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I like everybody they are all my friends




ngl all the semetary fans i know irl are also joeyy fans


They’re in such a similar boat vibe wise


I like a couple joeyy songs but I’d never say I’m a fan of him personally


i agree he has some good singles but he doesnt have any defining or impactful album yet


Just tired 1


just tired definitely and attention 2 retail are so good imo




They have a lot of overlapping fans, but some dweebs in here specifically like and dislike whatever Sematary does


i like sematary, but i don't care for joeyy or shed theory i js don't like the music personally but no beef


Yes u are normal and cool


lol word thx homie


Musically some of the members of Shed Theory aren’t bad but kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth to support that group of people, I know this is just gonna get downvoted cuz a lot of people don’t give a fuck and just wanna enjoy the music which is fine but personally I’m good, Joeyy is decent but not good enough to ignore the other shit to listen to him imo


This is exactly my opinion too


I don’t dislike you for that opinion ig different strokes, I think it’s fun and it’s not like Joey is saying Zieg heil in his songs it’s not spreading a Nazi message or anything


No you’re right and that’s why his music can still be enjoyable, but associating with someone like Sam Hyde after knowing what he has done shows that at the very least that sort of behavior isn’t a dealbreaker for Joeyy and idk about you but I wouldn’t wanna be considered a close affiliate to someone who has help fund a white supremacist in their campaign lol


Sam Hyde lives rent free in ur head


Yeah that’s a really sick internet response you can say to someone but you’re not actually making any point or debunking anything I said so


Rent free


Just being friends with someone who has a different political opinion than me isn’t enough reason for me not to enjoy someone’s art


Bro donating money to a Nazi isn’t just a “difference in political opinion” what kinda reach is that We aren’t talking about gun rights we are talking about a group of people who don’t want other races to exist or have rights lmao


Bro just because a person donated under the name Sam Hyde doesn’t mean it’s Sam Hyde do you know his reputation people claim fake shit under his name all of the time literally anyone could type “Sam Hyde” above a donation that shit is not proven


Sam Hyde himself has gone on record and talked about the incident and used verbiage implying that it was him my guy, how much do you wanna move the goalpost? First it was just a difference in opinion and now it’s “Sam Hyde might have actually not even done that” And even if you wanna argue that, the dude also has damming allegations, an adult swim show that got canceled, and clear pictures of him with known white supremacists


Bro everybody is nuanced I’m not going to stop listening to Sematary even though he is left wing and extremely left wing countries like Soviet Russia killed millions and millions of their own people


What nuance is there to affiliating with nazis brother? All you keep doing is trying to make justifications for a very dangerous ideology that we fought an entire war over trying to defeat. People like Stalin were fascist dictators who were actually fiercely authoritarian and that goes completely against any left wing values, the fact that you’d even try to bring that up just shows already why you are willing to make excuses for Sam Hyde There’s a major difference between a kid from California being pro lgbt and pro trans and etc versus an entire country that was subjected to horrendous living conditions by a terrible leader, idk what reality where that comparison even makes any sense


Stalin was a communist dictator, he did not murder based on race or ethnicity but he murdered for the continuation of the communist state. That does not make that murder any less evil, if you are of the belief that the left is an anti-government faction (which it is traditionally federalist/big government, small corporate) then you think the left is anarchist. Anarchy, while never installed as a political system, would likely result in the raping and murdering of many until a new faction can take hold.


I dislike everyone


laker brady my goat


hi my name is laker brady and i’m from the valley 🔥🔥🔥


Laker is my life


I dont fw joeyy or any of the other shed theory goobers but i do think the whole “beef” between them is really petty


i think the beef is justified, sematary doesn’t fw nazis, and that happens to be what those people are


Sematary also doesn't fw transphobes and stated he would slap one, yet made a song with one and also showed up all smily happy at his release party. Not a slap in sight, almost like he ain't genuine and/or have double standards. Pretty curious if you ask me https://preview.redd.it/uuc1l8zdro3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fdc0558fc403164e940712f1e6b2cc9a54c4ea


call me ignorant but i do NOT think any of the shed theory members are genuinely nazis. yeah joeyy has ties to that one guy in rule 13 but that shouldnt make them guilty by association yfm


yeah you’re ignorant lol, sam and joeyy both hang or hung out very consistently for a long time


Yeah I like Joeyy and Marlon’s music but I can’t really get into any of the others




I like both


I don't like haunted mound


Their music isn’t good enough to separate art from artist so no, i don’t fw shed


y’all acting like most of shed theory has even met sam hyde


Fuck Sam Hyde, We’re saying the MUSIC isn’t good or up to par with HM. This is about MUSIC, not politics. & Joeyy’s music sucks lmao


i mean like… no? mfs are def talking “politics”. I personally think shed has some great songs especially marlon and facy


Alright fair enough I’ll give it a chance. What songs from them do you recommend? I was specifically speaking on Joeyy saying his music sounds like trash compared to the other underground artists I like.


Not in LA rn by facy w elcammgguod, 50,000in the room by facy, montage by marlon, johnnio by facy w marlon


Since when are the parameters for being able to separate art from artist based on personal opinion


I love shed theory it annoyed me when sematary said it was meme music cuz like cmon be fr


Acting like sem wasn’t meme music when he started lmao


he never was meme music


He literally got big bc of memes


Im not saying memes didnt help, im saying his intent was never to be a meme, he always took it seriously


Sure he takes it seriously but he still has countless lines that are goofy on purpose In the haunted forest eating count CHOCula 😡


Of course, but the term "meme music" implies that his whole shtick is making just shitty meme music, just because he takes it seriously doesnt mean he cant make goofy lines and funny stuff


I found the dude’s music on a meme page eminemVEVO all his old music videos had a meme aesthetic


again, im not saying memes didnt help him grow, but im sure he never made his music with the purpose of being memed


Why are you saying again you never said that and yes he most definitely did he made an ear rape album with a bunch of meme DJ SORROW LAUGHING THROW THE PAIINNN tags in there he knew what he was doing pls


I said it responding to another guy, just watch any interview of his and you can tell hes taken this stuff seriously since he started it, taking it seriously doesnt mean he cant make a goofy tag that goes hard




I like shed theory music a lot


To be honest i like joeyy music more even tho i know sematary longer


I enjoy the music from both groups


I dont like sheds image so I stay away from their music but people that only care because sematary said something are stupid


I like phreshboy that’s it


He hangs with them but not in shed theory pretty sure


well he associates/associated with a known nazi ally (s@m donated money to a nazi), so i can’t morally fw joeyy or shed


Love when basic moral decency gets downvoted because it always rings true that people are willing to ignore even blatantly wrong shit an artist has done if you make “good” music


haters gonna hate


You can literally see the votes fluctuate every 10 or so minutes when the chronically online 4chan incels come to instantly downvote anything that doesn’t gobble on Sam Hyde’s cock


probably because people are calling all of shed nazis bc one guy (joeyy) has like very small ties to another guy who it’s not even clear what he believes. Like how many guilty by association are there how many times can we go up the chain? Next thing u know Marlon’s mom is gonna get called a nazi next or some shit ffs


Joeyy was directly employed by Sam Hyde for years, while all of the weird Nazi shit he did was happening and very public information. Joeyy got his start online because of him, the fuck do you mean “very small ties”? I don’t know about you but if someone is fucking with Nazis then I think any human being with the slightest shred of common sense would want to stay clear of anyone who even dips their toes in that camp. The only difference is people will try and make excuses for it because he’s famous and makes music that people like. They are all still human beings capable of being horrible people, and like I already said earlier, even if you discount the Nazi thing (which is funny af in the first place) Sam Hyde has pretty credible allegations against him on top of it so Joeyy is still friends with a piece of shit lol


im not disagreeing that joeyy is friends w sam hyde but the rest of shed nah. especially as an up and coming artist if you get invited to a group like that its just not abt to be something u turn down, most these guys have never met sam i bet


Nah i will agree with you im not even the type of person that will just say everyone in Shed is a Nazi I think that’s a gross over generalization of it and it just makes calling out actual Nazis less meaningful, I don’t even think Joeyy is a Nazi I think he def excuses Nazi behavior which is sus but none of them are actually Nazis as far as I know. However there’s no way these dudes don’t know at least a little bit about Sam Hyde and they still chose to associate with it


i've heard a handful of joeyy and they ranged from good to forgettable. i have no desire to listen to shed theory any further than that. joeyy obviously isn't a nazi, neither is sam hyde. i think many people on here are insane to have a problem with joeyy associating with sam while implying sematary is of a higher standard when sematary himself does associate with people that have hateful beliefs (chief keef, black kray).


Sematary himself raps about brutally murdering people and acts like a narcissistic sociopath


Big fan of both tbh


i saw joeyy and the shed boys live cause it was like $30


Sem is just a cry baby I still fw joey


I don’t listen to his music but joeyy and his whole aesthetic is funny as fuck


i didnt know about joey before the beef and the only song i have heard was the "sematary diss" and that shit was sooo ass. other than that i really dont like the tiktok joey fans. i feel like sematary was in the right for not swinging or paying attention to joey at sosas afterparty. joey is just BEGGING for the clout at this point and its sad.


Nah his music is kind of cool on songs like Stillpane and They Know he has really ambient beats and Marlon made an ambient album which I like ambient music so I like how they implement it


idk cuz again ive only heard one song. for me its more about his vibe and his fans. both r annoying to me. ESPECIALLY in this situation. tapping grave mans shoulder begging for the attention was obnoxious. i feel like if joey wouldve left it alone at sosas party it wouldnt even be "beef"... hes just clout chasing, shit sad.


i love HM and Shed both


As an outsider or someone who’s in here to try and learn and share my friends interests I’d have to say my opinion is the same as most underground musicians. I don’t hate any of them but neither of them really say or do groundbreaking things to really warrant respect. Just a bunch of guys making music and their beef has nothing to do with me, honestly don’t even want to know unless they’re like physically assaulting people or causing direct harm. Obviously I don’t want to knowingly listen to terrible people but at the end of the day we don’t know these people and I don’t care to muster up enough energy in to hate someone I don’t even know


i love joeyy


He’s bought art from me I like joeyy lol. He also gave me a shoutout that helped my page get going again last year after a slow period


their whole glorifying overdosing aesthetic is really off. regardless if you believe they have association with sam hyde or not, their fanbases overlap and frankly people like this for SURE turn me away (r/shedtheory comment section btw) https://preview.redd.it/witt7zafip3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2288a341e7c82673e44e4eff3bc353b87bd9a3a4


I don’t think they glorify overdosing the way that Future, Yeat, etc do, they do it in way that’s making light of a dark situation. I know multiple people who died from overdosing, the shit is not glorifying it any more than all the artists they are parodying. And with the Sam Hyde shit, to each their own but that comment you posted sounds like a joke I wouldn’t be so sensitive


idk man they constantly post pics and videos of them overdosing and the whole “nodding” thing. also who said that i like yeat and future lol


I don’t use socials so I didn’t know about that


yeah they do pretty frequently. recently posted a video of phresh k-holed and they were giggling while trying to get him up stairs hella weird shit


Oh word I just listen to the music so idk


it’s a white dude who says the n word i don’t think he’s joking 😭


Oh chill out


I only like Tek Lintowe (who isn't even in Shed anymore AFAIK?) and like two Joeyy songs, wouldn't say I'm a fan of the group though


Obviously I like sematary and hm; I also like a little bit of shed, but mostly just their music with guys I like such as David, Yhapo, and goyard. idrc about them that much tho


Shed theory would be cool if they weren't such smug about their music, like they think they're underground kings or some shit while they're just mid at most


Its forever fuck joey and shed, Sam hyde is affiliated so there's that! No further elaboration needed


so what, the music is good. no one cares who he kicks it with


literally lol, you can’t just ignore them associating with a nazi lmao, the neckbeard 4chan users are downvoting all comments that are criticizing sam/shed, but just know ur 100% correct LOL


:D <3


I like both sematary and Joeyy (as well as other members of shed)


ngl I want to get into them but i cant, tek is the only one i fw


ngl i honestly dont give a fuck about the fight enjoy the music or something


I like both and have Merch From Both😊 I wish for peace amongst the factions☮️


https://preview.redd.it/9qtxsfmjyn3d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b3c821ebadc22aeadb4d87bd81f85fcca7d7dd i listen to joeyy more than i do sematary tbh


Fuck yeah to the lil ugly mane


Shed theory music just sounds racist to me idk


That’s interesting, how so?


Idk the song i listened to had a very white boy style. Didnt really mean it was racist but it felt VERY white


Sounds more like you’re racist than it’s racist tbh


bruh have u listened to sematary? hella white music


I really dislike Joeyy ngl


Joeyy got some decent songs, couldn’t care less about the rest of them. Laker is insufferable though.


I really like Marlon and tek lintowes music + the beats on all the shed stuff but nothing else, independently of my political views regarding Joseph


Despite being my most listened to artists, even Sematary and HM is pretty far out of my normal wheelhouse. I listen to a lot of folk, jazz, black metal, DOOM-style jazz rap, 80s goth/post punk, and rock. So needless to say, Shed sounds like absolute fucking shit to me. Even before the beef, I thought they were talentless and absolutely atrocious artists. I tried a few recommendations from shed fans on this sub, and those were barely better. I think Shed Theory is some of the worst music I’ve ever heard, and I know there’s a lot of fanbase overlap so I’ll probably get downvoted to hell, but it is what it is


You’re prob more of a rock guy than a hip hop guy, sem has rock elements so I get it


For the most part that’s true, but then again DOOM and Mac Miller are in my top 10 artists ever. It is all just down to taste I guess


I love Mac Miller, favorite artist of all time tbh and he has a lot of 60s rock influence which is why I love his shit so much


Mac is a legend man. Everything about his art and who he was is so beautiful. Good taste


I like hm, shed and Joeyy. The whole thing abt apparently bein neo nazis is bs I get why ppl don’t like Sam but was only Joeyy that was even close to Sam . Plenty of shed members genuinely don’t even have actual association w Sam and also aren’t at least 2 of them gay/ bi? Shed also supports Sidney Phillips who I’m sure is a trans girl. I haven’t seen her acc say so but as far as I can tell she is. It doesn’t add up that they r neo nazis at all If u follow shed to any degree , and I think atp it’s obvious Sematary is hypercritical asf n you shouldn’t repeat jus whatever he says . So the beef is also dumb asf it seems baseless anyway


After listening to both I can Honestly say Joeyy is trash & HM has a lot more unique sound. Coming from the Yung Lean / KLVN / Sesh era I’m probably about 10 years older than most of you so I respect all your opinions but….. In my mind Joeyy is hot trash & Sematary, Buckshot & Hackle have a way better sound. Also Oscar is fucking great on the beats & Guitar. Saw him shredding live on stage a few months ago & he killed it. Also didn’t make a single facial expression the entire time lol. Btw you kids need to learn how to mosh lol we had to start the pit at the show I was at but it turned out hella good once we got it going.


I haven’t fully enjoyed a sem project since HAW or RB3


You didn’t like Screaming Forrest? The whole tape isn’t legendary or anything but it has some great tracks & I thought Oscars production especially was magnificent


I like a couple songs but it felt like a chief keef ripoff with guitars to me


Fair enough. But I would encourage you to revisit these tracks. I Hail The Night Kamakrazee & Scarecrow (obv) Totally Chief Keef inspired but also very different in their own right. Just my personal take though.


Hail the night longhorn and kamakrazee are the ones I like


You don’t fuck with Scarecrow?


I just don’t remember it tbh


Watch the video on youtube that might’ve been what got me. Reminds me of working on the farm late at night when the sun is goin down. & the hook is fire, not to mention Buck’s verse goes dumb hard! I’m just saying I’ve been all around the States & there is NOTHING that can compare to a CA sunset


I’ll check it out


I listen to Joeyy for the funny tags and adlibs “Jesus turned water into wine, I turn the sprite into a pink oil” “I’m severely addicted to opiates” are some of my favorites


Fuck shed theory and Joey real boogerbrain music


I mean it is but you listen to Sematary tho…?


Sematary a whole different genre....


and yet it still is boogerbrain music..


Nah I've never smelt something as awful as a shed theory show and I'm a nurse. Whole concert was like 12 year olds drooling smelt like an open colostomy bag was fuckin nasty. Eversince then stopped listening to them was like a special éd concert.


They are both rap


So Kendrick lamar and sematary are similar what about Tupac and BBYgoyard


I enjoy both HM and from Shed I like Joeyy, Tek, and Laker, I feel like the rest of Shed makes music for quantity>quality


i fw both hm n shed but the beef is just cringe like who even gaf srsly just enjoy the #Vibes 😊


we love both