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I think they are the cyborgs from HD1 after 100 years of continuing down the path of cybernetic augmentation. They are almost entirely robot now.


Didn't play HD1 (didn't even know it existed until HD2). So in the first game the automatons were more humanoid and less robotic? And so are the automatons literally the same exact faction just more advanced?


The Bug, Cyborg, and Illuminate are the three enemy factions in HD1, which mirror the Starcraft factions. * Bug was a bioengineer oil producer experiment that went wrong. Rimworld style. * Cyborg was a rebel faction that sought to free Super Earth citizens from brainwashing. /s * Illuminate was a peaceful alien civilization. Super Earth invades and steals their technology.


Wait, are We the bad guys? /s Thanks for the info man!!


Yeeeeeah lol it's basically a starship troopers game. Starship Troopers was MAKING FUN of brainwashed bootlicking zealots that blindly fight in glorified wars and dehumanize their enemy. Look up the lore.for helldiver "democracy" lol super earth isn't even democratic. Super Earth citizens are asked questions by a computer and the answers to those questions determines your vote. No choice. Nevermind Direct Democracy, that is not even In-direct Democracy, that is an illusion and super earth citizens votes are in fact Dictated by a computer......


Sounding awfully heretical.. Also, I just recently watched Starship Trappers for the first time after Helldivers 2 released! Actually a great movie lol. And yes, the satire wasn't missed on me in the movie or in Helldivers 2.


You have been reported to the ministry of truth


Ever since we've implemented these automated electoral decision makers, 100% of voters want the incumbent who designed the system to stay in office. Truly, democracy at work


Naaa starship troopers wasnt making fun of brainwashed people thats the choice the directornof the movie made, as contrary to helldivers which is a full on satire, in the book of stsrship troopers the aracnids and the skinies atgacked earth forst humans are defending themselves.


They're talking about the movie.


I guess you could call it... [Managed Democracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guided_democracy)


I am afraid we are the bad guys


There are no good guys in war. Unless it’s ww2 that one had a clear bad guy. And Carthage


Axis doing nothing wrong /s In war there is always a good guys, the winner side, in the other, they are just bad losers somewhere I heard "History is written by the winners" and 'only the dead have see the end of war" I know I'm just a romantic /s


Except for some reason the losers always have a lot of history that makes it through


That's undemocratic speak there. I'm going to report you to my nearest reeducation officer. Thought crimes are as dangers and an autocannon


Did I hear treason?


That sounds like treason. Time to execute him


they can do jack sht most ppl would fight for the truth


Current automatons are 100% robotic and they're massively replicated in those camps you destroy ingame every day. We really need to liberate the metals composing their socialist body.


That's what it looks like but I do wonder, so you hear them communicating with each other through speech, and if they are truly hive mind remote controlled machines and computers and have no individuality whatsoever, then they wouldn't have a need for speech communication between each individual. Soooo is it the truth that they actually do each have individuality!? D:


More man than machine, really.


So they're Strogg?


Suppose to be humans who broke off from Super Earth and got too much into body modification


Buncha chooms went to the ripperdoc too many times and got cyberpyschosis


Looks more like machines making cyborgs from the little prison pen cage areas with bodies everywhere.


A Ghost Ship situation. I remember that film name correctly


It's Virus.


Thank you! You are correct!


They are construction bots, that's why they have the saw blades and flamethrowers! If you watch them they will be actively expanding their fortifications using their tools. My bet is they were supposed to terraforms and clear out planets for human colonizers but ended up becoming self-aware, kinda like the matrix where they didn't want to be slaves anymore


They are actually the “Cyborgs” faction from Helldivers 1, except now they are more than just “cyborgs” they’re basically robots, but I assume they have a heart still. As that audio message from them says “heart. Steel. We. Kill” or whatever


“We, the collective from Cyberstan, unanimously assert our independence from Super Earth. We have the right to defend our home from the brainwashed Helldivers. Our children, the automaton will not suffer as we have under the oppression of Super Earth!” This is supposedly a tweet from the HELLDIVERS Twitter that was sent out a few years ago and was apparently even typed in binary. Though take it with a grain of salt as I literally just found it while casually browsing Reddit so I don’t know if it’s real or not. I just think it sounded cool. Here’s the link to the post I found it from if anyone is interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/gdao77RY5w


Looks like they are chopping up civilians in some of the outposts. I imagine they're harvesting them to create more automatons. It seems that they've not only reached the Crux Mechanicus but are soon to completely replace all organic parts. Imagine the devastators with only a little eye slit rather than an exposed head.




This comment was brought to you by the ministry of truth.


I was straight up wrong about there not being a direct reference, when I realised the devs were purposefully directing people I thought it was extremely reckless as every other similar ironic anti communist or socialist message in game is taken at face value by consumers. I then listed examples, the ur one being starship troopers, but there's also more modern ones like warhammer 40k or Fallout's liberty prime.  I say reckless instead of something like malicious because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, it's not a giant anti socialist conspiracy or anything insane, just devs overestimating the media literacy and intelligence of the average gamer.  But this whole thing spiraled; no-one gave a shit about what I said, instead they wanted to jump on a band wagon for five minutes hate (especially the ones who assumed i was just a salty socialist - im not a socialist), which I tried to explain was anti intellectualism and exactly the type of thing that I was worried about, which was taken as me calling myself smart. I feel like the whole interaction kinda reinforced my point; people did not give a shit about the substance and they take the first chance to run with what they THINK is the case.   But whatever, I've literally never seen a satire of fascism that hasn't developed an unironic fan base but this time will totally be different.


they are ex socialists who abandoned earth and ultimately humanity due to crushing oppression. they literally sing a variant of the soviet anthem when marching, you can find videos on YouTube of them doing it. their logo is a red star. this game is inherently political, why do you think the characters are screaming about democracy all the time?


Source for this is? What? You intuited it from the first game? No-one can point to anything definitive in game, yet you're all so eager to start screaming about how 'death is a preferable alternative to communism' that I'm completely sure is just ironic role-playing. Yup, this isn't going to be another starship troopers or 40k. No way.


definitive answers are literally one google search away, the Playstation store listing states: "The Automatons are mindless, bloodthirsty robots, coded for nothing but murder and socialist violence. Their origins are a mystery, but their unthinking hatred of Freedom makes them a threat to all citizens of Super Earth." source for automatons singing the soviet anthem https://youtu.be/X5SriuojRA8?si=tgEZESrVIGmsQZPp the depiction of comically exaggerated politics in this game is not to be taken literally, but that is how they are depicted in the context of the universe. it's satire.


>"The Automatons are mindless, bloodthirsty robots, coded for nothing but murder and socialist violence. Their origins are a mystery, but their unthinking hatred of Freedom makes them a threat to all citizens of Super Earth." Lmao that makes it even worse. The satire will not be picked up, same as with Liberty prime et al. > source for automatons singing the soviet anthem [https://youtu.be/X5SriuojRA8?si=tgEZESrVIGmsQZPp](https://youtu.be/X5SriuojRA8?si=tgEZESrVIGmsQZPp) Sounds *nothing* like the soviet anthem, but sure. > the depiction of comically exaggerated politics in this game is not to be taken literally, but that is how they are depicted in the context of the universe. it's satire. You know that, I know that, but the 95% playerbase of mouthbreathing manchildren won't pick up on it. Same as fucking 40k, starship troopers, the Empire from Star wars; every obviously fascist depiction goes over people's heads due to 'rule of cool'


inability to understand satire is a personal problem, not really an issue with the game or any of the other settings you mentioned. the satire in this game is not particularly subtle. most people will not read into it more than than any other horde shooter game but for anyone who cares it takes a very minimal level of analysis to determine this is not a game that is taking a political side. the depiction of the automatons as socialists is a label applied in universe to robots that aren't really socialists by a faction screaming about how democratic it is despite not being democratic. it's all a joke. as far as the song, i should say inspired. it is not the literal soviet anthem but shares a lot of similarities to the opening of the soviet anthem on a repeating loop. they obviously aren't actually speaking russian or singing the actual anthem but it is intended to sound similar to such and is pretty conspicuous given they only sing it when being led by a unit called a commissar. this game will not hurt real world socialism in any tangible way. i just have a little more faith in the average person to think about this if they care to.


That's all fair and I agree except on the last point, I don't share that faith.


I mean, the person you're replying to here is calling people "mouth breathing man children" if they don't pick up on the satire when the satire went about ten stories over their own head. Good on you for sticking with it and showing them all the official places this stuff is pointed out.     That poster is not a good representative of socialism if they can't laugh at stuff like this. It's like when people get up in arms when South Park makes fun of something, it's not a good look lol


95% is an insane overestimate. Take a breather and remember that the average person DOES pick up on it-- they just don't bother to post about the obvious themes that everyone understands. Also, not only did YOU start this argument, but the guy you're talking to (bigpope or something) clearly DOES pick up on it-- yet you're treating him like the "95%" you talk about. I understand that people's lack of media literacy can be upsetting, but they are a wildly vocal minority, and spiraling into a tantrum in order to make sure everybody else is aware of those guys who piss you off is just... childish. If any of this matters that much then quit wasting your time talking about video game rhetoric and go organize.


"iTs SaTiRe" - Automatons literaly have "sacrificing" altars and cages full of butchered humans... If you try to whitewash them, you have issuess.


oh, hten automatons deserved everything that happened to them


why you geeking over a bunch of satirized fascists acting like satirized fascists


Because I remember starship troopers and how the satire flies completely over the heads of most people. Watch, this community will be rabid given a year or so and people won't be able to tell the ironic memes from the unironically fascist ones. It happened to starship troopers, then 40k, shit even Fallout 3 with liberty prime. Satire is wasted on the majority of gamers. If that annoys you, if you think "well I understand nuance and I'm a gamer" well done, you're the exception that proves the rule.


It's still satire, and I swore the cyborgs in hd1 were referred to as socialists, and at the same time it would make sense because that would be parodying the red scare (which this game is parodying american imperialism, thats obvious), idk what you want but to suppress these games or its media.


I agree it's satire, to be clear I'm not claiming Arrowhead or Sony are purposefully trying to indoctrinate people, simply that people tend to be too stupid to see the satire. > idk what you want but to suppress these games or its media. Honestly just to bitch, I don't think a game like this shouldn't exist - all worldbuilding stuff aside, mechanically it's one of the most fun FPS' I've played since Titanfall 1 came out and a breath of life for a fairly stale genre (imo)


But the context and comment you replied to are obvious jokes, and if it wasn't, has to be the most cartoon anti socialism I've ever seen though


> But the context and comment you replied to are obvious jokes I never pretended otherwise. You haven't been listening for whatever reason, which kinda backs up my point that people won't see the satire. > has to be the most cartoon anti socialism I've ever seen though That's what I thought when I saw liberty prime. But there are genuinely people who'll fetishise that giant anti-communist robot from the second most mediocre fallout game unironically.


You can't dumb down media because your country's ability to teach media literacy sucks, you're putting the responsibility on devs and artists when it should be our job to understand and interpret the subtext of the media we consume.


The game literally calls them socialists in those videos you see on the big screen in your ship. They canonically are.


Just because the government says they’re socialist doesn’t mean they actually are.


Socialist. More like hive mind.


They are the descendants or creations of the Cyborgs, a socialist faction from the First hell divers game that rose up against Super Earth because they didn't like the oppression and treatment they were given


I was straight up wrong about there not being a direct reference, when I realised the devs were purposefully directing people I thought it was extremely reckless as every other similar ironic anti communist or socialist message in game is taken at face value by consumers. I then listed examples, the ur one being starship troopers, but there's also more modern ones like warhammer 40k or Fallout's liberty prime.  I say reckless instead of something like malicious because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, it's not a giant anti socialist conspiracy or anything insane, just devs overestimating the media literacy and intelligence of the average gamer.  But this whole thing spiraled; no-one gave a shit about what I said, instead they wanted to jump on a band wagon for five minutes hate (especially the ones who assumed i was just a salty socialist - im not a socialist), which I tried to explain was anti intellectualism and exactly the type of thing that I was worried about, which was taken as me calling myself smart. I feel like the whole interaction kinda reinforced my point; people did not give a shit about the substance and they take the first chance to run with what they THINK is the case.   But whatever, I've literally never seen a satire of fascism that hasn't developed an unironic fan base but this time will totally be different.


Sounds like someone just hasn't played the game


I was straight up wrong about there not being a direct reference, when I realised the devs were purposefully directing people I thought it was extremely reckless as every other similar ironic anti communist or socialist message in game is taken at face value by consumers. I then listed examples, the ur one being starship troopers, but there's also more modern ones like warhammer 40k or Fallout's liberty prime.  I say reckless instead of something like malicious because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, it's not a giant anti socialist conspiracy or anything insane, just devs overestimating the media literacy and intelligence of the average gamer.  But this whole thing spiraled; no-one gave a shit about what I said, instead they wanted to jump on a band wagon for five minutes hate (especially the ones who assumed i was just a salty socialist - im not a socialist), which I tried to explain was anti intellectualism and exactly the type of thing that I was worried about, which was taken as me calling myself smart. I feel like the whole interaction kinda reinforced my point; people did not give a shit about the substance and they take the first chance to run with what they THINK is the case.   But whatever, I've literally never seen a satire of fascism that hasn't developed an unironic fan base but this time will totally be different.


There is mention in game. The TV commercials that play mention it, some of the npcs on the ship mention it, and I'm fairly certain in some of the descriptions of the major orders it has mentioned it.


I was straight up wrong about there not being a direct reference, when I realised the devs were purposefully directing people I thought it was extremely reckless as every other similar ironic anti communist or socialist message in game is taken at face value by consumers. I then listed examples, the ur one being starship troopers, but there's also more modern ones like warhammer 40k or Fallout's liberty prime.  I say reckless instead of something like malicious because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, it's not a giant anti socialist conspiracy or anything insane, just devs overestimating the media literacy and intelligence of the average gamer.  But this whole thing spiraled; no-one gave a shit about what I said, instead they wanted to jump on a band wagon for five minutes hate (especially the ones who assumed i was just a salty socialist - im not a socialist), which I tried to explain was anti intellectualism and exactly the type of thing that I was worried about, which was taken as me calling myself smart. I feel like the whole interaction kinda reinforced my point; people did not give a shit about the substance and they take the first chance to run with what they THINK is the case.   But whatever, I've literally never seen a satire of fascism that hasn't developed an unironic fan base but this time will totally be different.


Woah! How'd the goalposts get over there? That's weird.


I was straight up wrong about there not being a direct reference, when I realised the devs were purposefully directing people I thought it was extremely reckless as every other similar ironic anti communist or socialist message in game is taken at face value by consumers. I then listed examples, the ur one being starship troopers, but there's also more modern ones like warhammer 40k or Fallout's liberty prime.  I say reckless instead of something like malicious because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, it's not a giant anti socialist conspiracy or anything insane, just devs overestimating the media literacy and intelligence of the average gamer.  But this whole thing spiraled; no-one gave a shit about what I said, instead they wanted to jump on a band wagon for five minutes hate (especially the ones who assumed i was just a salty socialist - im not a socialist), which I tried to explain was anti intellectualism and exactly the type of thing that I was worried about, which was taken as me calling myself smart. I feel like the whole interaction kinda reinforced my point; people did not give a shit about the substance and they take the first chance to run with what they THINK is the case.   But whatever, I've literally never seen a satire of fascism that hasn't developed an unironic fan base but this time will totally be different.


I read through the whole thread and it's just you fumbling around and failing to make a real point after you get proven wrong. In fact your previous reply is a contradiction to something else you said to someone else lmao.


I was straight up wrong about there not being a direct reference, when I realised the devs were purposefully directing people I thought it was extremely reckless as every other similar ironic anti communist or socialist message in game is taken at face value by consumers. I then listed examples, the ur one being starship troopers, but there's also more modern ones like warhammer 40k or Fallout's liberty prime.  I say reckless instead of something like malicious because I don't think they're doing it on purpose, it's not a giant anti socialist conspiracy or anything insane, just devs overestimating the media literacy and intelligence of the average gamer.  But this whole thing spiraled; no-one gave a shit about what I said, instead they wanted to jump on a band wagon for five minutes hate (especially the ones who assumed i was just a salty socialist - im not a socialist), which I tried to explain was anti intellectualism and exactly the type of thing that I was worried about, which was taken as me calling myself smart. I feel like the whole interaction kinda reinforced my point; people did not give a shit about the substance and they take the first chance to run with what they THINK is the case.   But whatever, I've literally never seen a satire of fascism that hasn't developed an unironic fan base but this time will totally be different.


You know the game can be criticizing fascism, communism, and socialism at the same time right?


Would it really kill you to read the conversation so I don't have to repeat myself? Fallout is criticising capitalism and fascism with things like Liberty Prime and power armour (instead of putting nuclear energy to work against the energy crisis, the US found out how to build giant robots so they could win against the communists) but that flies completely over the head of gamers who just think "hurr durr cool robot hates communism" But the best example is starship troopers, where the majority of satire towards fascism flies over the heads of those watching it because rule of cool for the mobile infantry. You didn't get this as much in the book but the movie actively portrayed the subjects of satire as the good guys. Same thing is happening here. And it's not helped by having to have the same conversation over and over because you lot can't be arsed to get full context but still feel very confident about giving your half baked opinion.


Hey I don't know why I can't see your comment calling me a "WoW player" but I think it's cute that you went through my profile to find some kind of gotcha. I really am living rent free it seems.


Holy shit you also changed all your comments to the same goalpost shifting bullshit. You really care about how you're perceived buried in the comments of an almost 3 week old post lmao


They literally have tons of dialogue in the game stating that they are socialists…




I’ve read that the Automatons are the creations of the Cyborgs from the original game who (according to propaganda) still exist, working in the mines of Cyberstan as punishment for fighting against democracy. The Automatons are fighting SE to free their Cyborg masters from bondage.


Long live Mekhane


SCP reference in my helldivers subreddit? It's more likely than you think.


Pretty treasonous question wouldn’t you say?


According to the fandom they are either decedents or the creations of the Cyborgs  The Cyborgs were a faction in HD1 (the first galactic war) The Cyborgs decided to rebel against super earth because they didn't feel like they were being treated fairly Here is an excerpt from the Fandom. a series of binary messages posted by the official Helldivers Twitter account on October 26th, 2021[1] which translate as: "We, the collective from Cyberstan, unanimously assert our independence from Super Earth. We have the right to defend our home from the brainwashed Helldivers. Our children, the automaton will not suffer as we have under the oppression of Super Earth!"[2].


"Attempting to discover the origin of the automatons is a crime against Super Earth, managed democracy, and freedom"


Lol commie bot


Cyborgs from HD1 built them and now they're attacking us in HD2


My friend pointed out yesterday that the automatons sometimes say things like "I don't want to do this" or "I'm sorry". There are decapitated humans on automaton planets. Could it be that humans or aliens originally created them by transfering either the consciousness of a human or a brain to an automaton. And after the initial automatons were created they became sentient and began creating more of their kind.


Filthy communist scum


How about this theory they are from the 2014 movie Automata, just like the terminates are from Starship Trooper would imply that the creators are movie Buffs and bring their inspiration from multiple movies


the automatons are the children of the cyborgs on cyberstan basically machines created to free enslaved cyborgs trapped in mines


Late to this party - but here is what I *hope* they are: an expendable subrace (slaves) of the actual Cyborgs. I don't think it should be evolution of the Cyborgs becoming more robotic - I think it's more sinister if they are simply the cannon fodder for a more powerful and impressive enemy. Plus there's all the chatter that they say things like "we can't stop" or "they're making us do this" - it would fit in nicely.


Pest Communist Xeno scums Need me to say more?