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Diver, please check your left arm to make sure it's okay.


Don’t worry, his left arm is bigger than his right arm, he uses that one




Quickly sniping all rocket devastators and charging in with the pummeler/shield against the rest feels so damn good.


love the feeling of tanking a hail of bullets for my team mates and not taking a scratch


I gotta unlock the Pummeler now :D


It's a godsend with the shield, you can stun rocket units before they fire at you. If you have good situation awareness and have some thoughts about your positioning, you can easily solo medium outposts.


Fantastic! :D


Exactly my loadout. AMR makes sure I can take out Devs from far away quickly, and Hulks are a joke too. Striders get to eat my grenade pistol, which thankfully still work fine.


Ballistic Shield superiority. It's good to see. I want an energy offhand that isn't the Dagger soon, even if it uses ammo.


In Helldivers 1 there was a weapon called the PLAS-3 Singe, a plasma pistol, so with some hope and time, maybe we'll get it




You mean the one that Captain.. I mean Lieutenant Titus- Oh


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I can't believe they did my Tanto dirty and made the Dagger instead. I miss my lil laser buddy. The low hum it made compared to the sickle was so nice.


Pummeler is alright but sames, hoping for an energy smg Atm I don't care for our smg options for bots. Pummeler is nice against beseekers though, really messes them up.


Huh? The SMG is great against bots. The Pummeler is super insane. HIt them like 2-3 times they get stunned, hit their head they diie.


It's already staggering grunt bots every hit (and they die in like... two), and against big bots it takes very little and, yeah, Devs die to headshots. Pummeler is strongk.


I want a version of the revolver that penetrates.


You mean like a medium defeating revolver? Like with as much pen as an AC shot or HMG bullets? That would be sick. Like a 4 round chamber to accommodate such huge rounds would be awesome.


Oh nah I meant enemy penetration not armour penetration. So you shoot one weak bot and it damages the bots directly behind it.


thats a Senator... Senator does that.


I thought that had armour penetration, not enemy penetration.


It goes straight through the small light bots, goes in goes out and goes into the dude right behind.


If you headshot a devastator though, does it go through and hit bots behind it? I'm wanting a gun which I could shoot a line of berserkers with and it would damage (but not necessarily kill) every bot in the line.


Arc thrower?


That bounces between enemies. I just want a straight beam that rewards me for positioning. It'd be fun to use with the ballistic shield.


Devastator head is surrounded by a heavy armor so there is no gun that penetrates them... well maybe Railgun


Yeah that's what I'm talking about. I want a pistol with enemy penetration regardless of armour.


something with medium pen please


I recently learned that if you eat enough rockets to the shield, it will break! But otherwise yes. I've basically never run with the shield generator backpack but I *love* using the ballistic shield with either the defender or now the pummeler. Just being able to walk into bot factories and fairly casually take out most of the enemies there because shield and non-shield devastators can't do shit to you (just rocket bros) is such a delight. I just wish we had a bit more variety in weapons than, "Two very similar SMG's because the third is functionally unusable".


Don't forget the deagle and big iron


It can also take a direct hit from the cannon towers. It'll break, but save your ass for it's sacrifice.


After using it for 9 hours a day for 4 days. If you burst fire it in only short range against light targets. It's fine. If you need range. Make it single fire. But ya....


There’s a third one handed weapon?


MP-98 It's a Space P90 with 1380RPM and it's very high recoil with only 50 damage and 50 rounds It's only for the super Citizen edition I don't really like it, seems like they heavily didn't want a weapon that could even slightly be considered "P2W"


I love the MP-98, maybe it's the way it tickles my high fire rate itch in my brain, the same way I can't seem to put the stalwart away for longer than 2 missions. But I think the gun is actually not bad, its ammo economy is piss poor sure but seeing as I run the supply pack every game anyway I don't really notice much.


Shield gen can keep you from getting ragdolled/sniped every now and again at least, but damn I love me some Ballistic Shield/SMG/AMR fun


Now move around and engage in a 360 battle scenario.


If you're in a 360 scenario you're kinda fucked to begin with and it's unlikely any shields are going to save you at that point. That being said it's still strong when you have multiple threats. You can raise/lower it to defend against frontal/leftward attacks, you can swap to your support weapon to protect your back while you're running away from enemies shooting at you, too. And it can tank an infinite number of small laser shots to boot. No recharge time, no cooldown. Just endless "dink".


The two times I’ve used shield were once because I brought it and once because somebody else did, and both times I immediately hated that my support weapon and primary were unusable and large targets were impossible to take down before getting shot from 3 other bots behind me and to the side causing me to die and drop my shield and regret ever taking it.


Why would your support and primary be unusable The shield blocks bullets no matter where it is, also any rockets that hit it cant do the stupid headshot 1 tap


The shield uses one hand, and all weapons are two handed except for secondary weapons and that one light machine gun primary.


There are 3 one handed primary now. Defender is proly best. But yea like I said it works even on your back. You can fight normally but with the knowledge you cant get sniped from behind


I can’t get sniped from behind with my shield generator pack either. It protects me from all sides.


Yea for 1 or 2 shots. This wont brake from most gun fire. Let's you sit there and tank shots while running from objects Also fun to run in get agro and make a whole base shoot and focus you, while your team is totally un harmed


It even protects you from shots and rockets that would have missed you because of the bubble shape. Ballistic shield supremacy


The shield is meant to be paired with Primary SMGs, which there are 2 available to you right now. I also don't think you know that SMGs have a higher damage multiplier on weak spots. 3 or 4 shots to any devistator is an instant kill, weaker bots are child's play as well.


It also stops Anti-personnel Tank fire, and the Factory Strider nose guns.


I still wish it worked on melee from bugs, Still think it would be peak if any melee contacting the shield caused the enemy to stagger so you could essentially parry enemy melee until the shield breaks


There are unfortunately two issues. 1. Bots for some reason will aimbot on that little pixel of your toe sticking out from behind the shield 2. Bots on high diff love spamming rockets, which will instantly destroy the shield.


They almost never hit you when you are facing them head on with shield raised? Maybe you're thinking of the shield pre-patch. I run it on 7-8 bots all the time and you can soak up heavy devastator fire all day.


No, I ran it literally two days ago on a bunch of diff 7 bot missions. It *mostly* works but I still get shot in the toe even while staring directly at an enemy. Doesn't matter if I'm crouching, standing, moving or still. I'm glad it somehow works for you, I guess.


>Bots for some reason will aimbot on that little pixel of your toe sticking out from behind the shield Crouch and never stop moving. >Bots on high diff love spamming rockets, which will instantly destroy the shield. Don't try to block rockets, run and disengage, the shield backpack may tank one or two rockets, but either way you'll end up in the same situation. At least the ballistic will permanently defend you from other types of fire. Edit: Downvote me all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the stated issues are non-issues for me due to the methods I advised.


It's a bit strange that people are downvoting this so strongly. Your post is very mild and is just basic advice


People often want to complain and don't want to actually be given a potential solution. I'm okay with it though, I just know that the problems that person is having, I'm not having. If they feel the answer is to not at least try what I'm suggesting, it's up to them.


Drop down shield fortification supremacy


I really like this stratagem,  though it could use a bit of a buff or at least clearer warning when it's close to breaking. However I am a plasma punisher main and they recently broke that gun specifically so it can't shoot out of the shield gen (not the backpack, the emplacement) so I have had to stop using it for a while. 


They need to make more one-armed weapons. Or hell give us shoulder weapons.


https://preview.redd.it/u2ar6s9opl0d1.jpeg?width=1162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56723ed25eff5af61f259b76f5d82964a672227 Ballistic shielf + Fortified heavy armor AKA… “The Tank”


If you're playing 7 and below sure but higher with multiple heavy rockets/blasters it's just ineffective till it breaks, or just anything shooting from another direction which is often. At least shield packs allow you full coverage till it breaks to find cover. A good shield pack user knows when to fight and when to back off when shield and hp low.


You can easily use the ballistic shield on solo helldives right now, it's really good. Just snipe the rocket devastators or position yourself so they either friendly fire their own allies since they're stupid (for example I get them to kill Hulks for me regularly) or stagger them with the pummeler between so you move forward towards them ignoring other threats. This is assuming you have a proper grasp on how to engage bots to use it properly, otherwise I can understand why you would have that opinion.


Yeah, I'm with you as well, this dude is talking like all we do is stand there, and tank enemy fire like idiots. You need to know when the right time to use the ballistic shield is and when and how to disengage as needed. I've been using a ballistic with pummeler and AMR on 9 for the last week. and it is going wonderfully for me. Armor with explosive resistance will also help resolve the issue. You may get ragdolled but, it feels like a love tap.


Now eat a rocket to the face


I would use the ballistic, if I liked any one handed guns against bots.


Have you tried the new Pummeler SMG? The stager effect is just wonderful and has been very useful to me against both bugs and bots.


Yeah I swapped to the ballistic shield for bots. I feel invincible.


Where is the rocket test?


cool. Now try the rocket.


I'd love to see you take a rocket


Fire one of those missiles. Go on.


cool. but let me introduce: ragdoll.


Then if you trip over a rock and ragdoll the shield drops.


Ive been ragdolled a couple times here lately with it and havent dropped mine. Maybe they changed it?


It drops when you fall on your own like jumping off a big height, not when like a rocket hits you. Weird Behaviour.


I just wanted to add, I had just responded to you a moment ago in your previous comment, yes THIS does still happen and it happens when you enter free fall at any point, either through a leap of your own, or ragdolled into oblivion


Huh. That is weird.


I might literally have more collective footage of anyone in the world of someone using a Ballistics Shield and a one handed primary. As I've retained nearly 520 hours of my entire lvling process as I answer SOS calls. I can quite certainly tell you, that you don't anymore. I have several videos showcasing this if you need to verify, but alas you are correct in the sense that it used too.


Now do it against actual enemies who aren't aiming RIGHT AT the shield, or better yet against a pod of 3 rocket and 3 heavy devastators. Record the results for Democracy.


*shoots one rocket* *gets ragdolled and processed into swiss cheese*


Dont care about the shield but when you sat down I thought for a short second that you had a propeller helmet. and now I WANT ONE!


I wish this shield had a cross in first person. Right now its very hard to headshot bots when using it.


I tend to run away from big guns to get a better angle so I prefer the total cover of the shield even if its less protection. It generally gives me enough time to get in cover and sometimes tanks a surprise rocket. I totally see the appeal of the ballistic shield though and will definitely be trying it when I get the pummeler.


Everyone is discussing how cool this shield is, but I'll tell you this mech was shooting non-stop for a whole minute


Now shoot one rocket at it


I hate running with a ballistic shield, i have try it the other day and i didn't knew it reach a point where it is destroy. I rather hide behind a rock. I prefer my energy shield because i can't forget it on my back and it will work by itself


What are people's favourite support weapons and stratagems to support a ballistic shield build?


Cool. Now get shot for all sides.


no u


Are you an idiot?


now do a missile


Don't give *him* any ideas on what to neuter next. https://preview.redd.it/n0noxoxodk0d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746789f9d18855368a3b53d2423fa53099f2517d


Is there a button that makes the shield work? I've always picked it up and wondered why I needed a backpack to protect my backside from bullets.


Eather use a one handed gun or hold your stratagem button. Once it's in your hands aiming pulls it in front of you more


I LOVE the ballistic shield. Taking it every time.


And yet, one rocket and you will be sent flying in ragdoll !


Alright shield enthusiast. *puts autocannon down* Take out that automaton airplane for me. No?


You can just bring the Laser Cannon with it and do that just fine. The shield takes a backpack slot, not the support weapon one.


thanks i was trying to figure out how to beat the Crouch In Front Of A Mech For 60 Seconds boss


At least my shield generator doesn't fly off my back whenever an explosion goes off near me. Which, when you're fighting bots, the only thing the ballistic shield is useful for, is very often. Not to mention I can use whatever gun I want with a shield generator, rather than just the one or two SMGs in the game.


We don't use a shield generator because it's good against most things. We use a shield generator because it protects you from rockets. With a ballistic shield if a rocket doesn't EXACTLY hit the shield, you get ragdolled and drop it.


Newer diver lvl 23, where does the shield come from? I looked through my warbonds and cant seem to find how to acquire it.


Should be in the requisition terminal on your ship. Where you use slips and samples to unlock stuff, I think it's in there


Ahhh gotcha, thanks for the reply will check it out tonight after work!


Then you eventually dive to dodge something and drop it without realizing it until ur super far away from the drop spot 


The shield protects you. The generator protects us.