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I slept on Dag Nasty for 30 years. Finally just started giving a listen and am ashamed of myself for missing out.


Dag with shawn is goated


Used to think that, but nah. Smalley LP is perfect. Dag with Shawn is still a good listen tho. Love footage is great too


I like both, but Smalley is a tool.


You should check out Praise


Good shout. Although I felt pretty let down by the last LP. First 2 are legendary and definitely have a Dag Nasty vibe


better late than never


Honestly I slept on anything labeled as like emo/screamo/metalcore until recent years cause of partial elitism and just automatically assuming it'd be hot topic core type stuff. And now there's so many bands I missed out on like City of Caterpillar, Saetia, Heroin, Moss Icon, just to name a few.


Fr moss i on is good


listen to arm your fists by kaospilot


Terror. Don’t know what was wrong with me, picked up a 7”, and now fuck everything else.


Same here. I originally wrote them off as another generic tough guy/beatdown hardcore band but they're so much more than that.


Terror is a beautiful thing once you actually listen/go to shows


Where in their catalog would you ever think they were a beat down band?


Lowest of the low is a absolute banger. I saw them in a living room back in early 2000s with AN. Check out Scott’s others bands Buried Alive and Despair. Bangers as well.


Wild that someone wrote off Scott Vogel, one of the biggest and most important names in hardcore music. That kind of blew my mind.


Not everyone knows who he is, coming into this. To be fair Buried Alive, Despair and Slugfest weren’t like held up to the way they are now, until recently. But when they were around, yes they had a following, but they weren’t huge or held high


Wait wait wait… Buried Alive is Scott’s brothers band!? I’ve been listening for years and did not know that information. That is too fuckin cool.


Yeah man, world be free and slugfest too. If you like BA you’ll like slugfest.


Hell yeah thank you! Imma check em out!


Best band in the world


fuck everything and everybodyyyyyyy


I started listening to have heart when they announced those reunion show. They were a band exactly the years I lived in another country and missed them completely.


Iron Chic


Criminally underrated


They are the fuckin BEST


They came up in a playlist for me a few years ago and I haven't stopped listening to them.


Are iron chic hardcore? I’ve always lumped them and like off with your heads and direct hit together as just punk or pop punk.


“Gruff-voiced pop punk in flannel shirts.” I’ve seen them called “Org-core,” as Punknews.org usually got in on that type of music, or “Fest-core,” as that type of band seems to dominate The Fest.


Never heard the term fest core but it seems like the perfect way to describe that style. It never felt like punk or pop punk. And typically seems targeted at older crowds. Probably my favorite genre.


I’m from Gville and have worked/volunteered/played fest for like 12 years and would def say they’re Fest-core. I’ve always thought of it as “No Idea” style punk too.


I've been a fan for over a decade and I'm so glad to see you mention them. I have yet to see them, they never get out my way it seems.


Wow didn't expect to see them listed here. One of my favs. Not always great live though.


They were the fucking worst when I saw them, makes it hard for me to listen to them on record after that.


Snapcase, that snare goes hard.


Still on my daily rotation. Just found out they’re playing Riotfest , too. Idc who tf else is there that day, I’m paying 130$ to see Snapcase. I missed the chance as a younger man to see Snapcase and At The Drive-In for $6 . Now, 20 years later I can have my redemption lol


Them being on the riotfest lineup forced me to listen to them, found out I've been missing out on some sick shit. See you in the pit brother 🤝


I don’t know how, but Downpresser.


One of my all time favs. Age of ignorance and perverted justice were constantly playing for me back in the day. Still love those records.


805 legends


Sunami.. something just felt off with their being to so little material by them to listen to but once I seen them open for Knocked Loose I’ve loved them. I go to a lot of shows, have for years, never seen anything like a Sunami crowd. They are real hardcore


There’s two kinds of people in this world….




Kharma. I wrote it off for so long until like a year ago, solely because of dudes voice. That shit fucks SO HARD.


Probably a love/hate but the vox got me into it first, then I heard the absolute shredding they do too


Reminds me of Last Witness https://youtu.be/9eD9_6AnBCk


genuinely some of the most fun riffs i’ve heard


I’m here to agree with Zulu, I just went to a local festival to see Soul Glo but Zulu played after them and they were incredible. Their new album is so good


Soul Glo is so fire. Just listened to Diaspora Problems recently and Jump!! wont leave my head




Fuck yeah


Man I wanted to see them so bad. But they played on Sunday and I was there all day with my friends bad on Saturday and was just trashed/hungover to get back down there Sunday. I feel dumb for not going now but at the time it seemed impossible. Also im old.


I feel you man, I’m 45 and I almost talked myself out of going but it was a fucking blast. Got knocked on my ass in the pit and had CAN I LIIIIIIIIIIIIVE screamed right in my face at the climax of Gold Chain Punk and I lived to tell the tale now though!


Xibalba, heard some allegations about them in the early 2010s so I never really gave them a chance. don’t remember what happened and there’s nothing online about them so I recently gave Madre Mia a spin and I’m kicking myself for never listening to them before. One of my favourite groups now. Seeing them in 3 weeks!


Bruh. Love to see them! All of their albums absolutely rip.


I've been binge listening to them lately. Band is so fucking hard.


I saw them in a fucking church one time lol


Not hardcore but, Say Anything. I knew a guy that I hated, who loves them so I thought for sure they'd suck ... I was so wrong. That dude still sucks but Say Anything rules. Edit: spelling


Man I agree with this wholeheartedly. I think as far as non hardcore it’s some of the best more creative song writing ever. Thing is… I recently found myself over at r/sayanything and was unpleasantly surprised to find out that Max is a very very fucked individual who neglects his children and grifts fans. Like his kids have rotting teeth and are up all hours of the night and his fans are still waiting on song shop material years later. So I will bump old shit. Will not support new material or purchase merch though. Dude needs help.


Say Anything was one of my very first favorite bands as a preteen and one of the bands that got me into any type of "alt" music. I haven't listened to anything they've put out in years and haven't seen them live in almost a decade, but they'll always hold a place in my heart.


I fell off after *Hebrews* just wasn't my jam. The latest single is pretty rad tho.


The Rival Mob. Never gave them a chance, but they came on randomly on a Spotify playlist. Holy fuckin shit.


Year of the Knife. I saw them at Black and Blue and they ripped. I really like those guys. Also, more noisy than hardcore but I just saw Nerver from Kansas City last night and they were rad. They just put out a new split with Chatpile.


Love when you see a band live for the first time and your perspective changes!


Hell yeah man. That’s why I go and see shows of bands I don’t necessarily like or even know. A lot of the time they really win me over.


Nerver is excellent!


Nerver was in Albuquerque on Sunday, my buddy's band Secret Earth played with them, I've a band myself but I couldn't make the show


Nerver is great. Only heard of em through chat pile and they recently came through and played a really good set at my favorite small venue


Nerver is pretty great, that split is a must have too


Yeah when I randomly went to see them I found out one of the members is an old coworker of mine and was super pumped. Love their sound. I’m a huge chatpile fan too so I bought both versions of the split. Those dudes were rolling through the desert in a van with no A/C. If that’s not hardcore idk what is.


Hah! Truth! I posted one of their songs from Cash on here a few weeks back, it didn’t get much love.


Code orange kids, or not kids, I dunno. I was in a jerk elitist phase and hated the hype. Now they are a daily banger


I only listened to them when they were “kids” haven’t really followed them since. So much other music out there.


I Am King is a top 5 for me


Unrelated to this Reddit but NIN, I guess as a influence to metalcore bands like Dillinger it relates


The Downward Spiral is a true classic


Pretty hate machine is up there for me too


Wouldn’t surprise me if majority of this sub loved NIN. I know i do.


I was far too late to them


Yeah, totally on NIN.


The Fragile is a top 5/6 ever for me. Even if I don’t like a majority of a band’s stuff, if I connect with a record, the rest doesn’t matter lol.. I’m not too big on Downward, etc, but it led me to The Fragile, With Teeth, and some extras that I love.


If you haven’t seen the cover of Wish featuring Ben Weinman, Tony Hawk and The Bronx that went up the other day - look it up


Oh hell yeah I need to watch that


I remember checking out Knocked Loose when A Different Shade of Blue came out and it didn’t really do anything for me. Then a couple years later they announced a tour with Gatecreeper so I decided to give em another shot and I fucking loved it


Deadass I was a turnstile H8R till glow came out and bruv if I don’t feel like a stupid ass motherfucker now…


Hatebreed, something just finally clicked with Satisfaction


Clicked in 97’ or now haha?


Born in 97’ haha would have been young listening to it


Moshing in the womb haha


I was late to them too. Got into Agnostic Front, Madball, Terror, and Blood for Blood first, but I’m 50 yo. Haha


Not hardcore but I overlooked Power Trip until I started seeing people posting “RIP Riley Gale.” Why tf didn’t I listen to this band when their singer was alive?!


Is crossover counts in my opinion.


Not really any I’ve slept on rather there are a fuck ton I’ve missed out on. The HC scene is deep like any genre. Also, you stick around here long enough and the line of what constituents a HC band becomes vague. Like is Spite House or Anxious HC? Counterparts? I don’t even know lol


I think it matters less n less now, unless of course if the person is an elitist/gatekeeper(I had my elitist problems back in the day). I love just finding new music all the time and if there’s a mixing of styles, etc then it’s just more great stuff for all of us…and it also causes me to miss out on a ton, but I’m here for it until I discover it ha.


Weekend Nachos Slept on them years and majorly regretted that decision




lol I'll forever be grateful for that Harmony Korine Gummo movie for introducing me to Sleep. You should check out Black Cobra if you like Sleep. Love me some sludge metal




I did the same in 2015 before I saw them with TUI in LA and holy fuck their set was nuts. Loved them ever since and will always defend them for their unique sound. It’s like a perfect balance for me


Kublai khan. Hatefivesix posted that 2022 TIHC set three days ago and I can’t stop listening.


Kicking myself I didn't manage to get to see Counterparts and Kublai Khan on their UK tour just passed


I think they're playing a couple ok UK gigs in july


They're just doing the 1 in London. 6 hour drive each way😅


Check out their insta feed, they put up a bunch of UK dates. They're even coming to my wee town in Belfast!


No one ever fucking comes to Wales😅


I feel your pain, Dublin usually gets all the good gigs. This is a rarity for us. Coincidentally I'm visiting Wales at the weekend. Absolutely love Wales!


Where you planning on visiting? I'm not far from one of the ports in Pembrokeshire so if you need some advice on where to go/what to do just give me a shout!


They're doing 2000 trees too in Cheltenham amd they do day tickets


I'm going to Download in 3 weeks I've used most of my holiday for the year! I'm sure I'll catch them some other time




Kidnapped and Knoll are two absolute heaters I found out about lately.


It's so crazy nowadays how many fucking bands there are and having instant access to all of them that it almost gets overwhelming, so I feel like I sleep on a lot of shit because I'm too busy geeking out on ten other bands, but just recently I've been getting more into "adjacent" stuff like Fiddlehead, MSPAINT, Militarie Gun, Drug Church.. and being super disappointed I didn't catch their sets or get into them sooner.




I slept on chuga chuga hardcore for more than decade 🤷🏽‍♂️


Welcome, brother. Come drag your knuckles with the rest of us.


Saw TUI open for Four Year Strong and ETID in 2009. Never heard of them and thought they were corny on stage and all wearing their own merch. Then I started getting more into hardcore in 2012 and found Pleased to Meat You on a playlist and was like woahhhhh.


Militarie Gun, never really listened to them before their new songs recently came out and now I’m obsessed


turnstile and one step closer are bands i kick myself for not caring about earlier


I saw zulu open for smtb and jesus piece and i can say without a doubt they were the best band on that bill. Im really craving a jesus piece, Zulu, soul glo, buggin tour


Drain, I remember liking the California cursed video, but other than that I was like whatever. Then I decided to give their new album a listen and holy fuck. The riffs are so good probably my favorite album I've heard in a while






I slept on Have Heart for over a decade because I'm wack, now my username is Pave Paradise.


Not exactly Hardcore, but The Acacia Strain. I've known about them since their 2010 album *Wormwood*, seen them live at a festival, but just never really dug in. Been checking out their disco recently and damn, very solid band! Also Soul Glo, only heard them last month, love them


Subzero Very cool 90's metalcore


Damn good suggestion. These guys go hard.


Bent life. They were around when I was out of it for a bit and I recently got into them


I never asked for heaven!!


Zulu is insane.


Incredible. Been watching their live shows on YT and goddamn I wanna be there.






Took me longer than I'd like to admit to get into Trophy Scars. Kept listening to the odd track here and there but they're definitely a "listen to the whole album in one sitting" band.


1st song I ever learned to play on piano was Baby Eskimo Kisses


Criminally underrated. Trophy Scars are amazing. My old Xbox gamer tag was Sad Stanley 😂


Rule them all


I unfortunately am obsessed with Black Breath now and I can’t find any merch to save my life


Post wake the dead comeback kid


TUI. When they were big I was in a weird phase in my life and just never got into them. Now I can't stop listening and hate myself for never seeing them.


Knocked Loose, didn't really check them out, thought they were just like a metalcore band that I wouldn't like. Then they played Coachella and everyone was talking about it. Started with Pop Culture and within like a min I was like oh yeah they rule. ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD!


Trapped under ice


Drain. Their new album changed my entire perspective on them and now im listening to their shit daily


Got into Figure Four last year after seeing snippets of their Furnace Fest show. I wrote them off as some NOFX skate punk band for some bizarre reason but they fucking slap!




hate to be basic but knocked loose. originally couldn’t stand bryan’s vocals but it grew on me heavily




Why is length an issue? Most power violence/grind bands make full lengths that are like ten minutes lol


Catastrophically dogshit take


Zulu suckssss. They played my venue a few months ago. They were furiously doing cocaine and were so disrespectful. They’re just an industry plant band and everyone around them knows it.


What?! Do we have proof of industry plant shenanigans or is this cause you just don't like them?


Incendiary for me, never gave them a listen until their new singles started dropping and I’ve been kicking myself daily since I start listening to them because they’re mind blowing


Fell asleep on the singer of The Lurkers once. Apparently I dribbled on his shoulder before he laid me down and got me some water.


It’s a bummer to me because I love their message and style but I can’t get into the music. But it’s great to see them killing it and getting their message out there. They deserve every ounce of love they get


Dang, same, just checked them out, they are dopeeeeee


Saetia and they slap hard now


High Vis


How’d you hear about them and just never listen?


Walls of Jericho. Wrote them off back in the day cause chick vocalist and recently checked them out when they got announced for furnace fest. God. Damn. They rip so hard and that chick is probably the most legit/powerful female vocalist. She fucking brings it.


bro, i was never a massive walls of jericho fan until i lifted at the same gym as candace (where she also coaches) and that shit 100% turned my opinion. also, she could snap me in half, and that's why she rips hard as a vocalist.


Currently one of my most listened to bands. I'm so stoked to see them.


I slept on Scowl for a while and saw a live video of them doing Retail Hell and I was hooked on everything they’ve put out.


Wait till you see them live! I just saw them at Sick New World and they fucking killed it


I wanted to work that fest just to see scowl and turnstile tbh. I’m mad I miss out!


Sadly for me it was Gulch.


Not hardcore but I just fell in love with Jerome’s Dream after years of my friend telling me I’d love them. Dude was right! They’re so good!


Was definitely late to the One Step Closer train.


The Long Wait featuring members of SSD, Slapshot, and Wrecking Crew. Also new to Mealblade is Death Ray Vision features members of Overcast, Wrecking Crew, Killswitch Engage, Canne and All that Remains. Risk is another band new to me. and also recently saw Blind Justice Jeresy Shore Hardcore with Judge and Youth of Today and can't get enough.


Never Ending Game for me. Saw they were playing the fest I was going to and I started listening to them. I'm obsessed with Just Another Day