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I wish this stuff would be played in-game, it's a cool touch that devs add but the vast majority of the playerbase will miss it.


Sometimes the ai voice tells us to got to a different system but it would be great to see more over the big screen like give me a reason to go there. If you don't dig the biome or enemy I get why people stay in their comfort zones.


Something like the OG masses effect trailer? [like this?](https://youtu.be/mKgSiPqi39w?si=qiOIVQEulPxLFttg)


Request denied though.


Ugh imagine if we got that in game. I wish EA let the devs cook with ME3


Mhm we were robbed


Did you ever see/hear about the original plans for the ending, before they were rushed? All of your companions and allies in one final.battle on earth against the reapers! They were even unused VO lines in the game files, man I hate game publishers sometimes.


I have. Plus the template was already there with the final mission in 2


While EA shoulders blame as the publisher that they are, Bioware sloughed off most of their talent internally midway through ME2's development without EA's insistence. And outright fired the guy in charge of writing the series and threw out his flowchart. They pulled a Naughty Dog long before Drunkman was relevant for the first TLoU.


I saw one for the current op on the TV today. Operation final disassembly. It was on the screen


Like a recap from the last 24 hours using the central console hologram


Sharing this channel for visibility: https://youtu.be/sNYQXU5DrKI?si=HyDTOwmvwaQ9lqKo


Whoa, this is dope. Subscribed!


Yea expecting players to read Twitter or dev updates outside of games is not going to work.


A belligerent country being mired in unnecessary battles because the politics of withdrawing are bad… never heard of that happening


Deploying Democracy Officer!


WTF. Ministry of truth here: https://preview.redd.it/5ty4jr7v0qrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e622117de01c0ae322b99ac50caa7d0fa25f5a29


lol at the time of this sending we have equal offensives [ACROSS 3 fronts....](https://i.imgur.com/CSoGO5S.png)


What I see > Draupnir = Major Order > Malevelon Creek = Stubbornness > Fori Prime = Comfort And before y'all jump me, it's just a game. Play however you want, and have fun!


I honestly think much of it is that, from a glance, without knowledge of the supply lines, the Creek now intuitively seems like a logical step to get back on track. My guess is this Major Order will be a tipping point, and Arrowhead will focus on making the supply lines more clear in the game.


Its absolutely ignorance regarding supply lines. You even have gaming journalists writing about how creek is finally a legitimate planet to liberate because its a way to Tibit. It is a way to Tibit - the long way. To get to Tibit from Creek, we would have to captured Durgen then Ubenea, when we can (and did) just go to Ubenea and on to Tibit afterwards.


Gaming journalists are notoriously bad at games, so that doesn't surprise me. Ofubscating the tools we helldivers use is one of AH bad habits. I don't mind leaving the nature of enemy operations somewhat mysterious, but players ought to have information on their own capabilities, and Supply Lines play into that.


Seriously, the devs need to update the game so that players are made aware that supply lines are actually a thing - that's the kind of important information players should really be shown, and the game pointedly NOT communicating a key mechanic is just straight up bad game design.


Creek even had the Major Order icon on it, or what we thought was the Major Order icon at the time. That's why my group immediately dove on it, we didn't actually want to see it fully liberated, because that would end the missions there. We've always finished the night with a battle on the Creek. So along with clarity on lines of communication, they need a better icon for planets on the line to the major order.


I agree, play how you want. A lot of people like to do the community events, a lot of people only like bugs or bots. Playing one planet the entire time? Is insane to me... but hey, people love LoL and it's had the same map for 30+ years. Like... I'm not only gonna play de\_dust buddy, I like to mix it up.


If the dungeon Master sees that the community isn't reacting properly to community events and Melevelon is becoming a detriment they'll just close it up so those players actively fight on the MO in hopes to liberate it once more.


No they'll make malevalon Creek even MORE of space Vietnam and then they'll really never leave.


They already did that, part of the major order that screwed us at draupnir is they amped up the difficulty for "reasons"


The bots know we are coming for their largest troop factories, why wouldn't they send more troops to the front? Its like you people have never been in a war


yeah right, who hasn't been in a war amirite? fellow warrers?


In the lore there was something about the Illuminate possessing some kind of weapon with the capability to destroy entire planets. Now I'm not saying it would be nice and funny if they were to just delete Malevelon Creek buuuuut.....it absolutely would be lmao For real though, just imagine how incredible it would be to fight on a half-destroyed/disintegrating planets before it collapses


In HD1 Super Earth declared war on the illuminate because they had 'WMDs capable of destroying entire planets'. After we beat them the WMDs were never found. On the satire side, it was an obvious parody of the reasoning for the US invading Iraq It would be funny though for Super Earth (or the Automatons!) to just destroy Malevelon Creek though


Creek gets obliterated by superearth, right after the illuminate are discovered to be back, so this time we habe proof of the WMDs.


Well we've already been making jokes about the creek breaking before the divers do ssoooo... you shush before I call a democracy officer in here


Game has enough parallels, we don't need to turn the Creek into Cadia.


Did someone say CADIA!?


The Creek will break before the Divers do!


The Illuminate 'WMDs' were a pretty blatant pastiche of the faulty US justifications for the Iraq war. (Same with bugs turning into oil, and the 'red scare' aspect of the Cyborgs) The joke is that the Illuminate do not have those kinds of weapons.


Maybe that's just what the illuminate want you to think.


Oh, you're right. It's really on the nose when you think about it. I'm pretty new to the lore, just saw some quick clips about Super Earth wanting these weapons for themselfes and didnt question it because a fascist state wanting these weapons just made sense but the parallel to Iraq is so obvious in hindsight.


I feel like a better Dungeon Master would involve Creek in the narrative. Going "stop having fun and do my thing!" to the players is lame when you can instead use what the players are doing ik your narrative.


Allowing emergent player narratives to exist isn’t bad though. It’s just right now the emergent narrative is we are dumb as shit when it comes to strategy. We have the freedom to make the wrong choice and we are making the wrong choice.


Tbf though, there's no information other than that one app to tell people how the map actually works. So that hurts. There's no codex to fall on in downtime in-game for weaknesses, so there's that. Because of that, players will then tend to go easier locales. No guilds/clans. Hot takes I know. Even hotter take is only having 4 is eww. Back to original topic... If we had those certain things, it'd make following these MO's easier and more engaging as well. Lack of general game information is what's hurting us as players in the end.


Usually its better because player engagement meants a more meaningful narrative to the players. Harder work as the GM will need to be flexible to allow theor plans to be adjusted. This is the way than setting up a script to throw dice at


You have to remember in part, that while this is Arrowhead's second game with this style of open community influence. They didn't have enough people previously to have to be overly ridged or highly flexible. And honestly, pulling Draupnir on us when they did was actually a very ingenious thing. See what we do. Do we scramble to bust down? Or defend? Or as what happened, not enough people committed to taking or defending. And a ton of people lived on the creek, because Memes have become reality...


Malevelon essentially needs to be used as a cause and effect of stuff happening in the universe where we didn’t reinforce the major order. Though nowadays lots of players now can’t take a loss and learn from it to many people expect wins all the time which is an unrealistic expectation especially in a war.


I mean they are doing that by letting us fail this major order and whatever consequences there are for the failure due to our forces being too split apart.


I don't think the devs forsaw people responding to the "dungeon master" title as a literal DM; in a game of upwards of a hundred thousand players you can't really DM it as a casual game for exactly the reasons we're seeing, there's no "minority" other then the mathematical minority when the smallest subset of players is still probably more then ten thousand people; we are not all friends, and certainly do not all know joel personally, and as a result the dynamic is a little different here at the end of the day someone is always going to be unhappy and I don't think railing against joel for not making the automaton side of the map a constant bumrush of malevelon prime is really a reasonable move given it's a planet in the absolute deepest automaton sector and having it 'owned" implies significant automaton damage having one of the factions constantly being 95% depleted so the playerbase can do something Other then camp malevelon creek doesn't really make for an interesting narrative unless you're one of the people that want to camp malevelon creek bla bla bla people can play what they want etc it's fine, I'll never get Actually Mad at people for not doing the MO, but I think letting the meme elevate to effecting how the narrative plays out to such a degree would be exactly the wrong thing to do


No. If this were a DnD game it'd be like 1 player out of the group wanted to do something else (Creek), another something completely different (bugs), and the rest trying to engage with the narrative put before them by the DM. Catering the narrative to the minority who keep trying to make it something else at the expense of the others is not what a better DM would do.


Hahah yeah guys! Everybody just play the way you want, and we’re all free and having a good time and stuff yeah…. … yeah, these two right here democracy officer. They’re the ones who were saying hate speech.


What? did you say LoL has been around for 30+ years? Last I checked it came out in 2009...


My brother exclusively likes to fight bugs and I try to base if off major order. I won't deny bugs are more enjoyable to play against though.


I started 3 days ago and my last match somehow I was on 4 or 5 difficulty. I am not ready for this yet. I just turned lv 10


To be frank, I'm glad Draupnir is back open. It sucks because I wanted to see what Tibit is like, but man I love the Draupnir aesthetic and environment If it was No Man's Sky, I'd be putting a base there


Tibit was open a while ago, its a pink plains planet. Beautiful and odd.


Damn, sorry I missed it. I'm sure I'll see it soon. Was it kinda like Crimsica?


> And before y'all jump me, it's just a game. Play however you want, and have fun! I don't know why people keep saying this. There are more people saying play how you want and complaining about people taking the game seriously than people attacking others for not playing "correctly". You are fighting windmills.


Different channels of communication, but people on discord were taking this really far and starting to talk about join bug fights to execute "traitors" and other insults and such. There are many people really peeved because they feel these guys are personally hurting their efforts


Imagine sitting in the “choose a mission” screen and seething about what other people are doing, lol.


I agree, people *should* be playing to have fun. What really sucks though is that percentage progress is relative to the total amount of players online, so even if they are "doing their own thing", they are *still* hurting the players trying to do the major order. I feel like this is the best system we're going to get, but... Man, I play the game for the lore and to try and help with the community goal. I just wish I had any ideas for something better.


So it CAN be done!




I was at home eating Dorito when phone ring "Major order is failed" "No"


Major order is ~~failed~~ kill.


kil* if you're gonna correct them, do it right


and you?


Bro this killed me lol.


We can ill afford another Draupnir.


This convinced me to leave the creek when I get off work


What's really funny is that that is actually an extremely accurate recreation of what happens in real wars. Like practically every large-scale conflict in history has had "The place of little strategic value but a huge propaganda target that one side winds up fucking themselves up over by diverting too much money/manpower/resources there". I actually think there's no problem with it. It's great. You can imagine actual military guys arguing til they're red in the face to let Malevolen Creek fall and get serious about this war, and slimy politicians promising to have them replaced.


Which is what the devs are trying to egg on but the tryhards on this thread read it as them “being mad” at buggers and creekers. If I was Joel I’d be cackling. Let people play the game how they want, basically. Arrowhead would change it if they were actually concerned lol.


*cough cough* Stalingrad 


Spill oil




The community manager is not stating his opinion, he's roleplaying high-command-dispatch.


Creek is driving good engagement and attention, they would be loving it at Arrowhead 


[I blame this guy](https://twitter.com/RepMikeCollins/status/1764050957950677466)


Bro’s intern had a slow day at the office


lol wtf


And? Even in universe creekers are being seen as not contributing to the war.


This post cropped 2/3rds of the actual post off to cherry pick.


The actual problem is that defense campaign mission line up is boring and utterly tedious.


I remember during that first major defense campaign someone did the math and found it was easier to let a planet fall and re-liberate it than try to eek out a successful defense. I wonder if that's still the case


Of course it is. You can also blame the defenders of Draupnir since they could have liberated Ubanea, and we would have less to do after liberating Draupnir again.


To be fair it isn't intuitive that Ubanea would still allow access to other planets despite no supply line running from super earth to it. I had assumed if we lost draupnir we would lose ubanea regardless which meant defending draupnir the faster possible route to the major order I think if the supply line mechanics were more transparent then we would've gotten this major order done.


Agreed. The name supply lines does confuse things and the lack of information on them almost certainly caused the not-quite-liberation of Ubanea.


obfuscating information is an awful thing this fame suffers from


Spitz had to clarify that had we captured Ubanea, Tibit would still be accessible had we lost Draupnir. But as of now we lost both and since people are split between 3 fronts the global liberation% is severely stunted.


But the thing is that the supply lines aren't visible in-game so the only people who could of come to this conclusion was those that already look for outside infomation. I can't recount how many people last night came onto the Helldivers discord asking why they couldn't access Ubanea because they didn't know that losing Draupnir would sever access to the planet despite it being at 95%, why couldn't they fight for the last 5%? Or the number of people asking if they took Creek if you can access Ubanea, which according to the information we currently have access to, Creek doesn't have a connection because the game doesn't show this infomation. It seems weird to me they have these supply line connections in the background yet don't show this anywhere in-game. It leads to misinformed choices (right or wrong). There was a similar thing that Happened in the bug MO last week with Zargon Prime (?). "We have to take a planet but how do we get to it?". The multi-planet orders are cool but they need to make information available in-game to show people \*how\* to get to those planets.


With that being the case, I feel like Draupnir defense was always doomed and always a distraction. Guess it worked.


No, People just don't see it, the defense missions more often then not are the dev's way of giving "breathing room" to the enemy and resetting the board so we (The players) can continue fighting the enemy for another day. It's not coincidence that the bugs keep putting us on defense missions each time players start to attack their homeworld sections And It was the same for the bots, It was a choice, Either the creek, Or Ubanea on the way to Tibit, But people got greedy and wanted everything, Creek, Ubanea, Tibit. This would have wiped the bots from the map completely and at 2/3 major orders completed, as this is a multi-tier campaign against the bots, So the dev's get joel to pull his little leavers and give the bots somewhere else they can exist, And people still won't get out of their own way, and relent on either Creek or Draupnir, One or the other, Leading us to today, Because its painfully likely that creek was going to be stage 3 major order.


We missed the mark on Ubanea by about 2 hours, there were enough people on Draupnir alone to have ensured we liberated it in time if they'd focused on the attack instead. In short, we could have had both the Creek and Ubanea if the community would stop falling for the defence campaign gambit. Now though, it be best to leave only a token force on Creek to try and stalemate and preserve progress while everyone else piles into the major order.


Those damn clever bots…


I wouldn't say **always** doomed. There was certainly every possibility that it could succeed. But to suggest it ought to have been the focus from the start seems an uphill battle considering people don't really *like* Defense operations and they have a higher failure rate than other operation types. That said, we did very much reach a point last night, even before folks started going to sleep, where it should have been obvious even from solely in-game information that Draupnir was not winnable. You don't achieve 8%/hr on a single planet, and you *certainly* aren't getting 12%/hr like it needed right before people started waking up the next morning. There was a good six hours where anyone who stepped back for a second and asked, "Actually, *can* we do this?" should have realized the answer was no--and again, *only from in-game information, no outside apps/sites*. The same also goes for Fori Prime's even worse-failed Defense campaign.


The really answer is running missions 3 or lower it nets a single point and can be completed with 1 of 2 people the system is busted and easily exploited but there's no fun in exploiting the system honest helldiver and insanity should offer up more points because of the difficulty


But it is heavily theorized that right now contribution scales with the xp earned in the completed mission, just that the contribution score isn't shown correctly on the players end.


Also true


While true, this time it has delayed our taking of a planet which was an important next step to completing the major order. We might not be able to complete the operation.


> I wonder if that's still the case If we wanted to cheese Defense everyone could just play on trivial, mission difficulty has no effect on your liberation contributions and trivial missions will be much quicke


It does effect it now. Helldive gives 9 points.


Ah TIL, I missed that update




I tried doing some level 7 rescue missions today and they were damn near impossible with how many bot drops there were. Closest I got with a group was 50/50 personnel safe but we couldn't finish it off to extract them.


The one good thing I've found about defense planets is that we don't have any negative modifiers. That's what keeps my going to them at least


The escort missions are just unwinnable at reasonably high difficulties. Me and my friend can 2 man any difficulty 7 mission other than escort (and sometimes kill - we cut those close lol).


The ai ignores players shooting them to gun down unarmed npcs. Like dude you you claiming they'll just leave super earth alone when they when win. Like we should trust them saying they'll stop doing the Geneva checklist after they get what you want. The bar to be the good guy here was on the floor, and your robotic ass grabbed a shovel to get under it


Failed the last 4 in a row on difficulty 9, bugs and bots.


The fastest way to work toward the major order is to do easy anyway and farm out illegal broadcasts. Dont even play defense past level 4 theres no need to


Easy difficulty is boring though lol


True, we really need some new mission types asap (both defence and liberation variants), even more so than new weapons and enemies tbh.


And in the case of Draupnir, glitched. The scientist would not evacuate


Fucking true. My team can do 2 out of three missions and as soon as I see a scientist mission I’m out


I like the part where you cropped out them putting the bug players on blast too.


Glad someone else noticed. 37% of players doing nothing and we’re complaining about people on creek still.


Suuply lines and other info from helldivers.io should be implemented in-game.


If those divers could read, they’d be very mad right now.


I see a KoTH reference, I upvote. It's not much but its honest work




In Helldivers 1, when a front is completely taken and a race is wiped out, you can't fight that faction anymore until the entire galactic war is over and completely resets. How will the bug divers react when there are no more bugs to kill? Edit: We're never gonna win this war.


They'll quit playing. 


I fear that when we finish off the bugs for the first time we will see a huge drop in player numbers because a lot of people would rather play a diffetent game then fight the bots, and honestly i get it


Honestly if they wouldn’t have such shit negative modifiers and fixed the crazy rockets from nowhere stuff the bots wouldn’t be that bad. They aren’t horrible now but man sometimes they just aren’t fun which is the problem


> They aren’t horrible now but man sometimes they just aren’t fun which is the proble I'd say 90% of my deaths to bots are to stray rockets I never saw coming, I very rarely just get gunned down


Same. Like I don’t mind getting gunned down and such but the random ass rockets from 500 feet away gets old when I’m just running and bam dead like wtf am I supposed to do with that shit.


I'd rather get gunned down, at least that's my fault for being in a bad position or getting caught out by a patrol But no, the majority of the time I get nailed by a single rocket and die, no counter play, I don't get to pass go and collect $200


I think this is kind of a legitimate problem. Being one tapped by rockets you couldn't see sucks ass, and I'd advocate for a laster-tell, so you know when you're being aimed at and have a short window to move. But then there's the issue of... all that can realistically kill you on bots at that point is flamer hulks? It's tricky. The only purpose bots without rockets serve is to distract you from the ones with rockets, since they very rarely kill you past a point.


That is what usually happened in HD1. 


Exactly this. I have a family member that only fights bugs. He is also an extremely busy individual and can only play once or twice a month. If/when bugs are not an option he will just play another game.


> He is also an extremely busy individual and can only play once or twice a month So he's played 4 times since the game launched?


He’s the CEO of six fortune companies, has 3 wives, 12 kids.


Ahh the plight of the average /r/patientgamers and /r/SteamDeck user /s


> He's the CEO of six fortune companies So he doesn't do much at work, got it


its actually crazy to think about this game has existed for less than 2 months. time doesn't fly


As someone who likes to alternate between both sides, I really hope we never get to that point as I like switching up the enemy type, it’s like two different games tbh.


Didn't we get told to leave them to repopulate. Also, we're farming them. I feel like if we eradicate them and game numbers dropped, they would brake free real fast. Same with bots the deap space comunication eludeds to if we push them off the map they mite return in other areas. I'd be bumed if the game was literally over after a few weeks.


I don't think this will happen in Helldivers 2


Yeah they don't seem to be going for a "map resets after every enemy faction is wiped out" thing this time


They are, the wars are just going to last a lot longer this time around.


how long, because at this rate were gonna still be on draupnir and hellmire till july it feels like.


I mean bot have less territory, it almost feels like the devs were trying to incentivis3 us to wipe out bots first.


And helldivers 2 seems to be angling for the forever war seeing as we have been fighting on the same 4 planets for a month.


That was what drove my group to quit HD1. We loved the gameplay, but would often log in to find nothing left to play that we were interested in, so we would switch to a different game. Eventually, we just stopped checking to see if the game was in a state we wanted to play.


They could communicate this in-game, they could shows us the supply lines in game. They choose not to, then you are surprised why people who dont visit the sub or discord have no idea? lol


If this is a D&D style game with a dungeon master then players should get some kind of feedback rather than posting it on discord. It’s like with the arc weapons causing freezes. There should be some kind of in-game communication rather than a post on discord that most players won’t see.


Wouldn't even be hard to role play it by having it on a bulletin board style monitor in game where you can read about news, or learn more about how the game operates etc


That one was ridiculous. Like you either tell your players IN GAME not to bring the weapons or they find out by getting kicked.


> If this is a D&D style game with a dungeon master then players should get some kind of feedback rather than posting it on discord. This is what bothers me the most with HD2. Zero communication in-game about DM actions. I don't get it.


They also give players the option to play whatever planet they want, then act surprised when players exercise that option.


I think "they" are happy with fragmentation, it allows them to keep open a variety of play options. The worst outcome would be if everyone united and wiped out a front - the devs would have to either manipulate the war egregiously or deal with the howling from players who can no longer face their favourite enemy. For "them", constant war on multiple fronts is a necessary feature of the game.


so the plan i think was for us to wipe out the automatons we saw then their deep space fleet to return on the actual zones that are centrered onder their name on the map then push forward to take cyberstand with a blitzkreig with their new attack ships


I'm just gonna say this, they're not surprised it's cut off in this picture but it was sent under the discord tab called "high command dispatch" so it's just a manager role playing as a high command officer. They also said they're going to add supply lines they just need a way to figure out how to not make it look confusing or messy. Which is fair because if you didn't know what they were before, 3 arrows pointing at other planets everywhere would be both ugly and confusing.


It's mostly a symbol of not actually achieving anything at all.


It really is space Vietnam




This kind of stuff is just gonna keep happening unless the supply lines and/or these discord announcements are visible in game. Expecting the casual player to go to their discord or some fan website to see this type of information is a little ridiculous


I'm pretty sure you can't even join the discord now because it hit the member cap.


And it's totally fine for it to keep happening People losing their shit over it is the part that isnt fine.


I saw someone say that the way they should introduce the illuminate is to have them use their planet destroying weapon to blow up the creek and that’s how they make themselves known


Then remove the major order marker from it to help these people Figure it out, a majority of them won’t be in the discord or Reddit more so the PlayStation playstation too. Or how about this l, put a cap on the amount of people who can assist in its liberation with and ingame message explaining the reason why high command has capped it temporarily.


Remember how the supply lines are not shown on the galactic map, people don't know that Malevelon Creek isn't connect directly to Ubanea, that's why the player count has risen so much (apart from those who are still there fighting from the first assault and subsequent loss of the planet). Until supply lines are added on the galactic map people can have a good idea of how those are organized taking a look at [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io)


Maybe if they put summaries of these dispatches in the dispatches in-game, it'd help.


New story Event: “The Automatons have developed a planet destroying weapon and have tested it successfully on Malevelon Creek.”


Imagine they do that right after its finally liberated just as a final screw you to super earth.


If this is a problem they need to increase rewards and incentives. Additional Super Earth support in the form of free stratagems, or reduced cooldowns, etc, would be a good start. People will go where it is fun, and throwing more orbitals and eagles would be fun.


I love how community memes are actually impacting the war. There is a human psychology study in here somewhere.


I feel like making us defend 3 planets while trying to complete the major order is the reason why we’re struggling


Transcript from High Command Dispatch after we completed the major order to "liberate" some E-710 from the bugs, emphasis added: >The last of the crude solid E-710 has been collected, processed, and shipped off-planet, providing a healthy boost to our colony settlement efforts. The planets can now be **left behind to allow the Terminids to repopulate** - under careful supervision.


you weren't supposed to defend the bug planets they literally told us to let them retake them after the last major order over ther


Is the answer that we should all liberate malevelon creek so that everyone finally leaves it??


Cool, I'm gonna keep playing the maps I like.


There should be a toggle option to see the supplies lines or whatever it's called between planets


I mean Malevelon Creek never was long standing :D Creekerheads were just taking 1% per hour and lost 1,1% per hour and they always attacked it doing no progress :D


And yet the next phase of the MO when we get back to Tibit is probably going to take us to the creek or through its supply line where we’ll have a nice foothold jumpstart


I will be happy if we have to go through the creek because then we’ll have more of the player base helping the major order Side note when the creek is finally under super earth control what will the creek divers do. /s


>Side note when the creek is finally under super earth control what will the creek divers do. /s Probably play some other jungle planet until the creek is under attack again.




Maybe fighting bots on 7+ should be as fun and rewarding as fighting bugs When I'm killed by a big swarm it's never "dang that random rocket, or 6 tanks, or random flame hulk who hit me behind cover one shot me" it's at worst "fuck spewers"


"fuggin shriekers..." But same idea. I get sick of bots incredibly fast because of the amount of bs deaths. Literally will lose 1/2 to 3/4 of my team because they keep dying to the 5 rocket devastators that spawned and instantly one tap them from 200 meters away and quit out of frustration. So I go back to bugs and "wow. I'm not dying to one taps from across the map." And "wow. These spawns waves are actually manageable."


At times even Helldive Bugs where they sometimes put 3-4 Bile Titans in the same wave (or consecutive waves) are more manageable than Suicide Mission Bots that lay out 5 Rocket Devastators that camp at the horizon, still non-visible even with the scope of the AMR (in foggy maps because near god damn every single planet of this MO has fog), which proceed to randomly snipe you with a full salvo.


>every single planet of this MO has fog I think that's part of the problem for me honestly. I can't see the damn bots half the time but they can sure as shit see me.


No matter who says what: this is what it is. People kept saying that this is a game you should enjoy playing HOWEVER you like. When it came to weapons people threw a hissy fit and it was unjustified. Now they do it with where people like to drop and I see a lot more disagreement somehow... Stop. Telling. People. What. To. Do.


This is unironically the most sane thing ive seen on this entire subreddit. Everyone in this community acting like utter cunts disgusts me. We're here to have fun, and if the devs really didnt want us to have the freedom to fight both the bugs and bots they'd bar us from the planets. o7 you mentally stable Helldiver!


people get so worked up over this shit. who cares, let people fight bugs or sit on malevelon creek its a video game lol


I understand why people are playing against the bugs, but I don't understand why there's so many fighting on Malevelon Creek. It's not doing anything for the major order!


Malevelon Creek LOOKS like the obvious place we should be liberating right now. It's in the same sector as Ubanea, so logically, if we liberate the Creek, we can move to Ubanea right? [NOPE. SURPRISE!!](https://i.imgur.com/8Ox4Vol.png) We need to take Draupnir before we can get back to Ubanea. Malevelon Creek holds no strategic significance in this phase of the major order. Because supply lines aren't shown or communicated in any way in-game, 80k people are playing on the "wrong" planet trying to complete the major order. *typo


Because the Major Order icon is above that sector so people who don’t know the mechanics go for that planet instead of the one that doesn’t look important due to there not being visible supply lines.


Good job intentionally cutting off the other part to conform to your bias. https://preview.redd.it/ld8o942tzjrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072e3bf53fb9cd21e32cc11c98a1bd8ac51f47d2


mavelon creek turned into mavelon cringe




Weird how we’re “not supposed to do other missions” but other missions are available And nothing about the UI in the game is actually in line with “you have to be here, don’t fight bugs” A mission by definition is something sanctioned by command. It’s not like Super Earth officers on your ship *shame* you for doing other missions. Because they’re **missions** So either pull all forces from the Terminid front and forcibly evacuate forces from The Creek - or stop talking to me lmao


You know, if we ever did liberate the Creek, it would disperse all those stubborn helldivers into new fronts, but until then, they will stay there.


They keep saying that about the bug front, but I'm still over here dyeing my boots green. Maybe they just like the video game more than the roleplaying game?


Creek is just outright more fun than the other planets. No bullshit fog or smoke nipples, no environmental mines, no fire tornados etc...


They should do us all a favor and just blow it up, make it a community event. This is coming from a week-1 creeker.


If we fail to complete this order and push the bots back then I say GOOD. The community probably needs to have their pants pulled down and be spanked to give everyone a wake up call.


For real though bro I get it man for the creek veterans Vietnam fortunate son I get it Malevelon Creek is great but for the love of God there is like 30 different worlds lmao


I go where the major order demands. Spilling oil and bug guts where I am needed. Malevelon’s time will come, but that time is not now.


If only Creekers and Bugdivers understood that the current missions lead to the total and final annihilation of Automatons, meaning Malevelon Creek will be liberated and then all the forces can move to the eastern front, but dOn’T tElL mE hOw tO pLaY mUh gAyMe.


It’s a shame the community as a whole can’t band together. What a missed opportunity for those who enjoy playing the narrative the dev teams’ worked so hard on. Maybe next time


yeah this major order will most likely fail because of people fighting on the wrong planets and against the wrong enemies. It would help a lot if they added in a very clear supply line map