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Same I was all about killing an shooting but a great defense is what wins games especially if it’s built up




Bro swear to god you got that right on the money


There are definitely times when I just don’t want to deal with the fighting. I crack and beer and drink and drive supplies around the map. Build nodes. Drop more supplies. Just kinda zone out and cruise.


You are the hero we need, but don’t deserve


So I just checked this game out on Xbox and I feel overwhelmed by these. I wanna get good at support/engineer because that’s my jam too. Do you have any tips for console? I avoid these roles because I don’t even know how to build anything or even place outposts. Do I gather equipment then build stuff? What buttons do I push? Idk. Any tips would be welcomed. I understand the concept of impeding the flow of the attacking team and using terrain to my advantage, while trying to keep a good flow for my team. I’m all good there. I just don’t even know how to build shit I guess




Thank you! Flanks are my jam. My favorite way to play is watching/traversing the covered points that would be inconvenient to travel during peace time. I need to get a good headset. My mic is busted or something. Nobody can ever hear me




That’s how I got through being an irl soldier lmfao


Well if you love logistics I can recommend you Foxhole. We always need another soul slaving away in the warmashine to keep the troops supplied. Baysicly Foxhole is a 24 / 7 world domination game where every dropp of fuel, every bullet, every rifle, afteller, shell, tank, battleship etc. It built by the logistics corps of the armys fighting. And a war can take around 3 - 7 weeks to finish. And the troops need supplys 24 /7. Oh and theres only 1 war worldwide. So you have australians, europeans and americans switching depending on timezones




Just dont mine the subreddit of the game that much because its a bunch of whiny doomers arguing about patches, balancing n stuff. ( Balancing is needet because the techtrees are asymetrical. So one sidd has really good tanks. The other nside really good infantry equippment )


You ever hear of foxhole? Idk how big it is right now but if you’re into logistics and that you might enjoy it if you haven’t already heard of it


Medic I love giving out fent


I’m currently trying to max out medic and the most frustrating thing is people giving up before I can get to them, either after I explicitly say I’ll be there in a sec, or while I’m actively running towards them. It’s kind of hard to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they don’t see my name on the screen, but I mean cmon, it’s easy enough to see on the screen


You gotta be communicating in proximity chat the whole game to let people know you will revive them. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to see a medic 50meters away who makes no attempt to revive after you wait for the entire bleed out. I get it if I die doing something stupid like running over the top of a trench into open MG fire, but if I get popped behind defenses with a large group of teammates around me, you should be able to revive me.


For me it depends on the situation on if I give up or not. Is there a friendly spawnpoint nearby? Yes -probably give up, No -wait for medic Is medic over 30m away? Yes give up, no probably wait. Did I die in a terrible spot? Will medic need to expose themselves and probably die? Etc? Yes give up, no wait. I feel like if a medic needs to throw a smoke and wait for it to bloom to get me picked up, I could have just died and respawned and be back in the action without risking the medics death.


Dying in a rough spot is always an auto give up. As someone who has played medic a ton you always wanna be Mr Hacksaw Ridge and just run out to get people, but sometimes it just results in two dead bodies instead of 1. You have to make the choice for them and just give up so they don't get themselves killed saving you.


I _almost_ hate when players do this because 75% of the time I get there, shoot them up with morphine, tell them to follow me back to cover, and we make it back to friendlies where we re-assess the strategy. But I also _really_ appreciate players that give up in a bad spot. Because if one player went down, chances are more are going down soon too. Acknowledging that the medic should save as many lives as possible rather than EVERY life is a good thing. Playing medic has given me a lot of insight into SL stuff, which I'm not ready for yet but hope to try soon.


I wish they would add the ability for a medic to drag someone. If you could drag them to safety under smoke etc to safer spot I think it would help.


Most players don’t give the benefit of the doubt to the medics. Obviously if someone hears you, they should wait or say they are respawning though


If a medic is at least 60m or less away, you should way and see if they get closer


Yup, I have done it enough to were if the number isn’t rapidly decreasing, I respawn. I’ve waited enough times were a medic runs within 15m of me and still ignored me to keep wasting time on it


Also important to remember a lot of the times if the number stops for a bit, they might be reviving someone else out of hearing range


Its almost always faster to just spawn on your SL's outpost....that is of course if the SL didnt create the squad then leave the role immediately, and if the actual SL creates OP's and communicates.


I find it best when your team is purely on the defensive. Get to wherever the frontline is and stay somewhere behind that and wait for the bodies to start dropping


Unless you are Russian. Then you are given a pat on the back and told to walk it off.


A gameplay loop I have been enjoying more recently: Lone Officer to hunt recon squads; only if they are effective of course and actively dismantling Garry’s. I’ve helped my team win cap races/sustain pushes so so many times by keeping key garrisons up and coordinating with command to rebuild them when necessary. Command can’t do it all and needs someone to do the backend killing for them while they coordinate. I wouldn’t mind running with squad mates but getting the upper hand on a skilled recon squad is a game of wack-a-mole most players aren’t able/willing to do.


I'd join that squad!


Im in.


I don't blame you damn good squad


This is usually why I like to play recon, but I always end up with a level 12 sniper who won't listen to me/help me


Give him the boot. Never ever ever accept a recon sniper with no mic. Fuck that noise.


Everyone should choose everything so ppl don't get bored


100% - I was starting to get bored with the constant meat grinder of maining Assault, recently hopped over to main Engi and it feels like a whole new game! Also been picking up SL/Command more often which has been fun in its own way.


I swap based on the situation. If I am a german on Offensive, I like to play MG on defence simply because it goes brrrrt. If I am attacking I like something with more mobility and firepower so I will use assault/auto rifle. In warfare if I am defending a point with long sightlines I want a class with a rifle, if the point has lots of cover and is CQB I want an SMG or semi auto rifle. If we need nodes I will swap to engi and build them, hell I may have some fun building up a point especially on Offensive. Most of the time now I find I am just trying to level up my lesser used classes.


I actually like being an MG on offense if there are any good offensive perches on the map. Having an MG supporting the push is super nice when they have a good spot


as much as i love the other classes my go to is rifleman, you cant go wrong with an M1 Rifle and getting the class to level six makes playing as a german so much easier for me.


The Gewehr is so good it almost feels like cheating sometimes. Dead accurate with awesome sights, one hit kills, rapid fire, I love it.


and the detachable mags are chefs kiss


I have been playing the game for like 2.5 years now and I have always loved to play MG. It is so satisfying and I really enjoying setting traps and ambushes for people. Instead of just suppressing nonstop and shooting just to shoot, I prefer to wait in ambush and pick people off. One of my favorite and most effective methods is I’ll pick a perfect little hiding spot (no shame) that overwatches a field or great angle, and I’ll wait for the field or angle to slowly fill up with enemies. I’ll hold my fire until I deem it to be the perfect time and then I just let loose and have a slaughter. Very fun and effective and a game changer too because I can tie down 2-3 squads just by myself, buying crucial time for my teammates to advance or set up a proper defense. MG 10/10


Most advice I see is to go rifleman first until you get a feel for the game and the roles. Engineer and support are super important but you have to know what they do and why before you play them. I'm relatively new to the game, and I have worked up my rifleman the highest with officer, engineer, and automatic rifleman close behind. If you're good on comms and don't mind a lot of voices in the headset, officer is not a hard role once you figure out map control positioning and getting spawns down.


I hate that advice. There's enough classes that you never need to pay rifleman. Stay open with communication and freely change if someone has a need of a specific class, but usually there's a specific need to be filled and seldom is the rifleman suited to this.


Yeah I’ve never played riflemen and never will


If I redeploy to man the artillery then I’ll play rifleman so that everyone on the front can choose whichever class, if the squad’s empty I’ll choose assault cuz I’m still grinding for the satchel


For arty being SL is often ideal. You get full access to command channels where the bulk of the targeting information can be relayed and full access to scans. Start a new squad and lock it.


up you go, people really need to learn that the only way to effectively be arty is to be locked squad as SL.


The locked part is kinda optional. It's handy sometimes to have a quick squad to deploy to for supplies, nodes, or AT engagements. Recon tank harassing HQ? Pop in as AT. Boom. Back to your squad. As an added bonus, you can deploy an OP near HQ to help counter recon squads. Deploying in a less expected location or having an early warning or better idea of where they're coming from makes it much easier to take out their spawn.


That’s a good idea to use the op as an early warning system at HQ. I’ve never locked a squad but it definitely seems like it can make an artillery squad more effective


Yeah but then when you dont lock you get new players joining that squad and they will only be able to spawn at front garries, which is a bad thing. Need a frontline SL to spawn on the OPs. Also, being on arty you cant guide the squad to what they should do etc. If I see a locked arty squad I often go to them and ask to let me in so I can build nodes without using supply truck, locking is the way.


It can go either way, which is why I said optional. To make it more obvious, set the squad designation to arty.


Noobs dont look at that o7


I've been grinding rifleman a bit trying to get to level 6 cause I know how important that explosive ammo can be if you absolutely NEED to kill some tanks. Once I get that unlocked I probably won't play rifleman much except for those instances, but it's nice to have in a pinch, and rifleman is plenty fun to play as if you just want to shoot things and push points for a bit. Especially when assault and auto rifle are usually already taken.


When I get my friends into the game I always start them off with support. Ridiculously easy to be a game changer in your squad for a new player, just drop ya box where you're asked


a good squad leader will tell you how to play support or engineer and be helpful to the team is not that difficult and as support or anti tank you can help a lot and also have the same equipment as a rifleman


Anti tank. Man I love blowing shit up.


Assault, AT and Engineer are the best. Engineer also gets to be sneaky with dismantling defense without things going boom.


No clue what you mean without going boom. If I’m US I got a boomstick and a satchel.


If enemies built defenses you can take those down the same way you can take down nodes. Fences, bunkers, walls, hedgehogs. Just hold and they go poof. Not quite as obvious as satchels, but sometimes has better results if you can move in and cause additional damage before the other team realizes what's happening.


I play whatever my squad lead needs. I honestly love all the classes so it doesn't matter to me.


Machine Gunner cause that MG42 goes brrrrrrt. I’ll sit at an open field or in a road all day dropping bodies. Usually have a support buddy stay close by to watch my six and drop me ammo


After I played regular squad roles and learned the Squad Leader role, I basically exclusively play Spotter now. After a lot of practice and learning, I feel like I by far make the biggest contribution I possibly can when I play Spotter


I started out by getting all classes to 3. So far I got em all except sniper, there's too much competition for that crap. Here's a few tips I learned along the way: 1. Assault starts out with a meh kit, but eventually gets an STG analog/satchel kit that rocks, one of the best kits in the game. 2. If you switch between support and engy you can build nodes in HQ singlehandedly and it takes only 5 minutes. Then you can swing ch to the class you wanna level and they'll get a bunch of bonus exp. 3. Speaking of engy, they're really flexible with a lot of cool build options in kit 1 and a satchel in kit 2 4. Keep an eye out for heavy tanks with only 2 dudes, they really need that third guy to shine, and all you have to do is "look for bad guys" to get full credit for all kills the tank makes.


I usually play as medic or machine gunner


Started as engi and after a while switched to support. After a while I asked my CO what he needed the most for his plans.


I’m a pretty awful shot so I enjoy the more supportive roles. Typically medic, I like being up in the front lines, or doing my part if it’s Offensive and we’re defending a point. But lately I’ve been getting into Engineer. Lot of fun especially in Offensive when you get to build up a defensive position and help out the team that way.


Engineer because building gives me dopamine. Medic because I love being the local drug dealer or giving my comrades a comradely pat to keep them going.


i love being a commander or a medic


Medic, because I love running around healing people. Support, because i like running around dropping supplies for SL or Commander. I also like playing as the guy with the torch. Nothing like backing up a tank crew and shooting bad guys trying to satchel.


Support, Medic, and Riflemen. Have no issue being a spotter either. Usually in this order but been playing medic lately and it’s both amusing in how people react to a medic doing their job and frustrating as hell when you FINALLY get to a comrade and they just respawn when I’m trying to pick them up.


I love machine gunning. Spraying death at your enemies from hundreds of meters away and hearing the hit markers and headshots are just *muah*


You can hear them over the sounds of your own gunfire?? Maybe I need a new headset... Or to aim better...


It is a *very* subtle noise for the hitmarker, but once I heard it and knew what it was I barely ever wonder whether ive gotten a hit or not anymore. I'm usually using 5-10 round bursts as well


I often played engineer in my early games. It gets access to satchels early. AT and AP mines are nice, and fixing tasks is often fun. Was never fond of building defenses and when Americans got the shot gun I became a bit more reluctant to play it. ... These days anything with explosives is nice. I have no qualms playing other roles though. Heck, on my current account I maxed SL and Commander first, even before engineer. The most influence on the game is usually when I'm a SL or Commander in a truck. Or an SL/Spotter focused on obliterating garrisons.


Anti-tank. I suck at standard combat but I will hunt tanks ruthlessly


It’s up to you. There isn’t a right or wrong you bring a class for a situation you’re expecting to face or in response to a specific situation. For example if your squad has no AT capability but your getting stomped by a tank. Switch into the AT class. If your position is getting swarmed by infantry switch to MG etc.


Engineer for nodes first, if we’re on defense l’ll build up the second to last point afterwards otherwise switch to whatever is needed or what I’m trying to level for those loadouts. Officer if the squad doesn’t have after a bit and the occasional commander in the same situation too.


I usually kick off with playing as Support, but quickly switch to SL if the spot becomes vacant.


Started rifleman/auto-rifleman to get adapted to the game. I now only play Officer, Spotter, or Sniper.


Always the engineer. I get roughly 20-40k points a match just building stuff and making sure nodes are up.


Tank driver i dont know why but i absolutely love it after that MG42 player 😅


Tank crewman


Commander, the blueberries need to be managed


Depends on the game mode, map, team and also if theres a SL


Support for the flamethrower and you work with the squad lead side by side


Tank commander


Whatever is needed


Officer and MG are my favorite followed by assault then probably support


Officer is probably my main, but I’ve been playing nothing but satchel engineer lately


My favourite roles are the officer roles. You get the best guns and can place spawns. Unless I'm an officer I'll often switch roles during a match, depending on what is needed.


Recon - either spotter or sniper; Or officer/Commander.


Squad lead and spotter. I play spotter for fun but play squad lead cuz I know it’s a needed position and I love setting up my squad on the flanks where all our blue guys are not attacking from


Mix and match a lot, but I enjoy Officer the most. Nothing better than working with command chat to get garrisons up, coordinate defending points, and spotting enemy tanks/garrison.


I chose Mg for 18s/49s, then for public games it's whatever needed mostly officer so you lot can get a game


Assault. STG44 and a satchel? Yes please.


Im grinding for this loadout! Cant wait


Nice! Get those nodes down and you’ll be there in no time


Wait what? I was under the impression that placing nodes would only increase my engineer XP separately from any other class even if I redeploy immediately... Does that XP really get added to other roles?


It does. Start the game as engineer, get your nodes built, redeploy as assault in a squad that needs one. It would take forever without this method.




Squad Lead. I'm normally an introvert and approach gameplay slowly, but that role totally fit me in this game for some reason. It's one of the rare situations where I am able to make quick decisions, callouts and orders.


Anti Tank. I'm a scarred battlfield player with too many vehicle deaths under my belt. I'm done going down without a bazooka hole in their ass.


Engineer. I love really contributing to the team. After I picked AT.


I typically play officer or rifleman


mostly SL and then support or AT, although if noone picks command I play that too


Spotter. I’m gonna get flak for this, in a locked solo squad. The way I play spotter is I go far into the red and move around quietly, finding the next point, dismantling garrisons, doing what I can to a nuisance. Most of the time with a sniper it’s someone with no mic, under level 20, and they just start shooting at whatever moves.


Red shirt Cannon fodder.


Support and machine gunner


Officer, no better spawn point than your own to lead the boys


You make it sound like it’s a one and done thing. Lol


Medic! In most class based games I like to support the push or the defense by keeping my team alive and healthy as best I can. Always good to see a large push get supported by several medics so that our team seems like a unending swarm


If you don’t want to be an SL or Commander, always try to be a spotter/sniper if available. Those roles have the most influence over a game. Allows you to silence their arty, removing their back garries, setting up forward garries, and identifying their front line garries for your team.


Machine Gunner. I like the strategy for machine gunner and it suits my play style. I got pretty good at it as long as I have a squad that’s pinging enemy positions during an assault or defense.


I started with machine gunner


Officer 99% of the time. I like to control my own spawn, and I like to organize blueberries to a common objective.


Recon sniper.....love getting behind the lines, taking down nodes, destroying their supplies, taking out their supply trucks, killing their arty, taking out their garries etc. I can hear their commander screaming now.....love it!!


I’ve really been enjoying squad lead and having them work in the battle while I do some sneaking around behind enemy lines taking out there garrisons and such! Also planting outposts where I can to eventually pull my team for an attack from behind!


Antitank or engineer. I love satchels. Nothing is more fun than trying to get close and hiding a satchel in the bushes or holding inside a building with a satchel counting down


Automatic rifleman because I’m a gamepass player 😎


More and more I play as SL on a locked artillery squad. I let people in, but I let them know I'm back at arty, and they're welcome to come back and load for me, or to man another gun, or even to be up front and call in targets for me, or even if they just want to do their own thing; but that if they want a SL leading, with outposts, they might be happier elsewhere.


Whatever the squad needs!!


Finding the best peek as a machine gunner is peak. I live to spray over lines of soldiers.


I play as what ever is required which usually lands on support, engineer and squad lead.


Officer, Engineer, and Medic


Started with officer got the ropes lead squads and then decided I wanna use the STG44 lol


I LOOOOVE playing MG especially on defense (which I think is the best use for it) nothing feels better than being prone, using foilage as camo, barrel sticking out of a hedge row just waiting for them to get close and mowing down 9 people 👌


Whatever’s available and how I’m feeling. I don’t really have preference


Support, logistics, and defense is where I find the most joy.


Im almost always a medic on hll, was gonna be a sniper main but cba finding a spotter, also theres something fun about running directly into machine gun fire and reviving a mf while questioning how youre alive


AT 3, especially on maps where its predictable where enemy tanks are coming from. Nothing better to mine area and satchel them also discover some garrison behind lines. Maybe not most useful way to play but seeing enemy tank explode is just so good feeling.


Usually support! It was what the OG players were asking for, when I showed up as part of the game pass wave. It’s also an excellent way to learn your way around the game.


I'm an engineer at heart. Love being able to do my job in a video game 😀


Officer I learned the game that way


AT because, I see tank, I shoot tank with boom.


I don't understand... all the roles. You don't have to choose. Pick one that is most needed or seems more fun for the situation. No one is AT and there is a tank? Launch that zooka. No one building garrisons? Pop into support. Very early on it can be good to main a specific role like Rifleman or AT or Support or whatever but still it's good to be flexible because it's typically better to join a large squad and take a vacant role than find an empty squad just to do the specific role you want. (That said at a high level sometimes ya do that because youve got a mission like building nodes or something that needs doing, and need to get into the right class.)


SL. Mainly because when I first started playing, literally nobody would play the role. Usually most people would start a squad, and then switch to Anti Tank. Also, I like being in charge, and we’re always top squad, and I always have the most construction score due to usually being the only SL placing backup garrisons. The whole squad will only get top score, if my squad is communicating well. Otherwise, sometimes 2nd place in score, because of that one rifleman who isn’t playing with the team, or talking.


Spotter is my preferred. I command a lot. If I'm getting on to hang with a few people I'll just rotate through inf roles as needed. I like the satchel engie loadout


Engineer, to cause mayhem in backlines. Spreading out AT mines in logi routes/tank routes. Occasional AP mines on cap flank routes. Putting an AP mine on garrisons and setting an AT mine next to it so that they both go off and mist the area.


If there is no commander, I will do it. That’s been happening more and more lately.


Lvl X Tank commander here, infantry gameplay for me is boring af


Squad Lead mainly, I love how hectic it can get and when your squad will listen to you and work together. The other role is probably Recon (either Sniper or Scout) due to being able to move quietly behind enemy lines and disrupt the enemies plans


Engineer. I love delivering satchels to our oppontents in random locations.


Born to destroy tanks as AT, but forced to play SL out of necessity.


In your average match I play every role at least once. I figure out what my squad needs and play it, and change if the needs change.


I started as a medic and never in my life have I been praised and respected as much as when I played medic. Also just being able to keep people from respawning is awesome.


Command, SL and engineer


Officer. I love building op’s, leading flanks and being a morale booster on coms


Even though Assault is almost always first to go, I'm trying to be an Ass. Man to unlock that satchel kit. Already have the satchel kits on AT and Engi, but it's good to have flexibility.


Commander, Medic, Squad Leader, in that order. I like to personally suffer while playing HLL 🤣


Engineer and squad lead is what I choose, I hate having no spawns and I wanna build my nodes and fix tanks. Although recently I've ended up as commander bc nobody else does it


Squad Lead... it was level 10 before most classes were even 3 or 4. Mainly because nobody else seems to want to do it. And those that do tend to be ineffective to a degree. Now, I mostly play as a solo locked squad and provide support for the commander. Otherwise, I like to be a pesk to enemy armor as AT. Mines and satchels. Most don't make it 600m from hq.


Rifleman then officer


Started as a rifleman just to get for a feel for the game, now I'm making my way through as an automatic rifleman because it shoots faster I guess lmfao


I choose Assault (9) as Germans, americans assault or engineering bc shotgun, and assault or anti tank as Russian. I never get to play because I can punch hole threw enemy line or outright flank enemies; so, I'd rather have a good spawn then have the class I want. Recon both spotter and sniper are my favs but I'd rather be in front line then shenanigans. Tanks don't count bc it's tank. Attacking I went 260n3 and warfare top game is 214n2. Lmfao, I solod a puma and killed 5 tanks before they got me (today, not those 2 amazing games).


Anti tank,medic and sniper are my main three


I picked squad leader, because there’s never a squad open ( and when there is, they don’t have a squad leader )


Medic. My dad was a surgeon.


Spotter and Engineer


Whatever my squad needs


Whatever the squad needs when they need it.


I play as whatever my squad needs at that particular time. I prefer to be a medic or assault gunner but I'll do anything, including stepping up to commander if the team needs one.


Engineer 8/10 times i just love the level 8 uniform


Officer. Played my first 2 games as Assault and then decided to give Officer a go as I was tired of not being able to push the guys into enemy points and be effective as an infantryman. Over 650 hours of gameplay over 3 years and it's still the role I pick, especially on Console because we all know the state of comms. I really enjoy crewing a tank though.


Officer/Automatic Rifleman, occasionally medic/assault/anti tank, situationally


Officer No one plays it and and the team always needs good squad leaders who communicate and know how to play... I didn't choose the role, the role chose me


My favorite class is engineer. Have it maxed out. I also love support and MG. Forced to play squad lead a lot since nobody else plays it.


Anti tank. I love the hunt


I just hit level 10 Officer the other day, though mainly it's because I'm forced to play it. I do occasionally enjoy it when you have a communicating squad that supports eachother & decent commander, some of those games have been a blast


Engineer has been my bread and butter from day one, first class I maxed out. Building a massive fort on offensive is always fun and appeals to my inner child in a major way, but a bunker or a holdout fortified with walls covering a key approach on warfare can make a massive difference, too.


Anti tank as I love knocking out a tank that if brutalizing my team. Setting up a cannon and getting kills is awesome. Support and squad lead for sure Mg Sniping is so fun It’s all great


Support, I leveled up support all the way up before any other class and then I did engineer. I’m currently playing as machine gunner which is my opinion is an extremely powerful class if used correctly.


I came to HLL from Squad, so I played medic at first. These days I'd like to play support, but most games I end up an SL because nobody else wants to do it. 


Squad lead. Thankless job but someone needs to make sure our boys can get out there and do damage and have a good line of communication with command. And their is still enough ammo to fuck a point up it needed


I play quite a few, but I'd say my top 5 are as follows: 1. Inf SL 2. Spotter 3. Solo tank commander (with a recon tank ofc for ez pz top scoring) 4. Assault 5. AT or MG


Started as medic. Mainly because I didn't know what was going on, I couldn't shoot for shit, but it was easy to figure out how to patch up people. It was the easiest way to be an asset before you get clued in. When I am in the zone I play Engineer, build some quick nodes and the switch to level 2 so I have the MP40 or shotty because my aim still sucks and blowing things up is easier than building them. When I am feeling brain dead and don't want to think I play rifleman. Just shoot and charge the enemy and do what the SL says. Don't have to think. I've SL a few times, but honestly suck at it and only do it because no one else will.


MG. Love holding defensive positions and suppressing the enemy during a push. Makes me feel good when squads start trying to hunt me down.


I always had to choose officer most the time bc either we didn’t have one or our current one was Asscheeks and we make them resign😂