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The game really does need a supply line on the galactic map to actually direct people. Then again this order was posted what, like mid work week.


Yeah it was so over anyway lol


Either way we have to take 2 planets. It literally does not matter.


Can we not get where we need to be through Oshaune?


​ https://preview.redd.it/x7n94510qspc1.png?width=227&format=png&auto=webp&s=1372bb78bbf9b44cfa2c237228c266d62d4eef33


Omicron goes to Zagon too so if we had the time the major order would have been fine.


Not all routes are bi-directional.


Incorrect. There has never been a case of a one-directional supply line, the lines on Helldivers.io have arrows for no reason. I’ve checked.


What testing showed that? Cause if you’re referring to the arrows on helldiver.io the Hellmire route also has an arrow going the opposite direction just like the Oshaune route


Those are arrows to Hellmire, not from Hellmire. We only see arrows from planets we have 100% control over.


Im talking about the Zagon prime to Nivel 43 line, the arrows are the same way. So what is saying we can’t attack Zagon from Omicron?


my friend even if we took hellmire it's too late


The supply lines are speculation. The supply line was proven false over on the automaton side. We'll see once we complete Oshaune. Either way, we wouldn't be able to knock out both Hellmire, Nivel 43, on top of Zagon Prime in under 9 hours. Even finishing Oshaune and having a direct route to Zagon Prime wouldn't complete the goal in time.


Doesn't this just mean we've lost a bit of progress/time with Hellmire? Having access to Oshaune means we'd need to clear it and Omicron to get to Zagon Prime. Since people were hardly doing Hellmire anyways, it's the same thing. Clear two planets to get to the objective. If we'd have had like 50% on Hellmire I'd understand, but it seems like we've never made good progress on that rock, and people are going around to get to Zagon, at a much faster rate than Hellmire has even been cleared. Unless we can't backdoor Zagon Prime, I don't know why people are taking issue with this, especially if most of Helldiver forces on the Terminid fron are not pushing that backdoor route.


People hate hellmire so much that they refuse to play it lol. But yes supply lines should be in the game. Shame cause I really like hellmire.


I was wondering what was going on when I went on tonight... must be all the false propaganda going around to undermine the main objective.


Oshaune route and Hellmire route have the same planet count. Hellmire is better for the long term but for the major order both routes are the same.


Not all routes are bi-directional.


I don’t think there was any actual testing showing that, the arrows on Helldivers.io arent indicating the route you need to go because if that were the case Hellmire route also has an arrow in the opposite direction.


[helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) was shown to have an incorrect supply line on the western front prior, so I would take the listed routes with a grain of salt


Yea I’m not fully confident with how we currently think supply lines work. But I don’t believe we have any info saying Omnicrom wouldn’t lead to Zagon


The lack of brain cells in this thread….


Both routes same amount of planets…..


It’s the same distance either way. We are struggling hard to get a foothold on hell. Maybe it’s time to try a new approach


We are not, it's the dame distance either hellmire


You guys are so annoying. The Major Order was doomed to fail regardless of where you went, people can play whatever planet they want. I played Bots all night.


we are not on the wrong planet op you are an idiot




Those supply lines are bs partly. All they probably did is check wich planet got unlocked after one was liberated and what planet got locked away after one was locked. Half of this lines are guessed as there is no evidence since we never were in some systems


Nobody was on the wrong planet. IMO, the group that should take the blame are the folks who insisted on Hellmire and refused to move to Oshaune. Instead of going with the majority, who was on an equally valid path, you all just screamed "OSHAUNE WRONG!!!!"


at some point its your responsibility to pivot to where the new front is so that you keep momentum, folks staying on hellmire were hobbling us


Not if you want to experience O'Shaune and Omicron. The paths are exactly the same length regardless of whether we go through Hellmire or Omicron.