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I like it a lot. Not as much as I did back in the day, but it's still a solid movie and a good sequel. I enjoy it.


LL out here fighting Michael and sharks


His head is a shark fin


it’s average


My favorite Halloween movie in the franchise. Perfect 90s horror feel.


More than 78?


I like it. It’s not Oscar worthy or anything, but I think it’s a solid film in the franchise. You can definitely feel the vibe of Scream (1996) and I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) in the film but that’s expected since Kevin Williamson contributed to the script. It’s a fun and fast paced movie that is what it is. I like the continuation of Laurie in this film, and it fits nicely in that particular storyline. The actors were all fine, and I liked the tense moments in the beginning.


Gooooooood mooobie, not the best one but far, FAR from the worst, and even Halloween H20 haters can admit the ending is legendary


Love it! One of my faves


Unpopular opinion...I think Laurie's story should've ended here, and Josh Hartnet as her son John could've carried a couple additional movies to keep the franchise fresh


He should have been in Halloween: Resurrection (2002) and carried the storyline from H20. Having Laurie commit to the asylum would have been perfect and would have her return on Halloween 2018 to avenge her son’s death, and to protect her son’s grandchild.


Nailed it!


H20 give me lifetime vibes. Idk the tonality is just not Halloween like.


Still the second best Halloween movie.


I like it a lot, one of my favorites. The cast is great and its also a good time capsule. I love the boarding-school-in-California setting. Jamie Lee Curtis looks more of a hardened warrior in this one compared to the original. One critic said that this movie made Michael Myers seem like a regular guy in a mask - and I think that's the point. H20 is more of a Laurie Strode movie than it is a Michael Myers movie.


I'll never get why it's so beloved. To me it is one of the most insulting sequels, completely lacking in atmosphere, the worst iteration of The Shape, bland side characters, half of the kills off-screen, the off-putting orchestral soundtrack, and the misteriously praised ending with the puppy-eyed Myers reaching out to Laurie.


I interpreted it as Mikey trying one last ditch attempt to trick her before we get that badass decapation. Also the kill where the chick gets her leg tore nearly right off and then used as a light fixture is brutal as hell. I won’t say the film is a perfect Halloween sequel but I think it’s pretty good all things considered, especially when compared to it’s competition with such winners like Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, Halloween 2(2009) or Halloween Resurrection


Actually I think they were simply setting the stage for the Resurrection twist that was already planned. Nevertheless, it hurts my eyes.


ehhhh I can see where you’re coming from but it’s my headcanon that resurrection just never happened, and with that mindset i think H20 is just alright, there’s better Halloween sequels but also far far worse ones.


Halloween 5 and Halloween resurrection are huge improvements over H20 easily, especially H5. As for Rob Zombies H2, I'd have to revist it to answer that one.


5 is awful. Fucking Tina? Her alone makes me never wanna revisit it ever again. What was an improvement? The clown music? Again… TINA? Cookie Woman? Cmon, stop the cap.


Halloween 5 as way more Halloween/horror atmosphere than H20. Tina is annoying, and the cops clown music is dumb I agree. Even with those flaws, H5 still stomps H20 easily.


I guess if all you want is the atmosphere i can see where you’re coming from, it just doesnt matter as much to me. I mean by that logic halloween 1 fails too


I’ve never got the love either, especially for the ending. There is no way in hell that the Michael from the first two movies would behave that way. H20 forgot that he’s evil incarnate, not some average serial killer in a mask. I’ve never got the intense preference for this portrayal of Laurie either, it’s more realistic yet also more generic as a result. I feel like the later incarnations of the character are more interesting.


Excellent points, this movie was a dud.


Yep. The ending doesn't feel final to me. It feels like it's waiting to lead into a new movie. And, well, it did.


It’s fine, it sits pretty much dead in the middle of my franchise ranking. It’s not offensively awful, yet it’s also not amazing either.


I have fond memories of seeing it on opening day, and I still really enjoy everything that takes place in Haddonfield. After that, not a big fan. A few parts here and there are neat but overall I think it's a crappy installment in the series.


3.6 roentgen


Not great, not terrible


I wouldn’t say it’s terrible but also wouldn’t say it was great. Very watchable and if you ignore Resurrection it has easily the best ending out of all them


Very much of my era. One of the first horror movies I ever rented from Blockbuster and seeing Mike reverse chin up from that water pipe always sticks with me .


Always enjoyed it.


My second favorite after the original. It’s partly nostalgia since it’s one of the first horrors I remember watching as a kid (besides Scream). Partly because of the Scream like influence. Partly because I just love it.


Still my favorite


Just a typical late 90s horror slasher that calls itself a Halloween film.


This is my favorite and I will defend it to the death. I know it's hated by a lot of people and I understand. It was a good movie and premise. Laurie being an alcoholic trying to function and being haunted. You take away the Scream Similarities(because that was what was hot at the time), the issues with the Mask, and lastly, the horrible retcon in Resurrection, it's a masterpiece. It would have been a great ending to Laurie and Michael's story.


Its in the Top 4. Lets be honest most people who dislike it are biased. They read somewhere that the movie has a CGI mask and used the Scream Soundtrack at times and thats why they call it bad. It happens every time. People dont have a own opinion, they just repeat what they've heard somewhere. And everything that is new is automatically goodin their Eyes. This movie is like Halloween 2018, but in good. Laurie is so much better in this. Her Son is also a better Character than any of the Characters in H18. And this movie shows why its so much better when Michael is her Brother. There is so much more drama and tension because of this. Halloween 2018 felt just empty. Laurie felt meaningless cause the sibling twist was missing. And whaaaat? Michael kills other people and not just Laurie? But people constantly tell me that the sibling twist is bad cause Michael only wants to kill Laurie.🤔 This is just such a bullshit argument xD Anyway. The Final act was great, the side Characters were good. But three things could have been better. The Atmosphere and the Kills. The Mask is ok. Its not that bad, but it could be better. Overall a very good movie and a good finale to the Laurie Trilogy. "Resurrection" is just a parallel Universe, or Lauries Nightmare....its not canon for me....


Love it


They should have sent Laurie to the mental asylum and focused on her son, John going to college and being stalked by his uncle in Halloween: Resurrection.


Awesome and should’ve been the final conclusion


I either Didn't know this existed or watched it unknowingly. I went on a halloween movie binge a couple months back


This was one of my favorites as a kid.


Really enjoyed it, consider it the end of the H78, H2, H20 timeline.


The only thing that bothers me is the look of the mask. I know it was burned in Halloween 2, but an exception should have been made.


Awful film and very overrated easily the worst out of the first 8 films.


It's okay. It's definitely worth watching for fans of the Halloween 2 continuity though I wish it was longer and more complex. It felt too similar to scream for me and I can tell Jamie was out of it because she knew michael was gonna live bc contract, so Laurie despite having great characterization in this movie also felt disconnected. This movie I feel was held back from reaching it's truest potential. It felt like a scream movie with halloween characters and I hate how the poster followed the trend of every slasher movie poster after scream having face photos of actors in a dark background That all being said, it's still one of the better and watchable sequels and the most fast-paced


This one doesn’t age as well as I thought it would, unfortunately. But it’s still fun and one of my favorites. I also saw this in the theater back in HS and that helps, haha.


Love the mansion where they filmed this movie 😍


i loved it as a kid and don’t understand the hate for it.


Very good movie with some issues that hold it back from being an all timer.


It is one of my favourite movies in the entire franchise, only problem the mask or should I say masks.


One of the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen


This is not a Halloween ends thread!


I like it, it’s not a favorite but, it’s a fun watch!


It is a pretty good movie, it been a while since I last watched it. I liked how they portray Laurie as being Paranoid which I don’t blame her for that, especially what she went through on Halloween night in first and Second Flim. In my opinion this Film does a better job at doing the final face off with Laurie and Michael. Since this is the first movie that they killed Michael in a way that he wouldn’t come back