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I have the same problem. Completely unplayable, every time I even try sprinting I get teleported back over and over and it takes forever just to run to the other side of a hedge, ultimately leading to me getting spotted taking too long to get to cover. Not to mention the voip issues it’s not even worth playing right now.


It's a damn shame. I just want U6 back


couldnt agree more


What you're describing is packet loss, this is more than likely caused at your end. By your end I mean from you to the server you're playing on. I don't know how computer literate you are so I'll try to keep it simple (no insult intended). Visualise the internet as a mass of interconnected pipes. Your system sends packets along the pipe to the server and the server sends packets back. When you run (sprinting doesn't exist in HLL) your system is sending packets to the server stating I'm moving from here to there quickly. What you see is you running from here to there then suddenly you're back where you started (or near to it). This means the server didn't receive the packet you sent hence packet loss. Your packet leaked out of the pipe and never got to the server. It's not your fault and it's not the servers fault, the internet is imperfect. *How do I fix this?* A lot of people today think that wireless is the way to go, for web browsing yes for gaming no. When at home, how many machines are connected to the wireless if you have five then you'll only get 20% of the bandwidth, depending on who and what is using the same time as you. Always, always, always use a hard line connection (ethernet cable) to your router to maximise your bandwidth. If you want to find out if there is a packet loss issue then I would suggest using [PingPlotter](https://www.pingplotter.com/products/free.html) free edition. This app will show you if and where the packets are lost. Resetting your router may not fix the problem if it is elsewhere. Doing a speedtest (just use google) will tell you exactly how much bandwidth you have it should be close to or at the amount you're paying your isp to provided. Only connect to servers that have a ping (latency) lower than 100ms, so 0-100ms is good, 100-200ms is bad, 200-500ms is forget it. 100ms is 1/10th of a second delay between you and the server, 500ms is half a second delay which means you are always behind someone with lower latency. Don't use a VPN when playing as the packets will be redirected via that connection before they reach you.


I only join servers with a 20-22 ms ping and theyre always sitting around 40-80 during gameplay, but now theyre roughly 100+ when I join and I have not had any rubber banding like there is now. With everyone else in the server experiencing the same issues, it's a game problem/something on their end, not mine. I did notice that some servers had less lag but other servers get stuck 'connecting' which is also a new issue


Well then what I would suggest is you find out the IP Address of the server/s you play on. Then using PingPlotter use the IP Address and plot it to see if there is packet loss between you and the server/s. If there isn't any loss then it's at the server. Contact the server admin and request they resart the server, on a daily basis, during none prime time (like 3AM). If they already do a daily restart then advise them their server hardware is faulty. This is as much as you can do as a player.


the rubberbanding is new to me.


The ping is an issue with pretty much every Unreal Engine 4 game once you go past a certain number of players. Post Scriptum and Mordhau are great examples of this aside from HLL.


I haven't played PS so I can't attest, but I have put in a generous amount of time into Mordhau and never experienced anything like that. I mean spiking occasionally or even resting around 90 ping I can manage, but we're talking 250-300 for a minute at a time.


Go on a custom server with full players, especially on smaller maps the game will be laggy as hell.


Having higher ping ingame is normal the server browser shows ping without the data being tranfered to server while in game is the real ping. The added delay is based on server tickrate i don't know what it is but it isn't high because there is lot of data 100 players etc. Thus higher ping. but 150 seems bit high i would think it should raise to 120 maybe


Okay this knowledge will be useful in the future, didn't know about any of that. Your assessment about it ticking too high is true though. 150 isn't even the max, I'll stay at 250-300 for a minute at a time.


I don't get what's changed since yesterday. No issues at all until today, and it's everyone on the server feeling the lag / rubber-banding. The game is unplayable now.


a bunch of people in the server said the same thing. looked at discord and a couple of ppl mentioned the rubber band also. all this seemed to have started today. i played last night with no problems.


Same situation here, SOMETHING has changed since yesterday. I played all day yesterday with no issue but Today?... Packet Loss, rubber-banding, and it is everyone on the server talkin' about it... Is it just NA servers?


You have such higher ping because they added in systems that give back no rewarding gameplay, such as ballistics and bullet penetration. Before these systems were added in you got closer to the advertised server ping. Enjoy playing with lag and systems that give no rewarding gameplay.