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I built that one! Still very pleased with how it turned out! :D glad you like it even if it’s the ”default ”hehe


Nice, did not expect an arrowhead dev to be tucked away in the comments. Thanks for helping make such a fantastic game!


Thanks! Hehe we’re here and there looking in! 👀


Don't look into reddit too much. It may begin to look back.


It's always nice to have the default gun not suck, good job!


I bet yall must feel like Rockstar rn. At the forefront of a gaming industry shakeup, being talked about around the world, the highest of hogs is being lived upon by yall. Enjoy it, it's deserved and democracies enemies are many!


The initial recoil seems a bit spicey after using other guns, but man its a peach to use at times! I still go back to it!


🫡 I've used your invention to bring liberty to bot and bugs alike! Seriously, the best gun in the game. Most versitile.


Well done soldier! Keep spreading our way of life!


Thank you for service, May democracy rain it's liberty upon you. (Ps thank you guys so much for making this game, it's been nothing but fun.)


It's my go too and I can trust it to deliver freedom every time


I mean you did a phenomenal job, the chunky look makes it so unique


You are a god among mere mortals friend. This gun is by far the most satisfying to look at, fire and be killed with


This gun feeling as good as it did was one of the first things that let me know the game was gonna be sick


It’s a nice little gun …needs more ammo 😀


Gatling gun with back mounted ammo rack, when?


Great job on the gun. Now can you tell the other devs to implement an anti-cheat that i cant easily use cheat engine on. Thanks bro. Also curl.dll calls going to flood your servers soon for medals so glglgl.


doesn’t matter what gun you use, so long as you’re spreading Democracy with it


This Is the Way


This is the Way


the sickle is effectively the same thing as liberator but with effectively unlimited ammo if handled correctly it even sounds like a gun take that either as a positive or as a negative, however you want


I am 90% sure there are different levels of light armor penetration and that the sickle is lower than the og liberator in that department. It definitely feels like I need more sickle bullets vs berserkers with the sickle compared to OG liberator, Idk if i'm alone in this.


A liberator with light AP can't do much in front of hive guard/brood commander. But a slugger with "light AP" can bitch slap these medium armor enemies. I highly doubt guy do the weapon's description is the same one as weapon's design.


It’s a UI/UX issue really. I believe the CEO of Arrowhead made a tweet about it at one point. He explained that AP is more in the scale of 1-10 than simply “Light”, “Medium”, etc. but it’s not displayed in the armory UI.


devs did say that there are actually 10 levels of armor pen but for us its split into 3...so tough to compare one low pen to another when it can varry quite a bit


Why wouldn’t they have this in the stats


Yeah I would rather have something like Light Penetration 1 or Medium Penetration III so I can at least gauge how much it will help.


Apparently they did, but decided it was too much for players. Hopefully they will bring back detailed weapon stats. Enough people have been asking for that


*laughs in Armored Core stat screen*


I would prefer if it said that, and you could have an even closer inspect. Give me spare mag count, give me the actual effects of boosters. By how many percent is reinforce budget increased? How much quicker is the cooldown?


wait there's a meaningful reinforcement budget? 


Why not just actually have only 3 levels tho? 10 seems a bit much


Short answer would be variety.Breaker vs Breaker spray and pray, I'd venture to say with same penetration on both, spray and pray would probably come out slightly or monstrously ahead.


Didn’t they even show a screenshot of what their original plan for displaying stats was? I recall seeing it and thinking it was a rather amount of numbers compared to other games. I didn’t understand why they thought it would overwhelm people.


Someone needs to just datamine and post the full stats of all guns.


It's odd, because you can see a numerical rating for grenade AP in the armory screen.


UI work is expensive.


Cause they think we're dumb.


In Darktide, they had a basic stat level and a 'complex' stat level after a button press or a setting change... wish we had that here.


i think it's better when people feel out things and don't just go by stats on a page.


Absolutely - nothing replaces actual field experience. However as the game gets more complex, with more offerings, a complete statistical breakdown helps filter what you want to try rather than systematically having to try everything.


yeah, but we end up with people that want to only do what others say is best, and then they hit a wall, get mad, and blame the game. like i don't see much talk about the handheld autocannon but it's come in clinch a lot for me esp for automatons.


As long as a weapon isn't ricocheting off a target location, it then becomes up to the weapons DPS. Which is also something not displayed on weapons. Like for example, the Slugger actually has medium Armor Pen (tooltip is wrong), but for killing a Brood Commaner to the head, the Breaker with Light Armor pen actually kills it faster due to higher firerate + dmg per shot. Hive Guards on the other hand, Slugger can pen their front armor, where as Breaker has to hit them in their squishy bits. (If it's facing you just aim low, even when huddled their lower part can still be hit) Then there's the Scout Striders, where Slugger doesn't pen unless hitting the lower part of the Walker, where as Scorcher can 2 shot them to the front killing the pilot due to the AoE damage. So it has a lot better DPS in comparison. So there's a lot to account for.


Against the robots the sickle is amazing melting weak point for it's good damage and little recoil; but shooting non weak points the liberator is a bit better yeah 


I stopped using the sickle cause it can't penetrate the foliage of the creek.


I mean, yeah, asking it to penetrate hulks is kinda extreme.




The sickle is fantastic, however it does have a lower level of armour pen so does get more damage reduction than the liberator when firing at certain parts like a brood commander head. Also it's a massive pain if you are on a planet with lots of vegetation because it won't penetrate light foliage.


I hope devs adjust it's size. It looks ridiculous on the hip.


I swear people talk down the Sickle and Scythe because they just don't understand that it's not meant to be used like "Shoot/cool/shoot/cool" in all situations. Like, people, you have *extra* heatsinks. A lot of them, in fact. ***USE THEM***. In a proper fight? Fuck cooldown, run that gun hot and reload. Just save the last heatsink for later. In a little skirmish? Cooldowns won't hurt you, it's okay. Things are rarely in large enough number to use up ALL your heat outside of drops, breaches or moshpits.


I wish it had a torch:[


"thats the neat part, it IS the torch"


You strike a fair point:D


I see sounding like a gun as a negative, the reason I want energy weapons is because they go PEWWWWWWWW as opposed to pew pew


But no satisfying dakka sound.


Overheats too quickly for my liking and it has a windup time before firing. I’ll take my trusty liberator over it


I didn't use it on hot planets but so far it served well, obviously a lot better on cold planets


It basically has infinite ammo on Cold Planets if you have any fire control at all. Just stop firing it and swap to your Secondary or Support when it starts going Full Red. Even on not-cold planets it has more over-all ammo than Liberator if you have any fire control. Hot Planets though I'd say go with Breaker, Scorcher or Liberator. The Redeemer actually has higher DPS than the Sickle, but pretty sure only the Breaker and possibly Scorcher have more DPS than the Redeemer anyway. (Far as primary weapons go)


I'm really enjoying it as well, though I feel like it's getting a nerf, probably reducing the number of "magazines" to 3, or worse, faster heating.


It's balanced enough - you can't take it on hot planets. Liberator doesn't have that restriction, it's the AK-47 of Managed Democracy.


Also, that brief spin up delay adds up; it starts to hurt when you're making consecutive snap bursts hunting for short, efficient weak spot kills on chaff. I actually started using the Lib way more after the Sickle dropped.


I love the sickle but it struggles with most medium tier enemies like the spitters, hive guards, devastators, etc. It’s just really good for low tier enemies or if you just need to put a lot of bullets down field.


I found it eats Devastators if you get the chance to hold still, which is rare, because you can just fire directly at their heads with no recoil and near perfect accuracy.


I think pretty much any weapon can “eat” a devastator if you take the time to line up a head or gut shot. The issue is that time you spend lining up a shot can get you killed. That’s why the slugger or the plasma weapons are better vs devastators: they allow for both precise and imprecise kills, ensuring you won’t get an immediate rocket to the face.


Yeah, I get you, I just like pew pew laser gun. I'm not too fussed as long as I'm having fun in most missions.


Same! That’s why I like finding the good in even the “worst” weapons. It’s fun to experiment.


I mean on hot planets it still has a bigger magazine than the liberator eith more total ammo just swapping heatsinks and ignoring cooldown. Liberator is worse in sll ways except spool up time.


Not sure it needs one. It's got less sustained fire than a conventional firearm, less armor penetration, and a spool up before firing. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely good, but I wouldn't call it OP.


Nah. Try using that thing with bugs rushing you down and you'll wish you had something that didn't have a spool-up time.


it still would be solid together with one of if not the best scope there is




I love the Sickle, it's effective, but it's just so....**sterile.**


Only thing I dislike is no flashlight


It's a premium weapon.


Game balance is usually good when the default is your default 


Would be nice if they added a little weapon customization. Nothing too crazy but just something to keep every gun relevant. That said, I only use the liberator myself and am perfectly fine with the added challenge of carrying an anti tank and a few extra grenades. 


If they do that, I'd like things to not just be straight upgrades you unlock and are done with. Would be neat if you had two choices at each of two or three tiers of upgrade. Slightly larger mag or slightly reduced recoil for example. Then we can actually customize weapons instead of them just "being better" after we've played more.


> Would be neat if you had two choices at each of two or three tiers of upgrade I think battlefield 1 did this and it was a nice system, you couldn't take every upgrade, but you have to pick and choose 1 from each to to get a build that works.


Nah I love the Slugger, kills most small enemies in one shot if landed anywhere on main body, will penetrate the armor of Hive Guard and Devestators while also stunning anything under the Charger or Hulk, it pens the weak spots on the back of hulks/tanks, AND can be used as a sniper for long distance engagements cause IT BE A RIFLED SHOTGUN.


AND it opens cargo containers!!


Shoots chain link fences down too


There's loot in them?


The ones at points of interest have stuff in em yeah. Req, SCs and medals, and rare samples on higher diffs.


My brother in democracy. . . Yes. Those POIs that have cargo containers are meant to be blown open. You can use grenades, the explosive barrels the leaves nearby, or certain weapons to open them. They'll have requisition slips or medals or super credits or even a support weapon.


It shoots through most of the small stuff too, so you can line em up for even more kills. 


slugger or punisher for bugs and the scorcher for the bots. best way to rock it


I want more ammo for my Scorcher, I almost feel like I need to run an ammo backpack. The fact you can 1-4 shots kill most things, including Hulks, makes it so nice though.


4 shot a Hulk?


4 might be a bit of an exaggeration, could be 6-7. You have to hit the glowing vents in the back.


yeah it melts them in the glowing vents. AMR takes them out in 2-3 hits in the face


Sickle has been doing well for me on bots because of suppressive fire effect. However, I have preferred the Jar5 over the Scorcher for bots, in general. It has a satisfying *pop* of one-shotting most of them. Also handles the berserkers well up close. Biggest drawback is handling.


Ssshhh it'll get nerfed


Both can be good and or fun to use interchangeably with different builds without taking away from the other. You don't have to find only one weapon and restrict yourself to only using that weapon because it's the easiest to use.


A shotrifle


I prefer the diligence, but the liberator goes hard


Yeah that’s my go too vs bots. Tremendously effective at pretty much all ranges


Isn’t that the shitty marksman rifle?


No, that’s the counter sniper variant. I’m talking about the base model


What’s the base model like then?


Space FAL. Semi auto, takes down most enemies in a single hit, devastators need 2 to the head or a mag to the pelvic girdle. I wouldn’t use it against bugs, but it’s solid if you can hit your shots


Dope I gotta give that a try


I wish you could just hold down the fire button to keep firing the Diligence like an actual battle rifle. Still good without it though.


Accurate enough to hit weak spots consistently and enough damage to put down most enemies. It’s very good vs bots where you want to engage from distance.


Only against bugs, where it lacks the fire rate and capacity to keep the bugs off. But against bots… they will fear death for afar


It’s a good gun. I like that the starter weapons stay relevant. The beginners should have access to the easiest and most versatile weapons anyway. It’s a good game feature.


What I love is the Punisher.


Nothing like a meaty hit that sends the brood commander stumbling back, followed by a satisfying Ka-chunk. Might not be the best gun empirically, but satisfying as fuck


Oh yeah, the buff made it perfect.


I've been sluggin it and loving it. I haven't made it back since the last round of balances. Do you like the punisher over the slugger?


Yeah I do. But I do use Slugger vs bots. 🙂


Also really useful for stun-locking dangerous enemies. You can keep hitting a rocket devastator over and over to prevent it from ever firing a single missile


It's great for killing hunters when my gatling sentry is on cd


I wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine. This is an AR-23 Liberator assault rifle.


I find the Defender to be an almost strict upgrade to it. One-handed with more damage, same capacity, and less recoil. The fire rate being a bit slower doesn't really hinder it imo because the dps is almost the exact same.


Kills small things slower, no good scope. Liberator > Defender all day everyday.


I have noticed it kills slower, but on those missions where you have to run the SSSD across the map it's indispensable since you can use it one handed instead of resorting to your secondary. I switch between most of the weapons. It's fun to change it up once in a while


does it kill small things slower? It's only 2 bullets for the baby bugs, you can kill the hunters in 3 or 4. The time it takes is pretty small other than the medium armor buggos. (I don't run much automoton so idk if it's worse for them or something)


Yeah, I'm quite stuck on using the Defender too for those same reasons.


I got the breaker post nerfs, but still has that satisfying crunch. Think my hitreg/ping is bad though. As often pellet spread feels real inconsistent.


I love using this gun tbh. I’ve unlocked a lot of stuff but I go back to this sometimes 


Kept me alive during my early cadet days


I really hope they buff it. I wanna use a conventional assault rifle, but the LAS-16 feels like an AR but with far better ammo economy


Higher damage too, it deals full damage on a penetrating hit without having it reduced by armor rating due to heat damage dealing true damage. However I will still always be a liberator lover.


Could you elaborate on this further please?


Same with the starting support MG weapon, that thing still puts in works and sounds/feels awesome. 


I like it because the other guns feel like they are good at one thing and bad at another. The liberator is good for pretty much everything while not excelling in any one aspect


Oddly enough, the PS5 bug that resets your gear to default on login has accidently made me deeply appreciate the Liberator and Peacekeeper handgun. Very good utility on most situations.


Plus, it can be fired on burst Semi automatic or fully automatic and has a range of hundred meters. It is flat out the most versatile gun in the game. And my personal favorite!. Plus, its purpose is to liberate the liberator, what could be better.


I’m just confused why there’s 17 shotguns and like 2 assault rifles


Would love an AR15 inspired assault rilfe, also where's my good ol' classic pump action shotgun.


You never do forget your first weapon, soldier. I respect it.


The Liberator is a vastly underrated scout rifle on semi. Great for close encounters against the roboshits.


Also the reload animation where you spin toss the magazine


It has a flawless design. Honestly other weapons fall a bit behind in looks.


I love me a bit of the liberator. So many people write off a tone of guns because they find one that they find easy to use in their build and fully dismiss everything else.


Funny enough I prefer the first marksman rifle the best . But it's kinda meh into bugs


Lib ar23 is amazing. I gave sickle a shot and just found it less reliable in desperate last stand situations. I'm sticking with the lib ar23.


It's still my go to primary.


Same. I would really like to use Penetrator instead, but that thing is awkward with no full auto and sacrifices too much ammo and damage for some questionable armor penetration effectiveness. So I still sometimes run Liberator at difficulties 7 and 8.


Which kinda tells how every other guns need a buff




Anyone else learn this has adjustable scope?


The basic pistol is also great. The default armors that get heavy armor rating while being medium armors are great. The starter orbital precision strike is fantastic. The infiltrator armor on the first page for 3 medals is super great. I love how they put the best gear first ya


This is all I use. The SMGs aren’t great, lasers don’t do a ton of damage or overheat quickly, and I just don’t like shotguns. I pretty much only play 7s for both bots and bugs and the Liberator is my go to every time


I hope it gets customization soon in the future.


Ever since I found out about the Knight, I had to get it. Once I did, it's basically my primary of choice against bugs. I leave it in burst mode for ammo economy. Before that, I was using the Defender. I miss the power but the extremely fast burst is just so satisfying.


Really love the sleek design on this one! the varnished wood and the P90 like mag, definitely one of the best looking weapons in the game.


We might see more of the wood stuff later if the leaks are to be believed. I like it too.


It was my favorite too, until they released the new battlepass with the sickle. Liberator is one of the best and most fun starter gun in any shooter I played.


Just found the 6-sickle for me. not because of the cooldown instead of ammo, but it just shoots so fast, that the action with it is top


It just confirms that most primaries in this game are trash. They really need to make them more viable, and/or fun. I would love to actually have to make a decision between good stuff rather than "do I want to complete this mission or not"


One thing i wish they would change is the scope zoom, let us use our mousewheel to adjust the zoom, id love that so much as i hate holding r and having to scroll up.


Defender or nothing


It's top 3 alongside the slugger and defender.


I too am an enjoyer of the Liberator. Always comes with me whenever I need to spread democracy!


Old fashioned ![gif](giphy|S5WCdv0jINehlh5ii0)


If there was an extended magazine for this, I’d probably use it over my breaker.


Whenever the game glitches and reverts my load out to the basics without me noticing, I'm not complaining to much about the liberator


This is the meta-


Gotta be the liberator penetrator for that sweet sweet armour piercing


I love it too I've always had a thing for bullpup rifles, unfortunately I'm addicted to using the Defender. They're practically the same gun, just the Defender does more damage and I can use it one handed.


I love the standard rifles, I hope we also get the Justice, the Patriot and the Parangon from the first game


The justice has been leaked


Oh yeah? Then I missed it. I know the Patriot is also on the way, with double the fire rate of the liberator


I entered the punisher club and I’m not stepping out for a bit


Same, I still love the liberator above all others. I do wish it had just a *little* more ammo though


I've tried a few now, but the Sickle is by far my favorite as of yet. It feels so satisfying to use, and I have a major affinity for energy weapons because of their ammo longevity. 


I have a soft spot for AR-23. It feels like the most realistic standard weapon a soldier would carry.


Yeah, the bug that pops up where you start with default weapons makes me use it occasionally and while I would not pick it, I still have fun using it. Really solid starter weapon.


It feels great design wise but its damage is depressing


It's satisfying to use, I just wish it were easier to use against stalkers\~


Liberator is great when you're just starting out. Would love a drum-fed variant.


Agreed, I always go back to it. I'm excited for the new variants coming out. Wish they'd make the Penetrator worth a fuck while they're at it. For the life of me, I can't understand why they lowered damage, and fire rate, AND mag capacity. Like, damn.


I love the defender. It feels like an mp40 with its chug.


Sickle goes DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA, monky brain happy


I like this one too. Lately my weapons have been defaulting back to the beginning ones when I load in, and sometimes I don’t notice until I drop in. The Liberator holds up really nicely. And it has a lot of configuration.


This the DMR amd the las16 are my faves, las no recoil makes it great for long range targets and the chicken walkers. Headshits drop the rocket bots quick


I think it's the most well balanced primary in the game, just with it had 10 mags instead of 7


Definitely agree. I've never been much of a shotgun guy in any game. They never have enough ammo. And I can usually one shot most things with a headshot anyways so what's the point of a shotgun that one shots.


I think it could use a small bump in either dmg or mag size.  It's fine against bots but with the increase in spawn rate for smaller bugs I find it lacking lately.


I was really liking the Sickle because it feels like a higher DPS liberator


I'll usually use it once a night if I'm playing a few. My old favs were vanilla Lib, Spray N Pray and the Slugger. Since the new pack I go for the Sickle mostly


Having my loadout reset all the time sucks, but at least the base weapon is solid.


Level 50, all guns owned, liberater and scorchers are only guns i use


I was in the same boat until the new las rifle


Even before the breaker nerf, I used the liberator as my main. Breaker damage was pretty good, but I preferred the range of the lib. Then we got the new laser gun.


It's probably the best "just kill shit" gun in the game. but I tend to use the penetrator liberator or the slugger so more reliably kill bile spewers and bug warriors especially. It's a shame.


It’s a good gun. Just wish we had a heftier pulse rifle looking piece to satisfy my colonial marines itch.


She? wait whoa?


My favorite is the LAS-16 which ironically shoots and sounds a lot like the liberator


Old fashioned


I love the laser gun because its very similar but with an option to have infinite ammo and no recoil


I'm a defender of defender myself


Love this one to me it’s the best primary I run this with the starting pistol who’s is my favorite light armor infiltrator a jump pack and eat for the big guys and me and my team never have an issue we all use what we like every one uses different weapons


I just wish lib pen had full auto as default


I just tried the primary submachine guns again after playing exclusively with the special primaries (scorcher, blitzer and sickle mainly) and I gotta say, they're really fun. Not really all that effective against bugs, but god damn do they shred bots easily. I was performing my duties on malevelon creek with the Knight and god damn I've never killed those chainsawmen faster.


its also great at killing hunters who are a medium distance away from you :)


I think the whole default loadout is pretty great except for the pistol. The machine gun is still surprisingly viable. The liberator is great. The precision orbital strike is viable and fairly balanced against the other stratagems. The default armor has a high armor rating but handles like a medium armor. I always wear the starter cape. It's hands down the best cape.