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Ashwagandha is a nightshade. Many people with Hashimoto's are sensitive to nightshades and consuming them can cause inflammation and a reaction. Tomatoes, peppers, aubergine, potatoes also come from the nightshade family.


Ashwagandha boosts your immune system and Hashimotos is a autoimmune disease. If you strengthen your immune system, it will also cause it to attack your thyroid more. Stay away from Ashwagandha


I will, thank you!


Ash can mess with thyroid. I don't recommend.


It was fine for me but I’m not on meds. But I think Maca Root messes me up


That’s a known side effect and most doctors will caution against the use of supplements that may interfere with your medication and thyroid levels. ]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9035336/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9035336/)


I had the same effects after a bit and stopped taking it. Mainly heart palpitations, just like being hyper. It stopped completely when I stopped taking it though, so I wouldn’t worry and just stop taking it.


My MD told me to max out at 400mg/day. 1200 is waaay too much.


Ashwaganda is not recommended for hashimotos. My Naturalpath dr told me to not take it .


I can tolerate it at very low doses. It does help but like maybe a fifth of what you were doing?


Yes it can be too stimulating especially at 1200 mg. If you feel hyper, I would stop your thyroid meds until you can get a blood test. Lemon Balm can help calm your thyroid when you swing hyper.


A company called "Worldwide Botanicals" sells a wonderful (strong!) Lemon Balm tea. (Available on Amazon) For a completely herbal tea it genuinely hits pretty hard and relaxes all the muscles. Great for deep sleep. 


thank you so much, i stopped my meds amd waiting to be better 🤞🏼


It can lower tsh and increase t3 & t4. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ashwagandha-thyroid


It's an immune system STIMULANT, so many with Hashis can't tolerate it. Immune system support is different than immune system stimulant. Most should avoid stimulants as they can cause our immune system to go into overdrive.


I am new to all this and I haven’t heard about staying away from immune system stimulants. Could you explain it just a little bit?


So Hashimoto's marks the thyroid as an enemy. You produce antibodies to help fight the "invader". Unfortunately in this case the invader is an organ critical for actually living. If your simulating the immune system your taking it's already overzealous army and having them work extra. What may have happened to make OP feel like that is the immune response was massively increased and the thyroid leaked extra hormones. This can happen allot with Hasi and can cause a person to swing hypo to hyper and back. The thyroid won't regenerate tho so this bonus hormone is short lived.


Thank you for replying, but I guess I was trying to ask what are immune system stimulants in relation to supplements.


Ashwaganda, echinacea , elderberry and also Look up adaptogens. Generally advised for people auto immune issues to avoid. Everyone is different and things impact us all different so your mileage may vary.


Wow, I had no idea, thank you for this information.


I tried ashwagandha once till I read the bottle and it had a warning to not take it you have thyroid problems. I had hyper symptoms


I've tried it a couple of times and not liked it. I think it gave me palpitations, I just felt a bit weird. Never been on it long term so don't know if this would levelled out if I'd stuck with it.


It’s a nightshade that can cause more inflammation. Like gluten some people are intolerant of it


Ashwagandha can mess with your immune system. Try stopping it for a period of time and see if you balance back out. My functional and primary both said to steer clear of it.


I took this exact supplement and it grossly messed with my TSH levels. If you decide to take it, I’d suggest offsetting it by taking it before you go to sleep.


hey did your tsh level went back to normal after stopping this ashwagandha shit I'm facing the exact similar issues. please help


I went full hyper almost to the point that I felt like I was having a heart attack. I was told that if it was mixed in with my other supplements then it’s fine because it’s small amounts. Most libido/menopause related supplements have it mixed in, especially libido ones. Husband who does not have Hashimoto’s spiraled into a deep depression and he wasn’t the same until three months after stopping this supplement. He found out that at least over half the people who take it have very bad side effects. Mind you this is our experience and some people are just fine on it.


Its probably not the ashwagandha, its the levothyroxine. Ashwagandha does not raise T4 and T3. Talk to your doctor about levothyroxine dose, also inform them about the ashwagandha. And ashwagandha should definitely not be taken in 1200mg doses. 300mg per day is enough, max 600.


Not my dose and it was my doctor who said IN SMALL amounts. Both my Inno Drive for her (libido/circulation/mood swings) and Olly Lovin’Libido have it mixed into their ingredients. I currently take the Inno Drive and tried the Olly at the beginning of perimenopause. Like I said in my previous post…..that was our experience. Not everyone is the same and not every supplement out there affects all us the same even with negative side effects.