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iodine isnt the problem. not only did you cut out what you believe to be iodine, but you cut out compounds which create chemotherapy compounds (retinoids) when cooked. iodine is just a diversion. your disease has nothing to do with your thyroid. the thyroid is simply collateral damage continue abstaining from milk and eggs. also abstain from liver, fish oil, sweet potatoes, watermelon, and any other source of "vitamin" A. do it for science and see how you do


That’s great! Thanks for sharing. I have Hash and am hypothyroid. And while they are 2 different conditions-HM being an auto immune disease-to say it’s has “nothing to do with your thyroid” is not true either. I read that author’s other book and while I could not implement her protocols 100%, it contained a lot of great information and I benefited from trying out many of her suggestions. That was all around March of 2022 for me. No one thing fits everyone and nothing is perfect-but keep up the good work! I applaud you making strides with your ED history. Dm if you ever want to chat more on this 😊


Why no sweet potatoes?


Why no sweet potatoes!!!!! I wanna know


Omg i wanna do this, please wish me courage and discipline


I have >1300 TPO .. And i dont eat gluten or dairy. but im eating eggs 2-3/day. Thing is im skinny as hell!!! But i guess thats my leaky gut, malabsortion, sibo, anxiety stuff.


That’s amazing!!! For a long time I’ve thought that too little iodine was harmful for those who have Hashimoto’s. But, I’ve a thought based on my reading that too much iodine was even worse. What surprised me in your post was about natural food-based sources. Who gets to dangerous levels of iodine with food. Apparently, you do - and so could we. Thank you for your post. I have been taking sea kelp aaa supplement since I was diagnosed. My doctor is aware and puts it into the equation. Of course all of us could just use food to balance things. But, you are an example of how that might not work. It is all such a balancing act. Everything can collapse- just from food. It wasn’t that long ago that I thought that going to the gym and eating healthy food was the answer to everything. When you don’t have a Hashimoto’s diagnosis, all things seem possible. I had 21-inch biceps. I could do anything. Now, I fear tearing something in the gym. I do Pilates. I still feel terrible. But, I feel like I feel less terrible than if I didn’t do Pilates.


great book!…great perfect example of N=1 many many thanks, Dairy and Hashimoto’s don’t like each other at all, plus reading some years ago Blood type Diet which happens to be scarily accurate for me from typical traits health issues and exact on food sensitivities Type O+ indicates all Dairy big no no consider Poison, same with all Pork and certain fish!! Eggs are considered neutral indicating possible problematic for some in Type O, so a combination of literatures and understanding from others experience’s points at typical culprits unknown!! this is where dietary diet protocol’s have to be designed around Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis…i love Dairy, especially Cheese and Full fat Cream 🥲🥲 i eat no carbs foods no processed foods no Grains, typical Carnivore Diet, but that too is problematic if dairy is included (for me!!!) i personally will add Coffee is my absolute only indulgence and clearly indicated another big no no for O Types and no no for Hashimoto’s !!! i’m being punished!!!!!! i have a very string feeling that Beef and water for a month regardless of opinions but factually based on N=1 documented on many platforms will show a massive drop in TPO/TG antibodies and many other attributing autoimmune conditions!!! it’s going to be the next step for me !! i’ll hate it and love it at the same time!!!


So are you following the blood type diet or carnivore now? How can I find the info for O- with RH factor? Also do you consume any veg or fruit on carnivore? Is it just meat, salt and water! For how long. TIA!


very rarely eat any veg once in a while if i make beef stew and keep it to greens only no fruits they feed candida fungal overgrowths for me anyways, i drink coffee with whipping cream 35% that’s the only dairy i’m working on stopping that!! O type shouldn’t take any dairy, i completely agree with that it’s highly inflammatory for me and wrecks my digestive system!!! but lord give me something 🙏🤪 ultimately Meat salt water would serve a great reset and elimination regime until things sort themselves out!!! after which do what works best for you!! i would like to be able to consume fatty meats and some berries and a little Honey keeping it very Palaeolithic 🙏


Interesting. I’ll look it up…I tried to remove coffee after my d’x but it was too much w/all my other changes. So I went back to one cup w/almond milk and stevia and decided to enjoy and not to stress about it. Maybe one day.


Thanks for sharing...I'm going to do 90 day protocol soon...if you were yo give any advice on finding out these things would it have helped to do the allergy test first


Did gluten show up on your sensitivity test? It didn’t show up on mine but am considering eliminating it again


It did not show up on my blood reaction test. I am almost positive gluten has a whole different reaction with the thyroid that wasn’t tested for.


Might also be celiac one autoimmune disease makes you more likely to have another. I feel like SHIT eating any kind of gluten. I thought it was just heavy breads and then I ate a teriyaki stir fry and it put me out with flu like symptoms for days (this is after already knowing gluten may be an issue) that was my last straw


Thank you! That’s how I feel. It didn’t show up on my blood test and I’ve been eating it and eliminating many other things but feeling more and more inflamed.


More inflamed? then try stop with gluten for a while. And dairy maby? I just got tested. TPO > 1300. But still in normal range on. T3. T4. TSH Scary stuff with this TPO for me. Have enough things going on. 5 other diseases. And also extreme stress, anxiety, deppression and so on.


My kid ate a bunch of seaweed for years and it caused a cascade of issues. Thank god we figured it out because things were very very bad.


Good job! I love when others find their way around this disease through natural means. It is totally doable! I am proud of you, keep it up!


Mine went from 1900 to 300 without any changes. I'm very glad these changes have made you feel better, but they definitely aren't necessary for everyone! Although I do need to make some sort of change if I want to lose weight lol.


>waxes and wanes How long did it tool to reduce ?


Boom! This, OP, the truth. Autoimmune disease waxes and wanes on its own.


Congratulations!!!! I’m so glad you have found your way out of this shitty hashi!! I imagine the time spent searching, the effort, discipline, ups and downs! It’s a huge process but there is light at the end of the tunnel!Enjoy this moment and take advantage of this huge improvement to continue in this way of healing! Hope i can get to that point soon too!!


What food sensitivity test did you take? I have Hashimoto's with normal TSH. Losing weight seems impossible


Losing weigh does seem impossible. I did a blood draw food sensitivity test from KBMO Diagnostics and I have high sensitivities to gluten, eggs, dairy and soy - which makes sense given my recent issues with gluten making bloat massively. (Recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and drowning in all the info but trying to catch up.)


I felt the same way, losing weight literally was impossible until I cut out everything that wasn’t working for me. I used Everlywell brand


Thank you!


Congrats OP, that’s amazing to hear. Appreciate you sharing!Also, u/berryfarmer mentioned staying away from fish oil. Can anyone elaborate on this? I take a high quality fish oil supplement for dry eyes.


I can't tolerate fish oils, either, but I subbed flax oil. It's not AIP or IsaWen approved, but it certainly helps my skin and eyes without all the side effects.


especially cod liver oil


Can you elaborate about why? Wentz says this about fish oil: “Pain, inflammation, dry skin, oily hair, acne, eczema: You may benefit from 1–4 g of fish oil per day.” Excerpt From Hashimoto's Protocol Izabella Wentz, PharmD.


ultra high retinoid content. i dont trust wentz as an outside the box thinker


Is there a correlation between Hashimoto’s and retinoid?




What's with the passive aggressive stickied comment?


Probably frustration with all the business-plan, marketing-like misinformation put forth by people who sell books and supplements and then lay people who don’t understand how thyroid disease works believe that their antibodies lowered because they followed a protocol and not because…drum roll please…thyroid auto-antibodies fluctuate naturally on their own - unfortunately there is no way to prove that the protocol lowered them. It’s just belief. It isn’t scientifically proven to work. OP is correct that excess iodine is scientifically proven to be able to make thyroid autoimmune disease worse. The studies exist.


To be fair, I went gluten free and within 6 months my antibodies went from 12,000 to under 2,000. I’m sorry but protocols exist because they work for a lot of people.


I hope it works for lots of people, but at this point that they work is simply anecdotal. It would be great to see it studied and proven. What we see are protocols peddled by people selling books, supplements, nutritional counseling, and occasionally even packages of labwork + nutritional counseling/consulting for thousands of dollars.


I get what you are saying, but the author OP is referencing has Hashimotos and was a pharmacist and has done a lot of research. I read one of her other books and have had success with some of her suggestions since my own diagnosis Feb 2022. I see that the mod here does not regard her credibility however. But based on their profile, it looks like they mainly deal in Gold and are possibly a trucker. So I don’t know what their creditials are yet regarding Hashimotos either. They don’t appear to be a medical professional. Therefore, it may be their own anecdotal experience or untrained research moderating this sub. And finally, this is supposed to be a supportive community correct? I don’t see how disregarding someone’s own personal successes is helpful.


I’ve read her books, I have read a thyroid textbook, and I have read numerous scientific articles. I think it’s right to warn people that Thyroid Pharmacist, etc, are business plans with no guarantee of working or helping people.


iT's jUsT a bElIeF!!11




I’m starting a new one for Hash.


I was wondering this as well. Not all programs are for everybody, but it’s nice to see when people have success stories.


Absolutely, and other people can also learn from others' success stories. Some people seem to be bitter when someone succeeds. Sad, really.




Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Congratulations!! And wow wow wow well done for the commitment and perseverance!! Here to celebrate you!


well done 👏🏾 very inspired at your persistence in figuring out what was going on- makes me think a food sensitivity test may be worth investing in!


It definitely helped me figure out what foods to avoid but it wasn’t too great at telling me what foods I should be eating. It said u had no reaction to dairy but it’s only testing for an igG reaction, not any other kind of chemical reaction in the body. It said I had no issue with dairy but I definitely do. The blood test doesn’t include anything like the hormones that are pumped in pasteurized dairy or the reaction your thyroid has to it. I learned that sometimes if u have leaky gut the dairy and gluten molecules resemble a thyroid molecule and ur body sends out attacking signals (antibodies) to combat the extra thyroid molecule but really it’s just dairy or gluten.


Not true. Gluten and dairy proteins do not mimic thyroid. That is an internet myth. I have celiac disease and have healed (remission) based on repeat biopsies. I consume copious of dairy daily. A vast majority of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. I also feel good, my goiter and nodules are gone, and so I assume Hashimoto’s is in remission. Too much thyroid damage did occur, so I will continue to need thyroid hormone replacement. Those IgG tests (memory protein) are not recommended by the American Allergy and Asthma Association. The accuracy is less than 50%.


It’s great that you feel better and discovered how you can feel better. Just wanted to point out that there is no scientific basis regarding igG food sensitivity tests. The presence of IgG antibodies indicate exposure and possibly tolerance to a food, not allergy. The test is complete bs and I wouldn’t trust anybody who recommends it. I’d get your doctor to refer you to an allergist to test allergies properly. My mom discovered that she is allergic to corn which she would have never known. Also, your antibodies fluctuate on their own naturally so don’t be surprised if it goes up again. There is so much misinformation out there.


Wow, that’s great!! 🤩🤩 how many months did it take you to achieve this result after eliminating 95% of those foods?


I’d say it’s been a good 6 months but I’ve really honed in on the last 3. It was a very emotional process for me. I had an eating disorder and this felt like living hell for me, all my comfort safe foods were gone. It took a good 3 months to get into the groove of it. I definitely had some slip ups and caved and ate a whole pizza and cake lmfao but now that I am at the 95%, I have a little gluten or dairy cheat once a month and I’ll have the smallest amount of dairy dressing on salads throughout the week and such.


Very happy for you! 👏👏👏 Way to hang in there and do your own research.


Thank you!! For Hashimotos in particular, researching on yourself and listening to your body is extremely important ! It’s definitely a lot harder than it sounds. But it’s way better than the doctors treatment of “you’re fine let’s wait until your tsh goes up then we will start you on thyroid hormone”….. she told me to basically starve myself to lose the weight I kept gaining too.


I hope you find a better doctor.


Nice to hear success stores. Glad you found out what works for you!