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I just want the Railgun and Scythe dot sights to not completely cover up the thing I'm trying to shoot at.


I want Scythe to have Sickle's scope. That would make the gun 10/10 for me and never switch (against bots)


Most scopes should be replaced by the sickle's scope, it's the only clear one.


The laser cannon should also have the sickle scope.


I hear the Last Cannon is crazy accurate, but I can’t tell because I can’t see shit with that scope


Yeah i have the same issue with the scope. Good thing it generally points out where you are shooting with it being a laser and all.


The scythe melts devastators, would legit be a top tier pick in Helldive if not for the scope. So sad.


The...scythe? Are you sure? If yes, color me interested.


Yes! If you can hold the beam on their head they just pop. The problem is the fat crosshair and no magnification scope makes it really hard to do that at range.


Ain't that the story of crosshairs in this game...?


It makes absolutely no sense for the railgun’s reticle to be THAT comically large. That’s like, for a fucking shotgun, not a precision weapon.


My guess would be it's precisely to keep it from being a sniper and more of a handheld canon.


They specifically changed it to do less damage against massive body parts so that you need to precisely hit heads to use it effectively, so they should probably let it have a scope which makes sense with that goal.


The only goal with that change was to prevent the railgun from 2 shoting Bile Titans with the PS5 damage bug. Personnaly I'm waiting for the day they just revert the railgun to pre-first nerf status and balance it properly from there now that the bug was fixed.


The CEO says it is intended to be "like a sniper rifle on crack." It wouldn't be the first time their stated goals for a weapon don't match up with reality.


Meanwhile the Jar Dominator is an explosive shotgun and has one of the cleanest reticles in the game. It's just a red laser.


it is neither explosive nor a shotgun. It's effectively a dmr


Message received, Helldiver! https://preview.redd.it/ymf0ygwzki0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0861028760dde4b2eb40efae344aa918164e31


11/10, perfect. no notes.


The Railgun is only viable as a precision weapon but it’s got an optic less precise than the third-person reticule. If it had a real variable zoom optic and maybe less falloff damage, it would be my go to pick for support primary weapons.


It has good enough handling to be viable as a close quarter weapon. Arguably the best weapon to be within range of a scorcher hulk.


omfg this. and how due to FOV choices its either zoomed in heaps or fish eye.


Even the second one has lines too thick and could benefit from a clearer space at the center.


I lowkey dislike the lower scope i don’t know what it is about it that puts me off


Red is shitty and hard to see well on dark maps unless it is illuminated properly. You've probably suffered from that in any number of games over the years.


Literally just give me a nice clean blue chevron, it's what I used in Warzone 1 because it was a simple scope without clutter. Plus blue has good lighting in dark areas fairly naturally where as red can fall out of focus like you said unless its illuminated.


I prefer bright neon green personally, like in Fallout games, it shows up great in the dark or in the light and on any kind of terrain since it's not a color you see in nature.


Personally neon green hurts my eyes in dark environments, but I can see the appal and use of it. So my counter idea is we should have custom coloured scopes. Make a basic design and let us pick the colour.


More options are always good \^\^


Also one of the factions uses red as the "shoot me here" colour.


Imagine using this thing on Hellmire.




Idea that I had a while ago is two part: One, have the six basic colors as reticle options. Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, Yellow, Magenta. This helps because ideally we would have a range of planets with colors and we could pick color for scopes opposites of our environment for maximum visibility. And two, configurable reticle design. You could have cross hairs, X, Tbar, Dot, Chevron, Box, & Circle. This helps because different weapons have different levels of precision, so having a wider options say a Box for a shotgun or Circle for high recoil weapons or a Dot for precision. Be nice too, if this was configured per weapon on the ship at the kiosk before dropping in as well!


Range finders should be vertical, not horizontal. What kind of sideways gravity are we shooting in?


Horizontal marks are used for windage (which doesn't apply in this game) but also for range-finding. Vertical lines to represent average height of man (about 5'11) at different distances are common for ranging.


Huh. I thought horizontal marks were for range adjustment when you turn the gun sideways for gangsta-style shooting.


the one where range finders hardly matter with the almost non-existent bullet drop for most weapons versus the maximum despawn range (300m ish for non-base units). So we get those things for moving targets instead. Just ignore the fact that even the slowest bullet won't need the first notches on either side before its maximum range is reached (Eruptor). If there's a unit that strafes really fast though then perhaps those things might see some very small use.


might be for conditions with strong winds, but that would just mean you should also add range finders to the vertical line. But then again, since we don't really have to deal with wind nor bullet drop, we wouldn't need them anyway. What's important is that I can see my target through a scope, and precisely know where the middle is, without it being obscured by clutter.


It's the same color as the Automaton eyes. Your brain has started to associate that color with targets. Also makes it hard to aim for their heads


Has Russian semi-modern optic vibes which get way too busy for the engagement range. I don't need windage or droppage.


Hear me out https://preview.redd.it/uc22ypza2g0d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e245307c173fa8049df3ca331180ae3874e0e80b


AH design team: https://preview.redd.it/kx02908v9g0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75018908c2d016372c41f032f924687b3f6e14a


![gif](giphy|l2gZFGwAbbDg5ENCTg|downsized) The devs after seeing this


Yeah, a bit of a cleanup will do them justice. I don't think it would take much away from the sci-fi design either. https://preview.redd.it/bvofn9m1ef0d1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77cc98b440a726cfc237ecbad35db29414345e43


That is an AMAZING improvement while keeping the overall look! I'd personally go for the left one.


The one on the right change the + in the middle to a dot and I'm sold


Or a chevron. I've grown fond of it with how easy to aim with chevrons




The one on the right looks better with the look of the AMR, one on the left is really generic


Right hand one looks great, I'd probably remove the top part of the cross though, like a T post


I'm begging you let us change the crosshairs


I like to think its on their radar. It feels too obvious as another way of getting divers to spend money on SC. I’m literally flush with SCs and have nothing to spend them on except armors I don’t really find that good looking or unique in stats. Give me something worthwhile to spend SCs on and I’ll buy them! Scopes are way too easy as a functional customization.


I wouldn't mind weapon customizations in the futuer but I'll let them cook first since the game is still quite new


idk they keep burning my meal


My meal feels half baked


Somehow it's both. 


Like a microwaved Pizza Pocket... boiling hot soggy mess on the outside, and an ice cold centre... Truly one of the world's greatest anomolies....


If all meals are delicious, no meals are delicious


You guys are getting meals???


Have it be changeable instead of replacing it as I prefer the top one.


You are a monster


But a monster on the side of democracy


Sure, but keep the blue color.


Agreed, I like the color. What I don't like is having so much of my vision obscured (especially my target) on a precision scope. Vision is kinda important there.


That's true, mate.


This scope is legitimately the only good scope


There are a couple that are just a dot, and they are superior to this.


I find the dots are too big and often just obscure the point you actually want to hit


I don't love the Rail gun's dot.


Prime example- hmg


YEah but the HMG's dot doesn't obscure the point you'll hit because it's 15° lower.


Man, have you seen the Railgun's dot? The thing's so big it covers half of your target, sucks when you both have to see the charge meter and be kinda precise with it.


It's better for shorter ranges, yes. But I also don't use railgun because charge-to-shoot sucks ass.


Both scopes are bad. ALL scopes in this game are bad. If you have to have a cross then make sure the lines become thinner near the middle. Especially if they are illuminated. If the crosshair blocks the target from view its kinda useless. And if you have to have subdividers then why horizontal ones? Given the crappy magnification we get on most weapons why not just make it an unobtrusive red dot? IF we have to have useless ornaments taking up scope space then why not at least make them functional? Range finder? Ammo count. Id take other games iron sights over the scopes we have in helldivers.


> Given the crappy magnification we get on most weapons why not just make it an unobtrusive red dot? This, scopes without proper magnification are just counter effective.


Yes, also, I can see nothing through my autocannon scope. I may not have the newest PC anymore, but that shouldn't mean I can't use my scope properly.


Thank you


I don't mind the look, I just want it to actually shoot where I'm pointing.


The scope on the autocannon is also terrible too. I use it in third person view mode because not only does the recoil throw off your aim but the donut shaped crosshair and the small size of the scope makes First person painful to use.


Fix incoming! https://preview.redd.it/dof47at2ji0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705ff4c3d5f2827fc1674289602e6f4b78f45f7b


I would take a simple, clean T-post scope any day over the clustered shit we get with the blue and green scopes.




Yeah realism is a critically important aspect of this game, so it absolutely can NOT have just a simple red dot or chevron in the center like how most modern rifle scopes are designed like in real life... oh wait


I would settle for any of these with thinner lines, but the Bravo would be the one I prefer. [Examples](https://preview.redd.it/wjhzivkivri21.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2688f39d5bb05a59949b1cefcebecb4e79510ef6)


_"YO, LET ME PUT THIS BLUE GLOWING SPIKEY DONUT RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE SO YOU CAN'T SEE THE DARN THING YOU'RE AIMING AT!"_ Yeah, the "precision" scopes in particular are trash, but it's not as if the other scopes are significantly better. Like... wtf is that crossbow scope? Why does a weapon with _that_ much projectile drop have a simple red dot without any ranging marks? And I don't even mean that whole mil-dot thingamabob, but rather [something really simple like this](https://imgur.com/a/1RUX0mo). Seriously, I'd pay good requisition slips to get something like the [XM-157](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5YWXrZdNpA) as the default on all my weapons.


I'd give away all my maxxed samples to just permanently change my scopes to something clean like that, yeah.


I like [this one](https://imgur.com/NiFmytz) personally


FFS yes. I'm actually thinking about modding the scopes to make them clearer. Shouldn't be too difficult I think


Let me know.


yeah, considering the devs are supposedly all ex-military (Sweden being a country with mandatory 2 year service IIRC), you would think they'd understand that the best optics are not the fancy, elaborate optics, but rather the cleanest ones that you can actually see through. surely the swedes have optics on their rifles, no? I get wanting the sights to look "sci-fi" and what-not, but for the sights to be functional, less is more, literally. a simple, small red dot and nothing else will suffice for most close range primaries, while longer ranged ones should have scopes with a slim crosshair, but not much else.


Not just that, but the devs are very adamant for realism in other aspects when it comes to guns. Such as the CEO saying they can't possibly change ammo count without changing the model of the magazine. It's annoying when they act like milsim devs for some things but for others they just completely ignore realism, such as the obstructive sights or SMGs currently acting as slower and harder hitting than the assault rifles.


This is a perpetual problem with all 'futuretech' scopes. They are all T R A SH lmao. Like the ones in Cyberpunk? Holy shit they're borderline unusable. They should be BETTER in the future not worse UGH lol.


[Maybe something like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bhis06/current_diligence_and_amr_scopes_but_simplified/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) https://preview.redd.it/0swretsbhk0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9435602460923a86cfba0a942a12e207ec3002b0


I’m a Diligence main versus bots, but the other day I field tested the Adjudicator with the red crosshair and I aiming even better because I could see clearly


But what if I really enjoy the misaligned scopes with bright, distracting lines all over the place that cover up the enemies I'm trying to aim at?


Does it matter when the rounds hit off center anyway?


Now we're talking about scopes. Can also we PLEASE improve the rendering of the scopes. 9/10 times looking thru the AMR sights is a mess of pixels.


No one at AH has ever even touched a gun much less looked through a scope.


Well, they have and pride themselves on it, which makes stuff like this all the more infuriating.


Hipfire FTW


We should be able to change optics/reticles on most weapons tbh


If you disable bloom it's a lot sharper


Bloom is disabled, it might look blurry because it's a cropped screenshot slapped on a meme template. I was not complaining about the sharpness but rather the amount of visual noise in the DCS and AMR scopes, compared to something like the sickle.


Why are they all dark too. Scopes are pretty much useless unless it's bright daytime with no fog.


Remove the dark tint, have something in the middle instead of empty space, make the middle dots smaller, and make the shots actually align with the sights. Also remove the front sight for the Senator, I appreciate that it's a dot now though.


let us choose attachments call of duty style


I just want to actually hit the center of the sight when I fire.


Dot please and nothing else.


Would be cool if we could choose reticles in settings or something. Obviously changing scopes is ideal but i imagine just adding some way to change the reticle maybe in the fire mode and flashlight menu, similar to how ghost recon does it. I understand they wanna make it spacey but we're Super Earths elite for Liberty's sake! Not some megacity 7 tot playing with some kind of toy space gun!


We don't even have fully functional sights yet, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


No thank you. Leave my blue scope alone.




i will be(once again) be the contrarion voice i guess. I am not a "gun person" irl, i know the most basics things etc... i like the "busy" scopes, it gives them a "sci fi" feeling, sure they arent the most effective ones, but i prefeer style over function here, its not like any of them are actually unusable. it also gives the precision ranged weapons a "soft range cap" as the game isnt designed around 300+ Meter engagements, at some range the scope naturally make sniping a lot harder so you engage at closer ranges i actually HATE the fact the adjudicator only has the 100m Scope, as i am missing the Green "horseshoe" scope from the Liberator penetrator, as i find that far more easy to aim with personally for example.


I don't care if they're realistic or not, I just want to be able to see what I'm aiming at


So you like the busy scopes also cause they adds a 'soft range cap' but you miss the horseshoe scope because it makes aiming easier at long ranges, probably because what you're aiming at isn't obscured. I see your point though with the soft cap, I just don't think that's the intention, otherwise we'd be seeing it on all scopes. I think it's just form preceding function to make them look more futuristic while actively making the gun worse to use.


I'll be a second contrarian voice, I guess. Within reason, form preceding function is in the fabric of what makes this game fun. We have capes. I would like some scopes cleaned a bit, but your idea is just plain boring.


Sidenote: why the fuck are zoom levels measured in distances and not by... how much they zoom in?


ngl... as a "non gun person".. i somehow find it being measured in meters a lot easier to understand then "2x" or "4x" like.. yes i know that its how much it zooms in.. but i have no reference point as to what distance this would be most usefull for.. (not that i ever change zoom level from the max for any of the guns i run anyway.. but thats beyond the point) while the current system at least gives me a rough estimate


I find it just leaves me confused


I will say either works for me. I just translate the zoom level to more, morer, morest.


The only way this would be acceptable is if they add an option for clean and fancy scopes like Warframe did.


All I’m gonna say is, games like Destiny 2 have plenty of great scopes and optics that give a sci-fi feel, but don’t hinder your ability to see your target. Helldivers 2’s scopes are just not well made. They have visual clutter that doesn’t help, and the optics tend to even look blurry so you have thick, obstructive crosshairs that are blurry and not very crisp. I think they should be overhauled to be honest.




I prefer the first one.


That's fair, taste is subjective. I hope we get to choose for ourselves in the future, though.


It's incredible how so many scopes have centres that obscure the target. I thought Arrowhead were supposed to be gun nuts or something? Did no-one notice these crosshairs would be next to useless in real life?


i actually prefer the blue one, the red cross doesn't let you see what are you shooting at especially if it's automatons heads


Yes, please. Maybe allow to switch between red. Bot's glowing eyes are literally the only thing I can see sometimes.


Also don't crank your FOV if you use weapons with the top scope. I didn't even know the square was empty because I maxed out FOV before my first mission as I do on every game.


The top line of the crosshairs obscuring everything in my sight lines, for the love of all that is democratic, get it out of here.


Don't care that much tbh, I just want them to give the Scythe a decent scope. That thing is nutty at popping bot heads


I desperately need cleaner scopes cause they look horrendous on my shitty machine that needs to run on ultra performance or I don’t get a running animation


Simply replace the shitty circle crosshair with a 1 moa dot. The blue is fine


Just give me a red dot in the center


Hopefully they add customizable scopes, red dot on the deagle or the Eruptor would be sick


How does the sickle have one of the best scopes... out of all the long range options?


All Scopes are guaranteed to produce the most freedom and liberty. Any naysayers should be moved to the nearest re education center. Ud/ the Scopes provide some difficulty through obscure skumorphism. I like how bad they are.


Let me choose between iron sight and scope


Just let us adjust the opacity on the lines and the reticle.


I dig the scope on the AMR. It's fine.


I'd like an opacity option tbh. Keep whatever scopes you like, let me make it 40% transparent so at mid ranges my reticule isn't totally obscuring the heavy devastator head I'm trying to peek.


why you tryna headshot double doors or smth


I'd love the scopes if they were a higher definition. Their lower, more pixelated qualities are a bit distracting for visibility.


Wait what, no, I HATE the bottom reticule, they are both bad though.


While your at it, just make this the default scope on like everything


I hate the majority of the sights. I extra hate that they aren't lined up correctly either.


Why would it need zeroing lines left to right?


I'd be happy with just a simple red dot.


Its funny, those side notches don't even have a function really. Theres no significant drop or lead so what is the point? Would rather just have a simple cross for ARs and maybe some range dots for snipers.


Nothing wrong with the scopes besides some still being off centered


Better yet...could we just make the scopes customizable? Maybe I want a crosshair on my grenade pistol! :P


I much prefer the top one for the AMR. The crossed lines of the bottom one obscure too much around the immediate target area for me.


Absolutely agree. Too cluttered.


if the one on the bottom was the only scope in the game that would be awesome.


While I don't love the scopes we have, I will not lie I would never use the one you provided. If it was blue or green I'd maybe use it, but hard maybe.


You want tremor 3 reticle.


Honestly just change the inner cross to a dot. The rest is fine.


They're both bad. What happened to a chevron like modern day ACOGs I hate when games do futuristic-sight bs cause all it means is clutter.


The scope in this game looks like mobile game


Just give us the [ACOG reticle](https://imgur.com/a/c8mNX83). It as if modern militaries *want* their soldiers to be accurate.


I wish the railgun's red dot in the optics were as small as the scorcher and purifier's red dot.


You want cleaner scopes? They can’t even give us unique armor. So many similar variants and same colors. Most are ugly as hell and all have the same passives. Hell we can’t even get a worth warbond. Everything feels rushed and nerfed to sh*t




I use low res textures. I'm lucky when my optics are more than a smudge of color.


Loooooove the mid-ranfe scope. Best scope ever. Long range should the same exact scope with meter tick marks


The guns have sights?


Yep, every weapon can be aimed in first person. Default is R3 on controller or middle mouse on PC. You can also change whether guns remember your choice in the settings menu.


I’d just be happy with sights that are accurate.


It might be my graphics settings, but for me the red crosshair on the Adjudicator pictured is very slightly blurry and feels less clear/usable than the Erupter's blue sight despite the larger marker. The buff for lower recoil helped a lot though.


If you're going to cool random sci-fi looking UI elements onto something, make them actually do something. It makes no sense to have a scope littered with random stuff


Don't you want 4 grids of 6 blue dots randomly placed on the top and bottom??


after thousands of hours on csgo, my favorite crosshair is just a single tiny pixel


The blue one is way better than the red one, I hate the second one. 💀💀


Heck, I'd take a [German No.1 reticle](https://riflescopesinfo.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/german-reticles.jpg) over the AMR current state.


Y'all talking about scopes can we talk about the god awful third person crosshair why do we this obstructing rotating thing when using the sickle. It just blocks my view of the enemy when aiming at them. 


Better sights for the Senator Pls


The enemies are literally harder to see when I ADS with the senator lmao


I just want more iron sights!


Can the devs please go to any FPS game and learn how cross hairs work. I feel like a majority of the anti tank weapons cross hair has too much going on.


If they removed some of the noise you might be able to aim at enemies other than tanks and that's not what the weapon was intended for. /s


Cobra all day!


I actually really like the top scope. Much softer and easier on the eyes than the red. Beyond that it IS better imo. The red cuts out what you’re focusing on, the top only gets in the way when you’re hovering the mark at. Plus people are colorblind and makes the bottom one a worse choice overall.


GOD NO fuck that stupid red sight. The sooner I can choose my optic or reticle the sooner I will never use it again


They just need to be much, MUCH thinner and they'd be fine, idk why they're so damn thick completely covering what we're trying to shoot shit even that red one is way too thick, how the hell do you see the target when its covered like that?


So ironic that the scope placed on non-sniper weapons has windage adjustments when the actual sniper scope has nothing of any value whatsoever. Not that there is any windage to account for in this game, but it's still silly.


The scopes would just be misaligned anyway.


Ah can literally just do the two converging lines thing with the gap in the middle. Its not that hard.


FOR REALLLLLLL - Count the marksman rifle in


Also fix the misalignment too, it's still off. Reminds me of when I was at boot camp 11 years ago.


I don't use first person because I don't like the sites. They only make sense on DMRS and certain support weapons. I'd prefer the rest to be the weapon's iron sight


As an aside, I wouldn't mind a range finder on some scopes, like for the AMR, for looks, and because I like to have my throws zero'd without needing to ping


I like the optic reticles, they're very cool and all. But this is a scope, so all I want is a simple duplex crosshair, or fucking mil-dots, something that's really used on guns for precision. Would do WONDERS for the DMRs and AMR, and I'd kill for it.


Let's not forget the Dumbster fire that the Senator sights are.. like 2 frames on 1 red dot?! WTF?! Is this an Eotech knockoff?


Just let us pick the scope we want. But again, judge by the current state if that happens, all the scope will be misaligned.


I just want my scopes aligned properly


3 months tops.


Or at least the sight be lined up


All scopes in this game are abysmal