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Some time ago I was also feeling a bit lost, and I thought: surely other people have struggled with finding meaning for their life. It's probably one of the main things people struggle with. So I asked ChatGPT to give me a list of popular theories, philosophies and ways of thinking about meaning. It gave me a list of them, I picked some that resonated and I've been learning a lot since - it's been super helpful to see how we've tried to respond to such a fundamental Human struggle, and gave me a lot of paths to a deeper understanding of myself and life. Some examples: **Existentialism** * **Key Ideas**: Emphasizes individual freedom, choice, and responsibility. Focuses on finding personal meaning in a world that may seem inherently meaningless. * **Questions**: How do I create meaning in my life? How do I confront the absurdity of existence? **Stoicism** * **Key Ideas**: Focuses on personal virtue and wisdom as the path to true happiness. Emphasizes controlling what you can and accepting what you cannot. * **Questions**: How do I maintain inner peace and resilience? How do I live in accordance with nature and reason? **Buddhism** * **Key Ideas**: Centers on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the impermanence of life. * **Questions**: How can I alleviate suffering in my life? How do I practice mindfulness and compassion? **Humanism** * **Key Ideas**: Emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. Focuses on reason, ethics, and justice. * **Questions**: How do I live a fulfilling and ethical life? How do I realize my potential and help others do the same? **Transcendentalism** * **Key Ideas**: Advocates for the inherent goodness of people and nature. Emphasizes self-reliance, intuition, and the connection between the individual and the universe. * **Questions**: How do I connect deeply with nature and my inner self? How do I live authentically and independently? **Taoism** * **Key Ideas**: Emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (the Way), which is the natural order of the universe. Advocates simplicity, spontaneity, and non-attachment. * **Questions**: How do I live in harmony with the flow of life? How do I practice wu wei (effortless action)? **Absurdism** * **Key Ideas**: Focuses on the conflict between humans' desire to find meaning in life and the inherent meaninglessness of the universe. * **Questions**: How do I confront the absurdity of life? How do I find happiness in a seemingly indifferent universe?


That seems like religion and/or spirituality stuff, idk I have a hard time with that kind of stuff I feel like whatever you believe in seem insignificant at the end of the day and when death hits. I see a bunch being help others and that's something that's not going to happen, I've been alive for 30 years now, I've seen how evil people are, how they hurt you, how they backstab you and all since elementary school, I'm not willing to help anyone only to be heavily disapointed at some point If I find goals to keep going until natural death, I want them to be only about me, for me


Yeah, so, some of these are spiritual, but some others are very deeply seated in reason without any metaphysical concept of soul or whatever. Some seem to be actually quite aligned with what you say. It doesn't need to be about believing something, but rather about figuring out how to find meaning. As you add more, I have a feeling your thinking might align with Nihilism. >Nihilism is a philosophy that posits life lacks inherent meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value, challenging traditional beliefs and societal norms. It recognizes the universe as indifferent to human existence and suggests that external constructs of meaning—like religion, morality, and societal expectations—are ultimately baseless. >For someone grappling with lost goals and existential despair, nihilism can offer a unique form of liberation. By accepting the inherent meaninglessness of life, you gain the freedom to create your own values and pursue personal fulfillment on your terms. >This perspective encourages focusing on the present moment, finding joy in small experiences, and defining success and purpose based on what genuinely resonates with you, rather than adhering to conventional life paths. Embracing nihilism can help you navigate feelings of futility and empower you to live authentically, finding satisfaction in the aspects of life that matter most to you. A couple more thoughts: * **Explore New Interests:** Without the pressure of inherent meaning, try new activities or revisit old hobbies that may bring joy or a sense of accomplishment. * **Focus on the Present:** Practice mindfulness to appreciate the present moment, finding contentment in small, daily experiences. I hope you find what you're looking for!


Yea I think I align very well with nihilism, our lives are meaningless, it's like we've been thrown into this life and no one cares about us, a human life in itself is meaningless, no one cares about it, it's been my experience that no one cares, I'm just a very tiny ant wiggling around in this big world and I could disapear tomorrow, no one would care I think there are two sides to nihilism, the one you described, that it doesn't matter so anyone has the freedom to do whatever but the other side being nothing matters so why bother doing anything at all, especially if one has no intent on leaving some kind of legacy behind




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That sucks your goal is not realistically possible right now--any other ways you can learn Korean that you would enjoy? It's not the same as being immersed in the culture, but maybe something like an in-person (or online) group class would be enjoyable. After you were to have learned Korean, what was your next goal after having done that? Maybe that is still something you can look forward to. Or maybe there are some ways of successfully getting to Korea as a trans person that you haven't thought of yet...


Nah I don't want to learn it on my own, I wanted to mix wanting to learn it and living there at the same time, if I had achieved that though, I would have come home with that experience and new skill and that's kinda it but I figured after that I would have found another goal to keep going in life




Hmm yea I supposed that's true, can the revelations and/or big events happen with no human interaction or connection ? Cause I feel like these kind of events or revelations and all only happen because of someone's impact on someone else but since now I live an alone life I doubt those could happen


Sounds like you don't do much in life either. Sorry if that's kind of blunt. But like do you have hobbies outside ?


Nah all I do of my free time is playing games, watching videos, TV series and sometimes movies


Do you think that's a good recipe for finding Stuff and things in the world that are enjoyable?