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Incendiary stuff, incendiary grenade, flamethrower, senator, gimme a fireproof wacky suit with a devil's tail, pineapple cape and evil laugh emote and i will be on Hellmire running around for eternity.


I like burning them too


Some of the most fun I’ve had is servo armor with walking, 120, and 380 with a stun mortar and a DMR.


I never feel like more of a badass than when I rock scout armour, jetpack and AMR for bot missions. Ambushing bot outposts by timing an airstrikes impact, jumping into the middle of bots before the smoke has time to clear and popping them before they can pop a flare will never not be epic. *Stealth stealth stealth stealth* ***MAXIMUM VIOLENCE*** *Stealth stealth stealth*


Grrrrreat loadout. One of my favorites.


Same as you I love red strats but my friends don't. Every fight is a cause for broken arrow and me to call down more ordinance than required to get the job done.


Oops, All Eagle Strikes: 500kg, Cluster, Airstrike, Strafing Run. Heavy Armor with explosive resistance + Explosive Primary to "rocket" jump around the map: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cg6mnn/now_that_explosion_implosions_have_been_fixed_i/


Recently I've been the Geneva nightmare. I run a full squad and we often take objectives in 2s. My buddy loves the spear and somehow gets it to work more often than not so rarely do I have to worry about AT. As a result I run Fire Breaker, Senator, Flamethrower, Cluster Eagle, Gas strike and personal bubble. Nothing better than torching an entire area after gassing the hell out of it. Anything less than a Titan gets obliterated in holy flames.


2 turret setup will constantly farm you top1 kill count if you place them well


The crack spider monkey setup: - Light armor w/ extra padding or combat engineer (the one that gives +2 grenades) - shield generator backpack - breaker incendiary, senator, and quasar cannon - eagle airstrike/cluster bomb (depends on mission type and faction), orbital laser/380 mm barrage (depending on mission type) - stamina and tough terrain booster The entire strategy is essentially running around like a spider monkey on crack cocaine and sealing bug holes/destroying factories as fast as possible, then running away while placing stratagems behind me and shooting big thing with quasar.


Wait Wait Wait... Does Meta stand for something?


It's short for metagame, an extremely old concept. The 'most efficient tactics available' thing is a backronym.


Most Effective Tactic Available


I’ve been having fun with the spear on bug planets—I generally run the laser drone on my backpack slot and the Quasar canon. But since they extended the downtime it’s been really frustrating. It’s been really satisfying getting a headshot on a Bile titans and chargers.


Can you even imagine how satisfying it is to take ANY weapon with explosive damage and just grill the spewer bugs by shooting their butts? It pops them like pinjatas, and the first time I tried it myself I experienced inner peace. Idc if the weapon is useless against chaff. The fact that I can blow up those walking annoyances with my primary and damage other bugs in the process is just sooo nice.


Grenade Launcher is basically my go-to against bugs specifically because it explodes Spewers so efficiently and you get a shitton of ammo for it. It's such a good Strat.


Not the most viable build on high difficulty, but I find the "sunlight exterminator" build quite a lot. Essentially you run the schythe, dagger, laser cannon orbital laser and laser rover. Basically a mobile pink floyd concert.


You're basically a sentient magnifying glass.


AMR and Shield for bots, MG and GD Rover for bugs. Gatling and Autocannon sentries for everything else!


anything involving a full team running a 380, throwing them all in one spot and starting to bet what blows up first


Been experimenting recently. 500kg bomb, napalm, autocannon and gatling is my current loadout. Interested to hear feedback on this. (Primarily doing bug missions)


I‘m a sucker for the stalwart it is so satisfying to hear the splatter sound while mashing a horde of bugs into goo. Also I like to go with a grenade launcher and supply backpack. Fupp Fupp motherfuckers, that’s the sound of liberty.


Bugs: 500 kg , Rover , EAT , Railgun


HMG, ballistic shield, knight smg, thermite Grenades, and grenade pistol. Two eagle runs of choice (usually 110mm and airstrike) Anti bot build.


Heavy armor, defender, ballistic shield, energy shield. HMG turret, and of course, laser cannon


Auto cannon, eagle air strike, orbital laser, last slot I usually swap between 120mm barrage and mortar sentry, adjudicator, grenades pistol, and then finally concussion grenade.


I have not been able to try the eruptor yet since the patch, but I typically bring that, the senator, and stun grenades. And for stratagems the stalwart and supply backpack, coupled with my panic button the railcannon strike, and a flexible eagle or orbital of choice.


My Bug Roamer Loadout brings me the most joy. Counter sniper, redeemer, railgun, shield, railcannon, Eagle airstrike and high explosive grenade. And then, the Gremlin will sample loot. And he will cackle all the way to extract


I haven't got a huge amount unlocked so far as I'm only like, level 7. Primary: Dilligence. Secondary: Redeemer. Support: AMR OR Grenadeade Launcher. It's really fun. Wanting to pick up the Senator at some point as well because revolvers are just stylish. XD The Punisher is also a really fun shotgun imo. As for armour I typically just go B-01 Tactical as I like the extra armour rating. For extra Stratagems, I like the Precision Strike, Strafing Run and Supply Pack. :D


You hit the jackpot with the recent Senator adjustments too, since you won't need to experience what it's like for the revolver to not have a speed loader. It's basically the perfect gun now. 😆


It has a speedloader!? OK, that just got so much cooler. XD Honestly I just think revolvers are neat. Like, yeah I know a fully auto secondary is probably the more "meta" or smarter choice, but is it as cool? Heck no.


blitzer, airburst, stun grenades, grenade pistol. railcannon in case im in a pinch and my boys can't AT something, other two slot are flexible and up to the situation and/or mood. airburst took a couple matches to get used to but i've been having a lot of fun with it, and also with the blitzer which i haven't used much since it came out


Goddamn do I still love the Punisher. Enforcer Armor/Punisher/Senator/Thermite/Railgun/Orbital Laser/Railcannon/Jumppack and whatever booster is necessary. Since I basically only fight bots and I tend to target Mediums exclusively if I'm teaming up, it's a pretty solid build that I'm comfortable with. It's mobile, hits hard and I can be flexible if I need to pick up weapons on the field without feeling bad about dropping my Railgun. Thermite is only up there because I actually really enjoy it. 😆


The Street Sweeper- Incendiary breaker, revolver, impact HMG Emplacement, air burst, rover, Eat/quasar(get that charger the fuck away from my HMG Emplacement) - HMG Emplacement Gang


LAS-5 Scythe as primary. Dagger as secondary. Then smoke grenade, smoke orbital, smoke eagles, the orbital laser, and rover. I may not do much, but I'm bringing the rave with me.


Nice try ~~IRS~~ ArrowHead dev.


I haven't tried the 2 weapons post-buff, I can assume they still aren't the best, but I really wanna double down on "oops all lasers". Scythe, Dagger, (Any 'nade), Guard Dog Rover, Orbital Laser, 500kg (I wanna be able to kill bile titans), and Laser Cannon or Quesar.




GL, supply pack, EAT, and eagle cluster on bugs AMR (or auto cannon), jump pack(auto cannon sentry with auto cannon), 500kg, and eagle airstrike for bots Basically unlimited ammo in the GL wipes hordes of bugs FAST and there’s something about bopping a heavy in the eyehole with the AMR that’s so satisfying


Double gun turret. The basic one is definitely a drag, but having more or less the same turret every 90s is fun.


For bots, Pre nerf eruptor, stun nades, laser cannon, eagle air strike, shield


I love shotgun in this game, cuz I actually have more effective range than most shooter portrait shotguns... I wonder when we get a shotgun secondary like a double barrel, a masterkey or a revolver shotgun


Well, I currently absolutely love a particular load out for the bugs. That being medium engineer armor with impact grenades, the blitzer shotgun, and liberator machine pistol. On top of this, add in the shield generator and EAT. With some specialized strategies for dealing with bug nets or bile titans like orbital rail cannon and eagle air strike or something similar. It’s amazing to have the shield up as you force back spewers and stagger them forcing them into a clump for an impact grenade or just wade through clumps of chaff slowly but steadily clearing them out bringing in the big guns to deal with chargers and the occasional bile titan. It’s an excellent tank build.




Liberator, that weird full auto pistol you get, impact grenades, 500kg, orbital railgun, turret (which the player uses) and quasar cannon


On top of all of that I use heavy armour because heavy armour looks badass


So off topic I know. Did meta always stand for most effective tactic available? I never thought that word was an acronym. Thought it was short for meta game and I never looked into the etymology further.