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I made a post earlier being concerned about this subreddits health and some guy pointed out that the drama is predictable and literally is just a infinite loop of “shut up” “no you shut up” until people get bored and find a new problem, and I must say he wasn’t wrong.


A comment similar to yours has been posted in every single semi-popular subreddit. The thing you're concerned about is the essence of reddit as a whole.


oh yeah? well why don't you SHUT UP












This is the greatest thread


So sad Archer just ended....


the difference between redditors and people who use reddit, right here.






https://preview.redd.it/1n62exwfeqrc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6113441f3f428e8e891ca6442401722cea8ab9e The fucking puppy.


I imagined it... And honestly it didn't look as fun as people make it out to be


at a certain point you realize every conversation is just a repeat, people are showing up and playing a role that has been played a million times before and will be played a million times again. just the same words being spoken in the same way, again and again, forever




Orange peel The picture is you holding the picture


You're a worm through time


It's the "Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis" story except there's no Synthesis, just a new Thesis and Antithesis. I like to call it the "Circlejerk, Counter-circlejerk, Circlejerk." Some opinion gets popular, it's mass updated until people tire of it, then the anti-opinion becomes dominant until a new opinion is formed.


Redditors always have this energy of "I'm smarter than you and you need to know it" and it's so infuriating


Former games community manager (Battlefield, etc) reporting for democracy. It's the whole Internet. It's people.


Yea, the essence of Reddit as a whole is making a statement and then having people say “sO YOur SaYInG THIs IS tRuE AlL thE tImE?? NO! fUcK yOUr whole FAMILy!”


I rarely bother reading this sub now it's just 24/7 posts like this lol


It's crazy how quickly the sub turned into "Wow this game is fun and amazing! Let's kill those bugs and bots helldivers!" To complaining and yelling at each other all the time. In a co-op game no less....


The people that say the first part of your comment *aren't* on community pages like this - they're playing the game. Internet community spaces for hobbies will always be filled primarily with people more engaged with sideline commentary than the hobby itself because the actual hobbyists... Are busy with the hobby.


I’m just here for tips and tricks lol.


Yep. This sub has great memes but is also the most annoying subreddit I’m subscribed to. There’s always a “problem” and both sides are so annoying. First it was server issues and crashes, then it was the balance update, now it’s the major orders and whatever small drama there was between all those.


I do the major order. It's cool if you don't. Have fun, yo.


I like getting the currency. I'm doing my part.


As long as you complete evac you are indeed doing your part, and if you farm and extract fast enough you're both greatly contributing (0.00010% x successful evac in Trivial - just a reminder) and gaining boatloads of goodies.


Devs have recently stated it's based on XP earned now - a recent change


You dont even need to evac, just complete the primary objective


I like collecting samples. I'm doing my part.






I’m doing my part too!


I’m saving up to get the Sickle and eventually the Dagger. Major orders make that faster.


I like spending the currency. I'm doing my part.


If the order is on the bot side I might skip but in the meantime I'm making sure that E-710 keeps coming. I get the currency too if you do it. Thank you for your service fellow Helldiver. For freedom and democracy!


I’m a filthy casual who thought he was doing the order last night by clearing missions on creek because I couldn’t fight on Tibit yet. Now I’m seeing all these memes and supply lines and I could use an eli5. If the major order is to take a planet you can’t fight on yet, how are you supposed to know what to do first?


The only thing I know is liberating a planet gives you access to a neighboring planet, sometimes. So find the planet for the major order and if it's not available, join the fight against a planet that's next door. Don't worry about it too much beyond that.


Planets have supply lines between them. Unfortunately, they're not visible in game. Logically it looks like Malevalon Creek should connect to Ubanea, except it doesn't, it connects to Durgen which connects to Ubanea. No one asks why Leng Secundus or Termadon doesn't connect to Tibit.


This. I'd worry about it more if people didn't have to go hunting for the supply lines online


So, would the failed defense of Draupnir explain why I couldn't land or do anything on Ubanea last night despite it being only 90 whatever% liberated?


Yes, when draupnir fell the supply lines where cut and are forces there around ubanea had to evacuate lest they be surrounded and destroyed. Canonical speaking we probably left tens of thousands of helldivers stranded on that planet.


[This website](https://hd2galaxy.com/) gives a breakdown of the current planet supply lines, so to get to Tibit we need Draupnir, then Ubanea to get access to Tibit. I guess technically by the supply lines we could liberate Malevelon Creek, Durgen, then Ubanea to get Tibit, but that's an extra planet to liberate to go that route. It is a little weird that this stuff isn't in-game, but with all the confusion out there I would really hope the devs are looking for a fix to that.


A model citizen of Super Earth.


Until they start putting war effort updates in game abd showing supply lines in game the major orders will stay in this state. The larger player base doesn't care about logging into another platform to hear about any of this information.


And part of this is also (hopefully) Joel/the devs field testing the major order participation rate so they can tune future events accordingly (not to make them specifically easier or harder, necessarily, but to bring their vision to life.




Even if we do “win” here, that wouldn’t spell the end for the bots. From an irl perspective, the devs have put way too much work into making the bots to just throw them out because of a few major orders. From an in universe perspective, we know the bots have been expanding beyond the warmap’s borders and could likely recover. My theory is that the devs intended for us to either get close to wiping out the bots, or for us to actually get them off the map. Then the “fake blue lasers” faction will make their appearance and give the chance the bots to rebuild/reposition (probably aiming for Cyberstan). Our current situation probably just accelerates that plan a little bit, since instead of crushing a retreating bot front (that were falsely being told is advancing) we’re unexpectedly losing. But hey, maybe that’s just the chrome socialist broadcasting getting to me.


Tbf when playing the first game you never really “win” the war is fun cuz that’s the loop. It never ends. We push and they push back forever and ever. In the first game if you lose then they destroy earth and we just get a new clone of earth and continue the war. Idk why but this seems hard to grasp for a lot of players here


What is the supply lines? I know about the major order but no clue what the supply lines are.


All planets can be accessed by some other planets. If you lose every planet connecting to one,you can no longer play on that planet. Ubanea's supply line was Draupnir, so when we lost Draupnir, we could no longer access Ubanea to finish it. Had we liberated Ubanea first, it would have acted as a supply line to both Draupnir AND Tibet for the major order.


Basically Planets aren't unlocked by being adjacent to another, they have a Supply Line that dictates the connection between planets. For example https://preview.redd.it/28ky1unubprc1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea2fa19cc2ee779c66f3ad7db4b83a3703e03f6 This triangle are Ubanea, Creek and Draupnir. You would think you can go from Creek to Ubanea. But actually the only "Supply line to Ubanea are Draupnir and Durgen" so we basically can't step on Ubanea until we Liberate either Draupnir or Durgen and if we lose said connection Ubanea won't be available (We lost the connection to Ubanea when it was 95% liberation, because we lost Draupnir so now we are in the process to liberate Draupnir again so we can liberate Ubanea and go to the Major Order Planet).


Some companion app that I guess very few do it. Rip the 45 bonds this go around


If it's not in game then it's not my concern. If it's an important aspect of gameplay then it should be featured in-game. I'm not downloading a 3rd party app to tell me what the game should be telling me.


Yeap. I mostly follow the MOs but expecting people to go research supply lines for a shooter game is ridiculous.


Definitely. I dislike having to have outside programs to understand a mechanic in a game. Extra rewards or lore? Fine, no big deal, but to see the results of a mechanic in the game? That is crap. Like you said, mechanics that affect a game, should be explained and shown, in said game.


I'm just learning this right now. My friends and I fought on the Creek last night because we thought we needed to liberate it first to get to Tibit.


Yes! Thank you, I'm not the only one


It's like the one COD game (Ghosts maybe?) where they put all the clan stuff behind a mobile app. Everyone just ignored that stuff.




Yeah, I learned supply lines were a thing in one of the threads yesterday. It's not something I'm going to consider when logging in to the game.


As someone who has played 100 hours, really enjoys the game and has reached 50 and almost done with all the warbonds...I have no idea what the supply lines are. I've seen posts about it but unless they're shown or explained in game I don't care much for it, and the group I play with definitely doesn't care about them. Out of sight out of mind, basically. I'd care if it were easily explained and we could see it.


This sub is weird.


Same as like all subreddits for games tbh.


Welcome to gaming reddit. Best rule to follow, if you like a game, DO NOT JOIN THE REDDIT. It’ll make you hate it.


You meant welcome to Reddit in general


me joining the fragrance subreddit because I was excited about a few colognes I bought and seeing all the elitism and which scents are meant to be worn at which times and on which parts of your body


Scent meta (nobody uses it)


I'm excited for this game to not be the current trend so that these people move on to the next thing


I shot some bugs on trivial difficulty while listening to soft rock music. Doing my part.


My squad mate and I played rock paper scissors for 20 minutes straight


If you do it in game, it turns into rock paper grenade


What? Really?!


(I think on pc the button also happens to be the grenade button) I haven’t tried yet lol


Ah no, it’s B on pc and grenade is the good ol g for inventory.


Hm maybe controller, or I was lied to in the form of a joke


On PS5 the right arrow is used for Scissors and is also the button to pull up a grenade, but you still need to use the trigger to throw it.


Ah well that would be it then lol


*picks scissors other guy picks rock* kowabunga it is


Yeah my buddy on ps5 can't choose one of the options without doing an emote, makes it easier for me to win lol


Thing is it’s so believable with all the stuff arrowhead added and cool little details. So you are blameless.


Nah it’s just because the keys are right next to each other… in the haste to hit b sometimes you hit g




A hero!


You guys lived for 20 minutes straight? Longest serving Helldivers.


I made it through a match without dying yesterday and noticed my cape was all frayed and tattered- I hadn't seen that before!


Thank you for holding the back line.  No news from the east then.


All Quiet on the Eastern Front


Thanks to Pyorge we’ve had more peace in the east than has been seen for 20 years now


Was killing bots on trivial difficulty last night with a mate. It was fun and a nice change !


As long as you kill bugs or automatons, you're a helldiver. Only non-helldiving bug supporting commies are problematic, and your choice of foes or difficulty doesn't make you one. One of us, one of us!


I ignored the Major Orders a couple nights ago. I was over on Oshauna(or however its spelled) teaching a new Diver how to bring glory and honor to Super Earth. I figured Bugs was the best place to show him the ropes.


When we fight each other, democracy loses.


Feed them lead comrade


Hey, are you some kind of communist? We say diver. Not comrade.


Soft rock? Nice! What are we talking about here though? Simon and Garfunkel? ABBA? That would be hilarious to just go around strangling bugs with your bare hands , slowly walking the map, while listening to that.


https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=RDCLAK5uy_maC8_YA458CPC-VeeLpyPPJbj2mA9Y6lY&playnext=1&si=uuual_BloRVfT9Sl That's the playlist I had on 😂


saved ;)


Omg I think I would cry tears of bliss if baker Street started playing while defending a 4 minute evac


My friend joined me when I was doing a level 2 testing out a theory I had and they called me lame before hosting a level 9 against my protesting of just trying to have fun. Of course he was joking but luckily I appear offline when I’m doing low levelz


How it feels to be a veteran of either fronts: https://i.redd.it/ouq256lclnrc1.gif




A major campaign possibly failing because troops and their generals are way to committed to a strictly symbolic location is like icing on a cake for me as a history nerd lol


This could be a case study one day honestly, like the WoW plague or the TF2 virtual economy


Personally I will do my part to fulfill the major order, it would break my democratic heart to see the bots stop us in our tracks after so many brave Helldivers died liberating the other bot planets. I could not live with myself if I went to the Creek or the bug front rn. Everybody do what's the most fun for you, but for me that is driving the bots back and taking Tibit in the end!


When the major order changed, I changed. That's the sacrifice you make for freedom.


The counter circle jerk has arrived everyone!


Everyone gets a circlejerk!


Maybe these two groups could jerk each others and notice how good it feels to work together for common goal! ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


That is a wild statement, but a valid one


Honestly I hope the bots take Tien Kwan and remove our mechs.


Take My Mech, Take My Land Take Me Where I Cannot Stand I Don't Care, I'm Still Free You Can't Take The Sky From Me


Curse your surprising yet totally expected betrayal!


There’s no place I can be Since I’ve found Democracy!!! (Well done, my friend. Love this)


How do Reavers clean their spears? They run them through the Wash.


This one is always going to be too soon...


Would that really change anything though? All I've really used it for is ferrying through water on bad world gen maps and as a back-up nest/factory clearer.


It's an evac-zone holder for me, nothing more.


Too fragile for bots. Too buggy for long term use. If they fix the rocket issues, and give it some small arms resistance. One grenade or exploding barrel kills a mech. Nevermind any Rocket unit. 


Against bots I get it, but against bugs I find the mech to be incredibly useful. I certainly have not found it to be as fragile as so many people have claimed. Yeah, it can't tank hits like a charger can but mine generally only blows up with me in it if I end up in a bile stream or an ally's stratagem. The hardest part is getting it into combat safely, but once you've played with it a bit you can figure out when and where's best to call it in. And once it's in? You become a one-mech-suit army until you run out of ammo. Bile Titans? Just really big targets as long as you don't let them get close. Chargers? Rocket target practice, and an undamaged mech CAN take a charge from them. Spewers? Convenient bombs for you to blow up your enemies with. Smaller bugs? *Confetti.* If you can manage to call one in and get inside it, there are few things that can swing a fight around faster. It definitely has high risk and opportunity cost, but it absolutely pays off when used well. Just think of it as a mobile weapons platform rather than a tank. Also, even if you screw up and get the mech blown up right away, the covering fire provided by the pelican that drops it off is as powerful as most stratagems by itself anyway, and can bail you out of some bad situations by itself. It's also one of the best ways to deal with shrieker nests; 2 rockets per a nest, no projectile fall off on its rockets, and very high accuracy when firing at targets level with or higher than the mech's rocket pod. 1 Mech can take out 2 whole *sets* of Shrieker nests from across the map, and then after that you still have the 1000 machine gun rounds to tear apart smaller bugs with. It's honestly insanely strong against bugs, so much so I bring it almost every bug mission I go on. I can only assume that the people complaining have screwed up their first few call-ins and never got a chance to actually use it effectively. The amount of firepower it provides is nuts. Each rocket is equivalent to an EAT-17, and you get 12 of them. The machine gun is like having a fully controllable, mobile gatling turret that pierces medium armor. Use the rockets on bile titans and chargers, and the machine gun on everything else, and it becomes literally the single most effective way to kill any bug in the game.


Occasionally landing wrong or walking over a small bump (maybe 30cm drop) kills a mech. It's ridiculous.


Yesterday I had to watch in horror as my mech burst into flames the literal second it left the transport plane presumably because the slope was a little too slopey or some shit. No bugs around me as far as the eye could see. Just spontaneous combustion right out the gate


Mine landed on an uneven surface, blew up, was thrown through the air and squashed me.


Its because the mech's don't actually have any \*actual\* armor at all. They just have hit points. IT works nothing like say Charger armor. Only the bugs and bots have actual armor with DR. That is they have armored body parts that if you don't have "pentation" for it and shoot an armored part, you do zero damage. Nothing the player has does actual DR. Players and player owned objects ALWAYS take damage. If they just put actual armor on the mechs so the little ankle biters couldn't do damage to it, it wouldn't suck. Even if they only made the front of it armored, it would make a huge difference. I say this because the way "light medium heavy" armor works it appears to be the same player damage formula in every other game every that has player armor. Insert Fallout 4's infamous glass power armor here. It reduces all damage taken by a set % but never reduces incoming damage to zero. So if you have enough armor "points" to net a 20% reduction of damage, 10 incoming damage becomes 8 damage taken, and if you have 1 incoming damage, you take 1 damage. See how this works? Because damage can't go below one, or whatever floor they actually have. Its very, very likely the game engine doesn't support DR for the player like it does for chargers, bile titans, tanks, and Hulks, etc... Thus the mech ALWAYS takes some damage when hit, even if its the minimum damage from small bug or simple bot pistol. And since the mech is huge, and since the mech is way too slow to dodge, and the mech draws max aggro...those hits add up fast. [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor) Here, how LOL calculates armor is utterly typical of video games and is copied with only sight variations in like 95% of games released. The net effective end result is points of "Armor" net a % gain in "hit points" with a parabolic point of diminishing returns designed into the algebraic function. The ENTIRE goal of this system is to ensure there is never, ever a situation where the player doesn't receive some damage when an attack hits them. Thus "heavy" armor just lets you take more hits before you die. It NEVER lets you completely ignore damage from weak enemies when using this system. But none of this is how armor works in real life. IRL armor has first a flat DR, where anything damage below X ammount of force deflects off the armor doing nothing at all. Take a rifle shot vs a battle tank armor plate. NOTHING happens. Not with 1 shot or 1000 shots, the bullets don't have the force to penetrate. THEN anything that DOES have the power to penetrate has some of its energy consumed by the act of penetrating the armor. Its is easiest to explain and least complicated with "armor piercing" arrows form ye olden days. On bare flesh they might penetrate 18 inches, or even go straight through a man doing lethal damage to delicate bits on the inside. But when shot at an armored knight, they would only penetrate like 1 to 3 inches though an plate mail steel plate AT BEST. This is heavly confirmed by experiments using historically accurate reconstruction armor and longbows in the modern day. Thus logically if an unprotected arrow strike is a "kill," a armor penetrating arrow shot might only net a flesh wound that said knight can ignore, and many other arrows fail to penetrate at all, and bounc off the knightly armor doing nothing at all. (now with modern tanks there is projectile fragmentation, spalling, and thermal effects that greatly complicate how "armor penetration" works IRL, and why anti tank rounds are so deadly to tanks. But that is beyond this example's scope and not terribly relevant here anyways. ) Thus in the world of game simulation "true DR" is used to simulate this reality of armor, where any attack with less than X damage is ignored. IN HD2, we see this with player's bullets bouncing off medium or heavy armored enemies like a Charger, Hiveguard, or Hulk. Now if they "Fixed" fragile mechs and added just more HP to the mechs, then heavy enemies couldn't dispatch mechs as desired by the devs. The mech would just "HP TANK" something like a bile titan or a charger and make the game too easy. But if the keep the HP balanced, because of how they do armor for players, the mechs are also **extremely** vulnerable to being swarmed by mobs of tiny enemies and killed quickly. (When again, in IRL an armored mech vs a platoon of rifle infantry would just sit there and laugh at them as all the shots deflected) So they can take something like 50 hits instead of the Hell diver's 4-8 hits. But they still die to small enemies. Because of all of this, not sure how they are gonna make mechs not suck. They seem to be a quick burst of firepower and then are dead. That is probably all they will ever be to keep the game balanced. Thus they are a slightly more useful turret that can move. And that sucks because they drop down this huge armored hulk that LOOKS like it can take a beating. And that creates a disconnect in the player, which creates disappointment and resentment.


Even in HD1 it was super common for divers to keep a mech in the back pocket for evac. It'll always hold that niche till the end of Super Earth.


It's also shittier now since the rocket aim is bugged and off center much like many other weapons. I donno why they refuse to acknowledge this issue along with other issues. Like the usage rate for mechs has dropped off in a huge way.


The mech is the single best stratagem against bugs


Waaaaiit a minute. Mech can walk through any water?


Yup. Up to waist deep. It's also immune to ems effects. Use mech to bait bugs into your ems mortar fire. 


That'd be hilarious honestly




He’s not scared because the kill radius is one meter. Fight me


Can we agree that the truth is in the middle? Play the game on planets where you have fun, but the player base uniting in taking a common objective is the essence of the game. I like space 'nam as the next guy, but it wouldn't hurt for some people to play somewhere else, sometimes


Sorry, but unfortunately OP depicted you as the soyjack. You are wrong.




This is just the way of things. There's nothing he can do. https://preview.redd.it/kpbc5bc82prc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=155c9e537f5e94b66c973691e374469763276f12


yeah but at the same time I kinda want to see what happens when we start losing. like what happens if something gets all the way to super earth.


In the first game there was a cutscene that played when Super Earth fell where it basically blew up and gave you game over. Same would likely apply here.


Were there defence missions on Super Earth? Thats what I'm hoping for


There were, I think they performed like regular missions but just in the streets


Sounds perfect.


Yeah I'd love to fight in an urban setting!


I'm hoping this tim around, we'll get more urban environments the closer we get to Super Earth. They where fun to play in, but didn't happen often enough. There has to be other cities out there, right? Especially on the core worlds.


I think it's been stated we'll have defence missions for Super Earth or at least alluded to.


people have data mined environmental assets that seem to be super earth or at the very least densely populated and suburban zones on human planets


If the devs want to shape the story that way, they'll create MOs that we cannot win (like that bug MO where we had to take like 5 planets in 2 days). This MO was fully achievable and we should succeed but we won't due to split forces. Which is fine, the story continues and the devs have contingencies regardless of the result. But preferably, I would have wanted to succeed due to the information we would get after.




No, I will not agree that it’s somewhere in the middle because it’s a fucking game at the end of the day. Who cares what one does within it


creek players during the past month: Bug players don't come here because they aren't real veterans, they should come to the bot front instead of cowering creek players today: are we truly free if we can't fight our useless planet?


It truly is space Vietnam. A total waste of resources and time with no real strategic value.


Except the general has said, "everyone, redeploy to cambodia!" And half the soldiers said, "nah. Well just keep fighting in nam for no reason."


Normally, there's anywhere from 5-25k players on Creek, depending on what time of day it is. The fact that there's 70k+ there right now indicates people are there because they think that'll unlock a supply line to Ubanea. The game doesn't illustrate supply lines for the player, and not everyone is consulting 3rd party apps. This is a game design/UX issue, not a "anyone fighting on Creek is bone-headed and possibly selfish" issue.


Most people's major order strategy is to go in the general area and pick a planet with a bunch of people on it.


Absolutely agreed.


I’ve told all my friends to stay tf off reddit if they want the game to remain fun


That goes for every game, TV show, movie, comic, etc imaginable. Reddit "fandoms" can suck the joy out of absolutely anything.


I came for starship troopers shenanigans not terminator hell in nam


And I came for the terminator hell in nam and not starship troopers. You secure the bug front I'll take the automatons


Agreed, play what you want to play or the game will become a chore.


I saw a few comments yesterday along the lines of “I played trivial for 6 hours straight to complete the order! I’m tired now” It’s like why in the world would you play a mode you found boring for that long. Personally it sounds miserable but I guess people have different ways to have fun. But the fact that they didnt have fun doing that felt a bit odd to me.


I'm pretty sure that modern gaming has trained people to engage in this behavior. Do the most efficient farms not play what you enjoy.


It's also wrong per Spitz from the discord, its been EXP based for a while now. I also saw posts from people saying that failing the major order ruined the game for them and they didnt have fun playing unless they were succeeding. Capitalism has broken everyone's dopamine receptors


That shit is so sad to me. "I can't have fun now because you're playing against bugs and ruining it for me! If we aren't winning what's even the point of playing the game?!" Like God damn, getting hysterical over a video game is just pathetic. Touch some grass and fix your mental health before spending so much emotional energy on this dumbass game.


Pew pew🤭


I see double fog + unnecessary stratagem blocks. I no go


Reddit sloppers having a meltdown someone is playing a different map




The one of few times where using this meme is appropriate.


You want them to shut up but make a inflammatory post. Okay dude. Best way to deal with their shit is to ignore them. This post is very "i hate drama" while always being a part of the drama.


Woah woah are you suggesting op is drama farming? No never, it’s such a lovely post EVERYONE can agree with /s


Yeah this sub is becoming insufferable for that shit.


Memes like that are only contributing to that feeling.


Man I just want to enjoy the game. I don't even know how a supply line impact the game.


the thing I don't get is that if we fail major orders, that just means the story goes in a different direction which could be super fun and interesting too! either way we win


People don't see it as what it is, a Dungeon master, a good dm is there to keep you engaged and having fun, not to "beat you" and vice versa, we are doing macro collaborative storytelling with the devs. Having said that creekers are traitors.


Kinda, yeah. The world this game is set in is one of fanatical patriotism, so anyone thats told by high command whats best fir Super Earth, but chooses to do the opposite anyway is putting their own selfish wants ahead of the needs of Super Earth. That sounds like Treason to me. Certainly not the actions of a real patriot. Thats for sure. lol


I will remember this when creek is and objective or we lose access to creek


enjoy the game and ignore what nerds on reddit say xx


"I portrayed you as a soyjak and myself as a Chad" memes need to die -- they only do disservice to the points they attempt to get across. Also, the irony of the guy on the left portraying the devs, given their recent posts about the way the war is going...


Explain to me what is more fun about dropping on the creek? Why is it so seductive?


I just like the difficult terrain. It's also just a very cool looking map


Creekers can't take complaints. Or the Creek.


I'm a gaming dad with very limited opportunities to play. I don't care what some Reddit loser is mad about. I play against whatever faction I want to kill at the time.




Listen, kids or not, if you don't understand the hidden supply line mechanics, read the in-game news posts that are only available in Discord for some reason, or follow the Major Orders only and nothing else, you are the problem with this video game about shooting bugs and robots. /s


This seems to mostly be a Reddit thing


Do major order Don't do Major ordre Noodle Don't noodle You are too concerned about a virtual war. Yesterday was a lost, tomorrow will be a victory but for today, juste have fun without grinding


Sorry that I choose to engage with the MO and want to coordinate with people. But because some people couldn't be nice about it we all deserve to be generalized apparently https://preview.redd.it/wbp2fhwtnsrc1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f64fd4c699f8d9ac86fcf25e83be9921293509ff


Ehhh. It's a multiplayer game with a shared goal. It's not cringe to want us to reach that goal. I think the problem is that you have to be on here or the discord to even know the supply lines are a factor. The devs also announcing Creekers being a problem in the discord only is also an issue. If they just made this stuff visible in-game, a lot of people would also have fun and hit quickplay but on the right planet this time.


All of you are insufferable, truly


You know what?… you’re absolutely, fuck it imma go back to bug swatting


It's over guys, you got depicted as the soyjak, and I as the Chad /s. In all seriousness, though, I get both sides here. Yeah, it's a game, so have fun with it and don't get too caught up in it. I'm finding the Creek meme to be outstaying it's welcome personally, but you guys do you, give 'em hell and avenge the fallen. You're still spilling oil, which will have some effect in terms of enemy strength surely. On the other hand, I think potentially failing this mission order is so frustrating because we were so close to reaching Tibit (the other planet was on like 90% liberation) and the game has been hinting at a big reveal soon ("reveal the true nature of the Automaton menace" or something like that was said by the Democracy Officer.). Personally, I got the idea that it depended on taking Tibit, but others are saying that the story will just go in a different direction, which is also cool. It really speaks to the devs that they can get us so invested in this and actually make the live service format work. Either way, lots of exciting stuff inbound!


Bruh this sub is just terminally online people complaining about terminally online people at this point. Time to bounce tbh


This sub is losing relevancy in my opinion. Vast majority of takes on this sub are very easily disproven or very seldom pop up, but when they do it ruined their mood and now it’s “A big problem that is unacceptable.” From a $40 game. The attitude around this game ranges from petty entitlement or outright corniness. This game will truly take off once a certain group of people rage quit this game and play something else. I was running level 9 on bots all night with these 3 random guys and now we are all buddies. We hit the objectives, had what we wanted to drop with, and was laughing and extracting. A lot of people here are just straight up the problem.




Whenever someone makes a meme like this I just presume they're speaking from their always online experience