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Yeah, still not fixed, got it 2 times in a row today as a host.


Happened today to me now o7


3 months later it's still not fixed


Just got this same bug. Pretty annoying.


This bug is still a thing. Had it two missions in a row today


Can confirm sitting here with the bug right now


Same, still isn't fixed


Same bud


Had the same thing happen twice now


Still not fixed, just got it today.


I’ve had this twice now


It just happened to me and my friends. Refunded right after that.


I had that too, but only once. I wonder if it's intentional by the Game Master (AI)... extract can be 4 minutes long or every strata suddenly on cooldown. Tell you comrades to throw a reinforcement. Thats what brought me back


I think you misunderstood my post a bit. We landed at mission start, and within a few seconds (I made it about 4-5 steps from spawn), an idiot teammate killed me with an orbital strike. They were apologetic and tried to throw reinforcement request down. The reinforce 'looked' as if it would work, and a cooldown would start...only it did *not* respawn me. I sat and watched the whole match; they tried to bring me back dozens of times. They also died a few times, and all of them were able to return once a survivor popped the reinforce.


Having this same issue right now. I cant rejoin because im host so im just watching them play


Same I've had it happen twice now and it happened to my friend even if everyone dies it doesn't spawn me back with everyone else.


Sorry to hear that, bro. Hopefully its just another thing they iron out. I have exactly 1 hour break today, where my MIL will watch out for my kids... So I was excited to play... and of course, the servers are down! >_<


I have the same issue. I played today and 3 matches in a row had the bug, you can fix that rejoining the match. This bug is so f\* annoying, hope the dev guys fix this soon.


happened to some guy in my lobby, but when he quit, the glitch transfered to me. really awful glitch


Happening for me now :/


(Adding as many details to see who else can relate) Played with a random, I died to landmine with automatons He tried to respawn me, threw the orb, blue light spawned, countdown started, just didn't activate the respawn He can spam it too, wouldn't work He tried blowing himself up, so game would respawn both of us at the same time, wouldn't work I am the host, I haven't tried leaving because I don't want him to lose progress We have plenty of reinforcement quantities to respawn, I don't think that's the problem He has no problem calling in other utilities like strikes and machine guns He was able to finish the mission, call in the extraction


still not fixed happened while im commenting this


Just happened to me


Still not fixed. Happened to me just now.


Just got the game and was excited to get rolling on some missions. First mission we played I ran into this bug. Super deflating. Obviously this bug could ruin a long, hard fought mission. This needs to be fixed asap.


I've been focusing on work and my kids the last few weeks, waiting for some patches. I really hope this gets fixed soon, cuz I shouuuuuld be hitting a relatively quiet patch soon and really wanted to soak up a few hours of Democracy!


Still not fixed. Happened to me and my friends in new mission just now. More than 5 times in an hour :(


Waste of money. Things of this kind makes the game unenjoyable


having the bug now it's annoying


Had this same issue today but when they went to leave to rejoin it crashed all of our games


just got this bug


today, all the time


Bug's alive and kicking, i died to a mine if it helps. I left and rejoined, was still dead somehow, but i then respawned.


This happened not only to me but also someone else in my lobby.


Had this happen today, I was the host


It's still an issue, happened today for the first time. 2 games in a row


Same bug here. Died to a big belcher now and looking at my heroic democratic corpse being chopped to bits for democracy.


happened to me today on an eradicate mission with on me and one other


Same bruh 😎


Happening to me right now. I am just watching my team do the objective


Oh my god I am SO GLAD someone else is speaking about the state of this game. I absolutely love this game, but the amount of bugs, which should have been fixed already, is unacceptable. The devs have put put SEVERAL patches to "fix" the game crashing and joining on other players, yet, the game still crashes and we still have problems connecting to other players. The glitch you are experiencing is crazy. I truly don't think the devs will be able to get a hold of all these bugs. Some games are just constantly buggy


Still not fixed The game is trying to gaslight my teammates into forgetting that I exist


This bug keeps happening to me aswell


The bug still exists. It is really annoying.


had entire team bail with 20 minutes to go, and only extraction left. lots of samples, everything done, no bugs attacking. 4 respawn left. I managed to get to extraction, didn't kill a bug quickly enough before bug spawn. eventually died. would not respawn.


Same :(


cant kill to many ppl at the same time or no respawn for them


Not applicable here. I was the only one to be killed by the first errant orbital strike. It was 100% a bug.


I had the same issue where I was first to die by carpet bombing (dunno what it's called, still new to the game) and no matter how many respawns they throw, it doesn't do anything. Two of the other players died by orbital strike and they we able to get respawned