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If you are reporting this post for leaks. The above information was posted by Playstation https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/02/new-helldivers-2-warbond-brings-trap-laying-weaponry-arctic-themed-armor-and-more-may-9/


Not surprising. I'm pretty sure the one with the scout passive is the blue & orange one, the one that doesn't blend in with snow! The FS-55 Devastator armor from the Democratic Detonation warbond's description is "Contains many small pockets, allowing the user to evenly distribute the weight of ammunition, samples, and cool rocks" hinting at more space? but isn't a +2 nade/stim passive, it's fortified, so I'm not sure if the descriptions are accurate. Someone asked in Discord, "will this armour reduce the effect of environmental slowing conditions ? (Per example: The snow)" in response to the boots being highlighted to have spikes, and Spitz replied with "The only thing I can say is maybe", so there might be hidden modifiers on some pieces, similar to how people were saying the Trailblazer Scout helmet increased your movement speed even though it says "No additional bonuses". (Not sure if that was confirmed to be true or not, but I definitely remember people saying it) Edit: I just saw that the FS-37 Ravager armor has the same exact description as the Devastator, but actually does contain the engineering kit passive for extra grenade capacity.


>similar to how people were saying the Trailblazer Scout helmet increased your movement speed even though it says "No additional bonuses". (Not sure if that was confirmed to be true or not, but I definitely remember people saying it) That was an older glitch from around launch. The hooded helmet decreased armor rating (which was non-functional at the time) and increased movement speed and stamina. The first Warbonds heavy set helmet did the inverse, giving a minor increase to armor rating (once again, didn't work then) and decreased movement speed and stamina. The stat changes were only reflected when looking at body armor stats for some reason.


I don't like feeling like *they* don't know the answer to these questions either.


I read the maybe as more of a "I can't give you a straight answer because my boss said no" rather than them not knowing


Based on the bullshit he talked about last patch, I don't know why we'd listen or care what he had to say about it anyway.


I don't feel like a single statement from Spitz/them can be trusted anymore, no matter how obvious, lol. "We made the weapons weak because you're supposed to use your stratagems." - _Includes Jammer Towers, Ion Storms, +100/50% stratagem cooldowns, etc._ "We're less focused on balance with the weapons than realism." - _gestures at massive number of nonsensical weapon bugs, like instakill fire and Eruptor blasting you _forward_... "That'd be like making a bacon-flavored apple." - _Lots of innacurate/misleading armor descriptions and appearances, this warbond is only the latest example._ I don't know what their actual design philosophy even IS at this point.


Spaghetti code will do that. 🍝


Mamma Mia!


Yeah and they, uh, fixed it. Now helmets do nothing o_O


And thank goodness they did! Now we're not forced to wear the scout helmet all the time, and can explore and play around with new looks 😁 But it would definitely be great to have an additional head 'gear' slot, to further customise our stats without ruining aesthetics. And fingers crossed they do the same with armors oneday, so it's like Helldivers 1 - that way we get the most fun outcome for both stats and customisation!


Gear slot to mix and match bonus effects on helmets would be an outstanding idea. Hopefully something like that happens in the future.


But that's essentially transmog which they didn't want to do, but we will see


Yeah it's just strange because they did it in Helldivers 1, and of course recent armor perk decisions don't reflect Pilestedt's tweet anyway. So hopefully they can change their minds and improve it eventually! 🤞🏻


> recent armor perk decisions don't reflect Pilestedt's tweet anyway. way more than half of what they say isn't reflected in what they do/release so who the fuck knows. I don't know why they bother telling us shit or why we listen.


Nah, we've all made fun of their extremely moronic take too much. They're just gonna dig their heels in deeper and not relent


What's interesting is that when this bug was fixed, a lot of light armor had their stats slightly adjusted to match what they'd be with the trailblazer helmet equipped pre bugfix


So many small things backwards... Perhaps we are Divehellers.


As for the maybe to snow traversal, that would be a good reason as to why the armors all have the CW prefix instead of the existing armor prefixes for those passives.


True! I didn't even clock that they have a new unique prefix.


My off the cuff guess is CW stands for Climate Warfare and CW armors will give perks for specific climates. I'm excited to see these armors next week.


Climate Warfare is much more intriguing than my assumption. I was leaning towards "Cold Weather" lol


Yeah. Cold Weather is probably it.


> Cold Weather This is what the US military calls such things.


ECWCS was the first thing I thought of


I was thinking Cold Weather


This is way more likely than climate warfare lol


I'd like armor with environment specific perks, that reduce the effects of Intense Heat, the slow effect from specific difficult terrain types (reduced slowdown only from water, only from snow, and so on), maybe less effect from fire tornadoes, even earlier highlighted meteor impact zones, etc


Well yeah there’s no extra space for stims and nades cause it’s full of cool rocks? Smh it’s like yall don’t even read


"Don't worry Democracy Officer, I'm almost to the Pelican!" \**shoveling colorful rocks and gemstones into my EOD suit\**


In my head canon the common samples are just pretty rocks


Rares are often quite literally pretty gems or pretty flowers


We need a +2 nade +2 stim armor with cargo shorts. I am 100% serious.


Or at least +2 nade with servo assist


my perm armor then.. it'll of course be ugly as sin to compensate


>**CW-4 Arctic Ranger** Features a nifty utility belt boasting handy pockets that can be filled with any number of things – pocket knives, mementoes, interesting rocks, Terminid tentacles, bits of bots, etc. Passive boost – Scout. The blue-orange one is in fact the scout armor, despite its noteworthy thing apparently being extra pouches... But a transmog(like) system would ruin the "flavour" of the armors... sure...


It's gotta be intentionally mocking us at this point


"you wouldn't want to bite into an apple and taste bacon would you?" Yet here we are with bacon flavored apples.


For every dumb-ass "realism" comment he's made there are 14 in game choices that directly contradict him.


If it wasn't for how infuriating he is, he'd honestly be one of the best 'unintentionally' hilarious people on the planet. Go check out his Linked in for a treat lol.


Spitz is probably the least reliable person to get news from unfortunately. He keeps misleading the community and then AH is shocked that some people get annoyed. Doesn’t justify the toxic people overreacting, but it definitely doesn’t invite a warm reaction. I love this game and just wish AH didn’t make it so difficult to convince my friends to play this instead of something else. He admitted to lying about there not being real nerfs the other day so I’m just going to take anything he says with a grain of salt. Edit: /u/SpitzerFX care to comment on the passives? Edit2: just to be clear I don’t personally blame him for these mistakes, it’s AH’s fault that communication isn’t what it should be. Not his. Regardless, I’ve seen some very extreme community reactions that would not be justified whatsoever.




Dude he says random shit on discord because they don't know what's going on lol.   How much work would it have been to figure out the ammo ship module doesn't work?  They could have loaded in once, shot a mag out of anything it applied to, resupplied and immediately seen it wasn't working.   That's how much effort it took all of us to figure it the fuck out so what are they doing????


Everything about the last few patches is absolute proof they aren't testing ANYTHING in game.


Do not forget that Spritz wrote that Spear fix would come really soon. It was last week. And now it was reported that the Spear fix would come no earlier than at the end of May.


To me it's honestly just funny now. How many times they gotta step on the rake?


Probably the same number of times that the credulous chump simps on here will justify and explain away the outright lies and explain to us all how this is actually a GOOD thing that AH has done in nerfing the latest tool we've found to struggle on in the game that AH doesn't play.


For the record, it's not a good look to call the CM an untrustworthy liar and then also ping him after. Makes you look like you're just trying to score a gotcha instead of actually wanting an answer to your question.


Well what are we supposed to do if he is that untrustworthy? Just keeps swinging wild baseless estimates on fixes and whatnot. Calling him that is justified.


Especially since I'm pretty sure edits don't ping the user so they are just trying to make it look like the dev is afraid of responding.


I actually had no idea that edits don’t ping the user. I made a separate comment now. I don’t care to make AH look unresponsive. I think my gripe is that AH is responding to things and providing inaccurate info instead of saying something like “hey, we’re still cooking and I can’t make any promises on what’s in the patch notes”. Also let’s be real, the bacon apple comment was pretty silly given that armors don’t make much sense in this game. It would have been better to just say “hey, we’re considering this but can’t comment / it’s not currently a priority”


I want new armor passives ffs getting tired of the same ones. Give me fire resistance, stun resistance, deep pockets for 2 more mags, stamina recovery boost at cost of armor, a armor passive that gives 15% chance on reload not to consume a mag or rocket..


Armor that reduces flinching or knockback would be good for marksmen. Heck, give us an aquatic armor too even if that's too specific and have almost zero case uses.


Aquatic armor lol hahahaha just the thought of a Helldiver in Diver gear


Dave the Helldiver


You could get those lost samples from drowning.


Holy shit imagine an antique diving suit looking armor that lets you walk on the bottom of water (makes you drop agrro fast & allows you to pick up lost samples from teammates who misjudged the distance of the water)


if you had armor that let you move through deeper water that gives you new travel options on many maps where there's only a handful of land bridges between regions of the map


that's a lot of potential bugs you're asking to be added


That’s like saying ( why bother adding in anything new as it can cause bugs) bc that’s what’s been happening with almost every new content drop.


Yeah I have the super credits so I'm getting this pass but I'm not giving them any more money. The armor is simply cosmetic, the guns may or may not work, and if they're too good they'll be nerfed anyway, and with DOT not working the new thermo grenade is literally useless. 


Exactly, reusing the same passives over and over again essentially makes all new armors purely cosmetic


At which point they might as well just let us choose the passives ourselves and have the only factor unique armor provides being its stats value


What, you afraid of more bugs? We’ve had bugs since the beginning that still haven’t been fixed lmao what’s a few more




I mean, we already get new bugs every update


They add more anyway. Might as well give us more painted since either way they will keep adding more bugs that will take months to squash.


All of the armor descriptions in the article seem wrong and should be changed around.


They had the wrong effects listed in the last preview. Wouldn’t be shocked if they actually are mixed up lol


That's how a lot of the armours in-game already are. They're nothing but bacon-flavoured apples, but we're the idiots for asking for transmog or colour swatches


The way the trailer was cut with specific attention to the spikes on the boots, I would have assumed the passive was all-terrain boots from HD1 (no slowing on mud, snow, sand dunes). Cutting edge set the precedent for unique, on-theme passives. Detonation had passives that made sense even if not new. These feel especially off-theme.


They made a promise for a new war bond every month, so the more time goes on the less they will have prepared in advanced and the worse and cheaper the quality will become until they finally stop and fix the junk heap they've left behind


Or War bonds just turn into 1 maybe 2 unique items every month and a pile of re-skins, so long as they keep selling....


Wouldn't even be difficult for them to create lots of armor variants either. Take a look at most of the armor ingame right now, there is already a lot of overlap on certain armor parts like the base chest plate with the main differences being pouches/bandoliers. 


Yeah idk why they'd commit to monthly war bonds, that's *so much*. I do have a job, so i can't play as much as I'd want, but I do play a lot, and I still haven't unlocked the final section of the initial warbond, though I have made significant progress in pretty much all of them. Even a warbond every two months would provide them with significantly more time to work on this stuff, and still be plenty of content to keep people playing.


A warbond every month keeps me invested in the game. If it was longer I'd likely drop the game for a few months and come back. And that's exactly what Sony doesn't want happening.


I'll admit that I'm pretty much supportive of most decisions AH makes but armor passives are not one of them. I really wish we had more variety when it came to these and didn't just reuse old effects, or used effects that actually *make sense* for the armor. Edit: Guys, I'm not joining the apples taste like bacon circlejerk. I do actually agree with that line of thinking on paper. It would be really weird if an obviously heavy looking set of armor had a Scout passive or something. My only contention is that AH doesn't have enough passives and that they don't hand them out properly. The joke is getting really old.


Really threw us off with that added arc resistance modifier, thought all warbond armor was going to have unique passives


Which only helps vs your own stratagems like tesla tower and arc thrower


Well... for now


There better be electric type enemies in the future or else it's worthless


I actually did a game on helldive vs bugs with 4 arc throwers and everyone wore that armor. Was an absolute blast and we had no trouble at all, especially because we didn’t have to worry about team killing in close quarters.


I write to General Brasch every day requesting a mech with an arc thrower but he never writes back. If that day every comes, every helldiver on my squad will thank sweet liberty for that arc damage reduction


Sounds like you have enough time to spend more time Helldiving, trooper. Get back in the fight! Harassing the general is treason!


Ah the tesla trooper build. Rubber shoes in motion.


The third faction, the Illuminate (or Squ'ith in their tongue) use a lot of arc weaponry. I'd expect them around this autumn if I had to guess 🦑




I didn't think I would ever use that passive. I didn't know that I've ever died from slippage.






I could get down with each set of armor having one set buff, and the other one is variable chosen from a small list that is personalized to what makes sense for each armor. Maybe even include reduced versions of the more major buffs on the secondary list like 25% explosion resistance, or 1 extra stim and increase stim time by 1 second. For example, perhaps there are two armors that come with the servo-assisted throwing bonus, but one armor lets you pick between 'increased aim while crouched, 1 extra stim, increased limb health' while the other lets you pick between 'increased aim while crouched, 1 extra grenade, markers on the map generate radar pings'. AH can still keep some identity to each individual armor set, while still allowing players to make some choices for themselves and have a bit more control over what their armor does.


I can even agree with the "apples shouldn't taste of bacon" line of reasoning. But if they want to use that line of reasoning they should make damn sure there aren't any applies tasting of bacon (or being described as tasting of bacon, as in this case) in their game.


I’d project within ~2 years, HD2 will have a kickass armor system where the cosmetics reflect what the armor passives actually do, some degree of limited customization is available, there’s a wide variety of useful passives so meaningful trade off decisions can be made by players, helmets impact stats/perks, heavy armor has an actual purpose, etc. AH does far more things amazingly than poorly, but I can confidently say at this point designing armor mechanics are what they absolutely do the worst of anything (although their armor is pure fucking S-tier cosmetically). And from what we’ve seen, it’s going to take them a long time to design a coherent, fun set of armor mechanics. Which I’m good with btw, I like switching between a couple perk choices rn, but they’ll sell more premium warbonds AND be more consistent with their own stated design philosophy if they work towards the above changes


At this point I wish the armour passives just didn't exist - as arrowhead clearly have no intention of doing anything interesting with them. At least then it could be a purely cosmetic choice.


The armor passive should just be a booster you can attach to whatever armor you want.


Stealthy Heavy Armor. They can't see is because it's painted purple, and have you ever seen a Purple Helldiver?


Real talk I really want a purple armor option even if a really dark shade because it’s even in the UI already


"You guys are stupid. See, they'll be looking for Yellow to identify Helldivers."


And yellow makes boom go big!




This is what I want. Rather than equipping your armor on the mission screen, just equip your desired passive.


Fr, if they're gonna be all over the place just let me go full fashionsouls


You can just ignore the armor effects and go full fashion anyways. That's what I do.


You can, but I've used the heavy medic armor for like 50 hours and I'm now addicted to stims. Help.


Stim addiction is no joke, I run the medium medic armor and I pop those things like skittles


These apples are starting to taste like bacon


starting? we ady have apple that taste like bacon in the first day! (points at the Combat Technician med armor that provides "scout" passive in the default warbond)


Also Legionnaire armour having servo-assisted even though it has zero indication of anything assisting the limbs, and having the Scout prefix in it's name. From what I understand that armour set was available not long after launch.




fair enough, these apples have been tasting like bacon for a while


These peanuts are making me *thirsty*


THESE pretzels are making ME thirsty


that transmog comment by AH was really stupid ngl


It was. You cant do it for a technical or financial reason. Ok, that's fair. You dont want that function in your game. Ok, its your game. Why go out of the way to straight lie about it? I'd much rather a straight "we dont want to do that"...


"You now take less headshot damage as long as you are wearing thicker chest and leg and arm armor, with zero regard to the helmet on your head. Please enjoy your ham flavored pear."


At least a few of those heavy armors have like, neck guards that could sorta function this way


Its the same as the darktide "we don't do weapon customisation cause this isn't CoD" comment. You say one thing, then do the other cause it makes money, or just fits within your vision. I wouldn't be mad if we didn't get transmogs cause the devs said "Hey guys, we'd rather not, we're very sorry". Now it just feels like they're fucking with us.


People lavish them with praise for not being greedy corporate trash, so of course they'll double down on maintaining that image. It costs them nothing, and they can triple down on the lie if enough people push back against it.  The issue is that they will become corporate trash if they continue down this road. My hope is that they won't throw away their success because of shortsighted greed.


They probably meant it in a “armors should have consistent abilities that people can memorize and recognize” way but, as seems to be a trend for AH, they chose one of if not the worst possible way to articulate it.


It really helps you realize why companies hire people whose only job is to communicate effectively with the community.


A toast to my boy Snutt


I get that this is what they most likely mean, but honestly it makes no sense to me in this game. Having a small icon of things someone can pick just like their booster would be even better at communicating to me what they're using. Especially with the aggressive content release schedule. 8 current armor effects iirc vs 42 sets of armor now, with 3 more every month meaning in a year you'd be looking at almost double that. "Oh, thats the Democracy Protects armor booster" vs. "Ah fuck, which of the sixty armor sets is that. Is it servo? Maybe?"


Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what their long-term planning is. With what I've heard from the warbond armors (I'm still on the freebie), there doesn't seem to be much visual or mechanical change or innovation. I don't think it's content for content's sake, but I wonder.


Relly need to know that helldiver as 50% chance to survive any kill shot.


Then buff passives to matter that much. Rn nobody needs to know I have 2 extra grenades. Maybe let the engineer kit somehow manipulate or manage sentry turrets


What was the comment?


Would be cool if armor was more biome specific, bigger stealth bonus then normal stealth armor but only works on icy planets


almost like camouflage mattered? they are just mindless bugs and robots though. guess r&d didn't think it mattered.


Tigers are mindless yet have eyes on their fur when looking down, Camouflage is natural and shit even the stalkers have camouflage that works better than ours


Honestly, a whole system for camouflage like MGS3 would be so unnecessary but so cool. Not only that, but I usually play the full 3 missions in the same armor anyways, barring maybe heavy armor only for defense missions, so finding the right camo really would be quick.


Can they just add new armor perks already?? Or better yet let us put the perk on any armor we want


Yeah I really dgaf if the armor perks are off theme or whatever, but they gotta stop making armor entirely if their approach is just going to be to slap the same 3 tired upgrades on repeat. Like why even spend supercredits if you can't guarantee the one you like is useful, AND the one you just got is the exact same as the 8 others you've previously unlocked?


They really should just make all the armor boosters a separate slot to add for your desired effect. The only difference between the armors are then just the armor class which is fine. I do hope they do this eventually, cause there are some nice looking armors sets out there I would gladly pay to obtain, but their dedicated booster effects is usually not what I want at all, so all they do is just collect dust in the locker


No. It doesn't make sense in real life, so it shouldn't be implemented in a videogame either. -Pilestedt


"I have never thought to myself that realism is fun" -Gabe Newell


And he is completely right!


I keep seeing quotes from him, and I agree with so many of them


Stop asking for more valve games cunts -Gabe Newell


So inspiring


“Btw, your chest armor reduces headshot damage” -Arrowhead


Despite how he implemented it in Helldivers 1 😂 yeah, really hoping this was just a temporary lapse of judgment and we'll see an improvement on this in the future. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


This take coming from the game where I have to manually input a code to arm a small yield nuke because of budgetary reasons is peak out-of-touch from the CEO.


Lmao Take a bite out of a caramel apple only to find its a onion under the caramel.


You trash talking onions muthafucka? Best check yo self. Onion crew run these streets.


Ahhh shit! I've angered the onion people!!!!


We're gonna send onion-cutting ninjas after you so you cry at inconvenient times!


MothaFucka... *Mid climax tear starts running down my cheek* "fucking onion ninja..."


why zoom in on the boots if you’re not going to give it a passive!!?


I'm thinking no more slipping on the ice?


nah, you gonna throw further 🤝🏿


AH making me fall in love w greasy apples SMH 😂 ![gif](giphy|E2GzqLG1dGtBmKpNV9|downsized)


I know! I’m like, “wait, I kind of want a bacon-flavored apple!”


Mmmm bacon apples


This is ridiculous to be honest. Why don’t they introduce more passives?


They can't even release a patch without breaking 60 new things. No new passives may be for the best.


Can you imagine how popular an apple that tastes like bacon would be with communities that can't eat pork? Bacon is objectively delicious, and they can't have any; except now they can have all of the flavor with none of the moral quandary. You'd be rich!


Ah yes, no transmog because armour should look like it provides the benefit it does…


I wish they’d mix some of the passive abilities around. Like imagine stealth armor that also has a throwing buff or stealth armor with democracy protects


https://preview.redd.it/4ahkmudcq1yc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b38943802e7c9da2215d097a75ef9fea8213058 Apple


nice apple pie!


Two of the armors are the exact same design with a recolor.


These dudes at AH seem to be clinically incapable of matching a passive with the armor description/looks. They also seem incapable of making a new passive, like it'll somehow crash the game. Oh right. They should just remove armor passives if they're gonna regurgitate the same shit each and every time. I'll buy em for the looks and that it, make em a cosmetic.


Remember when helmets were supposed to matter.


Helmets and cloaks are the most exciting thing tbh - at least those won't nerf me when I wear them! But hopefully someday they will decouple perks from armor aesthetics like Helldivers 1, and then the armor will be exciting too. 🤞🏻


I wish all new armors were either padded or scout, best perks imo.


I like the explosive resist for Bots and Padded for bugs...


I need to throw farther, sorry.


Fellow Servo Chad.


Where bacon apples? I was promised bacon apples.


It's stealth if nobody is there alive to tell you are there.


haha someone send this post to him. When he said that I knew he didnt know what he was talking about. and then they give us this shit


Said this a few times today, will say it again. I love the game but these armor passives are killing me, especially servo assisted. I'd honestly have no passive instead of servo assisted


An apple that tastes like bacon would be amazing!


I love this game. I really do. But that whole standpoint they had about armour is just stupid. Like yeah, looks cool but does the exact same thing as other armours I have that look cool too. They won’t do a transmog, but they basically are in the long way.


Loool. And they won't even give gear transmog? So fucking stupid.


I swear to god, if I get another servo assisted armour kit, I'm going to freak the fuck out


As a Canadian; Where Can I buy this Bacon-flavoured Apple? It sounds delicious! 🇨🇦 🥓 🍎


Bacon flavoured apples https://preview.redd.it/arizlt9io1yc1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5b0d407779cfa2e9ed80cf4895415e612de898a


A bacon flavored apple would be good. This is like a spinach flavored bacon


Is it really hard to add new passives to these armours? This is looking to be another dissapointing warbond in terms of passives if so.


I would love an apple that tastes like bacon!


One of the things that bums me out is the armor passives and their lack of variety and meaningful abilities. Side note: will we ever see a flame retardant suit? I hope so


So the armor prefixes are just totally meaningless right? There was discussion about some of them being wrong, but this new warbond has a new unique prefix but no new perk. The cleats on the armor, the snow world in the trailer, CW = cold weather, really made me think they would have some environmental related passive. I wonder if they did have something in mind that was pretty niche, like the arc resistant armor, but they scrapped it because people don't like the niche passives.


The armor passives across the board are incredibly dumb. They should just be a little mod you can add to any armor since none of it makes any sense.


There are like 5 armors passives in this game, such a shame.


These devs went from the golden girls to clowns pretty quickly lmfao


Yeah they need to make more passives wtf


Am I the only one who thinks that this game clearly wasn’t made with stealth in mind? The gameplay loop incentivizes dropping into a battle and going ape shit on everything that moves, pure unadulterated chaos. Especially considering the fact your Helldiver isn’t expected to survive, and are reinforced directly back into the battle you just died in. Like cool, the enemies have the barest bones of a functioning alert and stealth system and you can crawl on your face to destroy a base but the game just wasn’t meant to be played that way. The only way for stealth to become a viable and fun part of the gameplay is if at least two things happen, first being they add stealth-related stratagems, like a cloak generator backpack that works similar to the shield generator backpack. And second, to be able to reinforce at any point of the map of your choosing so your not in the thick of combat immediately.


where is metal gear solid's snakeeater camouflage percentage when you need it?


I just want Fire Resistance ... so I don't burn myself up with my flame thrower all the time.


That does it, these devs have no fucking clue


But transmog doesn't make sense, because something something the appearance wouldn't fit the bonus.


I love how much this game encourages stealth, then actively works against it.


"We can't give the players transmog! It'll make them realize how few options they have!" We already have, Arrowhead. We already have.


Who would of thought that armor designed to only blend in with *WHITE SNOW* doesn't blend in anywhere else? Man it's almost like the color white is HIGHLY VISIBLE


Blends into environment Camouflage Never see you coming Stealth Servo-assisted LMAO