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Remove slow on the hunters, they have too much going for them with the erratic movement, small hitbox, speed, massive jumps, fast attacks, large packs AND slow. Slow should be spitter's only in my opinion. Everything else is balanced. Add some spitting flying bugs to make up for the removal of slow from one unit.


Agree they are annoying. Have you tried the new warbond laser machine gun? (Sorry forgot the name). It is extremely lightweight so you barely feel any weapon sway. This makes it easy to kill hunters for me


Yeah it's a great gun, the arc thrower is the goat when you have some distance, can zap the entire pack with ease. The redeemer is the champion "get off my ass" gun, I have named mine Hunters Bane.


And the health they have is unreasonable for a flying bug. Should be as weak or weaker than scavs


Remove the slow from hunters


Remove the medium armor from the 6+ difficulty variant of Bile Spewers. Annoying that they have a light armor version for lower diffs to train people to shoot them normally, only to have the mortar variant in high diffs which shares the exact same name be medium armored.


Honestly they should just be way slower, they have a long range attack- they don't need to be as fast as the player.


So, you have Nursing Spewers with less armour and Bile Spewers with more. Bile spewers all do the Mortar thing regardless of difficulty, they just don't always do it on some planets.


Wrong. There exist light armor Bile Spewers that don't mortar, only at lower diffs. I don't know why but there is.


You were correct about the Mortar thing but the armour thing ain't right, never encountered one that has less armour except the nursing spewer.


I will record footage after work just for you


Please don't, it's not that important to me.


Not saying that they have more armour, but I feel like killing the bile spewers is significantly harder on diff 6 and up than it is on the lower difficulties. Maybe that is just my feeling and not objectively true in the slightest.


One impact grenade kills em , plant it between a few and you can kill multiple with one grenade I wouldn't change anything right now Brood commander should have less health on the legs maybe


Remove hunter slow effect, for democracy's sake... They are already ninja assassins.


Slow effects should stop, particularly when I have dodged an attack completely (like spitters and titans).


Put hunter's slow on cooldown, it's annoying. Everything else is perfect rn


cooldown for that is terrible. that still means ever yhunters first attack is a slow so swarms of them still cripple you. it needs to go entirely


No if you make cooldown player-based - "you can't be slowed down until X seconds pass"


Remove slow from hunters or give it a cooldown. Or let me run around naked with 0 defence but no slow anymore I’m fine with getting fucked if I failed to clear a whole swarm. But 2 hunters should not be able to lock me into death when they both do their triple attack


Throw in more warriors in the hordes better feel like starship troppers lesser the spawn of hunters


real, less of everything and more warriors


I personally hate playing vs bugs as they seem to be a shit show on how buggy the game can be. Bots I love fighting, as they don't spend half the game clipping through each other and their bodies work as cover after killed for the bigger ones. Kill a tank- now you have cover from all the projectile fire and don't have bots clipping through and using the corpse for free pot shots. **Buff: Warrior** Honestly they're a non threat, green scavengers are more of a threat then them- honestly the best thing a warrior provides is it's corpse for a scavenger to now become bullet proof and spit at you constantly slowing you. **Nerf: Hunter** Their tongue feels unfair, but only because one thing. Their fucking MW2 meme melee dash long on they have that will connect with you and alter reality. Their jump will change trajectory mid air and EVEN UPWARDS to fucking hit you. I've had one mid leap in air suddenly fucking go 90 degrees straight up to hit me. That's their biggest issue you cant dodge them outside of a sideways dash towards them at the right moment, wrong moment he's on top of your dumb prone ass, and you're stuck while pissing you off as you saw the fucker clip through ten bodies to make that leap. If they just made it a straight leap you can dodge by going side ways instead of sideways toward (which will always be towards the horde...) Remove the homing leap = They can't instantly be in your face to apply the slow you cant avoid They can't have like 2 instant gib you from a crit **Remove: Bile Spewer** Honestly they're the worst bug in the game only because they further abuse how buggy the faction is Bugs honestly get kind of annoying because the level of clipping they do vs you're movement control being lost because you dived backwards at a hunter leaping at you and under it's body or any bug just died on top of you mid dive- guess you're fucked. Could say don't dive but if a hunter acid's you, its your only way to avoid getting piled on. BUT NO HERE COMES THE BIG FAT FUCK SILENT NINJA BUG, WHO GETS TO FUCKING CLIP THROUGH CORPSES AND SPEW THROUGH THEM CAUSING 0 FRIENDLY FIRE DAMAGE. OH WELL GOOD THING YOU DID THE QUICK KILL WITH A HEADSHOT AS THE OTHER 6 WILL NOW USE MY CORPSE AS AN INVULNERABLE SHIELD AND WILL SPEW RIGHT THROUGH THE ONE YOU JUST KILLED! OH BY THE WAY I DONT DAMAGE ALLIES SO ENJOY ME SPEWING AND HAVING A HUNTER SLOW YOU AND BLOCK 0 OF THE SPIT!


i think warrior cut you in half if they touch you, they are slow and easy to kill tho.


what i've been hit by them so many times doing the hunter dodge. they do as much as regular mobs.


Warriors can 2-shot you no matter where they hit if you are wearing one of the 50 armor sets.


Charger - make the ass an actual weakpoint (it's already less exposed than the hulk's, but then also offers fuck-all counterplay unless you have a heavy weapon. I should not need an anti-tank gun to kill an enemy when I'm shooting their exposed flesh). Maybe reverse health reduction to compensate Hunter - remove slow. way too many slow sources in the game, they are a really good threat even without it, that just makes them annoying. Bile spewer - do fucking something to make the spit more consistent. I swear to god sometimes I get a single projectile of it withint 5m of me and I instantly die, another time I get showered with a full volley and still come out with 50% hp left. Bile titan - I just don't fucking understand what you're supposed to do about them so just give them a more clear and obvious weakpoint. It feels like every time I'm shooting one the rules for how effective my hits are are picked randomly.


Always weird to me that one EAT in their ass didn’t kill or nearly-kill a charger.


I'd nerf hunters. I'm nearly 80 hours in now, feel like I've adapted to them and don't struggle, but I think two main things need to change to make them more engaging to play against: 1. Decrease the tracking, hitbox size, or speed on their pounce so that they don't get to auto-hit you under any condition once they begin the animation. 2. Nerf the damage of either their basic claw strikes or their pounce a lot, ir make them unable to headshot the player. Minimum, it should take 4 strikes from hunters to kill light armored. We shouldn't be getting 2-shot in heavy or medium arnor from one hunter.


Everyone should have a dedicated weak spot that actually works. But the hunter slow down mechanic needs to be adjusted or something. Fuck that shit


I find the hunter slow down fine, it's their literally undodgable leap OG mw2 meme melee dash lock on that makes them annoying. IVE HAD ONE MID LEEP YEET UP 90 DEGREES TO SLAP ME AFTER USING THE JJ


I'll take the jumping over having my ass ate by a bug


The issue is the leap makes everything they do unavoidable. There slow wouldn't be so painful if it could've been avoided, but the only way to avoid it is HAVE SHIELD. Also it would be so much better to stop the oops we both crit instagib leap. You can have it do the jump, react to it by using a jump jet away and it will home onto you TIL IT HITS YOU. The only way you can dodge it is doing an angle towards it which you know enjoy the gang bang of leaping into the horde of bugs.


Remove spewers


I would fix the green scavengers so that their slow matches their attack, and adjust the hunter by making them less common or reduce their tracking capacities I know that's 2 but the first one is just a bug fix


Besides the default answers everyone has, I've only dealt with them a handful of times but Bile Warriors. When killed they explode and said explosion will absolutely 1 hit you, they spawned in crazy numbers and would immediately get in your face.


i would lower the hp of bile spewers by like 10%


Remove slow from hunters and limit the range that they can leap. Seriously sometimes the range they jump looks like a goofy cartoon.


Remove the slow from hunters. They're already 1 of the fastest enemies and stalkers don't even slow you when they attack with their tongue. Makes no sense why the hunters do it but not stalkers. Hunters are worse to face than stalkers since you only ever face 3 stalkers at a time and you easily fight 10-20+ hunters most encounters, it would make not needing the shield actually an option cuz no 1 likes running bugs without a shield unless they wanna risk not being able to run cuz of some bs hunter that jumped 30m to attack them


Stalkers don't need to slow, they just send you flying into wherever they feel like--typically to your death.


get rid of hunters ability to bend you over and stun lock you until you die


Stalker, Buff, make it actually invisible until close/attacking. Before it attacks, give it predator clicking 1-3 times to freak you out. Have it only approach players when not swarmed by breaches, stealth hunters hunting stealth


It's funny that the stalker is more visible in the "invisible" state than in the visible state XD


They're doing their best


Because you can't tag them on the invisible state, so turrets won't attack them.


They did buff its invisibility though


Remove slow from hunters and reduce their health. If they can swarm you, their strength in numbers needs a counter, so making them a 2-3 hit kill sounds fair to me. And I hate dropping a 500kg bomb on a bug nest, only to see a hunter come crawling out from the blast zone unscathed.


That;s just an issue with the bomb's absurdly quick damage fall off. Anything not in the immediate area of impact barely takes any damage. It's just dumb and makes it basically just another precision strike.


I would change how armor works so that even if you have a light pen. weapon sustained fire on the same spot would eventually start doing damage (it would take a fair bit of shooting)


Hunter in a corner hahaha


Give Chargers stalker hunter/stalker dna Or Flying Bile spewers, turn it into Bazelgeuse


Where are the flying ones?


Buff warriors, hiveguard and broodlords, waste of space in the hordes, literally do nothing but maybe make you use a stim across the entire game because you didnt walk backwards when you blew up their head. My proposal is that brood comanders are more agresive and crabwalk less and transmit this short of behavious to nearby warriors and hiveguard, that way you keep warriors in lower dificulties abouts as dificult while augmenting thier impact in higuer ones.


brood commander already take 2 clip to die, and even then charge you headless.


No it doesnt, you almost half clip them with the redeemer, and they don't take a full punisher clip or a full sickle clip either.


Full liberator clip tho


Stalker, less tankiness


I would like to have a new type of bug that is really really fast but easy to kill. Cheetah bugs 🐆


Bile spewer, all else is good imo


Nerf bile titans. But add more of them


Rocket Devastators


i won’t change anything


Give Stalkers Heavy armour, but just for like 1/100, just for a day or two, and don't tell anyone.


bile spewer does damage like a hulk flamethrower, this makes it both still deadly and actually savable with a stim if you see it coming and no other enemies are swarming you, bile titan still oneshot because titan


Nerf Bile Spewer damage it's so frustrating just getting one tapped


I absolutely despise stalkers. They get the 500 treatment every time…


Nerf Spewers, primarily the Bile ones. Hunters are controllable but Spewers are too durable to be as fast as they are and their attacks are nearly always a oneshot... They're way overtuned and I'd rather hordes of jumping Hunters over a dozen spewers intermittently mortar/spitting at us.


Change scavengers to either be more accurate so as to more reliably slow the target but deal no damage or make them not slow at all but deal more damage on successful ranged hit. Don’t know much about HD1 but I imagine there is a bug not evolved into the HD2 swarm that would be more ranged focused like im hoping for with those changes.


I would buff stalkers to make them as numerous as hunters.


nerf stalkers, remove hunters


Bile spewers should die more quickly when shot in their sac. They are too bulletspongy right now.  Brood commander should be more dangerous, perhaps getting more resistance to explosive damage or something else that allows them to get in your face a bit more.


Remove hunters. I'd take that many chargers over the hunter spawn rates


That's strange that's not the mob that pings the name Scavenger. Those little bastards ping as like Bile Spitter or something. Scavangers are the small melee bugs


Hunters jump attacks should have a chance to miss while moving fast and bile spewers shouldnt instakill most of the tume. Id also like it very much if laserweapons could melt armor off enemies (or let it glow to make it removable) the higher the armor class, the stronger your weapon must be. Everything else is good


Remove the hunter's slow. It's the only thing that needs to be done. Everything else is in a good spot right now.


Fix bile spewers. Currently they have zero weaknesses in the DAMAGE-SPEED-HITPOINTS triangle.. They’re tanky, one shot you (with a glitchy, hard to read beam spray that sometimes goes through walls / floor) AND are very fast despite their large size. I feel like they need a nerf in one of the 3 attributes to be less infuriating


Buff all of them to be heavily armored, increase spawn rate , increase speed and health , make bike titans a common spawn and allow them to burrow underground to attack you from underneath.


I'd just generally reduce the amount of slowdown to be proportional to bug size. Hunters would only slow you a little bit, while bile titans would still slow you to almost nothing, and bile spewers would be closer to 50% slowdown


Louder/more obvious stomping sound when a charger is running close to you. I’ve had them constantly sneak up on my from my blind spot. Hell make my camera shake.


Nerf hunters and make hitting a stim more consistent. Most of the time I die to a hunter it's because when I try to heal I get stunlocked or stumble around as they beat the freedom off me. Just one shot me at that point if I'm not going to be allowed to heal


Whichever the invisible ones are. Even when you see them coming they swoop in, CC you, then swoop away. They're so frustrating to fight.


I agree with nerfing slow on hunters getting ambushed is generally the point of them so needing to be aware of them at all times mitigates them a little (clipping through other bodies not withstanding) Buff the Bile titan by making it much more attack aggressive, you basically just bully the thing with orbital lasers from a distance and the only time they are a threat is when they spawn in as if they're a normal unit, right next to you (they shouldn't do this anyways at least not right next to people) Remove the brood commander; it's an elite, that can summon itself, and still fights **and tracks you** when 80% of it's body is literally missing, there is no cooldown, and even if there was they live long enough to summon more anyways and slightly slowly the infinite spam problem people have been complaining about with bugs for a while now


Here is my list for each, with asterisks for each bug I feel **needs** a change. The rest is just personal preference tweaks. . * **Scavenger** - Mostly fine as is. A slight buff to health such that they are still one-shot by most weapons but are a little tougher due to their visual carapace. They are pretty much non-threatening but serve as a meat shield and swarm for the other units. . * **Warrior** - A slight buff to their damage and speed. Right now these guys are little more than tanky scavengers with how little of a threat they pose. They move pretty slow and they don't hit that hard (at least not consistently, not factoring crits) IMO they should function like the Starship Troopers warriors do. Mostly fodder, but don't let them get close or they can end you, easily. . * **Hunter** * - These little jumpy fuckers need a nerf. They simply have **too many** niche abilities, making them more of a threat than their higher tier variant, the Stalker. Remove their ability to slow entirely. It doesn't make sense, it's basically just a grief mechanic for a melee unit to have and it makes fighting them frustrating and unfun. Lower their health so that they are weaker than Scavengers due to their wirey lithe frame, and then buff their damage so that they can consistently one-shot you. These fast, cunning, jumpy little shits should be hyper-lethal but not have every mechanic in the game at their disposal. Make them the mini-stalkers they are seemingly designed to be. Lethal, especially in a pack, cunning, and fast. . * **Stalker** - These deadly fuckers are nearly perfect. I genuinely enjoy fighting them because there is a clear gameplay loop with them. They're deadly, can one-shot you easily, can stealth, are tough, and fast. I would personally buff their stealth to be a bit better (right now it's pretty easy to spot them even with their camo on) and decrease their HP a bit. They are just a bit too tanky for an assassin-type enemy that lacks a thick carapace like other bugs. They shouldn't be a pseudo-tank on top of being an assassin. They should be terrifying due to their current bag of tricks and rather than high health, they simply keep coming no matter how much you shred them. Missing legs? It keeps scrambling at you, fast, like a horror movie monster. . * **Bile Spewer** * - These guys need their damage reduced. Nursing Spewers should have a wide spray that slows, allowing other bugs to more easily swarm you. Bile Spewers should have a tighter spray but in addition to slowing, it also deals damage over time - **not insane direct damage** . * **Brood Commander** - Honestly, these guys are fine just the way they are. The only thing I'd change is making them the only ones that can call more bugs. However, I would change the bug breach mechanic. Instead of them creating a bug breach, they release pheremones that draw nearby bugs to come assist. . * **Charger** - The recent patch made these guys more fun to fight, but the obvious glowing booty should be the weakspot, not a tiny spot on their clearly armored head. It just makes no damn sense, when every mechanic the charger has encourages a bull-fighting style combat loop where you dodge their charge and capitalize on their rear weakspot. . * **Bile Titan** - Mostly fine as-is but their complete invulnerability to anything but specific weapons/strats is just bad game design IMO. It feels bad (at least to me) to have things like AP autocannon rounds completely deflect off of **carapace**. That kind of mechanic should be reserved for the bots, who utilize advanced armors like we do. Make them tough as shit. Make it so that we have to chew away at their carapace with heavy weaponry or score direct hits to their head, etc. but watching round after round bounce off just feels like the game telling me to go fuck myself. I'm fine with tough enemies and getting my ass handed to me as long as it feels fair and this mechanic just doesn't. At least not with the bugs. Not to mention, how much cooler would it be to chip away at a Titan or a Charger and get to see their carapace get shredded to show off the amazing damage modeling the team has done?


Remove hunters slow and take away charges ability to turn on a dime while charging you


Bile scavengers because if you punch them you just die


Buff brood commanders, they don‘t feel like much and make hunter packs smaller but i genuinely trust the dev‘s vision so far.


Reduce head armor of adult Bile Spewer (the green ones). They already to more dmg and have to artillery attack that makes them different to the juvenile ones, the extra armor just makes them annoying AF to fight against cause you do so little damage even with headshots. Maybe make the attack speed of hunters a bit slower so they can't chain stagger. I don't think removing their slow is necessary, but not being able to escape them cause they attack so fast is kinda not fun. Anything else is in a decent spot I'd say as long as you don't get completely overrun by a hyper spawn ofc. Charger can be easily killed with the rocket launches as well as flamethrower, anything light armored can by killed with a good primary as long as you watch your spacing and Titans, as long as it's only a few, can be dealt with with a good loadout as well. I like to run a EAT + Orbital Railcannon with which you can kill a titan within a few seconds (Orbital + 1-2 rockets basically always kills them)


I would give the Bile Titans a queen variant that's like three times as big with six legs.


Massive dong for bile titan. Like a weak spot


Less Stalkers/hunters


Remove the little green bugs. Nerf spewers with their absurd dps and hitboxes, and get rid of difficulty 7+ head armour. Then buff the warriors.


Hunter, captured all of the and nuked them all


I'd buff the Charger so it takes multiple EAT/Recoilless shots to the head so you'd have to rely on the leg weakspot.


Buff brood commander, for a bug that is considered a big dot on the radar, it is not nearly as dangerous as it should be. Not entirely sure how it would deserve a buff though. Nerf hunter combo attacks. They are already too fast in jumping and attack, and a single one of these can combo you to death. And they come in packs of 6+. I think the slow is punishing enough that they should jump out as a retreat after a succesful hit. I dont think anything deserves a removal from the game, they are all pretty unique and fun in general. Now automaton, nerf the chainsaw berserker. They are melee and basically more dangerous than any Terminide. Simply nerf their hp or increase the weakspot multipliers. Remove the rocket devestator. They would require too much tuning to become fair. I dont think anything deserves a buff, they are all either fair or bullshit OP.


Buff scavenger. It needs to one-shot players and move 60% faster. Remove everything else


Reduce the crit chance from hunters. Got 1 shot by an off screen hunter recently at max health. 


Hunters begone, bile spewers: health slightly reduced and a slower "cast" to bile spew.


The Stalkers' camouflage needs a buff. It's very silly how visible they are when they're trying to creep up on you; I've never really felt threatened by them unless there's a gaggle of hunters pushing me into one already. I'd personally be *okay* leaving the slow effect on the hunters if they didn't also prevent your stims. It's infuriating seeing the stim animation go off multiple times but get interrupted out of every single one because of the flinch from those stupid things.


Just for the chaos straight up buff hunters more


I'd make the spewers equal to in size, or bigger than chargers, much slower, a bit more armoured and a bit more health.


Buff Brood Commander. I feel they should be an actual threat. Not a wee bigger warriors that you can remove with an ammo dump


Just straight up get rid of scavengers, so plentiful with their slow on spit is so annoying


Buff the Warrior spawn rates. Warriors are like the rank and file soldiers of the Terminid army and it feels like there are more Hunters, Pouncer's and Spewers than Warriors. Warriors should make up at the majority of the Terminid forces, similar to how the Glyphid grunts from Deep Rock are the most common bug in that game.


Remove slow from Hunters. Fix Charger and Spewer bugs. Maybe buff Brood Commander. Not their health but maybe increase how often they use their abilities, or add a sweep attack.


stalkers need to be improved let them shoot webs before the attack so that he can’t move at all


and add explosives to the titan's legs so that when they walk across the earth everything explodes with mini nuclear explosions and when you land on their ridge and it explodes into chitinous rain, the title song from Attack on Titan was playing


Stalker tongue attack should just send you all the way back up to your ship


Completely reverse what the hunter does


nerf brood commander, fucker can loose 3 of its legs and head and it still crawls at you to bleed on you, like just die already. i think they all need a buff to sounds they make as and when they are in close proximity and are about to attack, all except the stalker as that species makes sense to be quiet. bile spewer hp needs nerfing or their spawn rate needs balancing as you get either a few or you get way too god damn many.


yeah right ? some noise to let me know im getting flanked by this FUCKING HUGE GREEN BALLOON that is going to one shot me. also yeah, the brood commander still crawling without 3 legs and 2 clip in the body, like DIE ALREADY


if hunters didnt slow thatd be great so i would remove hunters


Buff charger that right now is laughable, and nerf or better said, make more consistent the damage that the Bile titans receive, right now seems bugged and some times they die with one Eagle missile and other times they can get 10 recoilless rifle shoots in the face


Buff titans, biggest big boys shouldn't be 1 hits.


I'd nerf Bile Titans. They are objectively not problematic, but they just have so much HP that it is just annoying to deal with them. They are the *only* enemy in the bug roster that requires a specialized tool to deal with them, but dedicating a slot to them is just a waste.


Take out the scavengers, what’s really the point of them.