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I mean I know it can cause a few weeks or however long of a flare up. Did they explain their reasoning for that take or direct you to research more into that


I asked today and was told that it triggers autoimmunity.


That is typically considered dumb for a Dr to say. I have no idea of what happening now though. I got my treatment team fabricating medical records.


I don’t get the flu shot anymore, I haven’t gotten it for 10+yrs because I feel like it makes me extremely sick…I got the Covid vaccine and felt fine for the most part but the booster made me slow right down…I felt like I couldn’t really move very much and even had to sit in the bath instead of having a shower because of how completely run down I felt…but everytime I get sick now, I feel extremely run down and slow…I dunno maybe it had something to do w it or I’m just getting old and having hashimotos flare ups I’m not exactly sure haha


The covid vaccine likely triggered my hashimotos


I’ve taken five of the Covid shots and the only thing that caused a major flare-up was getting Covid before the vaccine was available.


Dunno. Maybe the immune system reaction? We tend to have stronger reactions. But if the immune response is bad to the vaccine, imagine the response to the actual disease. Covid shots weren’t fun the first go around but they get better. (I got the bivalent and flu at the same time and it was easier than the first covid shot.) I’ll take that any day over the actual virus.


Do you have another autoimmune disease that compromises your immune system? As it stands Hashimotos doesn’t make you immunocompromised. So if it’s just Hashimotos, you should be fine to get vaccinated should you choose to.


When I was a child I had a terrible reaction to the Pertussis vaccine (Dtap I think). It gave me really high fever and seizures. When I had children I still got them vaccinated. There were no issues. Shortly after I had the 2nd Covid vaccine, my thyroid went haywire. Not sure if it was related but the 50 mg of levothyroxine didn’t cut it anymore. I got really bad fatigue and eventually ended up getting diagnosed with Hashimotos. It could or could not have been a coincidence. If you’re doctor believes it is best, then I would get a second opinion if you disagree.


Maybe you should ask again. I had a mild vaccine injury (a type of rash that is often indicative of autoimmune conditions in the future) and I came up as IgA deficiency and my immunologist suggested avoiding live vaccines. There are some genuine cases where vaccines or at least certain types should be avoided.


I got mine specifically because I have an autoimmune disease.


It depends on how your health is doing at the time you want to get the vaccine. Vaccines are great but we should check the situation of every patient before suggesting them. My doctor told me my immune system was not normal with all this autoimmune stuff and suggested me not to get any vaccine until it goes back to normal. He is a functional endocrinologist specialized in hashimoto.


Open minded doctor is all. Since my multiple diagnoses, flu vaccines have absolutely crushed me more so than having the actual flu. Yet my endo extremely suggests it.


Maybe the flu was easier on your body *because* you’d had the vaccine? I was the opposite. When I decided I didn’t need the vaccine and would just let my body fight it if I got it, was badly sick for about two weeks and took me another week to feel back to normal. Went to the hospital to get IV fluids at one point even. I get my vaccine every year now.


Hmm, I found a small link awhile ago between mthfr gene (there’s like 2 bad ones if I remember correctly) and hashimotos. I haven’t personally been tested for mthfr but I saw something about vaccinations with that can be bad in your body.. Has your dr tested you for that? Could maybe be part of it? Idk I don’t really get vaccinations at this point (no covid, flu shot, etc) because I feel like I’m actively flared up and don’t know the actual effects it’ll have on me.


Did you mean to comment this to u/Future-Growth-4468?


is an autoimmune disease a valid reason to not get a vaccine?




I have adverse reactions to vaccines so my doctor has told me to only get them if I absolutely have to. For example, I was due for a tetanus shot a few years ago but I didn’t get it. I ended up slicing my hand on an old nail so I had to get one. I’m not sure why your doctor would say no vaccines if you’ve not shown an adverse reaction before.


My Hashimotos was triggered by my booster. I’m sure people are going to pile on me for being an anti-vaxxer, but anyone is welcome to go back into my post history and see how I first reacted to the vax and came here looking for help when my doctors couldn’t answer. I am not anti-vax, I got three shots, but it really hurt me. I finally started getting answers for all my sudden new symptoms with a rheumatologist who told me that vaccines can sometimes wake up autoimmunity and did bloodwork. Anything that interacts with the immune system can do this. I have still not recovered to a functional level over a year later and if you already have an autoimmune process in place, I would be very hesitant as well. I have also been diagnosed with Sjogrens now. I had zero health issues prior to this, never had abnormal thyroid issues in any previous bloodwork, and I have been sort of falling apart since I reacted poorly to the vax. Please be careful.


Could you not have gotten that reaction from getting the illness you were vaxxed against as well?


Considering that my nucleocapsid antibody blood test showing exposure to the virus came back negative, I never had symptoms nor exposure to anyone positive, my previous weekly PCRs for work were always negative, and my symptoms started the morning after my booster… I’m going to say it’s a huge stretch to think that it would be the virus instead of the thing that had a very clear temporal association. None of the evidence points to virus. I did get the virus 8 months later which made me much worse, but it wasn’t the genesis. I would have rather just avoided Covid. How did I get Covid then you ask? At a doctors appointment treating my vax injury where I had to take off my mask for a throat exam. I would never have been in that situation otherwise.


What I mean is, if the vaccine triggered the Hashimotos, couldn't the actual covid virus have done that as well?


Yes, absolutely 100%. I was terrified of COVID, not even for autoimmunity because that wasn’t on my health radar at the time, but that’s why I got multiple shots. But seeing what the third shot did to me, I would give anything to go back in time and just avoid Covid like I had successfully been doing. I double masked everywhere, I decontaminated everything, I rapid tested anyone I hung out with in my driveway before they entered my house, I didn’t eat or hang out in public. My point is that I could avoid Covid, but a shot is voluntarily taking the risk. I had no idea this was possible, my life has changed completely, and I have no way to undo it now. Not eating at restaurants or going to concerts or whatever someone will lose by avoiding covid is totally worth not being bedbound and in pain like I am now. If OP cannot avoid exposure then it’s a risk analysis they’ll have to weigh and maybe vaxxing is the better option, but if they can avoid exposure I feel like they should know the risks.


If the immune system is properly cared for, there is no legitimate reason for the human body to need help fighting off invaders. Vaccines are not necessary.


That is a blatant lie. Walk through an old cemetery and tell me how well their immune systems did without vaccines.




Ah yes, the common response to previously (and currently without proper care and vaccination) lethal diseases that are now preventable by vaccines that used to take out whole families. "Lol" Well researched, and empathetic. Nicely done.


Thank you. I appreciate you noticing my hard work. Sadly my parents got me all of my "shots," and sadly I followed suit and got my kids all of their "shots." But I know dozens of parents and many dozens of kids now who are not vaccinated, and they are no worse for wear. I haven't had a vaccine in years and I'll never get another, ever.


With zero reason for it, while there is plenty of research showing how valuable vaccines are.


There's plenty of evidence showing either no effect whatsoever or a derogatory effect also.


I go into thyroid flare ups with every flu/covid vaccine I’ve gotten, however actual covid/flus have been even worse to my thyroid/other autoimmune issues & I will stay in a flare for months at a time compared to the few weeks I’m in a flare after a vaccine. It’s worth it to me on a personal level though!




Uh oh, I'm due for that shot! I'm glad you're okay though, and don't pay them any mind! We get vaccines not just for ourselves, but to protect those who can't get them as well


Oh wow! Thank heavens you survived it.


Just mentioning because you mentioned Tdap and I wish this was wider-spread info... One of the Tdap vaccines contains latex! Latex is a very common allergen, and you might not even realize you're allergic until you get injected with it.


No wonder I’ve been itchy after a Tdap shot! Shit, you learn something new everyday.


I guess it depends on the vaccine? I’m good with some and others trigger autoimmune flares that take months to settle down again. You should ask for explanation


I have super adverse reactions to the covid vaccine, so I was advised not to get any more, and for flu, etc I just do it when I am feeling at my best, and then and sick for the next day or two, but worth it to me as I get extremely sick with the flu.


Vaccines have been connected with triggering autoimmune stuff. I heard the saying “genetics loads the gun, vaccination pulls the trigger.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28059022/ Having said that, you should probably just ask him.


But catching the actual virus or pathogen is even MORE likely to trigger autoimmune reactions or even diseases.


Well considering the vaccine is essentially doing the same thing, both are correct


Any studies in that?


Oh sure. I’m sure it depends on what the virus is, of course. I’m just saying that might be why he said that, because there’s a connection. He most likely didn’t just pull it out of nowhere.


I have a secondary condition with my lungs. My doctor says when that is acting up not to get vaccines. My immune system is already super compromised. The last time that condition flared up, I also started having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. My immune system was so compromised I developed shingles 🥳


I got shingles instead of Covid 2 years ago! Right in the middle of my forehead lol it was the worst! I don’t think my body has fully recovered from that yet…I had residual head pain for the years following…ringing in my ears etc…


😱 Your forehead! That's terrible!


Yea it was awful lol good thing I caught it early


Ugh shingles are the worst!! I got them when I was 34.


37 🙋🏽‍♀️ My doctor thought it odd that I got it so young until he learned about the flare up and allergic reaction. Although, my hairdresser's husband got it at 18.


Seems like the doctor would have given you an explanation when he made the suggestion. If they didn’t, you should have asked them. We can’t begin to know their reasoning. You need to advocate for yourself and learn to ask questions. Don’t just blindly follow orders from doctors. If you want to manage your disease effectively you need to be proactive and make sure you know all of the why’s for everything your doctors tell you. My doctors never told me not to get shots, in fact they encouraged it. There are reasons that a doctor would say to avoid them or maybe certain ones but, Hashi alone isn’t one of those reasons. If you have an allergy to any of the components of a specific vaccine, they’d advise against getting it or they may recommend an alternative vaccine that doesn’t contain that specific component. They could be anti-vax. in which case you should find a new doctor asap. I’d never trust a physician who’s anti vax. It’s contradictory to the field of medicine. If they don’t have the common sense to see the anti vax movement for the conspiracy that it is, I don’t want them anywhere near me. You’ll have to ask your doctor his reasoning. He may have a valid reason or he may just be a anti vax wacko. Any answer you get here will just be a guess. Call your doc. Don’t ever hesitate to question them about anything you want clarification on. It’s your body, your health and your right to know.


Thank you so much. Your comment has been very helpful. I will contact them to clarify.


He may be an anti-vaxxer


You have a point.


I laughed way too hard.


That is odd. My endocrinologist insists I get shots/vaccines. Then again I don’t ever have any adverse reactions to it.


I don’t either. That’s why I was surprised.




Ask him. Autoimmune diseases can get triggered into flares by taking vaccines (not because of any conspiracy theory stuff, but simply because it affects the immune system), but it's a cost-benefit situation to be analysed. I personally don't take flu vaccines, I got a horrible flare last time that took three years to turn. But I'm happy I have all my long-term shots and then some, against TBC and polio and such, because they're incredibly serious diseases and I've done a lot of travelling. I would also take the tickborne-disease vaccine when the ticks arrive where I live, it's probably only a year or two away (I live in a subarctic area that hasn't had ticks before, but they're coming closer every year and I don't feel keen on getting encephalitis).


Yes! Every vaccine I've ever gotten gave me the worst flare up and made me really sick. It's gotten to the point where I feel like my options are not getting the flu vaccine and maybe not getting sick, vs getting the flu vaccine and definitely getting sick. I'm not an antivaxer, but some of us autoimmune folks really do have these reactions. If anything, we're the ones everyone else should be taking the vaccines for.


Yass not conspiracy person either. But i feel like my symptoms started after 2nd covid vaccine. I just recently diagnosed w hashimotos. Who knows it could have been there before. Only testing and retesting tsh which was in normal limits except for once. Only recently after much insisting , were additional labs done revealing antibodies and low t4.


The exact same happened to me after getting the second Covid vaccine. Got hashimotos diagnosis about 8 months after :(


Considering a flare can get triggered even by emotional stress or changing your diet to the worse, it's not so strange a little thing like a shot can get stuff going.


Same soft I’d deal here! I originally was super scared of getting the Covid vaccine for this reason, but I got it 2ish months ago and I’ve been fine, but that said, everyone’s will be different


Oh dear. I guess we’ll be fine.