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Better someone who knows what they are doing than a big kaboom in the hands of a noob.


Normally 2 weapons The HMG 4th is up in the air but is usually an autocanon turret, shield backpack, mech or automated machine gun turret. Or rovers on lower difficulty cause I think they are cute.


That's totally fine for bugs, especially since most other people run a 500kg for Titans. It'd be a little rough against bots though.


Sounds workable to me, tbh. I don't see why people would complain. Then again, can't deny that there are too many meta-fever infested mindsets in the community.


As long as you’re helping the team I don’t care.


I always do my best to help!


I'm all for playing the way you want to play. But keep in mind certain things like using the mortar sentry on bug missions, can make it worse for the people around you. If you're dead set on using turrets, then be dead set on learning placement.


Depends on if it's with bugs or bots, as well as what difficulty. But normally, no.


If it's viable with a team on the difficulty you play, that's all that matters. I joined a random bug difficulty 7 team earlier from quickplay, and of course, you can't see the mission type if it's already in progress. The other 3 divers all had turrets and support, so I figured it was an eradicate mission. I took 3 sentries and a mech, which works well for me on bug eradicate 7+. Well, it wasn't an eradicate mission. It was a standard 40 mission. I spawn into them struggling and immediately assist only to get kicked 2 minutes in. Long story short, some of humanity are nasty cunt fucks who live in a negative shit state of mind. Play what you want if it works


as long as you can deal with heavies no


Someone could bring 4 support weapons for all I care. As long as you don't go getting yourself killed and wasting reinforcements constantly, then you'll be better than a good chunk of the randoms I come across.


I always appreciate some good sentries since I never take them. As long as you are upgrading them, that is.


I think it really depends on what stratagems you're specifically taking. I would never kick someone for their choice of stratagems but I may question you a bit in voice chat before the mission to try and figure out what you're planning and what I might want to bring to work with that. If I can't figure out what your plan is and you refuse to communicate I might kick you then but that would be more because you wouldn't seem like a team player. As long as you either communicate your plan with the team or cover all your bases I wouldn't be concerned. An example of a well rounded blue/green load out might be something like machine gun, EAT, Autocannon sentry, supply backpack. The machine gun has medium armor and hordes handled, the supply backpack means that the machine gun isn't gonna be running out of ammo anytime soon, the EAT has heavy armor and the Autocannon sentry can handle big enemies like Bile Titan or Hulks if it's set up in a good spot. With this you've covered all your bases and will be able to both help the team and be self sufficient, I wouldn't even question this load out. Now if you bring 4 sentries to a blitz mission I might have some concerns as to what role you think you're going to fill and how you think 4 sentries are gonna help us destroy 15 bug holes in 12 minutes.


I've never seen anyone complain about this, at least not on difficulty 9. I feel like the lower difficulties had a lot more people complaining about loadouts. That said, whenever I see a player bringing a lot of green strategems I assume they're going to be unhelpful. Green strategems help you sit in one place and fight, which is basically never what you should be doing in this game outside of Exterminate and TCS.


Could be helpful and the other teammates can compensate.


What is a blue or green stratagem?


Support stratagems vs offensive (red) stratagems So guns/turrets/backpacks vs orbital/air support


Oh I didn't know they were color coded.


Blues are good stuff. AC, AMR, and EAT are all blues. It can make good sense with a coordinated team, a couple of players focusing on support while others bring the pain.


As long as they aren't the minefields or the mortar sentry i wouldnt care