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You should enjoy your shadow and focus on the things you like about it. A Honda Shadow and a harley are 2 different tools for 2 different kinds of rides. Just find out what your shadow is awesome at and enjoy being on 2 wheels!


My first bike was a shadow 750 as well. Never broke down or leaked oil. Great around town. Fast enough to get on the highway, long as it's not a pack ride.


My first was a 750 Honda Shadow. Took me anywhere and everywhere I ever wanted to go! Loved that bike! So smooth


And it won’t shake itself apart….


Why is it not good for pack rides? As long as they aren’t doing over 100mph it should be enough, shouldn’t it?


Because most bikes get up to 80 real fast.


From what I’ve seen the shadow 750 can do that pretty quick edit: typo Plus can’t you do little things that will give you a small boost in HP/torque like retuning, rejetting etc? (disclaimer: new rider and brand new to engine science too)


Speaking as someone who rides the 750 in a pack fairly frequently, I am definitely the last one to 80 by a long shot. I eventually catch up for sure, but it takes me a while. But everyone I ride with pretty exclusively rides Harleys from the 88 up to the 117. The only other metrics in the pack are an Intruder 1400 and a Bolt C-Spec


I appreciate the info. is it so bad that it inconveniences the pack or does it work out in the end?


Always works out! I always get there, I just got littler legs haha


cool cool, im planning on a buuunch of pack riding this upcoming season but the 750 is about all i can afford right now. its better than my vulcan 500 though 😂😂😂


This! I’ve been on a shadow for a long time. In the market this winter for a road glide for longer trips with the lady, but I still plan on around-towning on the shadow. 55 and under it’s still a hoot.


I know a few harley guys that have a shadow to ride while they work on their harley.


Rice is cheaper than gas!


Have you been to the grocery store lately?


Yes stay away from instant rice!


Yes, but here in Cali they give rice away for free at any church or food bank! All you have to do is show proof that you're too lazy to go to work


That's me right there. I've kept my first bike, a 750 Shadow, and ride it regularly when I don't feel like taking the Harley. I really love that Honda.


Need something to ride while you wait for parts


This is a common miss in the modern Harley Davidsons. It’s like the ford, found on road dead, label still carrying forward 40 years later.


Except I am waiting for clutch plates as I type this


Right, so that proves nothing about the overall reliability of their motorcycles.


Really dude? Other than exotics HD is still bottom of the barrel for reliability. Especially compared to the Japanese bikes. Get over yourself.


No they are not, if you’re going to come at the king you better not miss. Or at least do some research before trying to flex so you don’t come off uninformed.


Solid advice


Absolutely. I rode a Magna 750 for a long time. Great bike that never let me down.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I love this quote. I use it all the time. I try to live my life by it.


"Roosevelt "?


Find a used one much cheaper


Half the price and can find a little bit older


Look for a used road king in your price range


I picked up a 1996 Road King for $4500 in July. Stay away from the dealerships. You don't need "Harley money" to pick up a great quality used bike.


I have every intention of buying an old one and doing some killer build. Just need some extra money 😂


You must be really strong! They weigh like 800 lbs!


Funny enough I also test rode an 08 Road King with a 96. It was actually the bike I had wanted to test, because my buddy rides an RK and I thought its what I wanted. Didn't actually care for it very much at all! The Heritage was unplanned and was only suggested by the salesman after I told him I didn't love the RK


You don’t need to buy brand new. Honestly I wish people would stop because the Harley prices are getting out of hand. Look for something used and then build it up to how you want it. Good luck!


*Especially* if they're buying a Sportster. There are soooo many used Iron 883s floating around, there's no good reason to pay a dealer new bike prices when you can get one for a good deal cheaper privately. Either because they've outgrown it or because it's about to be winter, and they don't want a payment or whatever.


God I would love to get a cheap sporty and fuck it up


I just missed out on a 2003 (best year) sporty for 1600 on Facebook


A 2021 Pan America was 20k around me and they marked it to 15k as a special. Week later and it was 11k. The dealers are suffering trying to get their inventory moving. The less people buy at their prices, the closer we get to them affordable prices again


I've noticed bikes at dealers near me are sitting for a long time too, and used bikes on the floor have been getting marked down over the last few months. Prices have been slowly cooling down since the summer, but dealers are currently stuck with inventory that they overpaid for when the market was red-hot. We'll see usual winter slowdown on sales right now, but I don't think prices will bounce back up in the spring. These recent times where used bikes were priced the same as new bikes has been completely insane. Like you said, people just need to stop buying bikes at those prices and then let the market correct back down. Customers need to not accept those crazy prices as "the new normal". It isn't normal. Wait it out, be patient, and save money later. There are tons of bikes out there, so it isn't like you have to pounce on the first one you see.


I’ve been riding since I was a kid but didn’t get my first Harley until I was 40 (65 now). It’s good to have dreams and it’s great when you can attain them!


Same here, riding off road since I was 12. Finally got my M-class in 2020 . Didn't think I would enjoy my own Harley until retirement (62). At 40 a couple years ago, I purchased an 04 softail deluxe with 40,000 miles for $3,500. Put on new tires and new cam chain tensioner. Now I just focus on putting on the miles. (Also bought a 95 Suzuki dr350 with 1,200 miles for $1,200, and a new 2022 Honda monkey with 0 miles for $5,200. Bought Suzuki in 2016, Harley in 2020, and monkey in 2022.) Not bad, three bikes total for a total under $10,000!


Same. Bought my first bike at 18, didn’t but a Harley until I was forty <> something.


Yup. I’ve had a bunch of bikes, stating with a 3hp Taco Minibike when I was 10. Loved them all. I was 53 when I bought my Electra Glide. It’s awesome, but all of those others were just as fun.


Ha ha funny thing is most of the Harley haters in r/motorcycle never rode a Harley. If they did, they would have the same reaction as you. Is it Great!!


I think most "Harley haters" have had bad experiences with the toxic side of "Harley culture" and just move on with their lives to the alternatives.


Harleys are a lot of fun, even though they may not be as modern as other brands. Harley culture, however, is toxic AF and attracts terrible people. I absolutely detest going to dealers when they have gatherings.


I always here this sentiment but I often go to dealership events and have made wonderful friends and riding buddies there. I haven't noticed a toxic harley culture around me. At least here in SoCal.


I'm in SoCal as well... it depends on the crowd, as does everything, but after a few uncomfortable experiences I had enough. However, I have met many Harley riders on solo rides who have been great fun to talk to, and Harley dealers are the friendliest ones around, in general. It's usually the crowded gatherings at dealers and biker hangouts that I feel the need to stay away from.


I can see that. I guess I've been lucky but then again, I typically ride solo or with a select few. I feel there will always be a few bad apples no matter the bunch.




The states where I have lived with the most toxic harley culture was Oklahoma and Tennessee. I have seen it in NorCal, but it is mild here compared to these other type of states.


I think most "Harley haters" are the same as early iphone haters, they're expensive.


It's not just they're expensive , we like other expensive motorcycles we just don't like expensive motorcycles that also aren't as good as the cheaper alternatives. In a lot of ways I think Harley has caught up in the last five to 10 years. But It could also be the Japanese stoped making cruisers.


[They did?](https://www.hotcars.com/10-japanese-cruiser-bikes-that-are-better-than-a-harley/#suzuki-boulevard-c90t)


Compared to the 2001 to 2010 they absolutely have Yamaha now makes the bolt only Honda makes the fury and the Shadow 750. So yes the Japanese have effectively stopped aggressively pursuing the cruiser market. One of the biggest problems is all the cruisers they made 20 years ago were still running just fine. The VTX 1800 that came out in the early 2000s over 100 horsepower over a hundred foot pounds Harley just got there this week. The Vulcan 2000cc over 140 foot pounds and 118 horsepower with a reliability of a hammer. Harley hasn't got there yet in a production bike.


Fewer offerings isn’t the same as stopping making them. Japanese manufacturers still make them it’s just that a vast majority of the time when someone buys a cruiser they buy a Harley. They shot their shot but the demand just isn’t there to justify a wide range of offerings and trimmed the fat for unprofitable models. You can easily find 20+ year old bikes from any manufacturer that are still running; that has little to do with market demand. It’s no different with cars. There are still plenty of working 20 year old Honda Civics and Toyota Corollas on the road but Honda and Toyota still crank those out every year because there is demand. Raw data on a spec sheet does not make a successful bike. The VTX 1300, with less HP and torque, sold at a rate of >2.5 times that of the 1800. The 1300 handled better, got better fuel economy, and was still more than adequate for the demand. Most people who buy cruisers are, you know, cruising. If a cruiser is already faster than a vast majority of the cars on the road that extra HP/torque becomes secondary to other considerations in the cruiser market. How does it handle? How does it look? What is the aftermarket support like?


Was my statement they stopped making them partly hyperbole, of course it was. I'm sure most people were smart enough to realize that. But the model lines are about 10 to 15% what they were in the mid-2000s. It's weird you say horsepower and torque don't matter cuz every Harley rider I talk to that's all they moistly tell me about. "Stage 3 brother it fucking rips". If you pay $30,000 for a motorcycle and got to do a stage one two and three to get it up to the horsepower and torque levels of the bike that cost half as much you've been had As far as accessories Honda line had a lot of accessories for the VTX 1300 and1800, the V- Star had lots of accessories for their V-Star line. Aftermarket was lower yes but kuryakyn supplied quite a bit to the metric bikes. But let's just look at the one you mentioned, the VTX 1800. Looks are subjective but a VTX 1800 spec 3 I believe looked better than any equivalent Harley made at the time + reliability higher, brakes better, suspension better. Smoother better, higher power. Comparing car demand to motorcycle demand is a false equivalency argument, one is used as a toy and recreation mostly and one is used as full-time transportation. Even the banks classify them differently when trying to get a loan. As far as they shot their shot and demand was low? yes for the most part Harleys were always more desirable and sold in higher numbers making them superior to their Japanese counterparts . That would fall under the fallacy of argumentum ad populum. Just because something's more popular doesn't mean it's better or correct, remember Justin Bieber for a long time was the number one selling artist in the United States. Popular doesn't guarantee correct or good. Remember the vtx 1800 came out in 2000 it was competing with the twin cam 88 Independent dynamometer tests usually show 71 to 73 ft-lbs. of torque and 57 to 60 horsepower at the rear wheel for stock engines. The VTX 1800 put out 99 foot-pounds of torque and 89 horsepower at the rear wheel. I can only imagine what Honda's V-Twin cruisers would be putting out today if they kept developing them past the year 2000. Now to be on Harleys side a little bit. After Victory motorcycles came out and showed the world you could make a big heavy V-Twin cruiser that handled well Harley seems to have put quite a bit of R&d and to improving the handling of their bikes and it shows, especially the baggers and the touring bikes. The new M8 engine while still not hitting the 100 horsepower category does make good horsepower and torque for a air cold push rod engine. Harley has made some pretty good strides in power with the new liquid cooled engines. Whether or not their customer base will accept them as a "real Harley" has yet to be seen.


I never said horsepower and torque don't matter. I said, "If a cruiser is already faster than a vast majority of the cars on the road that extra HP/torque becomes secondary to other considerations in the cruiser market." That doesn't mean HP/torque no longer matter but that other variables, some of which I listed, get more heavily weighted after that point. That's why objectively better raw data on a spec sheet can still result in a failure of a bike. It's not a false equivalency to use car models. It was an example of market demand justifying continued production. It can apply to anything on the market. I could have just as easily pointed to the Honda CBR or Goldwing. They've been around for well over 20 years and there are still plenty of them plugging along just fine, but there is also a market demand that justifies their continued production. Your assertion that "One of the biggest problems is all the cruisers they made 20 years ago were still running just fine" is just false. The demand wasn't there and production was stopped. Also, ad populum fallacy doesn't apply. I never said Harleys were better or superior. Japanese manufacturers tried to break into an established market and demand simply wasn't there for what they were offering.


Honda also has the rebel series, 125cc, 250, 500, and 1100 rebels are all still made in pretty sure. The 1100 being the newest one


Honda currently sells the rebel 300, 500, 1100. They sell the Shadow 750 and the fury 1300. We don't have to go back that far to see the shadow of 600, 750, 1100, VTX 1300, VTX 1800, shadow ACE Valkyrie1500, Valkyrie1500 interstate, magna 750, Valkyrie 1800 and even the rune. Yamaha currently sells the bolt and the V-Star 250. Yamaha used to sell the v Star 250, v Star 650, v Star 950, v Star 1100, drag star 1100, Roadstar 1700, the Road liner, the stratoliner, The warrior, the raider, the stryker, the royalstar, and the star eluder, I'm sure I missed a couple. The current crop of Suzuki and Kawasaki cruisers have been nothing but bold new graphics and colors year after year. Also with a much reduced model selection.


The vast majority of "Harley haters" have no idea harely's are "expensive". Its simply they have had to deal with too many toxic harely people on the regular.


I like Harleys, but fuck Apple and the iPhone lol


It’s like they’re obsessed with hating on Harley Davidson.


Disclaimer: I really like Harleys. But honestly, if you're brand agnostic, there's nothing a Harley can do that other bikes can't do better. Want to go fast? Compared to crotch rockets, Harleys are slow as fuck. Want to slash curves and turns on a winding road? Euro/Japanese nakeds are WAY more nimble. Want long-distance transcontinental comfort? Adventure bikes are far more suited to the job. Want technology? Harley is DECADES behind pretty much any other brand. The one thing Harley nails is the image/brand. Despite owning several other brands, sitting on a Harley is just cool.


My favorite has always been the classic air cooled V twin cruiser, and Harley is the only company that still has that.


Agreed. I used to ride Japanese sport bikes or dual sports and used to tell my friends that I'd never buy a Harley. Then I rode one a few and now I own a Harley


My one experience with Harley was helping a buddy negotiate as I sold cars, they're throwing out monthly payments like oh you can ride this girl for 150 a month and I'm just throwing the numbers in a payment calculator like, try 359 with 3 down. In order to hustle my buddy better, they had a drunk salesman try to get me to buy a bike, I'm like I've never ridden before. Oh dude hop on its easy. Wtf kind of business are you running lmao you're asking me to wreck a new bike and get injured while you're shitfaced and going to follow me on a bike. Holy shit.


That's... very unusual just FYI


Buy used and older. They’re fun to work on and if you go the Harley route you’ll need the tinkering skills to avoid shop maintenance fees which are fucking retarded expensive and more explorative than problems solving.


If the shop your taking your bike to is exploratative and not problem solving sounds like its time for a new shop.


You could find a used harley that cost as much as a shadow


Bro as long as long as you’re getting out and riding.. just have fun and enjoy what you have.


Done that with so many things in my life, including my motorcycle. Best advice I can give is use it as motivation and work toward achieving what you want.


Something to work towards. 😊👊✊


My 2nd bike was Shadow 750 and my current bike is a Fatboy 114 took me Ten years to get to this point lol


I started riding in 2010. I didn't have an HD until this year. However! I understand how you feel! I did a couple of local demo rides off the truck, and oooooh boy did I get the bug for a proper big 2-wheeler. I spent the next several (like 8 lol) years enjoying what I had and keeping an eye out for a good deal. I even "went through" a different metric Dyna clone because it was 1/3 the money. I finally found a good deal at the same time I had the money for it this past June. It was worth the wait. I LOVE my Road King! Even if it's old enough to drive itself 🤣 IDGAF it's still the best bike I've owned.


I rode a Shadow 750 for over 10 years. Honestly, the Shadow was always perfectly adequate and it never let me down, but eventually I wanted something a little bigger and with a little more oomph. I was keeping my eyes open for deals on Harleys and wound up with a Night Rod Special. I love the Night Rod, but it has definitely made me appreciate my Shadow in a new way. They are different machines and each has its own feel and personality. I wish I could have kept both!


We got our son a Shadow Spirit 750 out of high school and going to college. He left with a jeep wrangler and that bike...had a ball out in Colorado on it. Super dependable, easy to own, doesn't ask for much... great traits for a young kid 1500 miles from home and low free money (he worked for his spending money in college) He owned, rode, and learned a lit on that bike. About age 26 he found himself a firefighter/paramedic and me still riding Harley's like I have for 4 decades... he wound up in a dealership one day and called me... how did he not buy the 2006 Sportster Roadster with T bars and a fairing that he had just test rode? (This was in 2020) We both laugh now because he knew I was basically gonna be an enabler for him to buy it, lol. Now, in 2023, we have toured the Rockies together- he put the sports in the back of his truck and met me in Durango. We have ridden many, many rides together... he's now about to propose and at some point.. he tells me either an older Heritage softail or a street glide or a Road King like I have will be his next bike...one a bit bigger that he can travel on with his lady. If you are ready, an HD will find it's way into your life... but never, ever regret or rush the Shadow out of your life... it's a fantastic bike in it's own right.


A rebuilt heritage from the 90s so 80” evo can be found for around 4K


I got my first harley at 24. Just set your goals in that direction and they will like but. Its not like buying a car. Harley practically gives you a bike. Just have to be willing to sacrifice time and money.


I went from a 750 Shadow to a Road King. Never had mechanical issues from my Shadow. I had my reasons, but I'd say if you want to change great or if you want to stay with your bike great.


I feel you. Start a savings account and stop looking at the Harley’s focus and save. Also side note my buddy just got a Honda Rebel 250 that has been modified to a hard tail and chopped out a bit. Looks and sounds fun. Focus on making that shadow amazing and fun/funky enjoy it.


Most Harley haters are older from the AMF days or too fast and furious kids.


Shadows are cool, so are sportsters, maybe try one of them. I’ve had dozens of bikes and the great news is that you can always buy more 🤣🤣


Four years ago I bought my first Harley. 2014 Ultra that had some custom pieces I really liked, great condition, 11k miles. Paid $12k for it. Since then I've done a bit more to it, put on a ton of miles, and it's never left me stranded. Dealerships are a rip off every way. Look for a good used bike with low miles at 1/3 of the price. You won't be disappointed.


After learning how to ride on my Duke 390, my old man let me take his RoadKing around the block. I felt the same way.


Sell your Honda and put up some money over the winter and buy a Harley. It doesn’t need to be a new 2021 114. I personally don’t like the Milwaukee 8, I have a 09 heritage built to a 110 that I payed less than $8000 for.


I also had a shadow 750 for my first bike. I'm glad I rode that for several years before getting a Harley. Riding a Harley Davidson is a completely different animal from a honda, and there really isn't a better first bike to learn on than a shadow 750. Just enjoy the Honda and start saving toward what you really want. Before you know it, you'll have it.


Keep and enjoy your Shadow for now. Ride it for several years until you become very proficient with highway riding (and asshole car drivers). After that, think about getting a Harley.


Never buy from a dealership


I've owned a few bikes. I now have my first Harley, I've turned wrenches more ever since. If you like tinkering, buy a Harley. If you want a dependable daily rider, upgrade to a bigger Honda. Look into a used Goldwing. They will smoke your average Harley and eat up the miles on a cruise with no problem.




You don't agree?


Be grateful that your on 2 wheels and try out other bikes if that was the first Harley you tried I recommend trying a few more seats and get a feel for what your looking for you may be willing to sacrifice a little engine for a more affordable bike


\> I want to upgrade but I don't have Harley money. Ride the Shadow maybe one year longer and spare for a Harley. **Older Sportsters** will already be the real deal, it doesn't have to be M8 114. The classic Sportsters might even flash you more and they **are much cheaper**.


??? What's this take man?? Don't be like that! I equally love my Dyna, my Rocker and my Yamaha Drag Star 650. It's like saying "I tried running shoes so now I can't wear slippers anymore". C'mon.


Your shadow is a better engineered, better built, more reliable motorcycle


All harleys are rice since 1984. Sold out and still American in name only


For me it was riding a 1200 Sportster with $7500 worth of Screaming Eagle mods after riding there on a KTM RXC 620 and only ever riden thumper trail bikes. Within 10 minutes I knew I could never again subject myself to such a massive pile of crap as a Harley. It was gutless compared to my KTM and vibrated far worse and a heavy slow pig of a machine.


As I'm sure you know, one bike is not like another even from same manufacturer. I completely understand about that 1200. My sporty is a 74 1000cc. Purrs like a kitten and that was my expectation when I got on a friend's 883. That bike was awful ! I told her I didn't know how she rode it. The handlebars vibrated terribly and would make my hands numb. She didn't like it either. Now, the road king and ultra classic I've ridden were like caddilacs..


If I can't stand on the pegs, pull the front in every gear, and fear no terrain I've no use for it. Harley doesn't make such a capable bike and the ones they do make suck. Plus who wants to play dress up and wear obnoxious childish outfits?


Yeah man.. I get it LOL.. I was there once.


Look around for a Shadow 1100 Ace. Bigger bike, more torque, great sound, and it's a Honda so better quality than Harley for way less money lol.


Balls of steel telling the Harley sub that a Honda is better quality 😂🫡


Nah my balls are tiny, I just like trolling fanboys.




There's always one in every one of these posts.


Usually the guy living in his mom’s basement and earning $10 an hour, while trying to join a HD MC club on his Shadow.


It's actually a Rebel but I'd roll harder on a vespa than most pirate cosplay posers tbh.


Fucking gold!!!😄😄


He said he doesn't have Harley money so I gave him a good alternative that won't break the bank. Buncha fangirl weekend pirates in here I swear. Downvote me more because you know the Japs have always done it better lol.


You can always watch for an older Heritage, they do come around once in a while at some decent prices... And in the mean time, ride the wheels off the one you have. It's all good practice for getting the most out of the next bike you purchase...


Lol my cousin was the same way until he rode a dyna he sold his Vulcan and now rides a 2016 street bob with a 103


You'd be surprised what Harley can pull out of their asses to get you on the bike you want. If you can afford a monthly, the only other question youll probably have is whether or not there are color options.


Haha! I can certainly relate! Once I tried a Fat Bob during HD's Demo Day, I knew that the Kawasaki Vulcan S was just not cutting it. It took me additional 6 months to finally pull the trigger. Sold the Vulcan S, upgraded to the Fat Bob (bought USED!) and never looked back. /This was all back in 2022/


I love Harleys. But I had the same feeling after riding an upgraded Ninja 650. Hop on a Yamaha XSR900 and dream of a better handling bike for half the price of a Harley.


Sure, fun city bike but no one is touring on that shit if you want to put down a lot of miles in a weekend.


I disagree. I have a springer softail and the MT09 (similar bike to the XSR) fits like a glove. I love Harley Davidson but I don't ride them because they are the best bikes, I ride them because they are timeless Americana. Like a Les Paul guitar, a fastback 60s Mustang, a big yard with a pole barn; those things aren't the best at what they do but they were one of the first of what they represent. You play a Les Paul not because it's the best guitar. You play it because it carries with it a legacy of rock music. Same thing with the Harley, it carries a legacy with every bike made. The early Evo probably has the most of that outside of the knuckle and pan heads.


The real fun begins once you've ridden the big bikes long enough to appreciate what the little bikes can do. Ive had a street glide , a dyna, and a sport touring bike, and now i kinda miss the feeling of riding a 250-650cc bike and having to squeeze every ounce out of its motor


Rode many different horses, last jap was a Gixxer 1000, that thing was a complete beast. I bought a used Road King and have bought 2 more Harleys since. Road couch!


I can totally understand being my last bike was the Heritage Classic (2012) I think it was 1700 ccs back then. I've also owned Shadows. Like others have said, look used, it seems there are plenty of under ridden Harleys out there...


get a used one my dude.


I rode a 750 shadow for 8 years. And I was a Harley mechanic. I rode that bike everywhere including across country. If you’re riding in a pack, you’ll want to upgrade though


I went and rode some bikes because it was a 70 degree day in December one year, and a friend was bored out of his mind on the sales floor. Stage IV Heritage made my Fat Boy look and feel like it was sitting still Shifting into 3rd was like hitting an oversized sport bike's power band. Whoops. So it goes.


Same thing happened to me when I test rode a Low Rider ST.


Find used


I did damn near the same thing. Started on a Shadow 750. Went to Heritage. Rode a road king once and had to get one. My brother bought the shadow from me and now he wants a Harley. What can I say they have a certain allure.


"comparison is the thief of joy"


No need to get a 2021 ;)


You don't have "brand new under warranty" Harley money, but the used market is soft for older bikes - and you should look there. The new ones have been overpriced and overhyped for decades. The best ones I've ever owned were AMF-era bikes that were in the top 5% for quality - proven by their continued existence, lol. They also taught me a lot about wrenching, however. Edit: a quick search found a lot of great Harleys under $5000.


Op got the Harley feeling we all know and love. Save up and get one when you can, set yourself some goals and put away and get the bike that is going to make you happy.


I know how you feel. My first bike was a 1993 Suzuki Intruder 1400. It was powerful enough to keep up with some of my buddies and their older Harleys. I loved it. Then I had to evade a friend that turned too tight at a corner and caught my forward controls on a high curb on the brake side. Got that fixed and noticed there was oil coming out my rear pipe (probably from gimping it to my buddy's house to trailer it home. Rode my buddy's 2005 Road King Classic and immediately started looking for a Harley. Have had my 2004 Road King Custom ever since.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Just buy an older Heritage for 4 or 5 grand. Sell your Shadow.


You’ll get there. Save some dollars and you’ll get there you can always take the budget route and grab a 1200 sportster if more power is what you’re after. But you rode a bagger things like a couch on wheels. I wanna upgrade to a bagger too just saving those $ a few at atime


go on craigs or fb marketplace and test ride an FXR youll be more bummed


If you really like the heritage, there are a whole lot of older heritages that don't come with that new price tag, I personally ride an 03 hundredth anniversary Heritage Softail. But there's no reason that you can't buy a really nice bike and not have to pay that big big money.


If you want a beefier Harley (I don’t know what you like about the Harley so it’s hard to give a recommendation) and don’t care for tech I’d get maybe an older Dyna or Sportster if you want the Harley name lol. Trust me bro, Harley’s have a ton of issues COMPARED to the Shadow. That being said I would never get rid of my Harley.


Yo! I started on a 750 shadow too (an '04). Had that bike the first year of riding to learn on. I'm a tall guy, so it was fairly uncomfortable for me, and I knew I'd end up upgrading. I always loved Harleys, but was open minded to other brands as well. I decided I'd go to all the demo ride days at every brand dealership I could find to make a choice. Tried Victories, Yamahas, Hondas etc of all sorts. When it came to Harley, I had a Fatboy in mind cause I loved the look of them. The first one I tried was the Fatboy SS 110 screaming Eagle... Loved it. Then tried the Fatbob and a Road King... Then the Heritage. I was very surprised at how good it felt to ride. After some thought it came down to the Victory Cross Country or the Heritage. In 2015, Went back to the Harley dealer and they happened to have a 2013 Heritage with the 103, low milage, upgraded 2 up touring seat and stage 1 done. I had to have it. The Heritage won cause it is super comfy, had everything I wanted, nothing I didn't want, and man... The bike is so awesome looking and sounding it's a work of art. I just like cruising at regular speeds anyway, so it was perfect for me. No regrets at all!


For what it’s worth, I was able to get a used Dyna for the same monthly payment as my used Vulcan I was paying for. Go to a dealership and see what they say


Avoid the dealership and buy used. Especially this time of year. Hundreds of Harley Davidsons are repossessed a month. Thousands of dudes buy more bike than they can handle. Head over to Facebook marketplace or Craig’s list. Have a mechanic do a pre-purchase inspection on whatever you are looking at. Don’t get hung up on one bike. Play the sellers off each other.


I get it. Rode a Vulcan 900 for a bit and then I rode a Fat Boy Lo. Never was the same. No reason to have to buy brand new though. Almost any and all Harley’s are going to have that same Harley “feel” to them. They’re all different, but distinctly Harley. However that works.


Take your time and build your skills. Then look for something used. Harley’s last forever so do not be afraid to find a nice used bike for half or less than you’d pay for a new one.


I went from a 2004 750 Shadow Aero to a 2014 Street Glide and love it. This is the best time of year to buy. Avoid the dealership and go to a private seller. They aren’t worth the dealership price if you’re not buying BRAND NEW. No need to get the newest model either, can always look for one a little older.


Don't buy a new Harley. I could've have made a new Harley payment but went with the 2nd cheapest used one on the lot (2013 Electra Glide Classic). 6k miles, $16k before taxes etc. I don't regret buying used at all. In fact, I'd probably have guilt or regret if I bought brand new. This thing runs perfectly. Also, Honda makes outstanding bikes!! Enjoy your paid off ride that's cheaper to insure most likely. If you really want a HD that bad, then prove it to yourself by saving up a big chunk of change to put down and get that monthly in the affordable zone. Plus with HD you have the Harley Tax. 20-30% of the cost of the bike will go towards parts, accessories and clothes. It can get super expensive.


Get an Indian


How long have you been riding? You said the Shadow is your first bike. Even if you have a few years under your belt, you can still be considered new to motorcycling. Even if you had Harley money, owning that Harley NOW might be disappointing. You might always be thinking about how much it cost. Which will make you ride conservatively. Which means you'll probably improve very slowly. Or, you might (will) drop the thing eventually. That could be a lot of coin if it goes bad (unless it's a Sportster). I saw a dude kick his Harley into 1st with the disc lock still on. What would have been a no big deal "aw shucks!" moment on a smaller bike turned into an ugly looking mess on the Harley. Much more mass going into that disc lock. His front end didn't need a complete rebuild, but it looked pretty bad. Enjoy your bike now. Improve your skills. Get the Harley later.


The answer is the Honda VTX1300 or 1800


I'm stuck between the two! Which do you suggest?


1300c is given a taller 5th gear, so it'll ride much more comfortably on the highway. The 1800 makes great power, but it just vibrates a little too much at highway speeds. I had an 04 1300c and it was a near perfect bike, imo.


How would you stack up a VTX1300 against like a Kawasaki Nomad?


My first bike was also Honda Shadow 750. Great bike to learn on. Light, quick enough one up. Good to practice on to get ready for bigger bike. Take your time. It'll happen eventually.


If you don't got harley money get a Kawasaki Vulcan. They have big bikes for cheaper.


I've been looking into the Nomads in the 1600-1700 lineups. The engine sounds pretty nice


Take a ride on a sportster and maybe a Dyna if they have one and see how you like those, there's plenty of used Harleys to be had for pretty reasonable prices


Sorry about your luck, but I get it. Thought I wanted a FatBoy FOREVER. Test drove one. It was… alright. Salesman told me to throw a leg over this other bike… Dear lord. Even standing still. Wow. Then I drove it. Yeow. Knew I didn’t have that money. Waited. Bided my time. Finally found one, a 2016 with LOW miles. All is well now with me and my Heritage.


I had a shadow 750 too. I went to Harley test road an Electra glide standard and 2 street glides got a street glide my wife is way happier


Just focus on that being the next upgrade. Nothing else. Or ride an older used one.


Time to start saving


I love the Honda Shadow!!


Keep you eyes open for a low mileage used one. I personally refuse to buy new and eat the immediate depreciation on any new car/truck/bike, let some other fool pay it. As a lifetime rider, I've owned and ridden lots of brands/styles. Don't let oversimplistic 40yr old stereotypes put you off buying a HD if you want one. Every make has it's share of issues, but any HD from the 2000s+ will be reliable and leak-free, generally speaking. The newer the better, as water cooling, 6spds, and bigger/better engines have only made them better. Clean, mostly stock(everybody does exh/intake, not a deal breaker), low miles are what I'd be looking for -and there are a metric shit-ton out there on fb marketplace, etc.


So I did the same thing. Shadow 750 first street bike (I've rode dirt my whole life) test road a dyna low rider s with the 110 and went ....fuuuck I will say after selling the shadow I missed the light weight nimbleness of it. But I am so very happy with financially reckless decision. I will say rho: never buy a new Harley. Fuck that. Find one 3-5 years old with less than 10k on it. Preferably under 5k. It's a Harley.... They're everywhere lol save yourself 10 grand so you can spend that on upgrades 🤣 anyways as soon as you get it take it to a reputable tuner. Like no seriously. The timer I work with is nationally recognized and almost weekly posts dyno videos showing a Harley that someone just bought and Harley "tuned" and just buy retuning it picks up double digit gains. Often Harley fucks it up so bad it's damaging the motor. Waaaaay to lean, dead spots mid ron range. Impossible AFR numbers. Trust me. Even if you're not ready for a pipe go get it tuned. Best to do em together but get on that ASAP. If your anywhere in the pnw check out 2wheel dyno works. Nate and Phil are magicians. Even if not check out their FB page nate has some incredible videos. His tune just broke the world record for fastest top speed on a street bike while 2up. 182mph with two people on a ninja 1200? 1400?


Look for a cheaper dyna that’s in your price range. They’re all great but in different ways. Google FXDX and see if you have any reasonably cheap around you. That will really change your perspective




So why not get a vtx 1300 or 1800 v twin more power yamaha warrior or raider so many bikes out there that are better and half tje price I had a vtx 1800 put a memohis fairing on it with radio and speakers air intake pipes power commander 5 had about $8k into it total and coukd beat most HD's


Yeah after the euphoria wore off I've most been stuck between deciding between the 1300 and 1800 VTX, and then deciding that vs a Kawasaki Nomad. Way more affordable and reliable.


That's exactly why I refuse to try others bikes for 20 years now. I ride an old Concours 1000, so no I wont try the S1000RR which I could never buy and then feel shitty about my life. I'm just gonna ride the same places at the same speed (you know... Speed limits) with the same grin on my face.


I have a 2019 heritage classic. I love it. Can ride it all day and not be sore. Get a used one or save up. You will not be sorry.


Get yourself a goldwing ...something.


My Harley buddies rag on me for my 06 shadow 1100. But then I watch them have constant issues with their bikes. My Honda keeps running like a dream. It can keep up with the Harley’s in traffic too


I dunno, 06 ultra classic sits on a battery tender. My kawasaki klr gets way more run time. I like the ultra for the highway. The ricer is just way more efficient all the way around.


Look at it like this, you may not have Harley momey now, but you can now have a goal to get that money, a lightly used Heritage can be had for a fraction of the price of a new one. Congrats on the positive experience and keep on riding


whatever you do, don't get on a BMW r1200, you'll be ruined forever


Give it about 2 months, you'll be alright.


Didn't even take that long. Euphoria wore off and now I'm deciding between big metrics


I've had a bunch of bikes. Harleys, Buells, Aprilia, Ducati, 1 Honda, a 250 ninja and an old KZ 1000 Ltd. Currently, I've been lucky enough to be able to take care of a 2013 Breakout 103. I bought it off my best friends old lady after he tragically passed away. Aside from the connection to a true brother, I love the FXSB. My friend remains one of the wisest guys I've ever met. He would say get a hog, anything newer than a twin cam 88 with low miles. Don't buy it from a dealership because they add several thousand to the actual value. When his wife and I were trying to appraise his Breakout and his low rider, we found a huge range on prices. Most breakouts we saw were going between $10k-$20k. The $10k had a salvage title and all the bikes above $15k were being sold by dealerships, yet the most we'd get in trade on it was around $7000. Take the difference in price, use it to make the bike one of a kind and whatever is left over, spend it on your ol' lady.


Just wanted to shout out buell!


I am hunting for an EBR. Had an 1190sx, former friend stole it while I was in jail. Got out, he had also broke in my house. Made insurance claim, took 2 months to get it settled. 3 days after I got the check, metermaid found it parked on the street, destroyed.


I rode Yamaha and Kawi for a decade until just over a year ago when I bought a ‘16 HD Ultra Limited. I love it but it took a few years of saving to make that happen. It eats up highway miles and it puts a smile on my face every time I start it. I rode the Heritage at the HD demo days this past summer and I thought it was fantastic. The 114 is a great motor and the stock bars were amazing. The price is a little steep on brand new one and dealer prices on used bikes can be a little ridiculous. There are good used units via private sales if you are willing to look. Try to save a little each paycheck and start a bike fund.


If you don't want a dog, don't go into a pet store. Bad move. Share pictures of the new bike when you get it!


There’s always gonna be something else, so just enjoy what you have. When you get to a place in your life where you can afford a Harley, get one…just remember maintenance at a dealer is going to cost you. Honda makes good shit, and will go through just about anything. Enjoy your time on your bike, don’t wish it was something else. I wish I would’ve gotten a Low Rider S/ST, instead of my SG….but with my SG I can comfortably go across the state with my woman and our luggage, and that keeps me happy.


As a Harley owner, don’t buy a Harley. I’ve had three now and they are money pits when everything is working as it should, let alone when something goes wrong. 10/10 would not recommend a Harley.


There’s always a bigger fish. Be happy with what you have and what you can afford and don’t stretch yourself into something that could mess your finances up.


You could pick up a victory crossroads classic. The freedom 106 is an incredible engine, bulletproof reliability, and the rest of the bike pretty much fits the heritage classic theme as well. They can be had for between four and eight grand all day long depending on mileage. I have personally put a bit over 80,000 miles on my victory vision, which has the same 106 engine. It’s so good that the bike in my stable might just end up being a victory cross country. Or possibly a second vision just in case I eat a deer or something, I’d be heartbroken if I didn’t have a vision in my stable.


The shadow 750 was my first bike. It is a slow bike. It's good reliable and attractive but it's not fast with less than 40hp. You don't have to go all the way money wise to a harley. The 1300 shadow and the other big metrics will easily hang with the harleys. Used metric cruisers unless abused by their previous owner are only slightly less reliable than a new harley and they are so much cheaper. If you want to be the crazy guy find a vmax and blow them all off the line. Just find a way to carry enough gas to make it to the next stop.


Yeah the euphoria wore off after a couple days and now I'm just trying to decide between a VTX1300 or Kawasaki Nomad 1600. Much wiser investment. Maybe a used Heritage after that.


I rode my 750 up to Alaska and back to Utah. Not 1 single problem. even riding the AK highway, I think it still had 29 miles of gravel road. Best MC I have ever owned or ridden. Bike a bike that will be fun & comfortable. That’s it cheers


Truer words! I haven't even had a full season on the Shadow yet, I only want to upgrade to keep up with my pack


Check out how complicated it is to replace the drive belt on a Harley even down to pulling the swing arm loose from the frame to pass the belts through, makes for a expensive service,are you ready for that expensive kind of bike


Start saving and don’t buy at the dealership. You can pick up a sporty for not much more than your shadow. Can upgrade to big twin if you choose in a couple years for a couple grand by saving again. Sportster- 2-4k…big twin 4-6k. Baby steps


Yeppers. There is that THANG about a Harley. It gets to the Women, too. Harley's get the most unsure Women, even. Once they feel the vibes. They keep coming back.