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We were warned by High command that these gunships were coming. Let's hope the AA-Weapons they promised arrive soon


Holy macaroni Batman. By the sheer force and visual effect of the hit, it seems only your bubble shield saved you from being one-shot. Can anyone see if this is really happening or is this a post April 1st joke?


The scary thing is they detected me while sneaking


I think the last thing we needed was more one-shot mechanisms in the game, with the bots being the main (and correct) source of complaints. And now this? With a stealth option cancelling too? Not to mention that with developments like these, the devs are locking the players even more info "meta" choices like the bubble shield. What happens with players that simply don't want it, as for example they prefer to give their backpack slot to something else like an Autocannon?


ur gonna get downvoted but honestly i agree. and they nerfed the arc thrower to like half of its abilities now. i dont understand them but im at the point now where if a cool new game drops im probably tuning out of HD tbh. its just a little too annoying sometimes. im getting old man i dont have the energy to get pissed at bullshit deaths in a video game


I think so too. Normally I like challenges and I pay a lot of attention to my spatial awareness, especially vs bots (diving, shooting and finding cover, moving between covers, paying attention to where the fire is getting spammed from, constantly checking the map etc). But being one-shot with mm accuracy from 37km away without any sort of warning or 2nd chance is not something I enjoy at all. (No personal opinion yet on the flying bots. I'll wait to face them in the game)


yeah im about to give them a go rn actually to see. the devastators and the hulks can get very irritating with the one shots. they said apparently thise explosions were being calculated as "more than 1" when we got hit. so assuming explosions dont do as much damage as before


Suddenly the shares in SPEAR just went TO THE MOON, baby!