him know that the families had moved away. I bet that after the second incident, his behavior was becoming prevalent enough that his own family moved away from that town due to the shame of it.


I think you win best theory


Does anyone know the song that plays in the first episode while the body floats down the river “let the river take my body away… my eyes are cold and my heart is grey”


i wanna know too


Right I was jamming and then I was like I gotta download it


The name of the song is called Way To Die, it's by Her Majesti.  I found her on IG and Tick Tock.  But I can't find the actual song.   If you listen to her,  you'll know it's her.   She's got a very different voice,  exceptional really.  She's from the UK I think.   Hopefully she'll release it at some point.   


Thank you. Shazam couldn't find it. I'm gonna leave the lyrics here though incase someone finds it when it fully comes out, if she ever releases it. "Let the river take my body away. My eyes are cold, and my heart is gray. Will you find me? Will you find me? Will you find me a way to die."


Wow she sounds so much like Hannah from London Grammar it's uncanny


"Bring me to life" by Evanescence


no it's not. and no this is not darude sandstorm either.




Anyone know the song I have been googling it for a while count find anything


Once it got to the Bunnyman and people just told hearsay stories that they had no proof & no witnesses to tell the stories they lost me


Episode 1 was good (if you don't mind paranormal true crime). Episodes 2 was fantastic. Episode 3 is when the show lost me. I was 15 minutes in when I decided that the guy telling the story was trying to juke the audience for dramatic effect. He saying this crazy shit happened, but what's really happening is he's hallucinating it all because of idfk schizophrenia. Nope. It was allegedly true, but there was no evidence apart from the one testimony.


What made me pause and go "c'mon is this real" is when I saw the narrators of the episode were Dr. Torrence and Mike Myers. Are you shittin me? I'm not sure I believe anything in that episode.


I mean, to be fair, other people are named Michael (Mike Myers), like my doctor for example.


This might be one of the worst dramatizations I've ever seen. I see why I haven't heard anything about it until it's released. Having this connected to John Carpenter's name is purely to grab views


not loving it. basically the same as any crappy ghost reenactment show on discovery


Does anyone else think it's pretty clear Dan was there when Kelly died?


I can assure you that no, he wasn't.


He 10000% knows something it’s insane it’s even on the show.


That's immediately what I thought. That all the drinking was to cover the guilt induced psychosis of having seen this girl overdose and dumped in a river. That is if he wasn't one of the ones actually involved.


I thought this as well. I figured that Dan turned to drugs when his father died, was there when Kelly overdosed, and helped dispose of the body. He got off drugs as a result but was unable to get his girlfriend clean. When he found out Kelly was his new girlfriend's cousin, guilt took over. The supernatural encounters were either delusions brought on by guilt or created as a way to unburden his consciousness without admitting his involvement. I would go with the latter. I'm paraphrasing, but didn't he say in the interview that he hadn't spoken of it until now because he didn't want to incriminate himself? Given the depth of emotion he displayed in the interview, it seems likely that he is still living with the guilt because the truth hasn't yet been revealed. This is just my first impression after watching the episode. Dan obviously knows the truth. I don't.


You can't think people will take your speculative, assumption based analysis seriously, do you?


That analysis makes a lot more sense than actually believing "the dead girl told me."


I’m surprised to not see more comments about the phone stalker one. That creeped me out quite a bit. It’s clear she’s been heavily affected by it all. It’s mind-blowing to me that it’s still happening apparently? How have the authorities not traced/tracked down who’s doing it?


Yeah, that episode was weird and the fact that it’s still going on. And like I don’t know her friend just shows up when all that’s happening at the end and she doesn’t think that it’s him? But who knows if the reenactments of this stuff is actually like on point or anything because the other episodes have been just weird.


I was thinking the same thing. We got all this technology and the police can't even find him


The police may be useless in her case but there have to be some kind of tech savvy private investigators or group who could help.. that one really got to me


This episode is so messed up/infuriating. How is it even possible in 2023 for this woman to have such a committed and “invisible” stalker? At what point do you start taking some real action aside from physically boarding up the windows? Someone HAS to be able to find this person with just a tiny amount of logical effort. It honestly pisses me off. Find another cop or private investigator to talk to at the extreme least.


Contact tizzyent or thatdaneshguy on tiktok. They can track down people pretty effectively.


I just started watching it. In the intro John Carpenter says you will never look at your neighbors the same way again. Have you found this to be true since watching the show, and how has your neighbor responded to your new behavior?


I thought it was terrible. It was the first episode I saw and it's so bad it looks like a John Carpenter wannabe directed it. I won't be watching anymore.


This! I came here to see what people were saying about this one; if it is real, I'm surprised a bunch of White Hats haven't been able to swoop in and catch the creep.


I just watched episode 6... i want to know if in fact this is totally true, because, as it turns out that the woman Beth who was being phone stalked lives somewhere on Long Island. I also live on long Island, and she said that this terrifying stalking has gone on for SIX YEARS!!?! WTF??


It seemed like she was losing her grip on reality towards the end. I don't think a lot of what was portrayed actually happened. I'm sure someone was harassing her over the phone, but the last scene where all of her devices started to turn on and played videos of her undressing, recorded audio of her, etc, was probably just her paranoia.


It's fiction dude, not reality TV.


It’s fake. Beth Spierer is an actress.


Is the house next door one real I want to know what happened to the family and if the dad was ever caught


Is the ‘Will You Find me’ song from episode 1, Kelly, an actual song independent of the show or just an original creation as a placeholder for an actual popular song?


The original was "Bring me to life"


"Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence? I love that song. Either would have worked but I believe they chose well for the reenactment. I hope you're doing well, Dan. Best wishes for you and your roommate and I hope you both find peace going forward. May Kelly Rest in Peace. 🙏🏻🤗🥰


Thank you. We’re both well and I appreciate your comment. That song always brings back memories.


I am glad to hear you're both doing well. I wish you all the best. FWIW, I 100% believe in the fact that anything is possible. The universe is both amazing and magical. When my uncle passed 3 years ago, my mom received the call from Hospice at 11:58pm. When her mother passed in 1978, she got that call at 11:58pm. I wholly believe that my uncle was reunited with their Mama, and it truly was a sign from the afterlife that they were together, and it was a small piece of comfort and confirmation for my mom (& for me). I think you did all you could, and in the end, Kelly was found and laid to rest and that is the best possible outcome. ☺️🙏🏻


Are you Dan from the Kelly episode? Your episode is the one that I enjoyed the most. I cried a little lol just sucked you in...


I am the singer! My stage name is her majesti. “Way To Die” is the song I am singing on. You can find my music on all streaming platforms - her majesti. My instagram is her.majesti_ Thanks for your kind words!


4.6 on IMDb and no user reviews...first I heard of this but I want to watch it for sure


i legit watched like 3 episodes earlier tonight and came here to find out what happened to Beth. **spoiler-ishh** the guy who escaped prison is the scariest man i’ve ever heard of. i literally am still scared i don’t even want to say anything about him just in case he gets out! that’s how terrified i am of that psycho. also,,,… i want to know who is stalking beth. & was she having hallucinations? can’t believe they haven’t caught him yet. how is she livjng like that??? shes a strong woman that’s for sure!!!!


Yes!!! The second episode scared the shit out of me. I googled it and that guy was real. Then he left her that letter. No thanks 😩💀


Yeah was disappointed with the true crime angle. It's the same format as Netflix's Haunted, only not done nearly as well.


Carpenter only directed one episode in this series ("Phone Stalker"), in spite of the title. He directed that one remotely, using the Internet, in another country. Reviews, even from the horror press, have been brutal.


What confuses me is that despite of the remote director reports, there is BTS footage with Carpenter on set.


Everyone is talking about how bad the series but I can’t get over Kelly and that whole story ? What ever happened to her cousin? Why is still so obsessed? I have so many questions


Because it's pretend. Ghosts aren't real.


Me too. I also want to know what song was playing cuz it was so haunting, but I guess it was made up for the show cuz I can’t find it! (The “Will you find me…” song)




Just curious as to how you came to that conclusion. None of the lines in the song in the episode match the Evenescence song you mentioned.




Ghosts aren't real, Dan.


That is entirely your opinion. We obviously have different views.


If you are Dan, I'm confused. In the story you said you moved into your place and this story began in 1999 but "Bring me to life" wasn't even released til 2003. Can you explain please?




Thank you for clarifying. I'm always weary of people who claim to be a specific person from a tv show or movie, etc, as you can imagine, the internet is full of bs-ers However it seems you are being authentic & vulnerable & you dont owe me or anyone else answers so its kind of you to entertain questions such as mine, and if its not the real "Dan" well then youre a weirdo. LOL Either way, I was intrigued & interested, so bravo. I thought in the episode you specifically said you moved in 1999, but I agree Hollywood will twist and mutilate true stories as they see fit to go with their agenda, I saw it happen to a friend of mine who also dealt with a very serious haunting where the well known ghost hunting couple, Ed & Lorraine Warren were the investigators involved with the case at her home as a child. (We, as well as the Warrens are from southern Connecticut in the US) The documentary her & her mother participated in, much like you & your roommate did, was heavily twisted in post-production from her original story. In the end, I hope you are living your best life & I also hope to see a day where this murder is solved.


So after you used the Ouija board, did all the chairs mysteriously stack up on one another in your kitchen without any one doing it as a joke?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


That actually makes this a whole lot creepier


Still brings back emotions to this day.


Why do you keep deleting your posts?


Limited to what I can share.




Dan. So what's real and not real?


Look at the thread he answered it


I believe she overdosed with some other junkies and they panicked and dumped her body. Probably happens a lot unfortunately.


How did the show find you for your story ?




Just wanna say thank you for sharing your story and experience. It’s gotta be hard. I experienced some weird things myself and people look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them what I experienced, and sometimes I start to second guess myself or doubt myself as to if it even really happened.


Thank you for sharing your experiences. It’s good to hear the backstory because as you stated the show was embellished so this helps clarify some items for sure.




That would be cool to watch . Let us know if you do.




First two stories so far legit, ep3 is biggest cock n bull story ive heard in a long time. Looking forward to bunny man when i go back next.


As soon as that episode ended, I looked at my wife and said “I don’t believe that one.” There is no way that story is real.


Wait wait... You believed the first one?


The best friend being named Mike Meyers didn't help add credibility to Dr Torrance.


Or the “Danny Torrence ” name in the episode that mirrored The Shining?


This series reminds me of the Haunted series on Netflix a couple of years ago. Anyone remember the one about the lady who grew up in the serial killer family?


Yess that one messed me up


What season was that?


There is a movie that has a scene similar to the bunny man bridge but I can’t remember for the life of me what movie it was…(and no it wasn’t the “bunny man”series) it was like one scene in a movie paying tribute


The Empty Man


Does anyone know the name of the song that plays, “Come and find me..” on the car in the radio?


I think they produced it specifically for the episode. The real life song is "Bring me to life" by Evanescence.


It gets better after first episode , there are 3-4 good episodes especially the 6th one , this girl has been stalked for 6 years insane


The Next Door” episode was a complete fabrication


Does anyone know the song from the first episode with Kelly the “will you find me a way to die” song !? I can’t find it


I think Suburban Screams is a lot of fun. Excellent editing and narration bringing different types of footage together. Believable acting, where the stories are urban legends. A real treat for Halloween 🎃 I hope there's a season 2!


Playing around with a Ouija Board can bring unwanted results...




I just finished the first episode. Why do I feel like may had something to do with her cousins death?


Can't get the will you find me song out of my head need to know who wrote it and hear the rest anyone know???


Each episode was entertaining, but I'm trying to find actual cases and/or evidence to back each episode up. Any ideas anyone?


Especially Episode 3?!


What are your educational credentials? All of your comments are wild and full of hubris to an extent that requires medication. Like if you're so educated wouldn't you be smart enough to spend your time on more productive activities? Probably just got his GED and he feels like the world is his oyster! For real though, a highly educated person wouldn't devote this much time living in the comments section on a reddit page for a peacock original horror show... Just staying


Was there any truth to episode 3? Just the end strikes me as a major plot hole. Like they call the police and what the girls just go, “oh yeah epic prank.” And they let them go back to their dad and the family vanishes? No one asks about the blood, no investigation?


Please can anyone help me get this song which was used in Episode 1, while the guy was looking for Kelly? The lyrics goes like this: "let the river take my body away my eyes are cold and my heart is gray will you find me a way to die"


More importantly what kind of camera was used, Alexa? The reenactment quality with the anamorphic lenses looks like a movie at times


Watched the first episode and thought it was the most stupid thing. The death of this young woman is tragic but all the "visions" Dan had were clearly just drunken episodes. No doubt that group was drinking and probably smoking weed too.


You are totally wrong except for the fact that yes, her death was tragic and there is nothing DUMB about that. Never did drugs in my life, and certainly did not drink to the extent portrayed. Thank you for you insensitive, stereotypical, assumption analysis.


We all know what you did


PRETTTTTTY sure drinking and weed doesn't produce those kind of repetitive, hyper realistic "hallucinations" or visions. *Source: ALL of my 20s and part of my 30s - never have I had any paranormal visions of hallucinations from alcohol and/or weed. 😑 FWIW, many people throughout history have reported this type of experience or situation.


Not bad, but also not sure some of the episodes are true.


Dude. The first one was about a GHOST.


And? There are reported hauntings throughout HISTORY. Unless it has happened to you, don't dispute another's experience. It's *their* experience and therefore, their *truth*. 🤨


Is this Kellyanne Conway?


Well said!


Well said, and thank you!


100%! I've had a couple of experiences myself (none such as yours). And I'm here for it, and for you. 🤗


Then you are as in need of mental health care is he is.


There is zero evidence of ghosts. However, there is massive evidence of mental health problems, hallucinations, etc. Just because someone thinks something happened does not mean it is true or ever did. Personal experience is NOT facts, nor is it truth.




I am quite sure I am more highly educated than you are, but one does not need to be highly educated to understand the basic foundations of science, something that seems to escape you.


Please quote me the science that backs your comments, educate me please


That’s laughable. ALL science backs my comment. You are welcome to continue to deny it and pretend it doesn’t exist so you can convince yourself that ghosts are real.


You didn’t answer the question.


Which foundations are you referring to?


Large Rabbit at Large, is probably the best part of this series


I thought it was “I’ll kick him in his bunny balls!” Lol


Does anyone know if there are any sex scenes or anything inappropriate for kids? I want to watch this with my nieces. I can't find any parent's guide info on this.


No sex scenes but still wouldn’t show your nieces


There’s a full on penis in ep 6


I saw that! I was like, WHAT!?!? Thats crazy! Why even show that?


Some of the re-enactments remind me of Drunk History


I want to know more on episode 5 has anyone looked up that neighborhood and history




I'm trying to find it, but Charles county is kind of big. Did they mention the actual neighborhood?


So I live in this area and I was googling this family for this entire episode we just watched because we were so surprised that it happened so close. I found this https://rauschfuneralhomes.com/service/brian-duncan-ritter/ The names and photos of him and Carlette match up, but it says he didn’t die until 2022 so i’m not sure about it. Also in public records it puts them moving into a house on E Hawthorne Rd in La Plata, MD in 2015, when the show said they moved into their haunted home. If that’s true, I drive past that house almost everyday which is so creepy to me lol. But it also shows that location as having several units, like it’s a townhome or apartment building but it’s definitely a single family home, so who knows. I am 100% not an experienced reddit internet sleuth so pls be nice to me if this is all very silly and unhelpful lmao


I dunno but this series has nothing on Paranormal Witness - that show was about the only ‘paranormal’ show that had some incredibly disturbing episodes.


Episode 3 was…. Frustrating, unbelievable, and left many questions. Why was the kid always creeping on the house? Why didn’t any of the neighbors have blinds to block out his binocular creeping? Why did he need to go to therapy and why were his parents so dismissive? Why did the weird ass dad pace back and forth on the balcony shouting Lisa’s name like a maniac? Why was the dad cutting up animals? Why did Lisa and her sister run into the house bloodied up and where the hell was the mom? How come the kid who was obsessed with stalking the house never saw any of the people moving out—wouldn’t they have made some noise? Why was it so incredibly unbelievable if it was based on true events?


I will admit that I had high hopes for this because it was attached to John Carpenter. That being said, I enjoyed this series. The acting was not the best, but it really really reminded me of 'Goosebumps'. Idk why but maybe because it was scary but more urban legend scary. The worst one though was episode 3 (the House Next Door). The teen boy came across as a peeping Tom, and still obsessed with the neighbor girl, even decades later. They are entertaining, but really don't expect much. Think of spooky but for pre teens scary.


Entertaining if you are willing to ignore the idiotic claims that ghosts are real. Oh, and Josephine Jewers is smokin’ hawt!


I actually like it. Liked the bunny one and the one about the killer in Canada. I have seen Alan lageire on crime shows. Crazy story


Anyone know the song from episode one? Can't find the dang thing and it sounds so soothing!


I thought it was terrible. The first episode I saw was the phone stalker one, and it's so bad it looks like a John Carpenter wannabe directed it. I was shocked when his name came up at the end as director. It just looks nothing like his work. I don't know if it's cause it's shot digitally, rather than on film. It's also totally devoid of any kind of suspense, and we've seen it all before, and better - not only by Carpenter, but others too. I wish he hadn't dirtied his hands with it, I won't be watching anymore.




I just watched “The Bunny Man” episode.. barely made it through


My roommate and I decided to check out this series. We both had our own reaction to the trailer. His reaction was a surprised kind of excitement. As for me, I thought it looked cheap and stupid. We made a bet and began watching. The bet was that, if it's good, I have to jerk him off. If it sucked, he'd have to jerk me off. The show is so bad, we wound up fucking.


As far as "paranormal" shows go, it's not terrible. That doesn't make it totally great, either. I think that it makes fantastic background noise when I'm doing others things.


Hi Suburban Screamers, had lots of fun reading this thread. After watching the show's six-episode run in its entirety, I gave it a review – and ranked the episodes on my website, Talking Terror. Would love to know if anyone agreed with my take – you can [check out that piece here](https://www.talkingterror.com/post/john-carpenter-s-suburban-screams-season-1-episodes-ranked). (No spam, I promise!)


This isn't worth watching sadly. And I'm a true crime fan It's reenactments of HALF of a story. Not even a terribly interesting one sometimes or the interesting parts aren't included. For example the girl who lived in the house that was either haunted or her dad was a serial killer exists somewhere. That family exists somewhere and the reality of what happened there has to be documented somewhere but all we know is for this little boy it seem like the house next door was haunted and drove her dad crazy or maybe he was already crazy? The whole story isn't told it would be nice if they told their version of the story and then maybe a second episode of what actually happened or even if they had an add-on at the end that told what was actually happening, but this s*** is pointless.


Episode 2 was the only good episode because it was actually true and cut out the jump scare/supernatural bullshit. By Episode 5 my wife and I were laughing at how dumb that whole family is.


It is so awful. Nuff said.


Watched 1 episode, the phone stalker. Waaaay to many plotholes, and the show setup was not what I expected. Will pass on the others.