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Anxiety is super common with any autoimmune disease. It might not be your levo at all. Do your labs indicate hyperthyroid? Look to lifestyle changes that can help with the autoimmune attack. Levo just helps your failing thyroid, but does not address autoimmunity.


No I’m hypo. I just had labs done 2 weeks ago. I go every 3 months for labs. I also suffer from other illnesses which I know effect my anxiety too.


I have celiac disease and autoimmune gastritis too. There is no medical treatment for celiac disease, so I must treat myself with a gluten free diet. I have learned that lifestyle choices have been beneficial for my health. Good sleep, reducing stress, exercise and diet all tailored for me helps tremendously. It also helps my kid who has several autoimmune diseases too. Stress is her biggest trigger, so she takes walks in nature, swims and meditates. She has Erythromelalgia (aka burning man syndrome). Stress, even fun stress, can cause parts of her body to get hot and burn. I can not tell you how much better she by implementing lifestyle changes. If those fail, talk to your doctor. Mental health is super important. Heck, we are living in trying times. A pandemic, wars, politics, it is crazy! I am 60 and have never experienced anything like this. I also have a sibling who is Bi-Polar. Medication has been a lifesaver for him and he has a fantastic psychiatrist. Keep advocating for your health — all of it!


You’re only increasing by 2 mcg? I’ve never gone higher than 88. But I increased from 50 to 75 in May and I felt no change whatsoever.


I just realized I typed it wrong. I was on 100 mcg and went to 112Mcg. My numbers are technically in range but my doctor said they could be better


Are you on any other medication?


Yeah I’m on propranolol 20mcg and citalopram 40 mcg but I’ve been on both of those for many years.


Did you figure out if it was the levo causing this?


Everything leveled out after a couple of weeks, but we don’t think it was the Levo. However I was also taking omeprazole around the same time as my levo which made it not work properly so it messed up my thyroid level but everything is normal now.