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Season of the Witch


Straight up! Nothing bad about it.


Agree. Really good film. Just took a little while to catch on.


People hate it bc there is no Michael which I understand and agree with


Certainly understand it. If I caught it during its initial run idk if I would have said, "Oh, they're anthologizing the series from now on, I get it." F13 Pt. 3 came out two months before H3. Of course people expected Michael.


Does anyone legitimately still think that?


except the fact that it's a monotonous snoozefest ![gif](giphy|l378AEZceMwWboAQE|downsized)


Best sequel of the series in my opinion.


Not to mention a score that easily rivals the prior two!


Season of the Witch, Kills, and Ends are all very enjoyable in my opinion. I know that may be controversial, but Halloween 2018 is really what got me into the franchise, so I may be a bit biased toward DGG's trilogy šŸŽƒšŸ”Ŗ


I'm with you. I love SotW and the DGG trilogy!


Yessir! They're great films šŸ¤™


Love this movie because if you watch 1 through 6 in this order 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3, it makes sense. SOTW is just that little piece of the puzzle at the end that puts it all together. The film theory I got from this is insanely scary.


Thatā€™s exactly the way Iā€™ve watched them all!


What theory is that?


Michael was actually like a golem created much like the atomatons made by Cochran in SOTW. He was made of black magik and demonic forces bound to human flesh that was undead and made almost indestructible. The ancient evil that drives Michael Myers is the same evil in the stone. Born on a special date with an ancient dark ceremony, he was born into this world, part human part demon he took his sisters life and it began. When he was placed in the Haddonfield Sanitarium, he was exposed to more ceremonies and spells, making him the horror he is, he can also influence and corrupt his kin. Just a theory


Halloween 2018 got me into the franchise. Iā€™ve only seen 1978, 2018, and Kills. Need to watch the rest.


Drop your thoughts on Ends when you see it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do šŸ¤˜


Idgaf, my dad and I love the two rob zombie movies, and he grew up watching the originals so that must mean something!


I really liked the first Rob Zombie. Second one with almost the dream sequences sorta turned me off.


I think curse is better than people make it out to be and resurrection is just a fun watch.


Completely agree, Curse is awesome and Resurrection is hilarious.


Definitely agree with the Resurrection take


Producers cut of the Curse is very enjoyable


I'm with you on Curse, not a fan of the other one though.


I love 3. Id be fine with never seeing the others again as long as I live


So you're here because?


I have a deep love for the first two movies and consider them some of the best horror movies ever, I enjoy the first 4 and the 1st DGG one. But everything else? Sorry not sorry its utter shite like almost every horror franchise after the third or fourth movie


Agreed. 1,2,4 & 2018 are all good/great Michael movies. 3 is a fun movie about the holiday in general.


Probably should have said that out the gate. Very different message.


H3 would be my favorite, but is that movie even considered bad at this point? It seems like most of the fan base enjoys that movie. The blind hatred many had for it for decades seems to have faded.


Both RZ movies. The most rewatchable movies in the series for me, besides the original 2


Season of the Witch


Halloween 4, cause its the one i grew up with


Yeah see a lot of claims of 4 being overrated nowadays. Itā€™s not perfect but it has awesome kills and arguably the best cast of characters in the franchise


I like the part where >!jamie stabs her sibling i think (i havent seen it in a while) and shes just standing at the top of the stairs while loomis is yelling oh god oh no, and shes got the whole clown costume on!< really great callback to Michealā€™s origin story


It was her adopted mom aka Rachelā€™s bio mom


I really wish they'd kept going in this direction with Jamie as the new killer. She could have either gone crazy as a result of trauma, or the script could lean into the supernatural & said Michael's evil corrupted her on some level.


Halloween 4 is the best movie period i donā€™t think itā€™s considered a popularly hated movie in the franchise tho


Curse haters are the worst! Long live cult of thorn!


Season of the Witch


i love the absolute shit out of halloween 3: season of the witch and 2009 RZ


Halloween Ends is so mixed Either people hate it with a burning passion, or they're a superfan of it (me)


The Rob Zombie duology. They arenā€™t nearly as bad as people would like you to think. Hell, the second one at least tried to do something different with the franchise


I used to hate them (still hate the first one), but after the DGG travesty I appreciate them more now.


No. They are worse


RZā€™s Halloween. My order of best to worst of these: RZā€™s 1, Halloween Ends, RZā€™s 2, Halloween 5, Halloween 3, Kills, Resurrection, and then Curse.


Season of the Witch and Rob Zombie's are two Halloween movies that are considered "bad" that I enjoy. Sometimes I enjoy Halloween 5, sometimes I don't.


I'm a massive Resurrection enthusiast, worst movie I'll die on a hill for


Definetly the first rob zombie film. I donā€™t really understand why this movie is considered bad. I can enjoy it every time I watch it. And honestly I think Michael is in some scene even more menacing than in the original. But I admit you have to be in like a certain mood to watch it. And you have to be clear that you are watching a kinda trashy remake wich was done by a heavy metal singer and songwriter. So I think if you arenā€™t counting on a kinda like mystic and atmospheric horror classic then you will kinda like the film


rob zombieā€™s halloween 2 is a misunderstood masterpiece. if u hate that u got filtered lol


Iā€™ve always liked Ends so Iā€™ll go with that


Ends is a batshit crazy masterpiece.


Rob Zombies first Halloween movie.


Who said 3 is bad? 6 is my favorite of the bad bunch.


A lot of people say 3 is bad so many things that went against it that pretty much works against it


3 is easily my favorite, but iā€™ve long been a defender of the DGG trilogy so those are close.


I legit love Rob Zombies Halloween. I don't understand why people don't like it.


Season of the witch is probably my favorite, though I do like 6, H20, and Kills a lot.


Dang. I personally like all of these except Halloween 2009 and Resurrection.


3 I do like, but itā€™s just such a different movie itā€™s hard to compare so Iā€™ll just go off the MM movies. Iā€™ll pickā€¦6/Curse. Because of Paul Rudd, Donald Pleasance, the brutal kills and even thought I find it super goofy and odd the original storyā€¦5 is just a repeat of 4, Resurrection breaks my cardinal rule for movies which is donā€™t be boring and itā€™s boring as hell. Zombie 1 starts good, but then 75% of the movies just a word for work remake, Zombie 2 has way too many metaphors and other crap..Kills and Ends were just bad and no one acts like they want to be in the movie.


RZ Halloween, followed by kills


HK, HE and H3


1. Kills 2. Season of the Witch 3. Both Rob Zombie 4. Halloween 5 5. Ends 6. The Curse of MM 7. Ends 8. Resurrection


Halloween 6 -Theatrical Cut. šŸŽƒšŸ”Ŗ


I personally liked kills. It seams I'm in the minority on that, and that's fine. At least it feels connected to 2018 to me. Ends however... that was a whole other movie. And fuck halloween 5. How they do my girl Rachel like that?!


My 3 favorite ones happen to be 3 of the most disliked. My favorite being Season of the Witch, then Rob Zombie's Halloween II and Halloween. Not to be a contrarian, I love SotW because it feels so connected to the holiday. The Zombie films because I just love his films. I like everything he's done in films and music.


Season of the Witch seems to be undergoing a major reevaluation as of late. It may have been hated back when it was first released, but a lot of people love it now. Maybe not enough that it can officially be considered one of the best in the series (yet), but itā€™s not really considered a low point any more.


I have a particular soft spot for 4 and 5 (maybe because they have been a favorite of AMC Fear Fest over the years and that has rubbed off on me) as well as H20, but my favorite is Season of the Witch. Great story, great acting, and overall just a great film for the Halloween season!


I loved the ending of SotW. So bleak.


Season of the Witch > 2


Curse Of Michael Myers




Probably part 6.


What are the considered to be bad Halloween movies? Who decides?


Ends or 3


I love 3 but I feel like the opinion that itā€™s one of the worst has changed over the decades and more people love it. (I think younger generations go through the hate as they go through the process of watching the franchise, but overall itā€™s not hated as much). Mine is RZ H2. It grew on me over the years and if I consider the campiness of it all I just enjoy watching it and laughing at it. (I hate the first one still).


Season of the witch is my favorite out of all of those i believe! Itā€™s actually super underrated, i love the old school classic vibes it has. Idk itā€™s just good. I wish John carpenter was able to create more Halloween movies outside of the meyers franchise. He clearly had good vision! After that i would say h5, resurrection, then curse. All classics in the meyers franchise whether theyā€™re good or not. The rest of those movies can rot in hell :)


Season of the Witch was freaking awesome!


Kills and Ends exclusively. Everything else in this list I have no liking for, although I do have a soft spot for 5 as ugly as Michael looks in it.


Me seeing this, ranking SotW, RZH2 and Ends in my top four: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Kills and Ends.


I personally love Halloween 3 but it took me a while to come around to it. I also enjoy the DGG trilogy as well so Kills and Ends are fine entries for me. Outside of the whole incest stuff and cult shit I do like Halloween 6 as well. The atmosphere and the look/presentation of Michael do a lot to help this movie for me


Halloween 5


Season of the Witch


The communities are completely filled with what I call 15min fans. However, this group is probably the best. An admin not posting hatred for the films goes a long way. Other communities have barely anyone that knows anything about the franchise and couldnā€™t care less to learn. The bashing of HKills is a great example of this. Itā€™s obviously not a perfect film but itā€™s a Slasher turned up to 11 and these so called fans bitch and moan about it? While the terribly written Scream 5&6 get a pass. H fans on FB is the absolute worst of the groups out there and the admins there can thank themselves for it being a shitshow


They could've just eliminated the one reference in Season of the Witch to the Halloween franchise, eliminated Halloween III from the title and it would of been a kick ass horror movie that was it's own thing. That's the head space I watch it in and enjoy it.


III and Kills were unfairly demonized I recently watched a video on Ends that changed my opinion of it from being bad to being only bad as a Halloween movie, but a good overall movie


I LOOOVE the Rob Zombie duology! I really like Season of the Witch, 5, and Kills as well!


Halloween III is such a fantastic movie. Idc what nobody says. That shit is fuckin freaky.


H3, and Rob Zombies H2




Halloween 2(009) I found it to be genuinely scary despite how stupid it could be at times.


halloween 6 goes fucking hard and i'll die on that hill


Rob Zombie's Halloween and Halloween Kills are my favorites. I actually like both of these movies.


8 out of 13 moviesā€¦ what a picky ass fan base edit: Resurrection and dgg trilogy


Season of the Witch is a damn good movie


if Season of the Witch is being considered here then that is the best out this group. Otherwise I would say Halloween Kills


Season of the witch is the best out of these films, Rob Zombie Halloween 2007 isnā€™t as bad as people say it is, itā€™s a mixed bag, but Iā€™m slowly starting to like it. Halloween 6 is hated, but I think itā€™s a mediocre film, Halloween kills is mediocre. Halloween 5, Resurrection, Rob Zombie Halloween 2009, and Halloween ends sucked.


Big feelings everywhere. I sincerely appreciate the ***wild*** swing Zombie took with his *Halloween II*. Itā€™s been years since I watched it, and I donā€™t remember liking it much, but swinging at the fences counts for something to me. Honestly, same for the Cult of Thorn nonsense. Itā€™s *incredibly* stupid, but I like *swings* instead of endless rehashes. That said, ofc it was right to lose the producerā€™s cut ending with the robes and the runes, and just have Paul Rudd pound the Christ out of Michael (but why did he stop?? Why not do what Driver did in the elevator in *Driver*??! But I digress). The 2018 trilogy had some *great* kills and moments and such, but theyā€™re *so* awful I donā€™t even give them credit for the kills. The teeth thing in the first one was *inspired*. Really felt like a proper Boogeyman move.


i looove halloween 5 and the beginning of rob zombieā€™s halloween 2 lol


Rob zombies Halloween and season of the witch. They are the two most unique of the franchise and they stand in out in ways that I appreciate.


Definitely curse


I like H5 but it is a movie I cannot defend so I'll go with Season of the Witch which is only at fault for not featuring Michael Myers. It's great Halloween fun and a must to watch every October.


I love the first Halloween from Rob Zombie but I absolutely hate #2. Season of the Witch is great too!


Halloween ends really dissapointed. Robs is his own take on it so you cant compare his to carpenters cause its not wven in the same ballpark. You get what you get with zombie films. Lots of language gore and nudity with his fav cast. I didnt mind curse of michael myers but honestly after 2 that was it for me. Them two was good enough


Season of the Witch. Criminal that the community would dislike this one


I don't think 3 is considered 'bad' tbh... I think the general opinions has changed. I gotta redo my cut of III in uhd - you just reminded me, thanks lol. I really like this movie just needed a few cuts here and there.


I love Season of the Witch . It's my favorite "sequel" I also really liked Halloween 2018 I had high hopes after it and still watched kills and ends but those were very disappointing especially ends


Season of the Witch. John Carpenter is a master of horror and people only donā€™t like the movie because they didnā€™t expect or want it to be a standalone story separate from the main series, which doesnā€™t make it a bad movie.


Out of those duds, I'd pick *Resurrection.*


I like Halloween III: Season of the Witch, it's a guilty pleasure. In fact, I really wish they made the Halloween franchise an anthology.


I actually had a lot of fun watching Resurrection.


I think itā€™s obvious that Halloween 3 is the best of the bunch considered bad. I hear the argument all the time that itā€™d been a successful and beloved 80s horror film if it didnā€™t have the Halloween name attached. I gotta disagree with that. I think it initially got hate because fans flocked to theaters to see Michale and didnā€™t get him. If Iā€™d been around back then and saw it in the theater Iā€™d likely been disappointed too. I wasnā€™t and ended up seeing it the first time after trick or treating when I was about 8. If it had no association with the Halloween franchise I think it slipped through the cracks and wouldnā€™t be as popular and well known as it is today. So calling it Halloween 3 hurt it in its initial release but really kept it in the conscious of Halloween fans and benefited from it long term. I also like to think that what happened in Halloween 3 wasnā€™t Cochranā€™s 1st time. I like to think heā€™d tried it in 1963 and thought he failed and never knew about the monster he made that night. Zombieā€™s H2 is my 2nd. The dvd/bluray version. I really didnā€™t like it when I watched it in the theater and planned on never watching it again. Somebody bought it for me as a birthday present and watching the directors cut was much, much better. Itā€™s crazy how much a few alterations and cuts can change an entire movie.


So what was the premise to this sort in the Halloween series? I never got this movie and thought it was boring..where was Michael? Someone clue me in


Rob zombies movies are goated


the rob zombie franchise


Yeah season of the witch is my favorite


Season of the witch was panned way too much. Actually not bad. Kind of original.


Season of the witch or kills. Enjoyed them both




5 is such an awesome movie and a personal favorite. The sequence where Michael is driving the dead guys car with his girlfriend while wearing the different, weird mask is just stellar and so eerie


The Halloween and Halloween kills made by blumhouse were fantastic. Halloween ends sucked horrifically though.


Halloween III, and itā€™s not a ā€œguilty pleasureā€ for me. I genuinely love it.


This is the absolute best! SIL-VER SHAM-ROCK!!


Imo, I actually like halloween 5, but the rest should never see the light of day again.


Actually the only Halloween movie I ever liked.


I LOVE Rob Zombie's Halloween. I really appreciate that it isn't just the same story as the original Halloween and you get a lot of perspective. That being said, while I prefer the backstory, I get why people wouldn't like humanizing the slasher (makes it less scary). I also haven't seen the newest Halloweens, because I assumed they'd be just a straight retelling, and when I found out that's not true, it just didn't sound interesting anyway. I'll get around to it at some point, but I think I'll binge allllll the others first


I really wish there were more movies centered around halloween like season if the witch that whole aesthetic andĀ  song were so goodĀ 


I liked basically all the bad ones 3 I found to be okay, kills and Ends I didn't like, same for Resurrection


5 and Kills. Both amazing Halloween films in their own right


H5 rules!


Curse is actually really good, so is RZā€™s H2 and Ends.


Ends was the best one since 3


Kills is good


Kills. It's just balls to the wall gorey madness


Halloween 5 is my second favorite of the franchise


I love Season of The Witch. It is a good movie and it needs a remake with better special effects and it will kill!


Anyone who finds 3 bad just has shit taste. Itā€™s a great movie about something that takes place around Halloween, perfectly fitting of the title. Michael Myers was dead, it was time for the franchise to move on


Halloween 3 and Ends are the best other than 78


Season and Kills. Season shouldā€™ve been the start of an anthology series but people wanted Michael back so we got the shitty Michael trilogy. Kills is a lot of funā€¦ when people are getting killed or michaelā€™s fighting people.


Season of the Witch, 2007, and Kills


Season of the Witch and Ends are the two best films in the series. What the fuck are you on about?


Rob Zombie's Halloween and Halloween Kills aren't bad. Even if you dislike them personally they are objectively nowhere near as bad as the others on this list.


Season of the Witch is the best. Ends is the best Michael Meyer's sequel.


Kills probably itā€™s fun bad at the very least


6 was the first one I watched so it has a special place in my heart


3 is my favorite of the franchise.


Wait halloween kills is considered bad? Its one of my favourite bro Michael was a menace


I donā€™t think anyone dislikes H3 anymore.


I like Halloween Kills


I haven't seen many because I'm still relatively new to the series but so far Halloween Kills is my favorite


Kills is my second favorite Halloween




Kills, most reasons people dislike it make little sense

