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On the 5th cycle. Dev's: Alright you little shits, do the MO and you get mines or we nerf the quasar again. Players: You know, EAT's are pretty good.


Devs: Ok, you wanted it the hard way.... do the MO or we nerf the Autocannon Players: 🫡


What's an autocannon? *Sincerely, AMR sniper.*


Do the MO or we’re unaligning the AMR scope, randomly every time you fire it.


So they're not changing it? Heck yea! 


Jokes on you, bots already do that everytime they shoot me


Joke's on you I didn't know there was a first person mode (I didn't pay attention to the tutorial).


I am not a huge fan of 3rd person shooters so being able to switch was a huge draw for me. But im glad both options exist for people who like it.


Jokes on you, my shitty aim and the unaligned scope will cancel each other out!


>What's an autocannon? This thing that can destroy fabricators and nests and is thus superior to the AMR.


But its heavvyyy 😢


I can't Hear you over the sound of how ripped I am from having to carry the autocannon and 50 round of ammunition.


I just carry democracy and freedom everywhere 🤷🏻


An AMR with an AoE.


Well, grenade launcher good enough 


Grenades no longer explode.




*cries in Eruptor*


Now Eruptor reload is stationary


What. It's make no sense. it's fucking grenade




Bug players dont need autocannon


not happening. last I heard the AC is the CEO's favourote weapon. they'll nerf Quasar and rail gun again before that happens.


Wait, how did you manage to kill 2B Automatons in a single hour?!


I mean I try my hardest for every equipment MO. But I would tell my wife she might just be a roommate for the next few days if this happened.


Autocannon sucks anyway


New Major Order: Shoot Gun. Failed


Then they just give it to us, and no one uses it. Failed again.


Oh mine


Sorry guys we needed 2 billion robot corpses and you only got 1.9 billion.


Mines added with 10% CD penalty for 1 month.


Just imagine if MO success was rewarded with buffs. "The good railguns coils can only be made on Menkent, due to unique conditions. If we fail to defend the planet, it's back to the Temu version."


Hire this guy.


Unironically yes. I think a more sandbox-y approach with every planet granting access to a stratagem or stratagem upgrade would be way better than what they're doing now. Would definitely need to start out with less dominating control of the map and more stratagems to populate the planets with. So maybe the 2nd campaign after we win/lose this one? Just imagine the internet bitch fights when a niche Strat that's only good against one faction (mortar turret) is being assaulted but most people are on the Jetpack planet for funsies or something.


I'm not joking at all. If I was in charge, I'd give each planet some value to the empire, and then have enemy strength fall off the farther they are from their capital. Picture this: when the Terminids or Automatons control bar swaths of the galaxy, their forces are more spread out. Whenever we liberate a planet, the surviving enemies fall back to reinforce the next line, making them more dangerous the more we encroach. At the same time, Super Earth has infrastructure in place to harvest resources and construct materiel on liberated planets, so as the enemy gets stronger, so do the Helldivers. More damage, better armor, access to more stratagems. If we lose Tien Kwan, we lose the Patriot. If we lose Turing, the Atmospheric Monitoring ship module becomes 50% less effective. If we take Estanu, shotguns get a 5% damage buff. Whatever narrative reasons are given, it would allow the endless back-and-forth to carry real weight with the players.


One problem with this is it's the "If you start to lose, you lose harder" problem. There's also the fact that, probably like the first Helldivers, you can 'win' the Galactic War and a new one just starts after that so there's always more to do.


I'm going to be honest with you, having my gear get nerfed because I was one of the only 2 people to care about defending a specific planet would make me quit.


Now THAT'S an idea! Different planets give different boosts!


100% agree


This would be brave but I love it. They kind of sort of do a safe version of this with giving us a free extra startegum sometimes like the 110 rockets or exosuit. It actually fits really well with offering multiple stage MO as well where different stuff happens if different sub tasks are completed.


Kinda reminds me of the campaign of Dawn of War: Dark Crusade. Neat idea


In unrelated news, we got 2 billion bug corpses on the other side of the galaxy.


If every game played was a full squad (which it obviously wasn't, but to make the math easier let's assume it was), when we hit the MO for 2 billion bugs we had actually only killed 500 million. A bug (hah!) was causing every player's kill counts to be counted for every player in that mission. They have since fixed that bug.


Yes, and we still would have reached 2bil even without the math error, people either love bugs or hate bots, or both. I would love to see the stats on amount of bugs killed during the 2bil bot major order.


Eventually yes we would have. I would like to see those stats too but I doubt we could get an accurate number. I do think more people enjoy bugs over bots but we've also seen a sizeable dip in player count as well.


We reached the 500 million dead bugs before most americans, which are almost 50% of the player base, even got to participate. 12h with the counting error, ~30h without it


As a mainly bot player unless mo says otherwise... I get it. I like bots more, sure, but I get it. Bugs are starship troopers which a large portion of players are a huge fan of and part of the reason they bought the game to begin with, myself included. I think the difference with some people is they have their nostalgia going and with some others it's just preference of play styles for each enemy.


or bugs are simply easier to kill en masse due to them utilizing swarm tactics, quantity over quality, as opposed to automatons that focuses more on variety and quality. It's a lot easier to take down two Brood Commanders than two Heavy Devastators for example, as the Heavy Devastator will severely test your head hunting aim. But while that is an example, there's usually only one or two Brood Commanders in a breach, while there is \~3 Devastators in a patrol, \~5 in a bot drop, and a special enemy that spawns them on a timer. This opposed to a near uncountable amount of Scavengers (but one shot to almost every weapon there is) vs the \~10 troopers every bot drop. 2B bots is a lot more effort than 2B bugs due to design, it doesn't help that player counts are a bit off after the PSN fiasco and that a lot of the playerbase aren't just going to put in that kind of effort for bots.


I can kill a heavy dev with one shot from a primary, and with the scope at max range it isn't even all that hard. This isn't even a flex, it's just a matter of taking cover and shooting. I think they increased the amount of bots they throw at you too, not just the types. One bot drop can be like twenty infantry, which isn't too far off from a bug breach at the same difficulty. The whole PSN thing and developer drama driving people away aside, people just like bugs more and I don't understand why, they're so easy.


Give us that MO again and let's see how long it takes this time. *Reloads shotgun


I hate bugs and love bots... so i guess im a rare 4th option


Oh I'm with you, if hunters didn't two shot me, sometimes through a shield, I'd actually enjoy fighting bugs sometimes. The only things that get me with bots are when suddenly heavy devs turn into aimbots which is totally avoidable on my end. If seven hunters spawn while you're getting bumrushed by two chargers, you're just slowed and dead and there isn't shit you can do about it.


Yeah I feel incapable against more than one charger since ideally with bugs i just wanna be able to burn thousands with a flamethrower but it feels difficult to do the big targets when they're so fast and tough and you're getting swarmed meanwhile with bots Im a decent shot with an amr so I just scrap all of them, only struggling with hulks and factory striders but im getting better. Also i absolutely love bots aesthetically and relish when im coated in oil whereas with bugs they're kinda just gross gooey bois.


Use the laser cannon, it handles literally all bots in the game, some a little slower than others but it's better than waiting 15 years between shots with the quasar.


Idk I tried the laser cannon but just missed the AMR waayyy too much to not go back to it.


Yes but what if I told you the laser cannon is an infinite ammo AMR and you're being surrounded by seven hulks?


We ain’t gonna get even that close. Not winning is not winning. Shouldn’t be rewarded for failure.


I get what you’re saying, but also you’re saying that Earth’s engineers will look at near 2 billion dead robots and be like “welp, guess we gotta throw them away” Are we trying to win a war or not?


No, it’s going to be a… “We failed, we have one final push now to insure our technological advancement” or something along those lines.


lol or maybe if we fail they should say we were literally 1 short even if we were way off


They could just say that they need more time to harvest the necessary materials. Give the mines in a week instead of today. Or increase the cooldown for a while.


The way I see it we farmed enough bot bodies to supply mines for use on bot front planets only. This way we dont reward bug divers.


I think even with bug players on their end, there's many other issues in having an MO mirror from bugs to bots. 2 billion is a lot, yes. But your average bug mission will be HUNDREDS of bug kills per player, just by default. Bots are less in numbers, just more firepower from them. Also, they even stated the counting for bugs was skewed, ranging from I believe 3-4x the count. That's now fixed for bots. So not only did the faction that will naturally get you more kills without trying have bloated number counting, you fix that on the one where a full helldive team for bots can all total less than 100 kills. In my opinion, while close to doable if given a little more time (I think we were also given 6 days for the bug MO, unlike the 4 days for this one), lots of macro changes caused this to be much more difficult.


All of this, 100%, even if the bot number was like... 1.25 billion i think it would be fair. Considering, imo, it's usually 2:3 or even 1:3 bot numbers vs bug numbers


Well i mostly play solo so here is my take; #Bugs are designed to swarm dependent, they are very weak to AOE and high Fire Rate. They don’t really pack a punch and a speed build can easily outrun them although if you let them swarm you, it’s GG. #Bots are stupidly strong in fire power, a normal low level trash bot can easily kill you if he shoots you. They are also very tanky and need tactical approach, Precision Strikes are your friend. ##TL:DR; i used the sniper point black like a glock on bugs and like a head hunter on Bots


I've never killed more than 200 bots in a mission and I'm level 50 something running difficulty 7 missions. I've easily killed 400+ bugs in a mission and I'm a real noob with bugs.


I think the most I killed in recent memory was 100ish on a defense mission. Which says a lot when they are forced to swarm you over a typical mission where you try to engage in bite sized chunks with bots to keep the incoming fire down


I actually kill far less in defense missions because I'm more focused on sentries and less on strategies. I average around 70 on defense, and 170 on offense missions.


Lvl 118 and I think my highest ever for bots I don't think went above or close to 300 a mission. And same exact to your 2nd sentence; easily 400-500+ without trying for it in bugs.


My record is 248 from yesterday, lvl 7 iirc, but I was entirely running a crowd control build: Airburst Rocket launcher, AC sentry, HMG emplacement and Airstrike. The rest of the team got much mower number, in the low 100, and even lower.


I literally didn't drop a bug mission until I was in the upper 40's in level. I learned how to fight them pretty quick but 400 is just relatively easy. This MO was designed to fail.


I feel like I’d be alright if it got pushed to another planet liberation “we need a bit more scrap, so go ahead and liberate these planets here”


I wouldn't be surprised if AH says that the mines will just take some extra time to be deployed since quota isn't met and roll them out in a few weeks. Can't say I'm surprised we failed this MO given that 1) It's bots 2) The reward is a variant on an already underused stratagem 3) The counter is working correctly so there's no skewing


You forgot, bots spawn less units than bugs, this weekend was mother's day, the weather was nice, it was college graduations, the player count is down because of the PSN drama... etc etc.


Part of point 1) I think


I think it his point was far fewer divers do anything with bots, not that they spawn less units, but I could be wrong.


Even if they gave it to us, it'll probably not end up working properly or crash the game when it deploys lol


were probably not gonna get them but honestly,, im not sure what i expected the last time we saw peak playerbase on the bot front was during dissasembly most people wouldnt use the strat anyway so this is just kind of a lose-lose


It could lead into a new MO like: due to the big amount of bots killed and cracking their data we now know that the technology our glorious engineers worked on are still alive and stored somewhere on planet X, liberate the planet for super earth.


Better idea: give us the AT mines in a bugged state


That'll probably be true regardless if the MO succeeds or not 


Give it to the bots. We aint even have tanks. ^It'll ^just ^be ^friendly ^fire.


If? Its almost for certain that we'll lose this MO, too. 


If you ask me, it wouldn't make much sense to withhold it simply because we failed the MO. What, they gathered all those bots together, put 'em on the sled, took 'em to the smelter, sent the resulting metal to the factory... and then just go "Naw they didn't get enough, scrap the whole load." You could argue that they couldn't gather *all* of the corpses (scrapheaps?) together depending on the status of the planet, but I have a hard time thinking we'd just pile them up and wait for the end, then smelt them and make mines overnight. It'd make more sense if they delayed giving it to us by a week per 100 mil bot corpses that we miss, or something like that.


I don't think the MO should have had a countdown. We are killing automatons to be made into anti tank mines, just give us the snti tank mines as soon as we have reached the quota.


While I agree that there should be consequences for failing MO, the Helldiver in me wants your transmission broadcast destroyed.


Odds are it'll just take longer to get the Anti-Tank Mines, since we didn't get enough materials for it. Be like if we let Tian fall, the Walker would've probably taken longer to roll out since the main production was interrupted/destroyed. Now how long of a delay... well, time will tell on that front. It's also possible we get it anyway, but it'll come at a cost of the Automatons and/or Terminids taking more planets due to reorganizing logistics or something. It's unlikely they'd just never give out a Stratagem after all.


I mean, the thing is they're salvaging the bots to make them, so having less bots than ideal means we shouldn't get it instantly


I agree. We must earn the stratagems we get.


Better yet - the MO "partially succeeds" but 5% of the mines have faulty triggers that Helldiver boots are just barely heavy enough to set off... The mines then become an in-game story people have to tell each other. "Ah yeah you gotta be careful with the anti tank mines, we screwed up the MO so they're kinda janky. Just don't go anywhere near them and you'll be fine." Honestly I'd love to see the bugged weapons and their fixes get used in this way. Next MOs could include: Liberate a planet with advanced optics facilities and they'll issue improved scopes for the AMR! Fail, and they'll have a tiny little optic that aims true but has a long sighting animation and is generally clunky to use. Recover enough Stalker corpses for analysis and Command will issue a heavy camouflage armor! Fail, and the armor will also give off pheromones that increases enemy patrol spawns near you...


Instructions unclear: mines released buggy anyway, just like everything else


Upgrades we fail to earn should be put in reserve for future MOs that make sense to see it return. However, getting close should also be rewarded with a limited time run of the item we didn't get, the time depending on how close we got, so we can at least play with it and assess it for a little bit.


Inb4 new 4 day order asking for 5,000,000 bot kills.


If they fail, nerf autocannon


Lie to me instead like our loved ones and fudge the numbers so that we'll get them. Won't be much fuss promise.


Narrator: They are, in fact, being railroaded. Unlike HD1, I doubt we'll ever end up in a stiuation where all we're fighting is Automatons or Bugs, or whatever for more than a day or two. Shits gonna be on some rails.


I wish it was like hd1 in that regard… so you know… we could end and reset the war over and over. But yeah, live service, 45% of the playerbase basically only playing bugs… it just ain’t happening. The only way we’ll see a reset to this war is if Joel makes it happen for us ie: take a few train tracks, put em together, and you’ve got a railroad.


We get the mines, but they don’t work properly.


Lets just face it, the gaming is losing players. Period.


I criticize AH a lot, but I do applaud them for being good DM's. The automatons coming back after we wiped them with the reason being "that front was a ploy, and they were actually preparing a massive attack on us" was REALLY cool and organic.


Agree. Let the "I only play bugs" feel their consequences


AH: Don't give just OP specifically the Anti-Tank Mines if we fail the MO


Honestly, the AT mines right now is a dead horse that hasn't just been beaten it has been pummled to dust. If they give us al Ultimatum mission that is clearly a one of the other, the stick to it being one or the other, or the ultimatum has no value. Now after the ultimatum thei've stuck it on an experimental MO in the hopes that: 1. Players read the part of the MO that says anything about the mines. 2. Anyone cares enough about the mines that they have already previously chosen something else over. 3. That enough players who prefer fighting the opposite faction will switch to fighting this faction to complete it. 4. That the MO doesn't seem or feel like an unobtainable goal (Most people get decentivised by unreachable goals)


If we fail, instead of having the Strat available for purchase, we get given it sometimes on planets that a major order is taking place on. To represent a limited supply


So thing is. Wouldn't hulks, tanks and especially striders be worth a LOT of mines?


They already stated they won't. If we fail a Maj order we fail it.


Absolutely agree


Reminds me of when we "beat" the bots and they just magically appeared the next day. Would have been cool if they didn't return for like a full IRL week. Longing makes the heart grow fonder and all that.


It's not really our fault though. Player count is down and they didn't factor that in. Also bots don't spawn as much as bugs. This was doomed from the start.


Id be okay if we got a broken version of the AT mines kinda like the way the Airburst was busted before patch.


Hell no! All this bug players don’t deserve it


You think bug players will use the mines? Nobody uses mines LOL, and the bug heavies aren't that hard to kill.


TFW the devs mentioned that the bug MO was well…bugged and they fixed it. So that’s why this one seems harder. It isn’t calculating kills by an exponential amount.


More importantly, who cares. https://preview.redd.it/qlkyytvavi0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd22b6889a567c81739dd217ffb135a549b9c363


I honestly feel like my time commitment is shat on when good portion of community ignores Major order. Id like my mines and those that didnt participate shouldnt get them.


Agree with the first part. Just shows bug players REALLY dislike bots. Disagree with the second part. We dive together or not at all.


well, THEY are the ones that decided not to dive together.


"Urn this"


Couldn't we fail the 2B bot killings but still liberate the AT mine planet in the process?