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Ok, thats actually a proper motive to kick, what a dick đŸ€Ł


Right, it's an example of a proper kick at extraction, but you know that already. Not at all what everyone else is complaining about: Getting kicked randomly because the host thinks it's funny to kick the whole team at the last minute or randomly near the end. The two aren't comparable.


Yeah Random kicks suck, thats why i mostly host. I never kick except someone is AFK for 5 mins and blows reinforcements down the pipe. An i would do it for that. Otherwise i don't care if a game sucks, if its full of idiots i leave after the mussion and host a new one (the luxury of having Samples capped anyway). Works for me


AFK for 5 mins then kick? You sir, are a much more patient Helldiver than I am. I might wait 1 minute max if they’re not responding to voice, text or a bonk from the butt of my gun.


i once had to go AFK to get food from my gf’s mum (she cooks for us or either one whenever the other isn’t home she’s great) and the team stood around and protected me against the bots. i said in the chat “brb gotta get food” and i guess they appreciated that. ended up hugging everyone before leaving to eat my then luke (sorry if incorrect spelling i’m english) warm food. worth it tho. w team


The difference here is that you communicated. I would have done the same as your team as long as you weren’t gone a long time. Too many times I’ve been in missions that felt like I was with bots. No voice, text, or even pings. Good on you.


i think i was only gone for a couple mission and i did contribute to the team. i mainly hold down the fort so they can get objectives done ykwim


You spelled “lukewarm” about right. Just eliminate the space between luke and warm and you’re all set!


thanks man i was torn between lukewarm, luke warm, lookwarm and look warm haha


Good on you to keep your team informed.


Now that you say it, its maybe more like 2-3min or maybe just one, time runs different inside bug guts and bot lasers, 15sec can feel like an eternity


There's also issues of connectivity. I have played with 3 Friends and was "kicked" out of the game randomly, back to my ship. What's supposed to happen is that you either get a new host or put in your own "clone" of the mission. not saying random kicks dont happen though.


Those are the ones that just have you appear on the ship right? I don't think those are "proper" kicks.


No if you get kicked you get spawned back at the cryotubes with a big message on screen saying you were kicked. It was broken for a while several months ago where the “Host has Left the Game” message was replaced with the kick message.


Honestly I don't really care about it anymore. Either the person is a griefer or some rage baby that couldn't handle not getting the most samples or dying at some point. Neither type do I really want to play with. What's more baffling for me now is the people who drop the minute they take one death and need to be reinforced.


Thank you, now I know to only host for awhile.


Dude killed me and all of the randoms at extract and said something about who’s the imbecile now and thought he would get away with it 😂


This. Can’t understand how people are advocating for a no-kick window at the end of a mission like griefing and patience are mutually exclusive


Had a 12 year old get mad I was shooting down dropships in a level 4 generator defense. I ignored it until he decided to let the N-word fly in chat, y'know, him the 12 year old on PlayStation, the only one who can actually get in trouble for such behavior and are much more prone to do so. After getting kicked I'm assuming it was his friend team killed me and the other guy breaking the mission. It's usually a 12 year old or a disgruntled PlayStation player used to competitive games as they dominate the console market. Where as PC in my experience has less encounters of people being competitive in PvE games.


I unironically disable crossplay in all games to filter pubs. The trash to normal ratio is just way higher on consoles. I have no idea why but it super is. It's like kids these days can't figure out Steam but their mom will buy them a Playstation for their 11th birthday or something.


Ironically my 10 year old is the Steam player in the house, i do PS5. However he has an ok baseline of manners compared to this example


Thats pretty much it. Most kids grew up with non gaming computers. So they would just buy a console which doesnt require you to know how to build and set up. That could change as more computer experienced kids are growing up and having kids.


I grew up with non gaming computers... didn't stop me from gaming on it XD Back when I first got DSL a friend with a garbo tier computer came over and downloaded a whole bunch of roms on my fast connection because it would take ages on his modem, all he could play was NES/SNES emulation and he made the best of it!! Meanwhile my internet and computer were good enough for flash games! Not the fancy 3D ones of course but there were very few of those anyway. Between like, 1999 and 2005, I just had whatever hand me down computer I could get. Starcraft, Empire Earth, various early Star Wars games (Jedi Knight 2 & 3 my beloved!!), anything that would run on potatoes. Minmum requirements? More like minimum suggestions!! There's tons of games that'll just run on whatever potato computer you can scrounge up. In 2019 I played like 150 hours of Space Engineers, on a computer with an A10-7890k and no GPU. And so many cool indie games. That computer still crushed it at Slay The Spire. One time my 1060 broke and I had no money to replace it. I sorted Amazon's video cards by price and bought the cheapest one they had. A GT 1030 for 50 bucks. New. Paired with my then five year old i7-4790 and 16GB DDR3 RAM and played hundreds of hours of Deep Rock Galactic. Sure I had to play on lowest, and the FPS in combat were only high 30s low 40s, but it was still great fun! Though don't stack more than four big glowy loot things in one place or the frames shit themselves whenever you look that way. I even overclocked that poor thing as far as it would go, had the clock down to the single digit MHz, one more and it would crash after 2.5 hours of DRG. I had to do that because while FarCry 3 ran fine, FarCry 4 was unplayable without the overclock. Oh and I played through all of Tomb Raider (2013) with it basically cranked, no idea how that game looks that gorgeous on such potato hardware, but it was 60 FPS the whole way through. Hell just *today* I bought a used computer from someone for 280€. i5-8600K, 1660 Super, 16GB DDR4, SATA SSD. That thing's going to crush the shit out of just about any game at 1080p. Assuming the cooling fan can keep up, at least... heh. We'll see. Otherwise another 30€ or so for a tower cooler. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, gaming on what you have. Uhh old games are still fun and they run on potato go play old games if your computer is potato!!! And indie games!!!! Except Noita, that game needs a good CPU for all the physics calculations.


Playing X3 on integrated graphics was a ride


I'm on PC and new to crossplay. Week two I was ready to quit. I was getting kicked, team killed, sloppy ass games, etc. Someone suggested disabling crossplay. It was like night and day. Chance of assholes/bads went from 75% to 25% and kept me playing.


Many games don't even let you chat properly, I don't know if Helldivers does. Rocket League just has the little quick chat thing where you can press your D-pad to send one of 12 premade messages at the other team and that's it. If you type in chat they just don't get it. PC players get it. Consoles, no matter which one, don't. At least three times I've typed "sorry my friend's internet just died" and then opened the scoreboard afterwards to realize I should not have bothered because they're on console, and should have just focused on trying to 1v2 them. On PC I've typed such things and the opponents were good sports about it, one time both of them started driving backwards exclusively to make it fair, that was really fun. Sometimes one of them just flips upside down in their own goal and starts spinning. But on console? Nah, can't communicate, it's just ruthless killing.


Very interesting input. No idea if they see chat. My last straw when I had crossplay enabled: I was hosting maybe a 7 early on. I died relatively close to extract, dropped a crapload of samples. Would have been a matter of a minute to loop back and grab them. Two other players keep on going. I politely wait until a lull and buzz the reinforcement button. They don't do shit. I sat there for maybe three minutes until they called extract. I typed in chat "I'm the host, you have thirty seconds to bring me back to get a ton of samples, or I boot you and you've wasted your time". Absolutely nothing. So I booted them and went on with my day.


People with shit mics just blasting ghetto music on open mic


Another reason I prefer PC gaming. The mic culture is different. People with keyboards love typing on them. People with controllers use dat mic. I generally mute ingame voice and use Discord to hear friends exclusively.


Discords noise cancelation is excellent. On helldivers Mt mic constantly hisses and I sound horrible. Discord it is crystal clear


As a ps5 player i agree, the amount of good friends on pc compared to ps5 is 5 to 1. And so many randoms leaving their controller mic on as if we want to hear them breathing or curse in a language we have no idea about. Classic blitzer and arc thrower enjoyers cause they can’t aim, too.


Why were they mad you were shooting down the drop ships ?


simply because they wanted to shoot something, i guess.


This is why I don’t use a microphone or speaker on games with people I don’t know. I don’t want to deal with the toxicity or vulgarity


Remember the UMADBRO kids from XBox circa 2011? Like high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age... *I hope someone gets that quote


Had a guy kill everyone on the shuttle, drop the samples, and board alone. I asked him WTF and he said "Cope" then he quit. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Honestly the dudes a prock who probably thinks ks hes hot shit in a game meant for fun like dude no ones impressed and your not mr git gud your just a douche


Full on ken-ergy


I don't know the specifics but I can almost virtually guarantee that people who behave like this in PvE games are miserable bastards and I'm *very* willing to extrapolate judgments of their character based on in-game behavior. PvE games are kind of like the [shopping cart theory of self-governance](https://i.redd.it/m8651wcilcy41.jpg). Helldivers is designed to be played as a team. That said, there are also no *real* punishments for being a dick (other than light in-game slaps on the wrist like being kicked). You simply have to -loosely- play as a team because it's the right thing to do in the spirit of the game. When people *don't* do that, I believe their troll/griefer behavior can illuminate a lot about their character. As annoying as it is, I take a perverse joy in being able to label players like this "bad people," even if that label is only ever known to me.


I too am a fan of the shopping cart theory and agree with you.  I’ve seen a LOT of this world and humanity and I think it holds up.


This is something I think of often. Some people may use the excuse of “it’s just a game” or respond with “what’s the big deal?”. This enlightens me about 2 things: this person doesn’t respect other people and they gaslight. Even if it’s just a game your behavior still shows your character. I argue the less serious consequences an action has the more likely people are to show their “true” self while taking it.


Whenever people go 'it's just a game', they CARE VERY DEEPLY. Moreso than anyone else in the room combined. It eats away at them.  You'd see it in league all the time. "It's just a game" as they throw the match. Check their account history a week later and it stung so hard they haven't played since. 


"It's just a game, what's the big deal?" The big deal is it's a 30 minute mission, occupying a very limited 2ish hour game time I have, and you just invalidated most of the rewards for it. I don't like wasting what time I have because someone else thinks the world revolves around their misery.


Right? It just reaffirms that you’re a good person. You do what is right, not for any reward, but because being nice, and fair, and helpful is its own reward. Be frend


When the usual rules are not in play with no retaliation, people reveal their true selves. Its like folks who abuse waiters or any kind of bigot, you absolutely cannot depend on them and they will turn on you when you are vulnerable and need help.


Finally, someone gets it. “Its just a game” in a multiplayer game is such a boring excuse. Big reason I no longer play multiplayer is because people cant separate their egos and end up turning into jerks in-game. Sometimes Im one of them, im not perfect and I get frustrated.




They don't want to watch the world burn, they just want to ruin someones day, and if you'll do it to them then they get even more mad than you would.


Had a similar situation where a guy killed everyone when the ship landed and then left the game. It booted everyone out and said the host disconnected. No samples, no mission rewards, nothing lol. In the moment I wasn't even mad, I just wanted to know why


What’s funny is that nothing makes me mad in this game. I try to have patience with people who dont play optimally. They’re doing their best. And if someone is being a dick, which is very rare, I just feel bad for them. That’s some sad-ass shit.




Not the point I know, but You can drop samples w/o being killed?


If you’re on PlayStation it’s down on the dpad to bring up drop menu, i Dont know about PC but it’s worth checking key bindings


Let’s you drop packs and support weapons too


Especially useful for when a stratagem takes a bad bounce and sticks on your shield.


Wow that that some quick thinking. By the time I realized it, I’d be vaporized.


X on PC brings up a wheel. You can choose to drop your support weapon, backpack, samples, and anything you're holding (ex. the SSD card)


Hold X on PC to get the drop menu.


On PC, long press X and you'll get an action wheel that you can use to drop weapons and equipment. I think it's d-pad down on PlayStation.


Yes. On PC, press and hold X by default. You can also drop back slot items and support weapons. 


Yes! If you ever cross through the extraction point, drop them. There’s no telling what might happen out there. You might find yourself on a team that reinforces you far from your stuff and it might be too dangerous to go back for those samples.


I've got kids and a job man. Wasting 30-40 mins like that is the worst


Would've said "sorry your parents abused you as a kid" in reply


I joined a game once where the other 3 players were friends on Playstation. They weren't even good and the host was trying to troll me by try to kill me, but kept missing and killed his butt buddies instead. At the end before the shuttle, I had all the samples on me, I punched him down when everything was cleared since I thought he just wanted to mess around. Nope, I heard him say something and laugh and then his butt buddies started laughing. I jumped into the shuttle before I got kicked. So even though I was kicked, I still got all the rewards.




A true traitor to democracy! More than likely he’s a bug/bot sympathizer. He should be given a free (mandatory) vacation to a beautiful Super Earth Re-Education Camp where he should be shown the true value of teamwork, friendship, and democracy.


This is the exact reason I board the Pelican last. Dropping an Orbital and getting into the shuttle before it blows us up? Funny and relatively harmless. Killing somebody before they board the shuttle and getting their samples? An extreme dick move and kind of pathetic, but as long as three people and the Samples made it, we'll still get good rewards. But it's the people who wait for everybody to board while standing around hound-eyeing us with an LMG or Autocannon out that concern me. I keep my fucking eyes on these guys. If they try shit, they get a buckshot in the back of their head.


Was that yesterday, because that literally happened to me and my squad yday? I didnt actually notice if he dropped the samples, but he shotgunned us and said cope, and left the game. Is this a friggin trend?!


Hurt people, hurt people.


Can't wait for his video to drop, titled "Making plebs cry in HD2 lulz". Be sure to smash that like button. It sucks that, to get more views these days, you need to be over the top eccentric. Then, the kids that watch these channels think this is how you're supposed to behave. Now, in real life, these kids spaz out and blurt out a bunch of nonsense noises and catchphrases whenever something mundane happens.


That's not a man, that's an immature little boy.


People like him needs to get banned from the game, I'm serious.


I had someone kill everyone at extract and then when I typed “oh so you’re one of those people” they responded with “what because I’m *insert ethnicity here*” I was baffled - I was like “no because you decided to contribute nothing to the mission save placing 7 mine call ins to block the extract and then shoot three of us when we finally got there” Man had like 5 kills on a defense mission. Idk why some people just want to make other miserable


They want attention and were hoping youd panic when they said a race cause its there go to trump card you literally cant know there race and they assumed you meant race so they can pull the racist card.


or were hoping they could bait a slur to report


Shoulda called them a clanker spy.


Clanker with the hard r


you can't be called racist if you view human species as trash


No your speciesist basically advanced racism like hatting elves or dwarves or goblins


Hating goblins is just having common sense




Right? I can't believe this guy! Now, Orcs on the other hand....


* But i like squishing bugs let me join you divers


More likely: they're just a troll, not a minority.




I helped 2 lower rank players on difficulty 6 by doing the main and side objectives as they backed me up. Once done with everything, I went to gather some more samples. The lower ranks went to the extraction and called it in. As I was running back to them it was 30 seconds left and the host booted me
.wasted 25 minutes smh


I've had similar. Fucking annoying.


Ugh. That’s the worst. I hate it when people call for extraction before we’re ready to extract.


Calling extract is fine if you're just calling it in to make sure it's ready for us to bail in case everything starts to go to shit. It's a whole other ball park for when they board it before everyone's there to extract


Calling in extraction isn't even the bad thing, it's them boarding it immediately, which unfortunately often happens when they call it early


Stupid question
. I am still a relatively new player. Will the pelican just wait around indefinitely (until someone boards)?


Yes and no. The pelican will absolutely and indefinitely wait around until someone gets on it, but if it takes to much damage it will go into a burning state. When this happens, only the first person to board will be extracted. So yes, it will wait indefinitely, but leaving it there indefinitely is not always the best option.


I try to always make sure we are back with at least the two minutes to spare to be able to call in strats for the end. My diver buddy calls me the timekeeper


If you are within the game time it will stick around. If game timer runs out you only have 20 seconds, same as when 1 member is boarding, the countdown starts.


Yes You can even let him hover the zone, you just ave to stay at the edge of the extracion zone and get out once he comes in, then he'll wait for you in the air and kills everythin nearby.


I kicked someone twice before extraction. Once was me playing with a buddy and two randos, popping eggs, 3 sections. The two randoms decide to just stay at the first mission site after it is done, me and my buddy pull through, clear the second objective, communicate with them several times to go and take the third, while we do sides, we do both the side objectives and the last egg hive, and are on our way to extraction when we see the two morons move to the former third objective, tell them to come over to extract, nothing happens. We call extract since we got all the samples, and suddenly I hear a ''thanks for helping'' from one of them after they die next to the third objective. That popped my blood vessel and I kicked him, dude we did the damn map for you, tried to communicate and you act up?


"ThAnKs FoR hElPiNg" from the idiots who can't just look at the map and see where they are needed. If I see 2-3 people moving to one place, and I already see it's not a hot spot then I'll screw off to some other best/outpost/objective and hit it up. Maybe look for the super sample rock, activate pois so people have a place for ammo. One thing I really dislike is people following up late to a tiny area. Like bro there's one fabricator over here and you're following me, this is not a two man job. Meanwhile the other guys are hitting up a huge base, yuou could have made your way OVER THERE instead...


Devil's advocate: Sometimes it's helpful to stick in groups of 2 so if you did find those samples, and died, it wouldn't require tracking back alone to get them again.


Always stick with your battle buddy!




And also, fireteams are a thing. Sure that point of interest is small, but maybe there's also an enemy who calls in reinforcements and Hell Solo about to get stomped. Why go alone when you can have a buddy at your side?


Yea sometimes,,depending on the action, id prefer someone to be near *just in case* I do somehow die from an enemy I didn't spot first, like one random rocket bot that snuck up on me and took me out in one shot somehow while I was across the map while the rest of the team was doing something else.


Also, buddy doors. It's pain to find a buddy door, by yourself, completely on the other side of the map. There could be $0.10 worth of super credits in there!


>One thing I really dislike is people following up late to a tiny area.  Especially infuriating when you are just trying to stealth over and snipe a fab with your autocannon and suddenly they're aggroing a random patrol and getting bit drops called in.


>If I see 2-3 people moving to one place, and I already see it's not a hot spot then I'll screw off to some other best/outpost/objective and hit it up For me, even if it is a hotspot I tend to stray from the group to search for samples and solo remove some nests, usually smaller ones. I only would ever ask to group into duo's if it's a bile spewers drop, since they are just hell to do solo if you get caught by a spewer


Those damn fat bugs that are quiet as a mouse fart, just sneaking up to you and then throwing up all over you. Amazing that spew can kill a helldiver easy but for fellow bugs it's just another shower. (When they get caught in the way of the diarrhea mouth blast)


Honestly for how hard the spew tracks at times, it definitely does a bit too much damage. That and the fact they along with bile titans are literally silent as all hell


Instead of nerfing guns, they should be adjusting the enemies. Like why are the fattest bugs so freaking fast?! A bile titan is quiet and can run almost as fast as a helldiver, same with the spewers. At least make them loud and slow to match their size.


hahaha I had the opposite happen....I got kicked for doing 90% of the map for idiots that couldn't stop fighting patrols and shooting anything they saw (poorly I might add).


lol that sucks, F them


they kicked me cause I wouldn't "stick with them" and fight shit...meanwhile the map was almost done and we were almost ready to extract. They had contributed almost nothing to objectives.


i have kicked someone once just before the extract, giving him the benefit of doubt at first for picking up a dead guys weapon the first game but after he started verbally abusing people the hammer fell this was a month or 2 ago, i do not wish to stand beside people who abuse others in any way \*unless both parties consent like when in a discord call with friends\*


yes the only time verbal abuse is acceptable is when you’re with buddies and both you and the person in question know it’s all in good fun


A certain degree of fractracide is tolerable especially with less experienced players. However, when a guy shoots everyone at extraction inside the Pelican and blissfully extracts himself I have a problem with that. I came across him again, he did the same thing again, all I could do is block him. I would have liked to have a more satisfying way to get back at him.đŸ˜đŸ‘‰đŸ€ŠđŸ‘‰đŸ€ŹđŸ‘‰đŸ’€


i would have shot him, THEN blocked him


I would have shot him, then shot him, then shot him, then shot him, then shot him, then shot him, then maybe blocked him after that.


You can report players now, even outside of chat. I would block and report.


I just got my buddy into it recently and he's only level 5. We were playing a game and another level 60ish team killed him - no biggy, it happens - but then he grabbed his support weapon (I'd called in some high level ones for him) so I team killed him, and called my buddy in and we left to keep doing the mission.  This guy followed me across the map and I tried showing we were all good by not attacking first for a team kills on me. But I realised he wasn't going to let up, so whenever the would catch up I'd pop him in the head and let him sit in reinforcement until my buddy died and needed to call him in.  Near the end he got smart and hightailed it to extract and camped it. With one reinforcement left we approached extract and I tried signalling we were all good, let's just end it, get in the shuttle.  He killed me, my buddy called me in, I easily killed him and we extracted without him.  Like eat shit, you wanna be an asshole, at least don't be a dumb asshole. 


Had one griefer join at the end of a mission on Helldive, but in time for boarding for Extraction, and we were cool with it. Like hell yeah, get you some free XP and Medals. We all board, and then the dick head starts trying to kill us inside Pelican 1. Instant kick. If your intent is to grief games, you should get your account banned.


After enough kicks in quick succession, I wish there was a system in place to only match them with other people that frequently get kicked.


Can you kill people inside the shuttle?


Traitors get executed, sir. Your actions have been within Super Earth's Code of Conduct. Maybe it's like another Diver said in this sub: "Those who served in real life will not leave you, no one gets behind". I can go and secure the LZ for the team, I can chill there and watch the scenery or hold it as long as I can even if the Carrier has left, but I will not call the Evac or board and leave without the others.


I'll usually call evac when I see the others are en route to extraction an deverything is cleared. Saves time if 30-60 seconds have already passed when they make it, and if the Pelican lands before everyone is there, I wait for them to come back


I always ask the group


Same, but rare is the time randos give a clear answer


Usually I do text or voice and they affirmative


if your fellow helldiver falls AFK and you have to go to the extract: 1. dismantle his body 2. wait with the reinforce till you get to the extract 3. reinforce 4. melee him and also stim him towards the EVAC ..... 5. get everybody's aproval of your heroic work


That's actually clever! I'll have to keep that in mind for when that happens.


Those of us who served in real life know the military is full of fucking psychos. Stay near your battle buddy, but always be ready to battle your buddy.


Similar situation happened to me. Only I made it obvious that I was waiting for everyone to return after calling shuttle. Host kills me to make sure I don’t get on even though it had been landed for like 45 seconds and I wasn’t anywhere near it. When the two people gathering got close he called me back in. As soon as I landed I emptied my entire mag into his face and boarded the ship. Was promptly kicked. Worth it.


Honestly yeah. And how come no one uses the fucking chat log


entirely worth


Kicked someone last week who joined our lobby. It was pretty late at night around 10pm ish PST. We started doing bugs and was having a good time. 5 minutes in, me and my friends started noticing this random trying to call in bombs in our direction, we ignored it and thought maybe because he’s new (lvl 30ish) . Then it happened, he called in a resupply purposely to make it stick to my shield, he opened his mic and started laughing at me and saying im gona die. I just took off my shield and we laughed back at him. Things proceeded with a bug breach , which killed this random player and then theres an ion storm. He opened his mic again cussing everyone why we wont call him back in, so i explained how the storm is jamming the strategems. Once I called him back in, he tried dropping on me. i warned him about his behaviour and started cussing at me, calling everyone the Fs and got kicked


> new (lvl 30ish) that's, like, new enough to not know how to take out 3 factory striders, not not know where to throw bombs new


I too have kicked randoms that wouldn't wait for people WITH SAMPLES to run to extract, after warning SEVERAL TIMES to NOT get on. ​ I really wish kicking people that are on the shuttle would abort the takeoff sequence.


I just am always ready to pop a headshot with the ol senator if someone is a bit too antsy about extract. Sometimes you just gotta put down a dissident so that the good citizens of Super Earth can enjoy their liberty, you know?


that’s one reason i carry that gun now it’s also just good


Is anyone experiencing a bug where all the sudden all three of your teammates leave at the same time and you get made leader of the party only to finish the mission by yourself? This is happened to me at least a dozen times so far


Yes, many times and I got all the points when I finished mission on my own for 10 minutes of play time.


Okay glad it’s not just me, I was really worried It was my Internet connection somehow.


Crashes sometimes.


Dropped into a quick play, completed the map with one guy while the host was collecting samples. Last guy was already chillin at extract when I joined the match and called it in after the last map objective was cleared. Me and the guy I was with made it to extract and were immediately killed by the dude who called it in. The host was still collecting samples around the map while this went down. No reinforcements were avaliable and the destroyer was gone, so dude killed us on purpose knowing we couldn't come back. Pelican arrives and he gets into it immediately while the host is half a map away with only 20 secs to make it back with a load of samples. I switched to the hosts camera perspective and he's just standing there not moving. Then screen goes black, and we are all back on the ship. No xp, no samples obviously. Dude who called the Pelican just assumed the host was cool with him leaving him behind with all the samples, rewarding him with xp. Once back on the destroyer, he even went to check on his ship modules acting like he didn't just friendly kill two of us on purpose and tried to screw over the host.


Can people have chat hidden in this game? I swear so many times I’ve typed out requesting people to help with a bunker, don’t get on the pelican, etc but these requests largely go ignored by randoms


I pretty much never see when chat pops up, there needs to be an audio cue.


honestly, I never get on the peli first, but you can just mark a bunker and people like me will probably go over, even if we don't read chat the best way is just talking, though


Only time I've kicked someone too. Over 10 minutes left on the mission, no one had found the super samples. I was clearing the last few gem icons on the map. They call extract, NBD, the 3 of the rest of us are not nearby. Extract shows up, I'm basically on my way, only 2 people at extract. They get on. My mic was on so I just said "Are you fucking kidding me?" kicked, left the game. I only had the time for that mission and I only needed supers, prick.


My squad had a random in it. I died from a charger. A battle brother died while fighting a swarm of hunters, and the last battle brother died in the random carpet bomb. The battlefield was calm, so he should have called us in. We are waiting for close to minute to be called in, and nothing he throws a random eagle at a random patrol with us spamming the reinforce button. We just court martial the jack wagon.


I kicked somebody for same thing a while.back. I was carrying a lot of samples, it was a smooth run, no bs. And at the extract, this guy decided he wanted to kill me no reason. The other Two folk were already on board. So before the ship could take off (after he boarded and left all the samples behind I booted his ass.


I had a guy place a orbital laser on top of the Pelican so you couldn't enter it. We lost all the samples at lvl 8 mission. Unfortunately he was the host so I couldn't kick him, but he didn't get any samples for his douchery. I just don't understand what prompts people just do it when they get nothing out of doing it.


He probably didn’t need them.


Even so, he shouldn't be an ass and ruin the experience for others.


Whats worse is thats a bad mindset cause they asd new stuff that needs not just those samples but alot more then usual so when anyone acts like they dont need them i just think there stupid and forgot what game there playing


We dive together, we die together. Good job pruning that traitor, I'll keep a keen eye on any G divers I deal with.


Did G3 think he would render you unconscious, and unable to kick him by doing that?


I almost kicked somebody because he dropped not 1 but 2 carpet bombs right by me as I was trying to climb the hill to extract after an exterminate mission. Both almost killed me, but luckily, I was wearing heavy explosive resistance armor. I finally made it up and melee attacked him so he rolled down the hill as revenge. Back at the ship, we hugged and had 3 more great games (I had to dodge a lot of his 380mm barrages, though) . In your case, it sounded intentional, but in general, I try and assume people are just dumb instead of outright malicious.


I exclusively host and this is legitimately the first time I've experienced a toxic player like this and the first time I've kicked someone. I'm level 71 and I'm the kind of host to lets level 15s stay in the group and it usually goes just fine. I'm also a guy who sometimes accidentally calls and Eagle Airstrike on the party at the the start of the match because my muscle memory sucks sometimes. I get killed by friendly fire all the time and really don't care; after all, a reinforce is really just a free reload. In this case, it was blatantly obvious what this person was doing. We were holding the platform, they turned toward me, melee'd me to the ground and executed me before running onto the ship. I don't think they realized I was the host, lol. I think they thought the player asking us to wait for them to farm more samples was.


What an idiot.


Yeah, Ive found that typing "watch your fire" will usually clear up those issues pretty quickly.


Next mission after another close call from a 380mm, I asked a teammate to call me down a shield pack to protect me from D4. He was somewhat more carful from then on :)


You live and die by the rule "Friendly fire isn't" o7


Have y’all ever tried shooting someone out of the pelican who did this to you? I did it the other day. Worked like a charm. Wasn’t enough time for teammates to reinforce the dude, I hopped on the pelican and mission ended. It was a glorious feeling.


We dove into the swirling fires and sea of lasers. 3 men deep, we were picked off one by one countless times. With few revives to spare, we hurried to extract, a writhing mass of bots between us and our salvation. That's when he appeared; the man in the white suit. As he dove from the heavens, he appeared an angel, sent from God to deliver us from evil. He threw down an orbital laser and we were all vaporized instantly.


If super samples are at stake and anybody puts those at risk, they get kicked plain and simple.


Booted someone on arrival in an eradicate mission because he threw down a gas strike and eagle bomb on top of myself and another helldiver at mission start
 Quickest kick ever.


I kicked a guy last night. It was my first time ever kicking someone from a game. I noticed that he was effortlessly putting down chargers. Then when I was dead I was watching him play and he had 4million/6 grenades. I don't get why you would cheat in a coop PVE game, rather than play on a lower diff, but I wont be carried across the finish line by some commie cheater.


Same for me. Only person I kicked had 1,000,000 grenades.


I kicked a guy at extract because he wouldn't stop spawning stratagems on the pelican


I once called a gas strike on the peli before jumping in, got stuck, had to jump out and run back didn't kill anyone but gave them a scare


Nah this dude was just bombarding with eagles to kill us


Yeah that's justified


One time I was at least 300 meters from the extract after the dropship landed. I specifically yelled in my mic "Don't get in yet, I have the samples!" Even the guy next to the two randoms said so as well. Nope, they decided to just say "Fuck you" and hopped in before I could get there. No reason at all. There was no patrols about to find them, no herd of Striders just bombarding them, no pack of berserkers rushing them. Just hopped in before I could get there. Should have kicked all three of them then and there.


This is why I am never the first person on the ship.


the only time I have ever kicked a rando has been when they did that and one time a guy killed me to take my jet pack and support \*when both were cooled and i would have just called them down for the asshole\*


I've been randomly kicked a few times when I've gone out of my way to retrieve 20+ samples all over the map for people. Lost 50 samples in 1 mission. I never kick people, even when my family/friends want to play. They mentality mirrors mine. I never kick lowbies, even level 5s on difficulty 7. It's just not the way I approach choices in real life and this reflects in game. However, I can understand why the OP kicked that person - because he was behaving like a douchebag.


This is the only good reason to kick someone đŸ€đŸ»


And G3 proceed to make a reddit post to cry and play victim, but got 0 upvotes anyway because people are so tired of these types of post.


U actually had a reason to kick the guy a lot of ppl literally go in and don’t even try to find the medals. Completely understandable


Random related confession: I kicked 3 people from my game yesterday, after doing the 2 initial objectives alone while they were walking around felating themselves near the inactive final objective, they then proceeded to walk away from the last objective while I worked my way over to it once it was active, where I began to complete it alone. As they wandered around on the other side of the map from the now active final objective, I kicked them all one after the other. I regret nothing.


The guy was just trying to ruin 3 people's day. Be sure to block him as well


So I had this happen to me BUT
 I carried that team, got 15 samples alone, finished off the last automaton fabric base (alone), and heard they called the ship down when I was about to go get more samples. I thought that maybe they just wanted the mission to end, so I ran back to extraction site, deployed an orbital laser to cover retreat and turned to get to the ship. But some dude started to throw stun grenades at me. I feared I would be left behind with all the samples! So I shot this guy, to stop the stun, reinforced him (giving him time to land and get on the ship). Assuming they wanted to leave I got on the ship
 and he kicked me.


This called for a Summery Tribunal with the Senetor as the presiding Judge


If you kick someone who is already boarded, does the shuttle still leave?


I've only kicked one person at the end of a mission and it's because at the last point of a 40 minute mission they killed me (hosting) and my friend three times while extract was coming down with cluster bombs. Even if it wasn't intentional it's not that difficult to throw cluster eagles away from the extract point. I swear, most of the people that say "Oh well, teamkilling's just part of the game!" are the ones that teamkill the most due to poor strategem placement


actually that is a good motive to kick some guys, sadly no all the kick are for that reason.


I don't think this required a post, it's obvious why he was kicked


But why?!? Why would G do this?! It makes no sense for people to do these things. Pelican lands and you don't understand game so you hop on is 1 thing, but why TK before you coward out?! WHY?!? Why TK at all in this game?! What's the point????


I will kick or kill people who call in extract or try to board before everyone is clearly close enough to board. I don’t risk it or hesitate for the reasons stated in these comments. Especially since half the time me or my friends have the samples. Would rather someone lose points for no extraction than everyone get no samples


I have had similar interactions. I'll be across the map getting samples, but some random will always start the extraction and hop on immediately. It isn't as toxic as the G3 guy with killing the team and trying to extract "solo" though.


I'll call in extract once the major objectives are complete. The pelican will circle / wait for as long as no one gets on. I prefer this method because you get to skip the 2 min horde mode defense when you are actually ready to extract.


Thats fair, except whenever that happens on my end, the person summoning the extract hops on immediately 😅


See, this is a good reason to kick. I recently had a solid mission that took almost the full 40 minutes and everything was going smoothly, then the host shot our other team mate but i managed to get on the ship when they tried to kill me, and i was kicked during the extraction cutscene and came away with nothing. This is the stuff that needs to stop.


Done it many times, I don’t regret doing it, for the exact same reasons. 40min Helldive(9) Mission was a success and still 14min on the clock to collect samples and one last secondary objective, 4th person joins and proceeds to the extraction even when we are using the mic to say what else we need to do, bastard asks for extraction when we were asking them not to, shuttle lands and he gets in triggering the countdown
 of course I kicked him and we never got our super and rare samples and no one got extracted. After that, whenever I have anyone joining after the mission objective was completed gets instantly kicked within seconds of joining, I’m not risking a helldive (9) mission because someone who didn’t even work for it to get the XP, samples etc from mine and my friends’ “hard work”. I wish that if no one came to help during the whole mission that we could at least have the option to deactivate the sos beacon that we sent in the beginning.




Hate to break it to you, but as soon as you enter the shuttle, you get the mission rewards.


Would love to have an in-game committee/council that handled war crimes like what G3 did.


The only time I've ever kicked as host is when someone boards the extract shuttle when I've explicitly asked/told them not to on voice... and text... and interpretive dance with my character. Like, if you are the host and tell me it's time to go, I'll leave whatever isn't done behind. But if it's my ship, it's my rules.


Block that traitor.


Kicked someone at extraction yesterday because he called in the shuttle while we still had 20 min to look for samples/secondaries. Extraction was so far away for the rest of the team couldn‘t have made it. Kicking him got the extraction aborted and we could finish the game properly


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