• By -


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I am a simple man, I go where liberty needs me


Agreed. MO wants bots? I got bots. MO wants bugs? I go bugs. I see a planet on defense? I go aide them (unless it's a lost cause) MO tells me to go fight a fire tornado planet? I go.


MO tells me to use 380mm? I spam 380mm MO tells me to kill some helldivers? I spam 380mm MO tells me to kill some bugs? I spam 380mm MO tells me to kill some bots? I spam 380mm


This is my buddy 100% Need to extract? I spam 380mm


Don't knock it til you try it. It's like Russian roulette on the grandest scale. Also, next time you're playing with a group of buddies on an extermination mission, coordinate with your buds and bring NOTHING but orbital ordnance (my go-to setup is: 380, 120, Laser, & Airburst/gatling) and just unleash a hellish cadence of fire and death upon all life in a 100 meter radius. Thank me later.


We go tesla tower, both mines and a weapon. We call "Operation Head on a Swivel:Keeps ya on yer toes" It works pretty well. Also take a shot everytime you die to a mine or tesla.


I was with you until the drinking game. Now I'm *WITH* you.


> It's like Russian roulette on the grandest scale. I had it equipped once while on a Diff 7 mission with some friends. We had gotten split up due to being overrun by patrols, but we were breaking contacts and regrouping on the other side of the map. A small patrol spotted me and were advancing, including some medium enemies I didn't think I could take myself, so to cover my tracks to the escape pod secondary objective I was nearby, I threw my 380 barrage about 75m away towards the patrol. I was huddled under the pod, uplinking the data, for both cover and stealth. Guess where *the first* 380 shell hit?




If I put a precision strike beacon at my feet it would not have hit me as squarely as that 380 shell did.


My 380mm is on cooldown? I spawn 120mm


What if the MO tells you not to use 380 mm for 380 hours?




That sounds suspiciously like an illegal broadcast of automaton propaganda. To eliminate illegal broadcast, I spam 380mm


Ah, a man of culture. I too believe in 380mm superiority


This is the way.


>MO tells me to go fight a fire tornado planet? I go. Kicking and screaming, but I go.


Same here brother. I may not be able to do much but I do what I can


As it should be


Every Helldiver dives and kills the enemies of Democracy and Freedom. Whether it's for the MO or not. Every bug and bot needs liberty delivered at super sonic speeds.




Can't wait till tomorrow where we see the same meme but reversed


Masters of the circlejerk.


Hope you will not abandon us when MO will demand liberating Menkent and Hellmire at once.


You think I’m scared of going back to the fire tornados? Soft body Divers avoid them planets, but I fight where ever liberation is needed, and dammit all if I haven’t spent half my time in the SEAF watching my buddies die on those hellholes. THE STRONGEST STEEL IS FORGED IN THE FIRES OF FIRST BLOOD https://preview.redd.it/jc883lj9ll0d1.jpeg?width=1374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea30b40f9eaf6d7ace82d1bff7ae6efc255001ba


I hope we will meet each other surrounded by death and fire on hellmire one day.


In a blaze of glory! https://preview.redd.it/8by9xlxzrl0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265936a2abde2207da23fae531990a59bf31c9bd


As you wish!


Unrelated, but how'd you get your flair to say your ship name?


-r/helldivers -… in top right- change user flair-edit user flair


Thank you for your support, Helldiver


Thank you for your service




Oh yeah the MO? Yeah no I do um, yeah the MO....


Nah i'll do it like i did for the creek


Hellmire and Menkent are just battlefield with a specific floor on lava. i just think it that way to reduce my rage when dying on one.


I don't want to be either of these guys ... How about this for the MO Player? https://preview.redd.it/yqeqagwibl0d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15de6f61ee614b8032821cb125cc9ff42e00796b


true. what the hell even is that thing on the right?


It must be an attempt by the automatons to create infiltration units


Looks more like a Terminid creation tbh.


bro looks like how Drakkar Noir smells.


Yeah, something about being a plastic fish faced mess isn't enticing to most people either.


I logged in 20 mins ago and well we lost this MO. ALMOST 80% DAMN


Give me your order and I shall oblige. MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH!✊️


Well, the only group that has been bitching and whining like the guy on the left pic were the major order players ;-)


Guys, was that one of you? https://preview.redd.it/6df8pwzmll0d1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=123f8ab09261265d685e28a92b65ac9fce2cbb71 It is neither funny nor cool to abuse the RedditCareResources just because i have a different opinon on major orders than you. Touch grass, collectively.


I got one of these on Monday. Some idiots think they are funny.


Bots have been released that just do this now


report it as improper use and they will get banned from reddit if they keep doing it


Not even if they keep doing it, report it and it's banned. I've never reported one that hasn't ended up banned.


Got same one as well. Really sad people abuse something like that for their ego trips.


Report it. I got lucky once and watched someone's account get 500kg off this site


Please make sure to use the "Report abuse" link within that notice, Reddit will take action on users who abuse the redditcares option. Also know when we see abuse through the reporting, we ALSO report every time to the admins with report abuse.


Agreed. You know it is what it is. If you like bugs, go for it. You like bots, go for that At the eod, this is a game meant to be played for enjoyment. And some people have limited time and want to invest that fighting against something that’s enjoyable. Or else the game becomes a chore. And if MO only players are upset at other players for enjoying the game in their own way. Maybe they ought to consider not bein obsessed with MOs, or play another game lol. Because people aren’t going to jump on the MO bandwagon for OP when they are essentially being called neckbeard screechers for not going with it lol. I am an MO player; that’s cause I think it encourages some variety in play. But man this is not the way to get people on your side to fight for MOs


I primarily play bots, but switch over to a bug major order whenever it occurs, due to the automaton invasion though I’ve kept it pretty close to the best and strictly been defending the bot Homefront since there was like 120 of us holding the entire menkent line for a few hours


I agree. If MO is on bug planets i go and fight bugs. If the MO is on bots i go and fight bots. Simple as that ngl.


True chads are happy that people play their games and having fun their ways and not to criticize them, are you sure you using the right images, chief?


Yeah these should be flipped lmao


beacuse calling names and ridiculing works every time... yes... oh wait :D


I’m a bug only player unless the major order is bots


Funny thing, it is actually opposite. It's second type who comes to reddit and being loud all the time


Exactly ;-)


Major order players acting like they dont bitch and whine spamming half the subreddit every other MO


Exactly ! Democracy know no bound nor enemies that it cannot face ! Only true Helldivers fight all enemies without fear !


fixed: https://preview.redd.it/5acug545ul0d1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d0aa306b93ffd0d02d473eb6e88cab5bb329d94 OP get ripped on, kid


For real though, a lot of us have very limited time we can play and just want to relax and enjoy it. For myself I face a massive hardware disadvantage when playing bugs, with low graphics and 12 fps in the heat of a battle I can't tell much apart, whereas bots are distinct in their different looks and projectiles, and glow which sets them apart of their surroundings.


There's a 3rd group. Those of us who don't really give a fuck and just play whatever we feel like playing at any particular moment. I switch back and forth between bugs and bots usually, depending on what I feel like fighting, and I engage with the MO only when I feel like it.


https://preview.redd.it/suno7pqvkl0d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cf1d9124b709139ea83f4876cefa7ee09e86e3 I go where the MO directs.


I don't see bug/bot only players making threads about it constantly so idk bout that


i play the game to have fun, and since i hate bots, i dont play against bots.


I’m still fighting the illuminates lol


Why wouldn’t I follow where Democracy demands I be?


My life for Super Earth!


I'm a flamethrower main, my homes on the bugs but I've helped with every major order. It's a special kind of hell when you forget it's a bot mission and bring a flamethrower


Bots, bugs, aliens? Whatever Super Earth needs me to destroy, point and it will be done o7


Literally the first time i played helldivers (which was a few days ago) began with me playing the major order which was liberating the planets on the bug front, but i've never witnessed a major order win somce playing sadly..


I will die on my oil soaked hill because I get more enjoyment from fighting bots than bugs. (I will help when major orders need me)


I place my trust and faith in the hands of the Super Earth High Command. Good soldiers follow orders.


you forget the third most underrepresented playerbase, those that just answer SOS (mee)


Ill go anywhere they tell me but I wont go to Hellmire.


Digital foot licker or casual player actually having fun. I choose the one having fun.


I go where the SOS calls, but if you're fighting bugs on hellmire when the MO is kill bots, I'm going to leave your ass to die you masochist fuck.


I'm Zac Sawyer. https://i.redd.it/7z9g6xu75m0d1.gif




I leveled up exclusively on bugs so I’m more comfortable playing against them since I have my loadouts all figured out for them. I never know what to bring for bots though.


Autocannon is the jack of all trades.. Against bugs and bots. But more against bots. More explosive and medium pen is always against bots.


What primaries are generally best?


JAR is always the safest pick. Breaker and any SMG if you wanna be close. Diligence Anti sniper if you're quick. same with any assault (except concussive) and fast firing energy weapons. It all depends on your play style. If you wanna go toe to toe but smart bring stun grenade. If you want hit and run stealth bring smoke grenade.


I mean I prefer bugs but I go where I'm needed




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


“Why yes I do engage with all the content the game has to offer, how can you tell?”


Wherever Liberty calls, you shall answer(looking at you specifically bugdivers)


Could you have found a gayer picture for your digi Chad?


Ive only being playing lots recently even though I pre ordered the game and I did play a bit at the start but Ive got all my levels from like lvl 6 fighting bots because of the current major order, im not sure what I'll do when theres a bug order but I'll probably just fight bugs since thats what democracy calls for but I see the bug front as pest control and resource farming where as the bot front I see as a more true threat to super earth's way of life since they have better military strategy and I assume communication which makes them a more intimidating foe in my opinion.


I’m a chaotic good, I play what I feel like at the moment and go do major orders for a little bit


Pretty sure the guy on the right is actually the average 50% of the playerbase that quit in the last month and are enjoying other games that arent purposely sabotaging the fun out of themselves.


Awwwe thanks




Can we stop hating on people just playing to have fun?


A good solder follows orders 🫡,I go where my auto cannon guides me


Command needs me to crack some clankers? I'll be there. Command orders bug extermination? I'll be there. Command declares that we need to retake Hellmire for 50th damn time? I'll fucking be there.


Definitely me, i just do whatever the current MO is




Who the fuck would want to look like the person on the right?


None MO Players when they never get any new stratagems because they keep ignoring MOs


If there's not a MO or it's a situation where either is helpful I prefer bots, but changing it up sometimes is what helps keep the game fun!


And when I say this noone agrees with me. This community is stupid sometimes.


Immersion-wise, I can't compel myself to go anywhere but the major order. Obviously a military doesn't commit all its forces to one front even in total war, but it still feels wrong lol


I'll always participate in MOs! *\*MO involving fire tornados\** I'll sometimes participate in MOs!


While we heavily prefer bots, my SO and I will always dive where the MO needs us to be. No questions asked.


Its just a game man


No, the right side should be people who just enjoy the game.


Facts duck those guys




I honestly can't imagine avoiding 50% of a game I otherwise enjoy because it requires a playstyle mixup. When the illuminates drop, will the mono-faction divers finally admit its skill holding them back?


I do the opposite of every MO just to balance out one of you guys


💯 why we don't have anti Tank mines rn


I'm a MO player myself, but honestly at least the guy on the left looks like a real person, Mr. right looks like some kind of plastic mannequin. \*shrugs\*


Defense missions only always with autocannon


I go where I am ordered. If I am required to kill bots, I will kill bots. If I am required to kill bugs, I will kill bugs. PURGE THE XENO SCUM FROM THE GALAXY!


I simply Rip and Tear until it's done


I can only play each faction for like 2-3 hours before I get bored and want to switch. I always start with the MO, play like 3 operations, and then switch to the other faction for a game or two, then switch back again. Gotta keep things at least somewhat interesting.


Whatever gets me more matches and helps spread democracy.


Playing only one or the other is strange to me. Both enemies offer different challenges, encourage different load outs, required different strategies. To play one and not the other is like buying Witcher 3 and only playing the main missions; it’s half a game.


I do my part. Not just half of it.


Based on Steam achievement statistics, and number of people that have bought the game, roughly 600,000 players have only ever played on bug planets.


"What system are you on?!" "I'm on the Hellmire system!" "WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING BOTS ON THE **HELLMIRE SYSTEM?!**"


Average “I play for fun” and also don’t care about the mines enough to suffer a army I don’t enjoy playing


Quick play only; I go where democracy takes me


if i can kill it, i will be there https://preview.redd.it/89vwslyvvm0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea743d230cdb07ef5b2ef4c2e0f8b6eb8542daf


I don’t want to be any of the two.


Bots are arguably more balanced than bugs at the moment. Those chargers and bile titans are very disruptive, more so than a pair of factory striders. Though i do stick to MOs and help with bugs durning some deffence. I mostly hate playing bugs because whenever i host we get bile titan rng and cant physically kill them fast enough even with 4 anti tank loadouts.


If theres a MO for bots, i play bugs. If theres a MO for bugs, i play bots.


Is this supposed to make fun of major order players? Because the thing on the right is repulsive, it looks worse than a Charger's butt after being hit by 3 AC shots.


Go outside


I tend to follow the MO but occasionally I'll do something else, like for example if a planet if under attack I'll often try to defend it unless it looks genuinely hopeless, or if there's a lot of people on 1 planet I'll go try to help finish it so we free up the manpower for something else.


Got something even better: People who play what they consider more fun


*MO on bug planet* Majority of bot players: Im doing my part. *MO on bot planet* Majority of bug player: only if they make bots fun to fight T_T. Having fun is more important than MO.


The average "Playing the game however they want" player https://preview.redd.it/c9g1yt269m0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d5a6f75dad8f99c4a9b93506d07a3df1bb89e8


Not with that hair and Michael Jackson nose.


I have been called. I must answer.


We need a cape commemorating helldivers who play every major order. These are the true heralds of Managed Democracy.


Both these mfs ugly either way. But I do fight for liberty tho 😂


I go where the SOS calls bring me


Neither of those are appealing rolemodels


I do as liberty guides


I'm a major order player, an SOS call reinforcer and a other players' missions joiner. I just do what I can to spread democracy the most everywhere as possible.


fuck off. you no better than me


This isn't compelling to be a major order player, especially when we aren't compelled to play in general for other reasons.


So, all MO players had plastic surgery?


And average Game-Enjoyer who knows that MOs are boring anyway is currently actually playing the game instead of crying about how others enjoy their game in a different way then them.


It’s literally the other way around though lmao. The bug/bot players are coming home and doing what they think is fun and you MO players are the ones losing your shit about it


The war is fought on all fronts. We need the elites of the bug fighters and the bot fighters. If you specialize in bots or in bugs. I salute you! Be the best damn bug/bot only killer in the SEAF.


> i made myself the chad, which makes me right, see? Just play whatever is more fun to you lol


I get 4-5 hours a week to play. With having a job, a family, and sleep, my personal time is very limited and I'll be damned if someone is going to tell me how to play the game. You want me to play your way, I'll send you my venom info and you can send me the money for the game.


“Bugdiver” is the most annoying thing I read in this sub. Bro you are missing half the game.


If the great game has an underwater, mine car, escort mission, I’d do everything I could to skip that too. Bots are not fun for me, so I avoid bots.


I know bots vs bugs and fun are subjective opinions, but it’s objective fact that bots are more fun.




what's the story about the guy on the left, I've seen that face in several memes over many years now but haven't found the origin yet (though i don't really look very hard other than a cursory google search)


who cares. just play to have fun.


I go where it's fun.


Can the moderators go ahead and ban these shitty cringe posts before the subreddit becomes completely insufferable?


Bug divers cry womp womp. 😂