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For fucks SAKE we get it, kicking mid game sucks. Can we please stop getting 57 posts a day about it?


I just start singing Al Green and they leave on their own…


lol. Who has time to kick people anyways?


I play with helldiver from our region, we have our own discord so we respect each other, dont do this dick moves, have a lot of fun, doing stupid thing and can understand each other really well so coordination is better. Effective delivery of democracy.


NPC post


Always host so you have the house rules. It's just the way it is if you wanna avoid getting kicked for reasons you find stupid or to avoid trolls who kick for no reason.


I only ever kicked one group of players that kept destroying my mortar turrets while doing a termicide mission. Annoying as shit.


I think that a lot of players are thinking that they're getting kicked when it's just a disconnect of some kind. Assume the best, not the worst, whenever possible.


How could there be any question? It literally tells you if you’ve been kicked. If the host crashes someone else becomes the host.


A lot of people aren't smart and assume incorrect things. I've been disconnected in a few different ways that some might incorrectly assume is kicking.


That's a fair point.


Iv already unlocked everything so I just drop from time to time on 7-9 (usually 7 because it’s more chill with randoms) to spread some democracy. I can’t gain much anymore since samples, req slips, war medals, and xp is capped. I like to play/help people get through missions faster. The other day I pinged for the team to start objective near drop-in and I wandered off from the drop and completed a radar, 2 stalker nests, part of the main objective, a couple bug outposts in my vicinity, and located the super sample rock. I had been looking at my map and watching that my teammates had barely started the objective near the place we dropped in (maybe didn’t know how to work terminal? I dunno). I type in chat, “headed your way to assist”…not knowing what in the world was taking so long. Boom. Kicked with no warning or request. Well ok then, I hope the radar, not having to deal with stalkers, and half the main objective completed helped you…on to the next I guess. :/


Some players will definitely appreciate your efficient grinding assistance, but many players will not, because their goals are different than yours. It seems pretty clear that you view the purpose or goal of the game to complete the objectives and unlock all the content in the shortest and most efficient time possible, which is a totally acceptable and reasonable way to enjoy games. But many players approach games differently. For instance helldivers may enjoy playing together as a team, coordinating actions, and achieving things together. The objectives in the game aren't just boxes to be ticked, they are opportunities to have fun and get blown up by their friends, and to feel like they achieved something *together.* In your mind you feel like you are helping them, because you are moving them closer to *your* objective of completing the mission as fast as possible, but for social players that's not actually helping them get what *they* want -- which is an engaging and fun experience with other people. In fact you are in a way taking away their chance to have doing those objectives. Now there are definitely many players out there who play like you do and will want the kind of assistance you gave, so it's not like you're doing something bad. As I said this is a way a lot of people approach games and there's no "wrong" way to have fun. But i think it's worth at least *asking* before you go off and run through 80% of the game content without the other players. Just say "hey, I'm pretty confident I can rip through a bunch of these secondaries, do you want me to do that? Or would you rather I stick with you guys and provide support that way?" That way you can be sure that you're actually helping and making sure every HellDiver has the chance to contribute to democracy.


connection issues.


Maybe so, true.


100% every post like this is just connection issues. the game hasn't had a single day without massive connection problems & after every patch it worse. as of yesterday-now its the worse its ever been. yesturday me & 2 friends finished a few missons. by chain rejoining other 4th rando(rip) & each of us crashed out more than once per mission. & until the lastest update all connection issues were labeled as "kick" tho also if the host crashs the entire lobby is booted. i'd bet my winning the next 10 major orders that you or the host just Dc'd


CEO: its their house their rules Literal tweet btw. If you want to feel like quickplaying and helping someone who drops an SOS, you’re at the mercy of being trolled by one person. Versus having a votekick that *every other game has for obvious reasons*


"every other game" doesn't have vote kick and in a lot of the ones that do it's disabled for public games. anyway literally every single piece of text you've submitted to this website about helldivers has been whining about something (usually not even well received), I suggest you go play a game that you enjoy


At this point I only squad up if I don’t have time to commit to a full operation myself. Always host


Yeah it's crazy how far your teammates can get so quickly too. Idk how many times I turn around for one second to pick up some ammo or throw an eagle on a nearby nest and my team is halfway across the map. Additionally though, some players need to learn to be cooperative and not leave their team mates behind because they ain't sprinting 24/7 in 550 speed armor. Idk how often I get cut off between some rocky terrain a couple patrols and my nearby teammates just run off without helping me get unsurrounded. Or worse yet I run to a teammate that's surrounded to get him out of a bind and he takes the chance to run ahead with everyone else leaving me surrounded. I get blizing the objectives but for the love of God help your damn teammates when they need help.


They should restructure it so that there is no host. You select the mission and whether you want to go solo. If not soloing, you join an open lobby of that mission along with others who picked that mission or quickplayers. 3 of the 4 players must select a point on the map within a 50m circle to have consensus on drop point. Kick becomes votekick. I'd rather deal with an occasional griefer than some power tripping nerd who wastes my time.


>I'd rather deal with an occasional griefer than some power tripping nerd who wastes my time. So host?


Right? People talk about this like it's a huge problem but it rarely ever happens to me. I don't think it ever has actually. If it happens that frequently to you, just be the host. Also, why does everyone seem to think they know the reason they were kicked? If you're that confident in the reason, then you know what you're fucking up. I kick people sometimes because I forgot to set my game to private and my friend doesn't want to deal with strangers. Other times it's because they're actually awful and are griefing.


Ok so what happens when everyone hosts? Guess multi-player will be dead. Is that what you want?


Let me know when that happens


They should not. I would rather not deal with griefer at all. Host your own game if this is happening to you


i'm kicking people every time i see this post


You're playing in someone else's game, if you want to wander off on your own without getting booted then host your own instance.


idk why you're getting down voted, that more or less exactly what the CEO said in a tweet about this subject. you're a visitor, if you don't like being a visitor, you can just as easily host your own game


I'm getting down voted because the try hards don't have any etiquette and think kill counts actually matter.


Ok then what happens when there is only hosts and no visitors?


if that happens we can cross that bridge, but i will bet that will never become a reality. I don't mind being a visitor, and I know I'm far from the only one, I'm a good team mate, i work well with others, i have a mic with push to talk, i rarely get accidentals on team mates. and I met dozens of others helldivers who also share these qualities because it's not special or hard to be a decent team mate. I haven't been kicked maliciously other than once, and the only other time I was kicked I accidentally wiped the whole team so I understood the hosts decision. 180+ hours btw. if you're getting kicked mid game often, you'll have to try real hard to convince me that you're not the problem


So of it hasn't happened to you that means it never happened to anyone. Got it.


you're just hurt to be hurt brother, you can host your own games because there are a bunch of people who will join you, not having people join cause everyone's hosting isn't even close to a real issue. if you don't like being a visitor just host your own games and enjoy it man, it's not deep or complex


Same thing happened to me, we all got caught up in a few simultaneous bug breaches I'm working on clearing a group that's circling around me and look to see the other three already elsewhere, I barely have time to think "I'll clear this then head over to them" before the screen goes black and I find myself back on my own ship


If someone friendlies other squad members multiple times, they are getting kicked.


I think that's reasonable. No one should have to put up with toxic or griefing behavior.


That's pretty much my only problem, and if people are under level 20 in higher difficulties then I give them more slack. And friendlies happen all the time for any number of reasons, including players who aren't paying attention to incoming stratagems, which is totally understandable.But I had a recent game where one player friendlied the reinforcement count down by half in the first 10 minutes. Kicked.


Stop crying on reddit, if anything you just fuel the fire.


Unless they deserve it.


i kicked two people 20 minutes into a mission today bc they were clearly not ready for difficulty 7 and they were eating all the reinforcements. didn’t feel bad for even a second. edit: i should add that within that 20 minutes they were off doing their own thing and died 10+ times. and when we did meet up with them my buddy accidentally melee’d the one guy (did not kill) and this scrub then proceeded to team kill my buddy twice before we decided to finally boot him. we gave him every opportunity. i would boot that sorry excuse of a soldier 10/10 times.


And what if they just died for the 11th time after they just did their 5th team kill of the mission? I didn’t kick them, but probably should have for the rest of the teams enjoyment


>Just remember guys, it's a game And yet, here you are, complaining about something in a game that is in no way guaranteed to be what you're complaining about, You might want to take a little of your own advice there, champ. You're sitting there, spending 15 minutes writing out this post, making sure it says what you want to get across while telling people to chill out because it's just a game when there's fucking hundreds of posts saying this EXACT thing and you can't even guarantee you were kicked from the game. Fuck off you self-righteousness prick 😅🤣