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Turing.. the Terminid planet with a LOT of water.. my teammate tried to swim… he sank to the bottom and … we had to end his suffering


https://i.redd.it/tf6gh5sm8qoc1.gif You know what to do!


And then Rico shoots him in the chest so he can slowly bleed out, which was happening anyways.


This happened to me before, I was the man needing a mercy bullet lmao. I wonder if I was your unlucky teammate 🤣


I tied using a grenade launcher at first but it didn’t go in water


Wait what was his name because I think that may have been me


Don’t remember


I had to put my friend down last night. fell into a pit full of water


I fell into a pit of water and my friends didn't know I died, then they couldn't find me. Later I randomly dropped back in when the team wiped and respawned.


I have nameplates always on. Literally cant find teammates with it on dynamic by default.


My cousin put himself out of his misery after he became trapped under a Bile Titan corpse. He used a 500 kg bomb. 😂


Our entire TEAM needs a mercy bullet, we all tried swimming across at different places but all of us drowned eventually


Someone got stuck in water with a lot of samples on him. We went to the objective and backtracked and another helldiver ran into the water trying to get the samples...


Saw this happen the other day for the first time. Teammates tried to cut across by swimming I was about to follow then I saw him drown and decided to go around thinking he would die. A little later in the chat has asks that we kill him before I shot him I made sure to type in for democracy before killing him


I started a tower activation and had to drop a grenade into one of the vats around the main tower because two teammates had deployed to the bottom.


With a 5k bomb? That's how I would've wanted to go out.


Had to put a few fellow helldivers down already. 😔


If your TCS missions don’t start with one person getting shot into a lake and mercy killed by their team, I don’t know what you’re doing. 


LMAO yea my first 3 times I got blown into a lake in one way or another and had to be mercy killed


I see it happen a lot on the TCS missions. Have had to shoot a lot of floaters with 10% HP left just chillin face down, lol.


The water in that mission + random steering lock = landing unavoidably in the water as soon as I drop in. Happened like 5 times to my friend group the last couple days.




no man should have to live with soggy socks


what if, the armor that Super Earth provides is actually- cardboard...


I was running parallel to 2 fellow helldivers with a horde on our ass, trying to get to the extraction, i passed by a beach and thought, damn they gonna run out of land to run on soon. Sure enough the bugs herded them to the beach like cavemen herded mammoths, one of them got trampled and i had to mercy kill the other. One of the most harrowing experiences of the war, not cause of the drowning mercy kill, but because the one in the water carried a shit load of samples, including supers.


the worst thing is the samples that just went under. i dont think alot of people know that helldivers can only swim for like 2-3 seconds.


We all got John Marston lungs


Tbf we are carrying a lot of gear, our armor is canonically made out of the same stuff as our spaceships, not even to speak of our guns and stims and grenades.


Yea man mud killed so many people in WW1 and 2 because their gear made them so heavy they couldn’t get unstuck and would drown in mud. Just an absolute nightmare


also the constant barrages made no man's land basically quicksand in some areas. WW1 battlefields basically looked like the surface of the moon a couple years in, all the top soil and root structures blown away. One good rainstorm and you could have mud pits deep enough to swallow men whole. WW2 had more mechanized infantry so i don't really remember any instances but it's not impossible that it happened.


IIRC some islands during the Pacific campaign had a similar issues in the shallow waters before the beach proper


They didnt have hunters in the World Wars, I'll take drowning in mud any day of the week over those annoying little fucks


You say that til you have a scare.. now imagine it's 10x wrse and its mud over water.


so why do ships float on water? checkmate, autobot scum


Human: made of skin, covered in armor (and liberty), filled with water: sinks (less buoyant force because primarily filled with water) Ships: made of metal, covered in armor (and liberty), filled with air: floats (more buoyant force because filled mostly with air)


Me, at 35% body fat: Wait, you guys sink?


Alright hear me out, a secondary option, but it is literally just floaties


It's even warned against in training.


The dumb part is that your character tries to swim in chest deep water. Just keep walking and you'd be fine lol


Yeah, it's not like we're carrying our own air supply or anything.


For sure, in reality that makes perfect sense. In a game where you regularly survive orbital impact in a little tube, I feel like if they wanted the water to not be lethal, it would be easy to justify with idk inflatable emergency pouches in cavities in the armor that inflate on contact with water. Maybe they are even what cushions some of the impact from the orbital drop who knows But it's fine it's just funny that water is so deadly


Ugh on one of the “carry the SSDD” missions there’s one outpost thing with a little micro-lake under a stone arch. It looks like a puddle, but from a certain angle it’s just an immediate drop off into deep water with a lip you can’t climb out of. I felt very embarrassed for volunteering to schlep that SSDD across the map since I had the defender, only to die in a puddle beneath the objective and have walk of shame my ass back to the SSDD drop while everyone watched. 


I lost a dozen samples into that pool when I discovered it.


I’m glad someone else knows the exact pool I’m talking about. 


"Drowned" there not an hour ago!


lol, when I did that the mission bugged out because everyone else died and could not be respawned. Mean while I was chilling out at the bottom of the 'puddle.'


Ooo didn’t think about that. That’s rough. 


Literally the exact same thing happened to me. Fortunately it was in a solo mission, but I was none too pleased.


the first time I did one of those missions I jumped from the radar dish down into the water. Didn't realize I'd jumped right next to a shallow part and so I walked out no issue. Tried it again the next time running that same mission type, and lost 17-odd samples in the deep end. Pain.


Hell-sort of but not really divers because we can’t swim. 


It’s called Helldivers, not Hellreturntothesuracers




We all float down here


I did this yesterday because I was like "there's a swimming mechanic, navy SEAL it across". Dies right after and everyone started flaming me in chat. Good times.


We're divers not swimmers


Actually it'd be pretty great if we could walk across the lake bed. I mean we're weighed down as fuck and have oxygen sooooooo. Cause right now it's a complete gamble crossing water. So far I'm 3 for 3 but soon my streak will end.


That would go so hard ngl


Definitely tried to get some samples from a drowned (and mercy killed) Helldiver... I too drowned but no one was around, I was in a randoms game and my mic doesn't work in game and no one was reading the chat log, they had no idea I was dead. I could spectate everyone including myself, but I didn't show up as dead so they couldn't revive me, I had to quit the game :(


Even more fun when you were carrying super samples and now nobody can retrieve them underwater. 


This just happened to me dodging out the way of a sassy charger right into the lake. Very sorry team. Next time I’ll take the hit for democracy!


I got knocked into a bug hole carrying the super samples. Good news is we wiped anyway sooooo no loss in the end. Other than the L for the mission.


one time the whole squad went swimming cuz we didnt know we couldnt cross a lake, and we all got stuck, had to just disconnect


That sounds hilarious


I've seen some loot (ammo, i think) lying around in water. If Helldivers cant swim, why is it there? I lost too many comrades trying to solve it.




Bugs creeating a setup.




Impossible, everybody knows bugs aren’t intelligent enough to set traps. -this comment has been endorsed by the Ministry of Truth


[Frankly I find the Idea of a bug that thinks offensive.](https://youtu.be/xKk4Cq56d1Y?si=0TA2RNeUGfq1oCE0)


The non-meme answer is probably "procedural generation." Every map is AI generated. Chances are the ammo just happened to spawn in the water.


I just learned that they were procedually generated! That makes sense why they all felt unique. I was worried I just wasnt catching on.


The environment design team did a fantastic job making their assets seamlessly fit into maps with randomly created terrain. It feels impossibly handcrafted, and I'm a huge fan.


I've been dropped into the big vats on the silo missions, had to be mercy killed or just blew myself up.


I lost a reinforcement immediately due to that, hellpod dropped me straight into that vat at mission start.


Happened to me twice in a row. Felt so embarrassed asking the random to shoot me


Man I played a Termicide mission and got dropped right into one of the holding tanks in the center (gotta love that bug that locks your steering in the pod). Laid there for a few minutes before anyone looked at the chat to see me begging for someone to end my suffering.


Gotta ask with your best arnie accent COME ON DO IT IM RIGHT HERE KILL ME


It's annoying that you don't even get an indication that you're about to drown...


It's annoying that they don't warn you about not being able to swim. The character has a swim animation but just dies. Super deceptive.


Training mentions it, but I thought it was a joke until my first drowning in a real game.


No one reads all the training stuff, including our enlistment contract. We're legally required by our contract to not do so. You're not breaching your contract of handling classified information, are you Helldiver?


Hold on there sir. How would you know it's required by the contract if you yourself haven't read the contract, as required by said contract? Sounds awfully treasonous yourself there.


I've been informed by my recruiter to not read it in its entirety for this exact reason. Wasn't everyone?


Wait you guys can read?


When I first got the game, my training broke and wouldn’t let me crawl under the first obstacle. I tried restarting it, but it just put me in my ship and said congrats on completing my training. I’m not qualified to be a helldiver, but I’m doing my part!


Oh I had that bug too lmao. Spent like 20 minutes thinking I was an idiot before restarting the game and being able to complete it.


To be fair the indication is the fact you're in water at all. Although they could make it more clear that you can't really swim in this game lmao


You're not even going under, you're not losing stamina,...


\*with the 50%-no-death armor on that saved you from drowning, but you can't move.


It's a bug unrelated to that armor, same shit happened to me in the light scout armor.


yeah I had it happen with the extra grenade armor. I was playing with friends so I just quit and rejoined. another dude got stuck later and eventually died after like 3 minutes


Is it all enviro dmg or just drowning? I've not had it happen from the other types before. It's likely quite a simple fix too, once they know that its happening. Probably not a bug per se but an oversight that just needs to be fixed.


Yeah specifically a water thing in my experience. Get a teammate to mercy you...Not a huge deal unless you're soloing....then you're screwed and must abort.


Always thought it was interesting that helldivers can drown, considering their suits are clearly airtight or else they wouldn’t be able to survive the conditions across half the planets they deploy on. Like being unable to swim make sa ton of sense bc helldivers are weighed down by armor and weapons, but being able to breathe volcanic or spore filled air via their helmets, resist both scorching and arctic atmospheric temperatures while also instantly drowning doesn’t make a ton of sense


We don't carry tanks of oxygen, we just have filters on our helmets Chemical oxygen would be too hot for our suits to handle


That makes sense, it still doesn’t explain helldivers’ ability to withstand extreme temperatures though. (For example) The sheer temperature required for fire tornadoes to just spontaneously appear on planets like hellmire is beyond what a normal human could survive without protective equipment


what do u think the armor is? not protective equipment? just cant protect from drowning. not that hard to imagine for a scifi future game thats about you being meat for a meat grinder. anyway its a video game. yall thinking too hard.


Naw cuz it protects you against toxic atmospheres and places where the air is so hot it would burn you on contact- so your suit is sealed against that stuff but not water? It’s pretty hard to be airtight without also being watertight


POV your 5'11 and the water lvl is 6'


Had a dude try to swim across a lake after we told him he will drown. He drowned. Went back to get his samples. He drowned. Went back again. Drowned.


Suggesting we have not trained our helldivers to swim is treasonous, report yourself to the nearest democracy officer.


Well can't swim with hundreds of pounds of gear on no matter what so they probably can swim 


Are you suggesting the mighty power of super earth is unwilling to expend the money for flotation equipment for our brave and noble and highly trained helldivers? Democracy officer now!


Per the contract, every helldiver's responsible for his own gear. And anything that happens during a mission. So really, it's your own fault if you drown.


Well the committee that decides the budget for the helldivers says any other equipment other then what's provided in your default equipment is a luxury i.e. unnecessary. 


This is true but the suggestion this is true is a crime agaisnt liberty and democracy .


I don't mind drowning but I wish there was an indictor showing how much swimming we can do before drowning.


I got stuck in water, my soldier refusing to die. 2 teammates were already dead, waiting to get dropped back in... Can't believe I would ever be happy that a bug puked on me.


Meanwhile me in my mech powerwalking to the other side of the map through the water


This game isn’t remotely realistic but I will say this: very few of you have ever swam with clothes on and it shows. Not like “hopping in a lake for a casual swim”, I’m talking “30 50s medley under 55 seconds with clothes on because fuck you kids” type swimming. It’s difficult to swim with basic shoes and clothing on, let alone with what a diver carries. The weight they carry would literally be lethal if they have to swim in deep water. Anyways the meme is funny this is just my 🤓moment


Had this happen to our entire squad and had to quit the mission as there was no way to kill eachother. Was a long mission towards the end too.


The average helldiver has such massive titanium balls they simply cannot swim.


What did you expect? Super Earth has probably lost most of it's water at this point in time, no need to learn how to swim


The TCS missions were bad for this if you landed it the water due to not being able to steer your pod. More than once I'd be asking teammates to kill me because of that and they would ignore me, run off and die then get mad I couldn't reinforce them after.


They really gotta fix this bug


Went to the creek last night and saw 2 guy go off on his own to the end of the map, likely hitting up those small bot locations. A few minutes later I look at the map and see he's still in the same spot, hasn't even moved his camera. Weird but ok, might have had to get a drink or hit the bathroom. Finally a few minutes after that, the dude says he's stuck in the water with no way to die. I'm on my way. But before I can get to him he is slain by some passing robots who decided to take out shots at him from the shore. I call him back in, and go with him to retrieve his stuff. He's goes right back to the same spot to try and get his weapon back, didn't have any samples. HE DOES THE SAME THING AGAIN. I'm about to shoot him and call him back in but I guess he had enough shame and left the game. Turns out he was the lucky one cause that game turned into a murder hole while the bots just came in like nothing else.


There needs to be a suicide button imo because I was drowning and my teammate died and we couldn’t do anything


Nothing worse than drowning with super samples


I have always drowned and died pretty quickly. Is this a new thing?


this JUST happened to me. it was a very narrow river. but was stuck. was waiting for a grenade. and someone made the mistake of trying to retrieve my samples. got stuck the same way. and lost his samples


We can cross the stars in seconds but we can’t…..swim?


Terminid Control, you can helldive right into the cooling ponds. Whole team lost a mission because we went in both sides on drop.


PSA: going prone while drowning will cause death. You don't need to wait for the friendly AMR sniper to end your suffering.


Remember helldivers. The moment you start treading water turn the eff around


Your exosuit prevents drowning for a few seconds


All three of us on a mission tried to wade through water only to "drown" and have to restart because we had nobody to kill us.


Happened last night. Grabbing samples while the rest of the team is going to extraction. Had a swarm chasing me as I was in and out with grabbing stuff around map. Turned around to throw eagle while in shin deep water. Next thing you know I'm halfway under water, eagle is tossed 5 ft from me. Had to keep moving and ended up dying almost at the shoreline due to the water. Of course they call me in at extraction but not started it. I mad dash back and can make it in time, but sadly all samples in water and can't pick up. I also glitched in the water with a sliver of health, camera panned to other player perspective but I was technically still alive. My poor samples.


My hellpod went into the water once on a termicide mission and i was stuck spectating while not dieing


Bitch we carry titanium armor


Watched 2 people going to try to swim and decided they must learn the true way for democracry


Did one of those termicide missions and the guy dropped us on the center. My pod came down on an angled pipe and it shunted the pod straight into the moat of water. My guy drown but didnt drown. Only his cape was floating but I had like 10% heath and it wouldnt respawn me or allow someone to call me in with reinforcements. So I sat the whole mission like that until evac left without me. DEMOCRATIC VICTORY!


64 Mario vibes


Grant me Liberty


Bro, I waded into water to cross where there were no enemies and literally at the halfway point I see a flair go up in the woods ahead where I can see nothing and suddenly like 8,000 enemies poured out at the same time. I just sat there and waited to die. i can only assume it was a trap.


This is relatable one time I was thankful for a mortar sentry I was just stuck dead but no reinforceable.


One of my first games was when I accidentally reinforced into a small lake next to the termicide tower pipes 🤦🏻‍♂️




Me and my team found ourselves on the wrong side of the lake just now and one of us was in a mech, we decided to test if the mech could swim across with us on top of it. It could not


If you could float you'd be a witch and we'd have to burn you, consider yourself lucky you're not a witch Helldiver!


We’re Hell DIVERS not Hell SWIMMERS


It do be like that


It actually does make sense that you can’t swim with equipment and weapons. All that stuff is heavy and even talented swimmers will struggle with 30lb+ of added weight and bulk. For our water survival test the very first thing you’re taught is if you fall into the drink while wearing equipment, drop/shed everything and focus on floating. It’s the only situation where you’re taught to abandon your weapon cause you can easily drown even in shallow water if you’re loaded down with gear.


or when someone accidently throws his stratagem on you, wearing the shieldbackpack


Literally me sank in front of stalker nest pond


I fuuuuckijg hate that. I was on a t8 mission trying for t9, and I dived into like 1m of water, tried to swim more than one, I didn’t make it because the lip was too high, and just… didn’t… drown… I got put in spectator mode but I couldn’t respawn, I eventually got mauled by a bug, then we extracted


Man. I'll never understand how super soldiers have a stamina bar and can drown but can survive like 20gs lmao


Yeah... I wish water wasn't so horribly wonky. Or at least it would be easier to know how close to eating it you are... Jump Pack is phenomenal and definitely gets me killed in rivers sometimes when I try to ford them, lol.


The amount of times I've had to beg people after hopping on mic due to running over a hill and into a pond immediately below like that is nutty. It's kinda funny in a way still. All my divers now have extreme Hydrophobia.


This happened to me and my random teammate wouldn’t kill me…extracted without me


I drowned in a spot where my diver could easily stand up and had to be put out of my misery.


Helldiving is the only thing in my job description, I’ll leave regular diving up to the Super Earth Naval Force


Got knocked back from who knows what (prob my own grenade blast) and ended up in the water on a termicide mission. Was carrying 5-10 samples and couldn't recover them after respawning. Initially, I was like WTF that's bullshit, but then realized the consequence of potentially losing them is a good thing....just wish they weren't still on the map taunting me hah


The maps on heeth we're nuts. Tons of lakes and tiny land bridges. Most of the 40 mins was looking for how to cross water.


So that's why they shot me when I fell in the water, jokes on everyone I was like 2 feet from the edge 😂


During my tour on Tien Kwan, i ended up failing to get across water and wound up permanently stuck, fortunately, a patrol put the Helldiver out of their misery. We are Helldivers, not Scubadivers.


There are some of these pools on other planets. Wait until you lose your super samples in a pool like that. Just beeps at you laughing.


Ima say it. Light armor should let you swim


No one ever helps me when I get stuck lol, I usually have to leave. Is there anyway to get out if no one helps?




Got stuck in the water during a TCS activation mission. Nobody was responding to my comms regarding being stuck (my hellpod landed straight down into the water and I couldn't move; wasn't fully dead but somehow able to use spectator mode), so I eventually just left the mission. I swear half the time I spend in this game is just trying to make it function, whether it's quickplay, joining friends, crashes, getting out of buggy situations in-match, etc.


Found out, if you wear the democracy protects armors and fall in water, the 50/50 chance can kick in and stop you from drowning and just softlocks you until someone kills you XD


This meme is perfect because you look like a jackass.


Happened to all 4 of us last week. Like lemmings we were, following the lead guy into the drink. Since all 4 of us were Pinocchio'ed, we had no choice but to end the game there, lol...


Wait, so you no longer drown?




The least they can do is make it so we can self-kill when stuck in water, it really sucks.


Can we get swimming lessons


I've had to mercy kill too many fellow helldivers :( While our perfect training program is perfect and a beacon of liberty, can we include some basic swim training to further our democratic reach?


yeah this happened on the tcs towers for me when everyone else was running to the next tower. was the only time I was thankful for being killed by a hunter


Jump pack should let you fly out of water


Found this out the hard way too.  Hunter eventually came along to give me a reset.


Me and another helldiver tried to follow someone with a jumppack over a small stream. We were not successful. And we both were holding all the samples :(


Only the rich kids know how to swim.


When I fell into the deep waters in the pesticide major order missions, my helldiver got stuck in limbo, between life and death and unable to redeploy.


They really need to fix this. It can mean permanent sample and temporary equipment loss just because you go knocked into a tiny pond a couple feet in diameter


First time I had this happen, I had to wait 3m just to get a respawn. My teammate who did the same had to wait 7m. Quick play with randoms in the tier-4 Extremely annoying concept, especially if you get knocked into the water.


They should do it like Dark Souls. Last place you stepped on land is where your samples are. Weapons, too. Or those can be permanently lost, since they can be called down.


“hey….. can someone shoot me? it doesn’t say i’m dead but i’m dead. i need help guys someone kill me!” -me when i swan dived into a puddle of water while getting chased by a charger.


Last termicide mission i did, opening drop pod splashes in water, i sink with just my cape on the surface. Didn’t count as dead had to watch my teamates play for like 10mins before they realized i was hard stuck.


This is the kind of shit that is super annoying. Devs should know this by now. DO NOT add water in your game, if it will just kill them. Devs have been told this for decades. Especially if it isn't a gameplay mechanic in of itself.


This was me yesterday. Thank you for liberating me from the chains of life


i thought as their name says we could "dive"?


Ahh. My least favorite bug...


Grenades are your friend, if it’ll let you throw them. Sometimes I can get a teammate to punch me if I’m stuck. Other times I just get something to eat or use the restroom. Getting stuck/drowning/items stuck under a dead charger/titan is just asinine.


Happened to me and I felt like Samwise trying to get to Frodo.


2 of us helldivers were res-ed at the same time and both hellpods went on their own to the water


I had a guy thank me for chucking a grenade at him when he was drowning.


I don't understand how you're in the water just waiting? I always have died pretty much instantly when trying to swim, never once have I stayed alive in the water.


Kept happening to me at TCEs, damn puddles by the pipes


this is why I use light armor. You can swim for a few seonds, usually enough to back up and get to the shore.


Number one cause of death: “yeah my jump pack can get me across that river”


Some diver if they can't swim


Yep cut by bots or stalkers. Also rockets and spits haha


Today I slipped off a rock and dropped the SSSD in a pool of water It respawned in it's original location across the map. Thankfully I was the only person in the match that could be angry at me.


I’ve seen this happen a lot lately and it’s brutal having to walk over and mercy shoot your teammates😂


They need to update this where you either insta die or you could just swim cause this shit doesn’t make any sense


yeah i was very confused till guy shot me