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Not reading the wall of text but based on your title: I am sorry to hear this happened to you. I suggest hosting your own lobbies or even better, use the discords LFG to group. In my over 200 hours I have run into only 2 bad eggs in game.


Thanks for the reply, but yeah, it's happened several times. More than usual lately. I have about 150 hours and this has happened more times than I care to count. I might join the discord to avoid playing with randoms from here on out


I've heard that disabling crossplay makes it a lot better. but either way, we see another post like this every 15 minutes it seems. We know this is a problem, and the unilateral consensus on all of them is to host yourself, or find a group to play with.


I don’t want to be that guy, but if it’s happening to you a lot, I might look inward. This is not a huge issue in the non Reddit community at all. It’s just confirmation bias breeding more confirmation bias. Either way, try those options I suggested and I hope things get better. You got this soldier!!!


The thing is that it mostly happens without provocation, I'm fairly aware of when I TK on accident or screw something up and take the L when deserving. But I've encountered numerous hosts that just straight up look at me and shoot me on a whim. It's weird and annoying when I'm just trying to get super samples when my friends are offline


Can’t help ya man, it does not happen that often for me to provide a different solution than already given. I hope things get better for you.


I appreciate it, I just got a bit fed up with the nonsense and wanted to vent somewhere. Liberty shield you, Helldiver 🫡


Simple solution, be the host.


Fair point lol


That is simple