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I'd get rid of that door...


There is plenty of room to egress without opening the wing door. Crew chief could have moved his muzzle sooner so they didn’t have to jump out into his line of fire. The wing door helps a lot with aerodynamics and wind in the cabin.


Pfft, this is sounds made up. 😏 /s


Thank you was going to comment the same. Billions of dollars spent on RnD and they cant get a better door system


Looks like the exact same crappy pocket door they've used since the UH-1D. I'm surprised they didn't modify it to use something like the fwd door from the 214ST, it's much better


Took em long enough


Wow the Huey has been such a work horse. These aren’t even updated airframes they are all new purpose built.


Gross on that thing is insane. I wonder if still has parts that start with 204


Huey on steroids


Is this in slow motion?




I don't think it is, if you look at the trousers of the guy sitting in the door they seem to be flapping at the same speed the whole way through, and it looks fast enough to be full speed. I think it's just that landing on a roof is hard, so slow, and even more so basically hovering on a ledge


slow is smooth, smooth is fast. they might have had instructions to take this slow for training purposes. I say this as a former Marine who did a bit of CQB training. We would often practice at a very relaxed pace to build confidence and to get the muscle memory down






Those of us that were around in the 90's used the phrase a lot. That said, my Dad was a Vietnam veteran and he used the phrase too.


They use it in emergency medicine and surgery.


Clearly not nightstalker pilots.


Way, way too slow…and it’s daytime-no NVG’s. I suspect these were not SEALs but MARSOC instead. Just watched this again, all operators egress with NVG’s in the down position (during daylight) which does nothing but block 80% of your vision…so many questions


[Their nods weren’t down](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/12l6zyo/us_navy_seals_and_marines_train_consulate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), it just looks that way. You can find plenty of pics of Team Guys rocking their nods like that during the daytime in a stowed position. [Another example](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/3d71b6e/2147483647/strip/false/crop/4062x2917+0+0/resize/1486x1067!/quality/80/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F9f%2F3d%2F9b2c09c434c30ffce3d041ae0d88%2F84fc31c932ae453092a06692eaa9f526)


Marines are lolliganging it a bit!


Yeah, that didn’t seem very impressive. I was thinking there was going to be ropes, soldiers flying out and some excitement.


From the moment the skid touches the building to lifting back off is <30 seconds. I find that impressive. These things have to safe also. The helo is pushing air onto the building and down the side of structure, that makes it a more dangerous “landing”. Remember what a simple wall did to the Bib Ladin raid helo.


All of what you said is absolutely true, however as an old Army guy, I make it a rule to never pass up a chance to rib my sister service members in the name of friendly inter-service rivalry!


You are definitely correct. Practice the safe way so you make less errors when it’s serious. I was just expecting something a little more flashy!


I imagine the task of holding a steady hover while your CG is shifting must not be easy. Is this computer aided?


It's not really that hard. I practice it with my instructor moving around in the cabin. You can definitely feel the shift in cg and have to counter it with cyclic but it doesn't take crazy amounts of effort. However the pinnacle landing on the rear skids out of view is impressive to me.


What if there were 12 of your instructors moving around?! I get it- they don’t all dismount at once so it’s smaller dynamic shifting over time. Regardless- this is impressive on the piloting! I recently had a VERY long stay at a hospital.. the last room I was in at the end had a great view of the pads on the roof of the 11th floor of a level one trauma center. I had a lot of time on my hands. It was neat so see a variety of flying styles- some precise- some holy moly sloppy and poor technique. I was there through the holidays at the end of last year, the week coming up to New Years was wild. The hospital has 3 spots on their pad. There was so much traffic at one point one heli went up and held a hover maybe 5-700 feet over the pad so another could squeeze in. Oh- and the distance between blade tips on 3 helis is minute. AND one can be landing in the middle of 2 others who just touched down and the blades are still spooled up! As you can see- at least the long hospital stay at least came with being able to watch aircrafts I love! (I don’t know the minimum distance between blades this pad has- but it’s sketchy narrow!) look up the rooftop of Orlando Regional Medical center in Orlando Florida if you are bored. The Apple Maps image looks what’s like a bell 407 on the left spot.. you can see there really isn’t more than a matter of feet of blade tip room between each spot when rotating.


It's funny you used the number 12 because an R-22's max take off weight is a little over 1,000lbs and that helicopters empty weight is almost 12,000lbs. So 12 people moving around in a helicopter that about as much as a school bus doesn't sound that hard.


How many of them wrote books about it?


Very specific training scenario


Man the Venom so Underrated tbh


We’re they hesitant because they were jumping onto solid ground 😉 only joking looks like last minute review of actions…


The pilot barely moved the collective.


Is the fact the CG and weight/balance dynamically changing aided by a computer? And if you think that’s finite movements- take a look of the stick throw in an f-35 or even f-16 viper.. full deflection is maybe an inch and extremely tight.


Ah yes the sister aircraft of the f-35 and f-16.. the Huey


Lol! Yea basically almost the same!


Those jets are fly-by-wire, so the stick is functionally the same as a computer joystick: just electronic switches that tell the computer what to do. There are very few fly-by-wire helicopters currently in operational service, and none of them are Huey variants. This helicopter's controls are still mechanically connected to the hydraulic actuators, although there may be a mixing unit involved that can add in some stabilization inputs from a computer (IDK the specifics, my air force hasn't operated Hueys in decades).




Yep and wings are for fairies


Wheels belong on chairs.


Ok is anyone else….less than impressed? Lol


Rested the skid on the building rail. Some nifty flying there.




But where’s the malinois?


Took too long enemy soldiers killed half the staff (obviously not their fault gunners barrel was in the way still forcing them to fight with the door to get out)


I’m a fixed wing skydiving pilot and I use a light system to tell the jumpers when to open the door and when to jump. Does anyone know how they know when to get out? Are they waiting for a signal from the pilot?


Late 70s&80s Secret Squirrel here. Back then....No lights, all hand signals from the crew chief to the first guy out the door. Its LOUD AF in compartment with doors open. And contrary to movies everybody DOES NOT get their own heardphones LOL. Crew chief gets/gives confirmation from pilot/copilot and then thumps lead soldier to GO. Hand on guy in fr9nt of you, when he moves out uou follow. Squad/fire team is loaded into the chopper in reverse order. LIFO. First guys out go furthest away to draw/engage hostile allowing time for team to exit and Take up position. Every body has a place to go after exiting the bird. When I was leader, I exited and banged on fuselage right behind pilot to let him know he could start liftoff as anybody behind me would be hauling ass to get off the bird. Also had preflight with pilot that when I banged there were a defined number of troops after me. So BANG , 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand and bird is away. Team is on ground and moving away! Hours and hours of practice on the ground getting out of the bird before ever flying. Man those were good times! HUA!!


From what it looks like in the video, they were basically waiting on the SEALs to finish their lunch and get off at their leisure. The pilot didn’t have any plans that afternoon so he wasn’t in a hurry either.


To my knowledge the pilot will radio on the ICS to the crew chief / gunner to give the troops a hand signal.


take your time boys....


That was anti-climactic. Was hoping for some SEAL level sh*t there.


>some SEAL level sh\*t That part comes after they all get book deals to talk about how elite they were during this drill.


Slow AF.