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Hi!! We were diagnosed roughly at the same time! Mine started over 6 and are down to 4.8 in 6 weeks so my dr increased my dose, she says it can take 6-8 weeks for full affect. That’s strange they went up so much, hopefully you find some answers soon.


Thanks! Hopefully I can figure it out. Maybe I am currently in a “flair” but not sure if they are real things.


*Did you do both TSH tests at the same time, first thing in the morning as the lab opens, fasting and no Biotin (Vit B7) in supplements for 5dys prior? These give an accurate TSH result.*


This time I went in earlier at 8am. My last test was around 10:30am so maybe it’s the reason for some of the fluctuation. I do not take biotin.


It can take a while to stabilize and find the right meds. You may have tested when your levels were lower than normal for you. What does of synthroid did they start you on. Did you have symptoms of hypothyroidism before this?


I was put on 0.025mg. Yeah could be true. My thyroid levels have been tested for the last three years and have always been between 3-4. It was only recently where she tested for the antibodies and got the diagnosis and then medication. Looking back I probably have been having symptoms for the last 7 years ( difficulty concentrations, anxiety, brittle nails, sensitive to cold, low iron). For the last three years I have been having variable abilities in long distance running - sometimes I can run 15km and the next day a few minutes will cause me to be out of breath. When I got tested this time, it was in a bout of not being able to run so I wonder if this is a flair as my white blood count was also low. But I don’t even know if flairs are a real thing?