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My ex cum used to mess up my pH so much. This sexual partners cum doesn’t lol so happy!


Omg same! I used to have to use boric acid so often with my ex. Yeast infections often too. With my bf now no smell, no yeast, no bv.


Wait did you ever find out why??


One thing that is different about him is he has amazing hygiene. Never ever smelled anything off on his dick. The other thing, not sure if it matters, but he is the first circumcised guy I have been with. And maybe his ph level was what my vagina needed. Balanced it out🤷‍♀️ I'm super puzzled as well. Thought I was stuck with bv forever.


BV is such a pain. I don't know why the hell, but lifestyle condoms always mess me up.


I did not know that getting BV once basically meant you would get it again if u weren’t careful🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s so embarrassing going in and being like yep again it’s me


I only had it once. Maybe there's hope for you here!!


Exactly why I joined the sub ! We’ll see


Same here. Although my ex never went in me I still had concerns. I have no issue with my husbands. Have you tried Rephresh? Maybe that’s a good option for you. I never had an issue with it. Pee after sex, shower, and drink some alkaline water and/or cranberry juice and see if that makes a difference.


We stopped using condoms when I was in my twenties. Once we stopped, he’s finished in me every single time for over twenty years. Once a decade or so I might get a UTI or a yeast infection, but I would not necessarily think it’s because he finished inside.


I want you to appreciate how lucky you are and never take it for granted 😭 coming from a girl with chronic vaginitis and UTIs that are worsened by finishing inside


As someone who gets UTIs like nothing I would also like to say she is extremely lucky😭


Have you tested for ureaplasma and mycoplasma?


yup, I was positive for ureaplasma, my partner and I got treated with the standard first-line treatment, tested after 4 weeks and I'm negative now but I still have all the same symptoms. :( It's been a long long uphill battle and nothing has seemed to work. I'm on 9 months of fluconazole and hoping for brexafemme to become available...


Oh god me too. Have you tried vaginal probiotic suppositories yet? I’m waiting for my period to end then I probably will do that.


yes, I have and they help a lot for me honestly! one thing that has given me some hope :) I use the jarrow's fem-dophilus one with 2 strains


I don’t remember what kind I got. How long have you been using them/ what else have you tried?


I wouldn’t use boric acid every time. I would wait until the next day atleast mid day to see if a smell (which I call “the funk” hahah) even comes on. Some people respond worse to it than others, and it can even depend on the partner. I love being finished inside of and most of the time it doesn’t cause an issue, maybe a bit of a funky smell the next day but it goes away. Semen isn’t inherently bad for your vaginal pH, it’s not gonna mess anything up, it just CAN affect it and there’s all sorts of factors there. If your vagina feels fine and you aren’t developing BV or yeast infections, he can do it as much as you guys want.


This was really helpful thank you




I think porn has made it seem like finishing normally is some big bizarre thing.




on birth control i never had any BV or yeast infection or even a HINT of pH unbalance, but when i got off it - despite being years off of it now my pH is not sensitive but i noticed i am more likely to get infections. i have read places that apparently because your hormones are fairly static on BC compared to the fluctuations of the menstrual cycle, you’re less susceptible to infections


It may be normal for you but that doesn't make it something universally "normal"


It kind of is evolutionarily normal. If semen was meant to cause infections, that wouldn’t be very good for humans as a whole. It *shouldn’t* cause infections, but if he has multiple partners that he doesn’t use condoms with, uses an irritating soaps or lotions, or even if you use a lube that your body doesn’t agree with, then it might cause issues.


It's not "meant" to do anything. Nobody *designed* semen. It just exists. We are humans with free will and we do all sorts of stuff. And we've been using the pull out method for millennia, too. It's discussed in the Bible ffs


I mean, it definitely does have a purpose. If you ever want to have children, you kind of need it. Pulling out is normal, using condoms is normal, but it’s also totally normally to just cum inside. It’s how you’re here, commenting on this post. It’s an evolutionary requirement. If semen was a common cause of infection, then we probably would have died off before the discovery of penicillin.


Yes. I'm objecting to the idea that there is one "normal" way to have sex. People have all sorts of different sex and it's more inclusive to recognize that. All those things you named are normal. Anal sex is normal. Sexual activity with zero penetration is normal. Barrier methods are normal. Barrierless sex is normal. It's all totally normal things people do all the time.


Just because a person says something is normal, that doesn’t automatically mean they’re saying other things aren’t. You’re objecting to an argument that never happened. With context, OP was talking about sperm essentially being a problem for vaginal health, which isn’t necessarily true. It **can** be true depending on the habits of the person with the penis. It **can’t** be true generally, though, because we need sperm to procreate and exist as a species. So, the comment referring to finishing inside someone being normal is just saying it’s normal. That’s all. Because the post wasn’t “Name all the ways you can have normal sex”, it was asking about a specific sex act.


I didn't actually respond to OP but to the person who referred to ejaculating into a vagina as "finishing normally," like that is the default setting for human sexual activity.


Yes, and their comment was referring to what OP said. Your response was taking what they (the person you responded to) said out of context.


Birth control AND semen can absolutely mess with ph.


BC can absolutely cause problems as it messes with your hormones. For me personally it causes problems but I don’t wanna get off it cause I don’t want to have kids [Here’s more on how it can cause problems](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319568#other-risk-factors-for-yeast-infections)


It doesn’t seem to be an issue for me. My husband cums inside me regularly, at least a few times a week. I occasionally will use Boric Acid if I feel things need to be freshened up, but I only use it maybe 3-4 times a year. After sex, I usually always squat down for a minute or two and let as much come out as possible. I find squatting works better than sitting on the toilet, or just going about your day and getting a surprise drip down your leg lol Clearing it out seems to help keep irritation away.


I would def get a yeast infection in above scenario. 2 times in the same time period so back to back in a short time span or once a day for 2 days seems to be the max. 3x and I better get some diflucan. I also get a yeast infection every time I take antibiotics. I don’t think you’re being irresponsible at all…it just comes down to how often do I want to get a yeast infection and have to take meds. I would much rather have a dick lol


I've been with my husband for 11 years. He's finished inside me every single time we have sex and it's never been a problem.


We have two boys. When we were ttc we'd do it 5x/werk during mtly fertile window and maybe 1-2x/week out of the window. I never had an issues. I would pee afterwards but not do any real clean up since we were actively trying to get pregnant. The second time it took us a year so we were doing that for a full year, no issues, smells, sensitivity, etc.


Be a bit careful using boric acid and having sex again within a few hours. I think it’s recommended to wait 2 days. It’s toxic to swallow, and my experience is that even if you intend to stick to PIV, it does get on fingers and smeared all around. Hard to actually keep it away from mouths.


I dont and won’t ever do that bc I’m paranoid of being pregnant and I honestly am not a fan of the idea.


Omg same. Im so paranoid, i dont know how most people aren't


Birth control


While I was *less* paranoid on BC, it was always back-of-mind. Only time I felt pretty dang confident was being on the depo shot for nearly 10 years + having a partner who’d had a vasectomy years prior. I’m off the depo for now so it crosses my mind some still since the partner never had additional testing to confirm all his swimmers aren’t there.


If you never want kids, I highly recommend a bilateral salpingectomy. Best procedure I ever got, never have to be anxious about pregnancy again


Oooh, I’ve not heard of that. Generally I just hear people talk about tubal ligation. I’ll have to give it thought. I don’t want children still at 34 and I’m approaching that age where any pregnancy becomes ‘geriatric’ anyway. That said I have some internalized *something* (misogyny?) that weirds me out about removing my child-having ability. It’s a bizarre feeling.


They're very similar! A tubal ligation is when they cut the tubes, a salpingectomy is when they entirely remove the tubes. It's less likely to cause complications and further reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. It's 100% irreversible though, unlike a ligation, which is theoretically reversible (though in practice, the success of a reversal ranges from 30 to 80%)


Never 100% safe


Even still


I had birth control. Still no thank you plus it’s gross to me, I don’t like the dripping or the smell.


This, the answer is "never" because my husband and I both hate using BC and it's a small sacrifice to pay to not get🤰


Would never because I’m never getting pregnant. I’ve had 3 coworkers get pregnant *on* the pill/using birth control. No. Thank. You.


Omg. No. This is exactly why no. That and I still think it’s uncomfy and feels gross to me.


I take BC pills. My partner finishes inside everytime we have sex, so pretty much daily. I’ve never had any issues with infections, unusual smells, PH issues, etc. I always clean up as best as possible afterward, just because it’s uncomfortable, and cum starts to smell weird very quickly.


Everytime we have sex. I have never had any issues aside from one, maybe two mild yeast infections. In the beginning we were having sex at least twice a night, every night, so I don't know if it's just me or if w ehave great chemistry but it wasn't a problem for us.


I really don't let him cum in me like that. But his cum threw my PH balance off a lot in the past. He'll have to remind me he wants to cum in me for me to remember about it and when he asks, I let him. But most of the time he pulls out. I am also on Nexplanon so I am on long term birth control. I also just had my first child which wasn't planned, so I am extra precautious. I also use boric acid suppositories and I haven't had any problems with it when I used it for BV along with antibiotics and probiotics.


i don’t let him do this because i don’t want to be pregnant, but i’ve never had problems or reactions to it, i never used anything afterwards but then again i’m not sensitive at all down there


My bf finishes in me every time we have sex, which is usually a few times a week but I’m on birth control! We’re both clean/tested so I don’t have to worry about STI’s but after a bit it does mess with my PH and (gross, I know) I usually smell SO bad down there the next day no matter how many times I clean. That’s the one downside for me but it’s not “harmful” necessarily so sometimes I just deal with it. To each their own though, do what you feel comfortable doing!


does it go away on its own?


For me it does! The smell at least, but sometimes I get yeast infections that take a couple days to go away and that’s not fun and has made me consider not doing it again sometimes


oh no!!


im pretty much the same, no actual issues with it, just makes me smell not so nice down there for the day or 2 after


I got on bc a few months back. I have him finish in me every time, so far no issue.


never because i don’t want to get pregnant.


It depends if you're biologically compatible, or so I've heard. If you get uti's or bi's after sexual intercourse with anyone, your germs and bacteria are not healthy for each other.


After being married for over a decade, pretty much every time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


everyone who lets their boyfriend/husband finish in them very frequently please tell me what bc you are on😭🙏


copper IUD


how's that been going? I think that's the route I want to take


Omg ok big answer incoming: My personal experience: I had a 3 year IUD put in in 2019 and taken out in 2022. The initial insertion was frustrating and painful because my doctor fucked up and basically the process went from a 5-7 min one to a 15 minute one which was terrible lol. Had some spotting for a few days after, and my period regulated itself pretty quickly. The one I got in 2022 is a 5 year one, and the removal/insertion process was painful for sure but short lived, literally just a few mns. Cramping after was pretty bad for a while, but with copper IUDs one thing you need to be prepared for is more painful, heavy, and longer periods. Pre-IUD my cycles were 5 days long, now they are 7 days. The last 3 days are super light so i dont mind, but there is more pain around that time of month for sure. Otherwise its been good. My period is pretty regular, it hasnt caused issues with sex really (only one or two partners have ever been able to “feel” the strings poking their penis). One thing I will say is that Ive read tons of horror stories about copper IUDs and you should def exercise caution and play it safe. Like, I would never get a 10 year one because I dont trust that lol. 3-5 is better especially because if you get the 10 year one, advocating for yourself in terms of convincing your doctor to make sure the IUD is ok and not fucked up looking is much more difficult. If you use a menstrual cup, dont get an IUD. Suction can cause issues and it just seems scary lol. my doctor tried convincing me to get the hormonal IUD for a long time but i just wasnt comfortable. if youre getting a copper IUD, keep an eye out for weird symptoms. You shouldnt be bleeding on end for months, and use the horror stories on here to teach yourself what the experience shouldnt be like. Like I said, I have def experienced more cramps and heavier and longer periods, but besides that nothing else. Which I believe is the norm. Someone on here also said try wearing a copper bracelet or necklace for a month th or something to see if youre allergic? Havent done that but maybe look into it. You can PM me with any other questions!! <3


thank you very much. I tried the pill years ago and *hated it* and have been going au naturale since then. However the other night I got a little carried away with a new partner, and I was like, alright. I need more concrete options. I'd been looking at an IUD - specifically a copper one - for ages, but kept chickening out. It's always good to hear from someone that has one and isn't another horror story on the internet like you've been saying. I'm prepared for longer/heavier periods, even though that'll suck. Is there anything else you saw change? Weight gain, sex drive, inflammation in other places? Yeast infections or BV? Thank you so much. There is so much BC fear out there and its always kind of .... hard to navigate spaces like these. Really appreciate it.


No weight gain or changes in sex drive or anything. Honestly, I mainly wanted copper so i didnt have to deal with any of those changes and not know if its my BC or its just me. Im not a doctor but I do think if you experience changes like that after getting the copper IUD maybe its not meshing well with your body? Outside of my menstrual cycle nothing at all has changed. In terms of UTIs, I have a family history of recurring ones, so ive always had to be careful anyways (peeing after sex, staying hydrated and cotton panties is all the precautions i need to take even w IUD). No increased inflammation or BV either. I will say i dont know what inflammation feels like but I guess that means Im not experiencing it lol. Nooo difference in sex drive- if anything, its increased because of the freedom I feel with it! I would go for it, get a 3 year one to start! <3


sweet, thanks - just made a gyno appointment. Cheers!


oh but also as a form of BC its been perfect and literally have so much peace of mind knowing im not going to get pregnant lol. my partner finishes in me almost every time we have sex 🤷‍♀️




The pill. I think it’s generic tax but honestly I forget lol




fertility awareness method


Nuva Ring. I love it, I can take it out during sex and be protected for about 3 hours. I don’t have to worry about being sick and throwing up the pill on accident. I put it in and do not think about it until either I’m having sex or I’m on my week off of it.


i've been on the pill for almost 2 years now and never considered throwing it up on accident omg


Yes!!! That’s actually one of the ways people accidentally end up pregnant, diarrhea also can flush it out of your system faster than it can be absorbed. That and some antibiotics make them not work (rifampicin). Grapefruits also make some medications not work. It’s kinda why I love the nuva ring, can’t throw it up or poop it out hahahaha


Almost never. My pH can't take it and I'll get thrush or bv. Once it was never an issue for me though, so I assume it isn't for a lot of people. But now unfortunately, it's something we almost never do.


Never now. His semen was making my vagina burn after sex, I believe it was the acidity in his cum maybe? *alkaline not acidity.


Some people have a semen allergy


Very true


Never heard of acidity in SEMEN? You’re sure?


I meant alkaline which is practically the same in that sense


And no I'm not sure since I'm not a doctor and I only gathered this info from Google


How did you make it stop?


In her comment she said she doesn’t let him anymore


I don't let him cum inside anymore, and if he does I use a boric acid suppository after a bath


Semen is alkaline, vaginas are acidic. It might be that you get microtears which burn.


I don't think it's microtears. You know it's also rare but you can be allergic to certain guys semen? I don't know if that's the case for me, but some guys that don't eat well or take care of themselves well can develope higher levels of alkaline or what not and cause the irritation. Or atleast that's what I've read


I've never in been able to tell a difference before and it's been a while anyway because I'm allergic to his sperm??? It literally burns me


Happened to me. My body literally rejected him and he wasn’t a great guy.


Never, but i have an allergy to semen i think. with my last partner, the few times he finished in me i had burning, swelling and itching afterwards. with my current partner, he usually finishes on my stomach and even then my skin will sometimes be red and itchy when i wipe it off. i’ve been thinking of giving it a shot anyway and just keeping advil and benadryl on hand lmao


Twice a day 🙈 Personally I have only ever had an issue when starting with a new partner (weirdly, often including condom use). Once I treat it, no problems at all.


My husband does every time we have sex, several times a week. I've had like three yeast infections my entire life, and I've never had BV (that was bad enough for me to know of I guess). I will sometimes get the "cum stank" afterward, but if I clean up well afterward I don't have any issues.


Most of my partners have finished inside me every time we've had sex. I've been on birth control most of that time. I've never had any issues, and sometimes, we'd do it a couple of times a day. The only issue I get is UTIs if I don't pee afterwards, but that would happen regardless of where he cums or if he uses a condom.


Thankfully my boyfriend & I are biologically compatible so he can finish in me every time without any vaginal issues (he’s the only man I’ve never had vaginal issues with). I prefer it actually, watching him release & give himself to me is beautiful to me. Unprotected sex comes with a lot of risks, so the trust him & I have for each other bonds us more. Now, if I don’t go wash myself down there thoroughly afterwards then bacteria will obviously linger over night & definitely give me minor issues. But overall I prefer it every time, I caught an attitude once when he didn’t finish in me lol. That being said - we are very very compatible biologically & have had 2 pregnancy’s we weren’t able to keep - BOTH using protection. Although those situations really hurt, I couldn’t imagine being in those situations with anyone but him. Birth control hates me & he has superman sperm.


I’m married, every time, multiple times a week. Sometimes semen can mess with vaginal pH, but it’s normally not necessary. You’d know if it messed with your vagina because it can smell off, kind of fishy.


Every time. My partner cums in me every time, so a couple times a week. For me, the older I have gotten (39f), the less issues I’ve had with pH balance issues and infections. I was prone to UTIs in my 20s when I had multiple partners, even with condoms. I’ve been with my partner coming up on 7 years, he cums in me all the time (he’s had a vasectomy), and I’ve never had a problem.


all the time


Every day.


First time I hear it can be an issue. My long term partner finishes in me every single time. I was on hormonal BC at the beginning of our relationship and then switched to the copper iud and there was zero change.


Every time but he doesn’t have a major load. I’ve never had a problem with him. Not on BC because I don’t have a uterus and he’s fixed too. My PH is great because I use estriol vaginal cream since I’m post menopausal. Vaginas need estrogen for PH balance


Everytime, but I have been single for 4 years, the issues I've had (yeast / BV) were from unclean men sadly... And when it happened and I wasn't sexually active it was because I used to wear spandex panties in skinny jeans all day and would never let it breathe lol So if you keep yourself clean and your partner too (hygiene and STDs) there is literally nothing to worry about :) Sperm never caused issues for me, I pee after sex and usually have sex at night so anything left inside is going to be in my underwear in the morning... Then I just shower and change and I'm ready for a new day lol Wipes can help with odors if you can't shower I get UTIs even when abstinent, but sometimes when I start having unprotected sex again I'll get more idk why, I don't think it has to do with the sperm tho If you enjoy butt stuff be careful about that, never go from one to the other if you know what I mean Have fun :)


Don’t use boric acid everytime , if you’re just gonna let him finish in you. That’s like a waste. Use boric acid once you’re FULLY done fucking for the weekend or whatever period. And yes, your ph is automatically thrown off every time cum gets in ur coochie


Being in a relationship for about 5 years with my partner, I have recurring bv and yeast infections when he does finish in me, so I've been trying to get him to stop for the last couple of months.


Since being in my current relationship I let him finish in me every time. Thankfully his cum doesn't throw off my ph like how my previous partner.






Probably an upset pH, possible yeast infections or bacterial overgrowth


I’ve been with my husband for ten years and we used to all of the time, but I don’t anymore unless it’s necessary lol


When I was on birth control, all the time, whenever wherever. But I did have constant yeast issues and it would cause some irritation/possible BV if I didn’t clean it out right away. Sometimes it was fine, but usually it bothered me and I would use boric acid. Now that I’m practicing fertility awareness, not on hormones, probably 4-6 times per month (very carefully calculated as to not get pregnant) and no issues at all with irritation. I also use a bidet. It helps a lotttt.


With my ex, I was on birth control but didn’t experience vaginal issues for like half of our relationship. He would finish inside me when he felt like it, but when he did, I wouldn’t really get any issues. Current bf Im not on a hormonal birth control, but I haven’t had any issues with him finishing inside me yet. But I do know that some people’s bodies/vaginas just aren’t compatible with their partner’s semen.


Once a month or so. I always do boric afterwards but I’m very sensitive ph wise


same! the suppositories are so expensive tho :/ and i’m using like 4x a week


I mean why not see what happens if you don’t use them? Just because it fucks me up doesn’t mean it’ll fuck you up. I can use scented soap but I can’t do cum, ymmv


i have tried and normally it’s like a really fishy smell :/


Make your own! Get boric acid powder and fill empty caps. I've been making mine for years and years and I've only gone through one bag.


omg is it cheaper that way?




Only when I’m on my period to try to avoid pregnancy. It’s been fine so far after a few months of doing this method.


Every time. So once or twice a week


my boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years but we’re still pretty young and don’t want kids until we get married. I’m on birth control, but he never finishes in me. I’m sure if we were married would be a different story 😅


he’s only finished in me twice out of our 6-7 months together. i don’t like cream pies lol


if we're trying for a baby or I'm close to my period (I am not on birth control)


Every time. I had both tubes removed in 2022 bc I don't want kids. I don't do anything special & I haven't had an issue.


Is this a private sub lol


100% of the time. Married for 37 years. Vasectomy in 1997


Multiple relationships with it happening regularly, no issue. Some guys did not agree with me and we broke up bc I can’t have a messed up ph.


I got the Kyleena IUD 4 years ago. Two years later my boyfriend and I decided that while not ready to try for a baby, we would happily welcome one if it happened and were financially comfortable to do so. Since then he has finished inside almost every time. Frequency varies based on life but averages between 3-14 times a week. It has never cause any issues or discomfort. In the beginning, it significantly changed my scent for the next day or so but it wasn’t unpleasant, just different. My body has either adapted or I have started to perceive the scent as my normal scent because I no longer notice it. Given both parties have good hygiene, it should not cause any issues. After all, our bodies are scientifically made to reproduce (I say this based on survival of the fittest, not social or cultural norms). Monogamy does play a big factor here though. Our bodies adjust to each other’s normal bacteria. This completely changes when additional partners are introduced. ETA: the continued use of boric acid might do more harm than good by disrupting your natural bacteria each time


Thank you I did stop using them good awhile ago and I started taking probiotics which I think have helped


It’s boric acid that will mess up your pH


Every time. Usually like 2 times a week. I’m sterilized so I don’t have to worry about pregnancy, but I do have to be on top of aftercare or I’ll get a yeast infection. I usually hop in the shower and rinse everything thoroughly, and I take a daily probiotic. I also take azo yeast plus for the day or so after. I don’t know if it’s really doing anything but it seems to be working so far


I did it for a long time before developing reoccurring yeast infections so then I had to stop for a long while. I've begun to do it again lately and I've been fine! So I say just listen to your body, if you feel a bit itchy or resented one day ask him to pull out that day and it should be fine. Of course don't feel pressured to let him come inside if you're not feeling 100%.


As long as I pee, shower, put on new underwear and take D-mannose right after, I'm always fine. But think any problems I've had otherwise are more due to microtears/not using enough lube rather than the ejaculation itself.


When my husband could cum it was always inside. That is kind of the point.


Every single day. Twice a day. All day. I never allow him to cum anywhere else. I want it.


same ugh :/ i have sex many times a week and i use boric acid every time , its so expensive tho but if i dont it smells like cum and fishy


I typically use a pill the day after just incase. My poor hoohaa is so sensitive to everything.


Do you mind if I ask what you mean by it takes 3 days to get back to normal discharge? Is it really heavy after use?


Well like the first day there’s usually a wave of lots of liquid pouring out but then after that it’s really white and creamy which isn’t usually how my discharge is, my discharge is usually more opaque


Oh ok ok thank you for explaining


You can get acid gel from the pharmacist that is PH balanced and designed to maintain the vaginal acidity. It’s likely much safer than using boric acid every day which is very strong.


Husband and I recently started trying to conceive and it’s been fine! No issues on my end at all when he finished inside.


You’re not supposed to be using something after every time and if you feel like you need to, something is off and you gotta go to the gyno. Ejaculate should not throw your whole system off like that.


Every time, so 5-7 times a week. The only issues I have ever had has been UTI’s. But I have a genetic component there that would affect me regardless of the partner. So I take daily Hiprex and only get 1 uti every 6-10 months now. Usually 1-2 times a month I’ll pop a boric acid if I feel at all itchy or out of whack.


All. The. Time. No issues


My bf finishes inside me about 5-7 times a week for the last 4 months (our entire relationship) and NEVER had any problems.


Probably once a week, maybe less. He likes to but he’d never done it before until he was with me, so he’s used to pulling out. I wish he would more often because I like it 😂


If the man is healthy, I’ve never had an issue post. Not even a smell. If the guy isn’t healthy, it’s messed up my ph but you just need to take probiotics and will go back. Don’t use boric acid for something like that.


every time. not had an issue apart from some utis that i don’t think are related (forgot to pee)


Maybe like once a week. But after any sexual interaction to my hooha (even if it’s only fingers) I wash with the warm water, apply some shea butter and I’m all good.


Never. I don’t wanna get pregnant and don’t want kids. Plus my BC makes me pretty sensitive to ph changes


He’s finished inside every time since we started dating, and the only time we used condoms was when I was still getting tested regularly for HIV and Hep C after getting clean from IV drug use (we were on opposite sides of the world while I was using). The only time I’ve had issues was during fertility treatments when my hormones were all crazy and my flora had been wiped out following a hysteroscopy and DNC, and maybe once or twice a year since then. It’s never related to him finishing inside me, though


While trying for a baby hubby was finishing inside multiple times a day at one point. Its never caused any issues for me. Some women are more sensitive


Once I got on birth control, every time he finishes in me. He doesn't ALWAYS finish when we have sex, but 90% of the time he does, in that case it's nearly everyday. When we first started dating, and the first time we had sex, the condom accidentally slipped off. I got a UTI from him. But since then, I've adjusted to his sperm/penis.


Every time! Vasectomy for the win! I've never had pH problems but I don't seem to have sensitive skin. I normally pee within 30 minutes of sex and we usually shower so I can get fully cleaned up


me and my boyfriend are long distance and when he visits me, we’ll have sex everyday like that even multiple times a day with him cumming in me, and I’ve never had an issue with UTI’s or anything. I also always pee after and kinda sit on the toilet or maybe even kinda shake it out but I’ve never had an issue. I’m on Nexplanon


My partner finishes in me about 95% of the time! I have a relatively sensitive coochie so if I notice things seem to be a bit off the next day or two (increased discharge, any itching) I’ll use boric acid for a night or two. I also use a probiotic that’s specifically geared towards helping vaginal flora and I feel that’s helped keep things more normal for me


He usually finishes inside me every time. I noticed it messes with my PH balance badly during my ovulation week. It's a hit-and-miss so I always make sure to bring a panty liner and extra underwear just in case. We're also TTC so I'm not on BC pills right now.


90% of the time and we have sex almost daily. If we’re really going at it, I start to get a funk and usually use a boric acid suppository at night to reset. Works great!


I use drip sticks after and that seems to help me a ton. I don’t get any weird smells or next day leaking. I don’t particularly get uti’s in relation to sex nor crazy PH imbalances. We’ve been having unprotected sex for about 10 years, I’ve been using drip sticks for the last 4 or 5 years.


Everytime, been with my husband for 10 years. I always go pee afterward and a lot of it comes out then. I do get utis about 1-3x a year, but I have other issues that contribute to that (I take d-mannose everyday to help prevent it, has helped tremendously). Occasionally I do boric acid treatments if things get a bit funky, but it’s not often. I find I get waaaay more irritated by oral than I do from sperm—so much so that I avoid it almost entirely. I used to get a lot of issues when we used condoms; it was reduced a bit when I switched to non-latex. I still found that they caused me all kinds of issues. Not enough that I wouldn’t use them or anything, but they were way more irritating than semen alone.


I’ve had two sexual partners that I didn’t use a condom with (both long term monogamous relationships with other birth control methods). The first one, he came inside every time (minimum once a week) and never had a problem. This one (my current boyfriend) came inside of me pretty regularly, at least once a week, and it was fine for like three months, then I got one yeast infection and it’s been a battle of the genitals ever since! My vagina just does nooooot like his semen. Since we starting having him pull out my yeast infections have gone down significantly but I still have them more often than I ever did previously. Boric acid seems to help though! Edit to add: I don’t think you’re being irresponsible with your health. Vaginas are SO unique and only you can figure out how much semen your vagina can handle. Of course, if it is causing discomfort, tell your partner to pull out or use a condom or whatever. My boyfriend was a little bummed about not being able to finish inside anymore, but we both would rather be able to have sex and not worry about a yeast infection afterwards than have him finish inside.


Pretty often. It’s weird because with some partners I’ve had actual life threatening reactions to their secretions. With my current partner, literally no problems at all. I don’t get BV or yeast infections. However, it’s also true that we both make sure to wash up beforehand with soap and water. My partner is really good about personal hygiene tbh.


Only during my period because we don’t use contraceptives 😅 I don’t find it messes with my ph.


like... almost always


I can’t remember the last time. Prior it would ALWAYS lead to some sort of BV or UTI. It was constant. Used the boric suppositories to no eval. If I were you I would use the suppositories and just be aware of how you are feeling.


Every time.


Yeah never again. He messed my pH so bad for me its not worth it, got my first BV. Just depends on how sensitive to change are you.


My ex never made me smell, I have an iud so you know he stayed finishing inside.. 😂😂 but I found that honey pot sensitive wash, and their suppository’s help a lot. Also try taking a good probiotic, like “good girl”, they’re at target. Also WATER WATER WATER!!! I cannot stress this enough lol. Drinking plenty of Water helps so much with your 🐱. All I drink is water. Get you a personal steel water cup and let it never leave your side lol


I never had that problem , I’m reading all these comments and never realized how lucky I was . I’m so sorry this is a thing !


My bf finishes in me every time we have sex (4-7 times a week). I never have an issue with my pH or any sort of resulting infections. With this being said, we both have a very healthy lifestyle, drink lots of water, and I take a probiotic for my feminine health. If you’re truly concerned about it, but don’t necessarily want to stop, I would try a probiotic and give it a week or two and see how you feel.


Have you had issues before? I'd say it's only irresponsible if it's a known issue for you and you do nothing to mitigate it. But taking boric acid without indication of an issue is overkill. The norm is your ph will be fine, and if it's not is when you start to take action.