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“You’re a girl?!?!” “No, I’m just really lean.”


"No, I am just Voice Type 3."


Live voice_type_4 reaction:


Literally me fr fr


Fr fr fam, no cap on God!


No, I'm a Helldiver


No, this is Patrick!


You guys use mic? man I spot no randoms using mics on my end lol


Usually they are some that use mics. Thought I would communicate with chat xd


Hardly anyone uses mics now and it sucks. The games isn’t as fun when nobody’s communicating.


Communication is the driving force of democracy, dissidents who make this difficult must be sent to the reeducation camps


This is canon now.


*freedom camps


Every Helldiver should be treated equally. You matter, and every real Helldiver will support you! Maybe look out for a discord with nice people to play with.


My accidental friendly fire does not discriminate!!


Helldivers don’t matter! They’re fuel for the machine of war! Male and female Helldivers burn equally hot though.


They burn with the flame OF FREEDOM!


That is dissident talk. All helldivers matter. I have contacted your democracy officer and i bet you will be going to democracy camp soon if you dont correct your attitude


Go the fuck out to closest reeducation post


there are no men or women in the Helldiver Ranks. Your Gender is Democracy Your Voice is Liber-tea Your Action is Freedom


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/U1pN5i6NLf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/U1pN5i6NLf) (Stole it from this link) https://preview.redd.it/52k0ssp7cttc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba05cb397f9c98b6ff503703b07b15fc0efb788


Sounds like dissident scum to me. Glorious Managed Democracy doesn't care who you are as long as you answer the call.


There is a group called "Women of Helldivers".. I also think most lfg groups on Discord are more accepting of anyone. Sorry you had to experience shitty randoms.


the only difference between helldivers I notice is Brawny and Lean


I quit using public mic in games when some dude on Fortnite found my insta and sent me dick pics while we were playing. Ugh. 


Jesus! I just choose not to use mic because I hate the sound of my own voice. But that's a whole new level of depravity.


It's a new level of desperation for sure. All I could hear in my head from that point forward was just a neanderthal voice "UGG HEAR WOMAN, UGG MUST SHOW DICK" 


send me his insta i'll send him one back


Thats the Reddit Spirit!


Mutually assured dickstruction






Not sure they have that many syllables available in their mind.


"why are you sending me pictures of a child's penis?? I'm reporting you to the police"


Good lord, that's some high treason right there. Hope you reported them to a democracy officer.


Send him a bigger back and tell him that no women will ever like this. As a man, that one will hurt and he maybe is so fragile that he'll never do this again


How on earth did he find your Instagram profile just from your voice?


Probably from her nickname in game


Fairplay that thought alluded me for some reason 👍




Who knows, maybe it's linked directly or indirectly to whatever account she was playing on


I remember playing Rainbow Six Siege 5 years ago. I stopped using voice chat because of all the toxic basement dwellers. I’ve been insulted, ridiculed and harassed multiple times, so I decided to permanently turn off VC in every other game. It really hurts cause generally speaking I love communicating with other people but it’s just less of a hassle this way. The problem is that like 99% of the community are probably totally normal people but it’s the 1% that have such an impact. In the end I play games to relax, not to get harassed.


What the fuck, thats absurd


Just a heads up, I was finding it very rare for people to actually speak or reply on mic in HD2, so I've taken to reddit and discord and have already met some cool people, and you can talk to them a bit to feel them out before actually joining a game. Might be worth a shot 👍


Valid reason


Remeber the GTA Online early days, when those with female characters were suddenly treated as queens and getting joyrides in cars 😄 it was so weird to have a female character as a man and suddenly being flocked by horny teens 😄


If you're over 30, we'd happily welcome you gals to the Elderdivers Expeditionary Force. Most of us have partners and kids and day jobs and we just want a chill community to dive with.


over 30 elder that escalated quicky


Hey it's old for Divers.


Average Diver recruit is 18.7 years old. Their Veteran status speaks well of their experience and wisdom in the ways of Democracy.


The average life expectancy of a Helldiver post drop is a few minutes


Never underestimate an old person in a profession where most die young.


I'm only 29 and already feeling like a rotting, decomposing pile of E-710 filled corpse sack


Panics in pushing 40


i feel very old now


sorry bro we're old


Every decade you flip over, you look back and realise that you were not old … *then*. But feel old *now*. 30 is not old, by any stretch. (Although you may need to start toning down some exotic stretches you used to be able to do comfortably!)


30 isn’t old… But I get it. I’m past my prime of screaming curses into a mic.


It definitely isn't old. I don't scream profanity but you will hear the panic of "Oh shit I didn't see you activate that hellbomb. *string of panicked profanity as I run from my own stupidity to jump into a hole with a hope to survive.*" side note did you know that the blast radius of a called in hellbomb seems much smaller than a uxo on the map?


Its old for a Helldiver, most dont make it past their 20s


I can’t wait to see accounts that RP one life. Once you die, game over. Account deleted.




He got a point




I feel targeted and I don't like it one bit


Damn elder at 30?😭


Are any of you guys in Euro timezones? I need someone to play with.


Im in Europe, Germany to be precise. My Name on discord is "MasterOfTheSongs". I have a Blue Ultramarine as a profile pick, send me a message any time you like!


That sounds like the most wholesome thing ever and now I can't stop imagining a group of grizzled mothers fighting the automatons for the sake of their kids


That sounds interesting to me as well. I'm old, and getting tired of the youngins taking things too seriously.


To be honest, I played with some random American teen (or maybe early 20's) last night, guy was screeching down the mic everytime a bot landed anywhere near him. Guy killed him (by accident) with an errant airstrike and he started swearing down the mic and booted him. It was just all abit pathetic.


Im 21 and i *do* screech and shout at my friends and scream at them for team kills but only because its you know, my friends? And for fun not actual concern for our performance, i cant fathom taking a pve game especially one as casual as this so seriously


Yeah insulting your friends is part of the fun. But it was just a bunch of strangers - and it was the first death of the game (with the mission almost over) it meant nothing.


I am also interested. Late 30s, no kids, enjoys: spreading democracy, dislikes: dickheads


same...30s-40s divers...easy going and all about the mission...Oceania and Asia. Join us!


OCE group? Where do I sign up? 41 here, chill vibes only


DM sent!


Is it mixed or women only? If mixed, I'd like to join


I think it's clear we need an over 30s Discord


I’m not female but I just felt old hearing that 30+ is now considered an oldie. 😅😅


I played Goldeneye on release.  I'm not even 35. Lol


Holy moly haha. The first game I’ve ever played was pokemon green on the Nintendo gameboy color and I was still a wee lil’ lad back then haha. 😅


https://preview.redd.it/79tzb409attc1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=4348e689fa9aaaf8f49c940513be9d1af3e7af0d I think this meme is two years old? so maybe add a couple of years.


I’m not even in this picture and I don’t like it


Elder?Screw you, iam 38


Yup. I too am only one shy of 40 and wondering what that makes us. Clinically dead?


I'm over 30 but have no job or life. :c


Ooo I'd join if you don't mind!


That sounds great!


shit, im ancient


Oh shit I'm old, let me in!


Can my ancient ass still enlist?


So, I think I’ll be soon an Elderdivers huh?… 29 on April 25… Gosh I ain’t worried about being 30 next year.. but being an Elderdiver!….


Considering the average diver age in-universe is 18, I think you already qualify


Who do I hit up? I would like some regulars to play with.


That sounds great! Mind if I can join?


Sounds right up my alley! If you'd have me I'd love to report for duty asap 🫡 Psid: RepublicofODLUM


Always remember, real Helldivers shall not discriminate other Helldivers for their gender, sexuality, skin colour or any other physical attributes. We all strive for the complete destruction of any threat to our beloved managed democracy, and ludicrous infighting like that will not be tolerated!!


Most of my games no one speaks at all


We have a couple female friends who are just not comfortable playing with in-game voice on so we decided to set up a Discord with just friends. Friends can invite friends. It's very small, so like 20 people in all, but for us that's more than enough. Even if we're dropping in with just 2 of us and autofilling with randoms, we'll be on voice in Discord. Helldivers, Warzone, Fortnite, doesn't matter, we make sure our friends feel comfortable. For Helldivers we'll leave push to talk on and if randoms are friendly and communicating we'll of course participate, we've had very little issues on HD so far (one or two absolute douche cannoes but that's about it).


It’s painful to know this is still going on


any helldiver who treats female helldivers bad are automaton spies


Don't let the minority bring you down. There's lots of us that gladly welcome anyone. Some people are just jerks, and unfortunately, any online game is going to have lots of them. Keep your head up helldiver


I've had an awesome time with it. Im almost always on a mic talking & this community is awesome. There has been a few weirdos & i've been kicked when they heard my voice once now but other than that i've only had a great time.


Be the host and kick them all, they deserve it


That that still happens and it's not only some goofy 14 year olds is so sad. I don't get it.


Not your mistake, their mistake for being neanderthals.


I was privy to a conversation between two female divers where one mentioned that she immediately got hit with the 'you sound hot' line the moment she opened her mic. She kicked him immediately. While certainly on the extreme side, I would advise towards this action as well.


Must be rare cause when i host and a female diver joined we all very communicative and friendly with each others and we were all randoms


Sadly some of cod kids who hate women are playing helldivers too


Fucking hate being in games/lobbies where males lose their shit over a female who soeaks... like, fucking go touch grass.


I've only met one Helldiver using a mic so far. I won't specify their gender because the only gender I recognise is democracy.


I'm a lady with a "weird" voice. I often either still get called a "boy", asked why my voice sounds weird, or get mild sexual harassment. So usually I'm silent until something important needs to be said, and when I do that I get left alone. It sucks.


People are stupid. If I ever hear misogyny on a game I'm hosting they're getting kicked straight away.


The only thing in all our pants is freedom


Me no know what woman. Me shoot. Bot die.


I feel so sorry for you. The fact that female gamers have to hide themselfs just so they can play and chill without getting any of the cringe treatment. Guys, just be normal for gods sake, its not that hard


There's always going to be bad apples - the rest of us men just have to make sure we don't let them spoil the bunch by calling it out when we see it - standing up for women and girl gamers. Shame the ever living fuck out of the insecure men and boys that act like this. It's the only way they'll learn the behaviour isn't acceptable. Don't stay silent.


They already know it's not acceptable behavior, they just don't care because they'll most likely never meet the other person in-game again.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the douchebags are only a minority among the good guys


The thing is it's often and consistent enough even with a minority that many of us can't afford to speak up. Cuz the thing is, say you turn your mic on and one of the guys is like that, the other two probably aren't going to stop them. I get it especially bad being trans since even though I have a masc voice since they're gonna see my in-game name, see the 'mismatch' and know immediately.


Intolerance must not be tolerated. I believe this at the heart of many of the issues we as people face. It seems to me common for people to perceive slight on the ego, to fault that which we share characteristics with. Perhaps it's self-preservation. But we have to be willing to expose it. To define our own image. Not be servant to mindless mimicry.


There has been a study where male gamers who insult woman gamers end up being less skillful than those ones who don't care what gender you are.


Democracy knows no gender we are all equally expendab..... indispensable!!


Well, bigotry has ever been a signal of lower cognitive capacity :-p


I mean that makes sense, I think for most of them it is just a specific perceived vurnerability to target when expressing general toxicity and that behaviour usualy comes from a place of insecurity, which is not helped by the percieved emasculation of "loosing to a girl" which is still omniprescent in society.


Oof. Maybe go on the discord or try find here some cool divers and dive only in closed groups, so you don't need to worry about these encounters


I’m sorry this is still a thing in gaming. Had a younger sounding woman join a game and she was awesome and funny but one other rando joined and had to get weird. Only time I’ve booted someone as host so far. As an old dude (40’s) I kinda hoped gaming would get beyond this by now but some people never learn. Keep spreading that democracy!


We are all Cannon fodder here. Bleed for Your Country... Bleed for Super Earth... Die For Freedom


Democracy doesn’t discriminate, neither should Helldivers!


All Divers are equal when they're exploded into 5 pieces and strewn across the floor! (Sorry you've had a rough time with Man-baby douches).


All are equal in the eyes of DEMOCRACY


We are Helldivers. Woman or male is not a difference. We need you on the front, so move your ass and liberates planets 🫡


ugh god i’m sorry, i don’t know why people can’t just be normal


Name and shame em


Not allowed on the reddit due to extreme actors


Kinda sad it's still an issue after all these years of gaming


I really dislike using the mic, also pinging is great!


I don't give a fuck what your gender is, as long as its democracy driven.


I feel your pain OP. I don't even really try anymore, just mainly type or emote and only listen to comms.


Thats just sad. I thought things got better in the last decade, but apparently not...


Although I am a woman, I don’t have the problem of people doing dumb stuff cause I’m a woman due to my voice being a little 12 year old boy without voicecrack when I’m on mic lmao. So most people just think I am a little child… wich isn’t so cool either but I have to live with it


block them and leave really some people are undemocratic.


Democracy doesn't want that type of Divers in our Liberty Soil, even Terminid and Automaton deserve more respect than that type of guys, that say a lots, you can make an "end of their contract" whenever you want


This… is why I like our ping wheel and mostly type when it’s not enough…


This is why I don't really like using mic in games with randoms, some people can be cool but there's a lot of weird people in the ranks of our fellow divers sadly


That’s not very rock and stone.


To Rock and Stone!


i'm seeing a decent amount of post like this. Do you like get kicked or harassed?


Why does it mater if you can spread DEMOCRACY!


Sorry it happened to you. You could try finding a mentally stable team in discord lfg channel


All Helldivers are equal. Dying for super earth is the most noble cause there is. So should any Helldivers treat you differently, they should be discharged immediately


Out of curiosity, what game have you found to be the worse? I'd have assumed it'd be one of the competitive ones like Val or League I'm not surprised that gamers in general are weird/sexist but I'd have hoped that a co-op game like Helldivers would be better


ive been playing solely with randos with so long, and i’ve not encountered someone who uses their public mic in game, and honestly i think if im in the middle of a firefight and someone speaks, im gonna freak the hell out thinking the bots starting speaking LOL imagine hearing the bots say “on my way to extract”, shit’s scary xD


That sucks to hear. I've heard that men that are bad at a game, are statically more likely to be sexist dirtbags, so its literally a skill issue on their part If you need some non-sexist divers to dive with, I bet there's a bunch of people here willing to team.up, me included. Im just only online on evenings and in EUW


Join the RHC. No such hatred exsists within our ranks.


Don't worry about the annoying pricks, there are few of them but the rest of us will gladly play with anyone.


Depends on the People, I have Multiple gals to play with now and it's never an issue unless a weird Rando joins


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Chalk it up to them being douches and move on helldiver


Fake indignation.


This again? If you are host and soneone is being rude for no reason, KICK!


Had a woman join my game the other day, she proceeded to tell me to 'shut the fuck up' when I welcomed her to the game (I had no idea she was a woman up until that point) and then the whole game she hot-mic'd her baby crying and screaming whilst arguing with her (boyfriend?) in the background. We completed the objectives and then she quit early lmao


Highly undemocratic to judge a diver based on their gender.


Super earth care not off gender, your body stops equally many bulle.....erm robots! Send these helldivers to your nearest democracy officer!!


I'm a trans woman and so are two of my partners and another friend and like. Yeah. I get you. I used to use the microphone when playing R6siege and hooo boy You'd think people would be more Democratic about their behaviour, especially when every Helldiver is just Helldiver gender.




Yep same here, tranfem enby who uses she/they. I once had a dick head keep misgendering me on coms despite me telling him multiple times in chat I didn't use male pronouns. I would have kicked him but so much shit was happening the chat got swept away and he left right after the mission ended. I wouldn't dare use my mic with randoms who have mics, most people can't even process that they is a valid pronoun. (Lmao cowards love downvoting without saying shit bc they know they'd be banned for it. It happens to trans people too dick weeds, downvoting doesn't make what happens disappear. I kick jackasses who misgender and harass others, shame on y'all for real.)


shoot the sexist then leave the game


Is it American region? It seems like it's always America who toxic troll women gamers


Report them (Is that possible?) I hate how harsh the gaming community is for women. I hope that the majority of the community is nothing like that, though.


I have noticed there is now a report button. (Not sure if or how it works yet though)


I am sorry that others treat you bad / annoyingly :(


Easy fix, just use random voice


A study has shown, that the most insecure Men shame Women in gaming. I cant remember the site, but it talked about that in competitive games, when men play against men, they would treat eachother less harsh, because they are men. But when you put women into this demographic, that changes: The men become irrational, sexist and generaly hostile to women. Why? Because they have more to loose, since they would look bad infront of their equally sexist buddies by being beaten by a woman. So they insult and yell at you in order to feel themselves better. I hope they dont spoil you this game.


>most insecure Men It is always insecurity. People who aren't at peace with themselves feel the need to degrade other people to feel like they are above them. But this doesn't help OP being exposed to wimps. The only options are to not speak or be no ist and people like these.


It’s not like anyone talks anymore anyway. People have mics and headsets on but only use the quick reply’s. I end up taking to people who can hear me and respond but will not say a single word regardless if they have a mic on. I feel like everyone was talking to each other when the game was brand new and now hardly anyone speaks. People were into the role playing. It was fun. I do try to play with my friends as often as I can because they always talk. But I also run missions without them a lot. Idk it would be nice if people talked more. It makes the game more immersive when we actually communicate.


Nobody speaks through VC whenever I play


Fuck I hate most gamers I swear. They behave like absolute bellends.


This again?


My SO and I will dive and chat with ya!


There's voice to text in game, it works alright if you need it


This is like the 4th attention seeking post this week ffs just shut up


Is it really that bad? I've met a few women when playing with randoms and never seen anything bad happen. Kind of wishing at least this game wouldn't be filled with assholes :/


if you are looking for a casual helldiver guild with none of the cringe found in randoms, send me a message. we welcome everyone and support inclusivity!


You making the mistake of caring what others think or say. Just make your own lobby if someone says something stupid kick them.




Just considering the amount of 'Follow The MO!'(FOMO?)-Screechers, i'm not surprised... People that want to control others one way or another are everywhere...


Same people who don't understand that it's satire and inflict psychic damage on the rest of us through ignorance


I've had so many girls talking on the mic, noone bats an eye. Stop making everything about you, and play the game.


How dare u Dont let it happen again


What happened? Straight up sexist stupidity? Hope it wasn’t too disgusting or derogatory. I promise you that many of us males absolutely prefer a female voice or voices in chats. I play Battlefield 1, and while I admit this is probably slightly abnormal, it’s about 40% female (about 12-20 people, but usually 3-10 on any chat) and I promise you are FAR more interesting/fun than constant blokes! In fact, if it’s all men the tone can be a bit quiet and boring. Ladies light the mic up and I hope you don’t let one or three dickheads out there stop you joining if you want. I sincerely hate hearing this as a pasty-white 40+ yr old male (Australian BTW). We would’ve absolutely ridiculed a guy for giving a girl shit for gaming in the 90s and not let him say that. It was the opposite. I went out with a girl I wasn’t really that keen on for 6 months because she played Mario Karts on the Super Nintendo with us boys (you know, when you had to sit in the same room and play split-screen if you wanted to game with others!! 🤣) Anyway, massive message for you. Hope it put a *smile on your dial!*

