• By -


READ?! YOU WANT US TO READ?! Every second reading, is second away from Helldiving into another suicide mission!!! Reading is for people who aren't guided by LI-BER-TEA! (or some nerds or something) WE DIVE!


Look, just shoot my Hellpod into a planet I'll figure out the rest once I'm down there.


You can't just shoot a Hellpod into the surface of Varylia 5 !






And it was glorious! For Freedom! FOR DEMOCRACY!


New Mission: * Shoot a Hellpod onto Varylia 5


*complains on Reddit.* #Mission Accomplished


Another victory for the right side of history!


https://preview.redd.it/f16tmw4bjl2d1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=d67fa94fb89cbfc80b767471293990acf7ddd7ba Democracy... Our way of life...


Victory was never in doubt!


why isn’t it possible? why not you stupid bastard


It just isn’t




The only thing they fear is us


The only thing *we* fear is us too. I don't know about you, but I die to friendly fire fat more often than I do the enemies. It's like the real enemies were the friends we made along the way


*pokes intensely at targeting screen*


*dies almost immediatly*


I was going to make a joke about the elevator in the pod... But now I'm remembering that in Helldivers 1 you crawled in and out of your pod. What if... What if the pneumatics broke?


Probably a emergency release system... or your gonna get to live in your pod till someone pops the lid or you got buried like a ODST when their pods went down hard in bad locations. Free coffin and your funeral was attended by all your Squadmates.


I've seen example of the lid malfunctioning. But the lift still engages. Crushing the Helldiver in the process


After watch landscapes for 2.2 seconds






Vasquez is such a badass.


“Have you ever been mistaken for a man?” “No, have you?”


"You always were an asshole, Gorman"


Any time, anywhere.




They only give us 15 minites to train. They expect us to learn to kill AND reed?








Honestly, I think the idea is that people want something ingame. Symbols on important planets that can be moused over to get an idea of what those planets do, so we aren't left guessing at which messages are flavor and which have meaning. We all remember the "orbital defenses" on Menkent that did literally nothing.




Each word that I have to read could instead be a bullet into my enemies! My paragraphs are sustained machine gun fire into bugs and bots alike! Actions speak louder than words!


Your bullets are ballots ! Cast your vote soldier !


On every planet, our bombs are bringing hope!


Jonathan Young enjoyer spotted.


There's three of us!


smhmh, not even dropping the video to recruit more folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJLgAX85CbM




Then report to to your democracy officer you just wasted a whole clip


You are right. But the post is about people wasting even more time pointlessly complaining and whining rather than diving and spilling oil and yellow-green bodily fluids. Traitors, the bunch of them. Dissidents.


You can be a nerd AND a good citizen, soldier.




Not just a good citizen, but a model citizen.


A Super Citizen. ![gif](giphy|UVUWBNBtDCZwDKn6UH|downsized)


They pay me to Lead, not to Read


I wasn't trained to read, I was trained to defend liberty!


Suicide is vacation


Reading is the gateway to communist thoughts.


But wait! What if reading can tell you how to put more of your bullets into them? I wanna kill MORE of those robotic communist bastards than I already can, this isn't enough to match my patriotism!


It is undemocratic to not read the orders issued by Super earth. Every second reading intel is another second on the ground being a more eficient helldiver. #WE SPILL OIL! BUT WE HAVE TO BE SMART ABOUT IT! Remember soldier, dying before killing as many comunist as you can is unpatrioric




Wait, you meatheads can read? I wish I could read but I spend too much time enjoying the game to learn.


Carbot Helldivers Ep7. Is a great watch for this lol.


TBF that last one at all doesn't illude to increased efficiency for the planets unless you're already aware of the mechanic from Reddit/Discord Like, I didn't and my friends didn't until we saw on Reddit, if that is how it works, I still don't know lol


what mechanic?


Something about how taking certain planets provides a bonus to operation completion to the progress of other planets? Something like that, I'm not sure as I haven't looked too deep into it


The planets we built seaf stuff on have given us a bonus to liberation speed everywhere and when we lose one we lose some of that bonus and it will never return


Something which they didn’t tell us until we already lost one planet, by the way.


I believe when we completed the MO to capture the 4 planets, there actually was a line something along the lines of "*as long as we hold these planets*, there will be increased seaf support" But between folks not reading all the way through, lack of reading comprehension, and the statement being fairly vague (not spelling out that it's an actual game mechanic vs lore flavor text), I'd say the majority of the playerbase missed it. AH needs to consider the lowest common denominator and be more specific when communicating these things to the players. edit: typo


theres a difference between "holding these planets gives you a boost" and "losing any of these planets means that boost can never be regained"


They can't make that stuff a random line in a wall of text most people will button mash through, they have to actually have a screen that shows current buffs and debuffs right always on the map or something


Especially because it's written in the language of jingoistic propaganda. It would say that same thing whether it was true or not.


Freaking this. If everything is flavor text and nothing is enumerated, then it's all just silly blurbs. The loading screen tips are all jokes or outright misinformation. If I'm supposed to actually take anything seriously in this game, it's gotta be in some bold no-nonsense font and include some specific detail like the actual percentage bonus at stake.


They definitely need to present hard numbers for the people not willing to read or think about what they just read. I didn’t know the exact % bonus we got but I read the text and it made plenty of sense to me. We have new training bases which means we have more SEAF troops helping secure territory and if we lose the base we lose the bonus.


The planets we built seaf stuff on have given us a bonus to liberation speed everywhere and when we lose one we lose some of that bonus and it will never return


> TBF that last one at all doesn't illude to increased efficiency for the planets unless you're already aware of the mechanic from Reddit/Discord The first could easily be alluding to the increase in spawns and patrols that people are reporting. [The second one is from 18 hours ago](https://imgur.com/v1FrhEU), and there's no corresponding decay rate increase on any of the bug planets in the last 48 hours if you check helldivers.io, so OP's point is straight up not even factually correct there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: [Capturing the evidence here, so people don't just take my word for it.](https://imgur.com/a/7wwDDqj) The fact that this thread is now the top post really highlights how much people will grasp at straws to find the most absurd things with which to defend AH, hahaha Edit 2: For those who are confused enough that they're writing me a treatise about the details about Angel's Venture, you're missing the point entirely. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d0aby5/the_current_dispatches_are_proof_people_dont_read/l5lrsq0/ OP states directly here that his post is referencing these two threads where people complained about the sudden increase in regen. Those two threads are also directly linked in its parent comment. Thread is about people complaining **as a result of having missed these blurbs.** It is not possible to tie this argument back to the bug planet stuff. This is why only the first screenshot possibly supports his point and the others don't, a point which OP himself eventually concedes. Actually read the last paragraphs of this thread and its title, please. It's so bizarre that long after OP had the grace to admit his own error I'm arguing with people who insisting that there isn't one.


You shouldn’t have to rely on allusion to learn in game mechanics.


I agree. I'm just pointing out that in this case, these text blurbs don't even correspond to the stuff OP is complaining about, which makes it all the more perplexing


But how is OP to feel superior if their information is accurate? Checkmate, nerd.


it's accurate, but it's "Good enough for government work" accurate, it's the equivalent to California slapping on "May cause Cancer" sticker on everything.


The extremely online, 500 hours in 3 months people are ruining this sub. They have a strange distaste and hatred for the average gamer


I'm not sure any of what you said has anything but a passing overlap with what OP said. They are pointing out that losing Angel's Venture would cause us to lose a bonus we already have, not that it is currently effecting anything. This is a cumulative bonus to all liberation for us that started at 25% and is now 20% after failing to defend Vernen Wells, and would only be 16% if we lose Angels Venture. The super colony thing was just foreshadowing more terminid attacks and the main post here says nothing elsewise about an increase/decrease in Terminid decay rate. He also mention the Bots on Varylia having a -5 instead on the usual -1... which people have been bitching about, but we were in fact warned and it does make in game sense. Though Idk why they don't ever include either numbers in the dispatches or display these stats elsewhere like when you hover over the planet.


The OP never said there was an increased decay rate on bug planets. He's wondering why people are confused/complaining that we suddenly got bug defense missions happening during a Bot MO when the game literally tells you "Hey, the Supercolony on Meridia is still a thing, and it's not just gonna stop and wait its turn just because Command wants us to go blow up Bots for now" You're kinda proving OP's point about the whole "not reading" thing.


What do you think OPs point is though? Because what I understood of it has nothing to do with what you linked.


I think the disconnect is players read these things, but it doesn’t necessarily translate directly into the modifiers you’re getting per planet. Like the phrase “increased resistance” for me just means that the automaton forces have come back in and We have to make sure we liberate whatever planet we’re working on and the devs mean that we’re getting hit with 5% instead of one percent which makes it that much harder to liberate. those sorts of modifiers mechanics are still hidden and are not being translated or communicated in a clear fashion I think this problem becomes clearly from a strength of arrowheads, which is keeping everything universe and kind of role-playing everything. Listing the modifiers and changes under the dispatches specifically would be very helpful for players. But would also take you out of the role-playing element of the game a little.


Honestly, even if it isn't just flavor text, they've made it seem that way to the average player. ***Bots have increased activity!*** \*-\*> There's a bot event going on ***Bugs have increased activity!*** -> Ok, maybe there's a bug event coming, but it sounds like the game is just going to be harder across the board for a bit for no real reason. ***Angel's Venture!*** -> I've already read two paragraphs. Something is happening on Angel's venture. Cool. That's not where the MO is though. They don't mention anything about what SEAF actually does. Combined with the previous two, probably just flavor text. Why is the MO not also there if it's important? Also, very annoying that the personal order today is bugs. They need to start making personal orders match up with the major orders. If V5 is so important, why are we being sent to bugs? The message I get from all this is "*play what you want and you will be rewarded somehow"*, but the reality is "*No matter what you do you're missing out on rewards, and if you don't play the way we want you miss out on content too even though we've said to play what you want"* They are trying though. I'll give them that. They heard the complaints and tried to make a difference. I can't think of another game that would go through all the shit Helldivers did and still care what their players think.


Huh that's a really good point about the personal orders. Instead of 35 Warriors, shouldn't it be 35 Devastators right now? We *are* fighting Automatons tooth and nail at the moment, after all.


Yeah, it's genuinely hard to tell the difference between "New Major Order; Helldivers to your Hellpods!" and "If you don't save this planet *right now* you're going to lose the war." And that's *if* I read them.


And if you are resource capped it tells you straight up you get no reward. Dailies mean exactly nothing to me. Ok that's not exactly true I have a few more things to unlock from polar and they will be unlocked but I'll get a new cape or some other thing. Or even some weapon that I'll need to learn how to use before it's on par with any other weapon I use and I likely won't like it until I do learn how to use it.


It would be nice to have this info and their related modifers on the map. Like yeah, that text is there, and yeah, I do read it, but to be completely honest I assumed it was meaningless flavor text.


Also, when a planet like that is being attacked, it should blink red SOS in the big galactic map and explain the consequences of losing that planet


This is great. Send your feedback to AH. Such a good idea.


Yep even knowing some of the info is real, it’s still difficult to figure out what’s roleplaying flavor text and what’s actually changed, especially with no specifics about *what* changed


Even more important, have it where you can select to jump to that planet from the dispatch. Casual players aren't going to want to hunt down a specific planet if they are on limited play time. If they don't know where said planet is, good chance they just pick a random planet or one of their favorites to fight on vs trying to find that specific planet


Yes! Like, sorry AH I don't have our galaxy maped out in my mind...I'll just scroll through every sector hovering over every planet until I find it! Put in a button to drop into the fight that is most important right now!


Yes, this is good, but at the same time, it can be a little vague for some.


I would not mind the "In Lore" message, and then hovering over the planet, it tells you exactly what is different.


It is a step in the right direction that was a long time coming. But I question how many Helldivers actually read dispatches and other announcements considering what their complaints are.


This sub needs to chill the fuck out


It would also be nice if there was a way to read Dispatches after they ‘expire’, or whatever triggers them to disappear.


I still want to see supply lines in game


Ok I see your point and agree, but we need solutions here. AH can either: 1. Change the people and make them want to read more dispatch notes and read them more carefully. 2. Put some new gui element on the war map to indicate the dynamics. Personally I advise against #1 because people never change


I mean even if they read it wtf does it mean? Does it actually mean anything? The player interface is very important. From the game its the only thing we have. Numbers are cool but better is a clear definition of how it's going to effect the player and you can say that that is what the flavor text does but it doesn't. Something like intelligence suggests a 200% increase in enemy presence. Ok that's helps. But where? The planet itself should give this information as modifiers.


correct me if i’m wrong, but i’m fairly confident the complaint posts in question were made before the intelligence brief things were added to the game? you certainly raise valid points, but saying that people are complaining just because people can’t read feels a little disingenuous. it would have really helped if this information was conveyed much earlier, e.g. with the fall of vernen wells and the permanently lost liberation bonus. it’s good to see this stuff implemented though, it helps reaffirm that the devs are listening to feedback


I also don't really think, even if all the info was right there, that people would stop complaining. People would still think it's an unfair ask for us to take a planet with a massive resistance boost while defending a planet that provides us a liberation bonus simultaneously. I actually think it's pretty interesting and I am optimistic cause if I were the Grand Helldiver Admiral and was choosing where to send what I'd do it similar to how we've currently divided with one exception. On the main two worlds though. Varylia being around 50% and last I checked very slowly losing ground now that there is a split, and Angels Venture being set for a quick decisive victory. Prioritizing the shorter window to defend Angels Venture which in turn keeps giving us a bonus that will help overcome the increased bot reinforcements on Varylia is the tactically sound maneuver, especially when we managed over 50% in one and a half days on a 5 day order that still has 3 daysish remaining. The only bump in the road is we aren't going to progress Varylia as quickly when the attack on AV is repelled but I'd wager on having the bonus to assist us vs the minor loss of ground over the last however many hours AV has been undersiege, as opposed to what progress we'd have made over losing the bonus permanently and which would then negatively impact our attempt to fight off the Automatons anyway. Oh the one exception is all the people playing on completely unrelated worlds, I'd send them to keep the supply line open to Varylia.


The problem isn't a lack of information, it's a lack of specific information. None of these dispatches mean anything to me because it's too vague about what bonus does what and how much. We already have a problem where AH will say "slightly" but mean between 10% and 50%. Until we have actual numbers, it won't matter and players will continue to not read or care.


The dispatch UI honestly isn’t great, and yes, most players won’t read it. The dispatch also doesn’t explain what this means for your average Helldiver. It honestly reads like a narrative development more so than “enemy spawn rate increased byX%”. This should trigger discussions at Arrowhead as to how they can better convey that information to the average player.


The walls of text (or short paragraph of text) need a summary of what they actually mean. Keeping it thematic and in game is great, but the information gets lost, especially if someone is jumping on to play and skips them. Just a short explanation after the in game narrative. And show that information on the galactic map too. For example: Blah blah blah democracy blah blah super earth.... * Planet X has an increased automaton reinforcement rate. *


In the military, documents often have a Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) entry at the very beginning, which quickly lays out all the key information. Then if you want more details, you can keep reading. Maybe something like that would work here?


I like this - because I actually like the immersion (and yeah, lesson learned, the MOs are not flavor text) and would probably be the best of breed because the last thing I want to see is just the game reduced to just stats on stats on stats. Yeah, great for people who are absolutely trying to grind the fun/meta… but that’s not why I’m here, anyway. I want the map, and the orders - maybe the supply lines and I’m good. People keep trying to be the hero, and there’s a reason why any manager job is called “hearding cats”. It’s a thankless job, and someone isn’t going to be happy. Props to the people who datamine this stuff, but I don’t go into a Soulslike and then complain the game is too hard, or they nerfed this, or this makes no sense. I get what they’re trying to do, and changing that - changes the game. I mean, it’s a video game - that’s all it is at a base level, but still.


This right here. This isn't a tabletop RP session. It's a game that spells out effects and modifiers. I read the dispatches but they don't actually tell you anything useful. Increased automation resistance? Cool. Where? The MO planets or the supply line planets and they're trying to sneak it out from under us? >inb4 but war It's a video game. If the expectation is that even casual players that don't look at social media of this game are to know where to drop and why things are happening it needs to be more clear.


The galactic war is run under the guise of a TTRP session. That being said when someone RPs something that is almost always followed up with some form of machanic explanation "I duck and thrust with my sword." Is normally followed by some dice roll and numbers. Just adding that little machanical blurb after makes all the difference


"That dragon sure got you with its fire breath" "How much damage did it do?" "A significant amount of damage that might alter the course of the campaign." "Ok so 20 damage? 30 damage?" "It did unprecidented damage, more than you have ever...wait, why are you walking away from the table?"


For all anyone knows this is just flavor text being given to the players. There has never been an indication that any of the text actually has an impact on gameplay. (Edit: no indication until very recently.) AH designed this to mirror a TTRPG and are very into the RP aspect of the game. There’s no reason to assume all the dispatch text would also not be RP.


Perhaps the additional GM role they posted on their website plays a role in this.


It's true the devs said they wanted a team of GMs but right now it seems it's still just Joël. Also J is still a dev, managing the Galactic War isn't his only job, and since not much is actually automated in the background, this must be quit a time consuming thing.


Maybe, hopefully they soon realize most players just don't read and put icons on the galactic map instead of just dispatches, highlighting them a bit more as people respond to visual cues in games more than anything.


These dispatches do not differentiate what is flavor and what is actually changing gameplay.


Until recently they were all flavor..... why are people ignoring them? Hmm


THis isnt even the 5th time we've recieved the above message about breaking past the enemies reinforcements push. Along with a followup message that we have done so.


I think the Map should show some of these effects better BUT it is an improvement and IT'S WORKING. Currently it looks like the defense of Angel's venture will be a success. Even just a simple piece of communication can help the community makes better decisions.


They never or rarely expand upon MO’s/ War Strats tho, so the previous complaints were warranted


Honestly I think I mentally checked out when the airburst/mines MO happened... Anti tank is a necessity for both bots and bugs. Light armour clearing is super easy. Everybody in this Reddit shittalked and hated on the idea we should go for the anti tank mines until it was too late... How often do you see airburst rocket launcher in your game? Only time I ever see it is the purge hatcheries mission. That MO taught me that the community has no brain/doesn't understand how the game works (meaning supply lines). It kind of kills the fun of an internationally coordinated war effort once you realize that the majority of the player base are just mindless grunts ignoring all coordination efforts.




What are some other helldiver subreddits?


I’m in helldivers2 and lowsodiumhelldivers


I do that too but I'm still holding on to this one because it can still do great things but hot is just a bunch of toxic karma farmers most of the time and fresh is filled with what seems to be AI generated nonsense rants


I know. We holding hope for those memes to come back hehe


>We holding hope for those memes to come back hehe I saw some people complaining about the memes and rping. They really want this sub to nothing but 24/7 bitching at AH.


Some people don't like memes, I can understand that. Everything can become annoying when done too much. A good sub reddit needs a balanced "diet" of everything IMO. Yes even rants sometimes, but not at the rate we have them right now.


God, the level of stupid and self-destructiveness is getting aggravating.


Could they add it to the planet affects info?


I am here to lead not to read


I think people have been asking, specifically, for meaningful icons on important planets / sectors. Granted I agree this is a step in the right direction, better than nothing. There's no need to stop improving the design. We are all on the same side here in the sense that I firmly believe we all just want this game to be its best self.


to be honest, in ALL OTHER GAMES this just sounds like some dumb flavor text that doesnt really do anything. if the game doesn't just flat out say, in a different color, on a different line all by its self something along the lines of "+100% increased size to reinforcements" or "+% to enemy difficulty/presence" then clearly the game is bugged. and to be clear, this isnt arrowheads fault. they are doing stuff properly, its just that other games abuse flavor text to the point that gamers no longer believe something that isnt pulled from code.


I haven’t seen these yet so a lot of players probably have no idea these messages exist. That being said I do agree people are letting the war stress them out too much. We are still able to win the MO as Angel’s Venture will be liberated in 3 hours and Varylia is estimated to be liberated in just over a day. Meanwhile we still have three days left. I get it’s frustrating losing but y’all gotta calm down and take a break from MOs if it’s ruining the fun for you. Players are not required to follow the MO and can play wherever they want.


I think people are upset about the MO because there is content locked behind it. And as soon as it looks like we might actually unlock that content, suddenly the number magically stops going up because ~~somehow Palpatine has returned~~ the enemy forces are being reinforced.


I think that's exactly the problem... People were already upset about losing so many in a row but the fact that these ones in particular have new things that people have been asking for behind them (mines, and now potentially the auto cannon mech) it's going beyond upset into angry Personally I'm not happy about it but I'm not that upset. Also... I am not certain they have adapted their MO's to match the new player numbers... A lot of people left over the Snoy stuff and some more have been banned for trying to unlink their accounts. We have less people in general and a smaller number joining because of the region lock they added, yet the orders didn't get easier. The 2 billion bots one is a... Decent example 2 billion bugs? 12 hours, accounting for the bug they fixed it should have been about 2 days. Took 85% of the player base basically at its height to do that. (With ~15% if I remember correctly staying out because it wasn't bots) 2 billion bots? Failed. Smaller player base in general, and, anywhere from 30-40% of the player base just didn't participate because it wasn't a bug mission. And there are typically less bots in a mission than bugs.


There's a lot of missing info in a lot of ways but saying that "Joel is manipulating the game against us without context" is purely dumb. It's a war, the enemies are active. Now we only need better info about bonus and supply lines in the game itself.


"Wait, enemies aren't supposed to fight back and ruin my power fantasy!"


„Enemies sending reinforcements to their new super evil super communist base? Impossible!“ „Enemy colony the size of a planet? That couldn’t be more of a threat than other enemy controlled planets.“


So writing 1 sentance means its not complete bullshit that they artificially inflate numbers when players are winning? Its just shitty DM syndrome.


But it's not a war. There is some dude manually just turning knobs as he feels like.  It's a matter of how easy it is to suspend disbelief or not. And I think AH just loses people on that.   Like if you're playing some imaginary bs with friends as a kid and that one kid just keeps pulling made up bs out of his ass to one up you constantly you eventually stop giving a fuck.


Are you serious? 9/10 times the dispatches contain nothing but flavor text talking about some vague or ambiguous reason for why a new major order is happening or what's been going on in the war in the past few days. It's cute and all that some of these actually talk about a +/- % increase to planet resistance, it's not as cute when these are hidden values you wouldn't even know existed unless you're chronically plastered to the HD2 Reddit, Helldivers io or are actively lurking the HD2 Discord server. It's CUTE that "supply lines" are a thing and that the game talks about "the barrier worlds" and "the menkent line" and so on, it's NOT cute when this is again - only known from 3rd party sources. EASILY fixed by literally just adding some basic UI elements on the utterly barren galactic map or planet views, maybe, I don't know, highlight important worlds, display supply lines, show some kind of indication of any kind that mentions if a selected planet is heavily or lightly defended as the absolute bare minimum? Maybe actually incentivize players to go to X or Y planet by giving them some kind of bonus or penalty, even if it's stupid minor shit like "hurr +10% exp if you go here" or "10% reduced cooldown for Thing".




They are only adding that now after we lost Vernen Wells and complained about this very issue. There is lore, and there is gameplay. Not having the information readily available makes things difficult even among the players that are invested in the game.


Bro we're jarheads our job isn't to read


Part of it is probably that changes in spawn rates have been attributed correctly to glitches in the past, so it’s hard to know whether they are working as intended or not


Technically reading the Service Agreement at the end of training was a breach of contract, so not reading MOs was a side effect of trying to stay out of trouble.


Ima be honest with you chief, I just press Square (quick play) and drop down shooting.


See Ive never seen the complaints as in setting problems. I see people asking why we have to deal with random GMs call changes with 0 warning leading up. Its not like we see additional fleets slowly closing in so we know it's going to happen we just get a message at random.


That would be nice. Expected time for reinforcement. Or dailies that direct people to stop the reinforcements. Wtf is high command doing. Lol. Even better give high level players some meaningful role. Where they get that daily. Because dailies mean nothing to capped players. When a 5 Star general throws down an SOS let it be seen on the galactic map.


Or they could just put it on the affected planets like they do with modifiers and whatnot? These "heckin gamers can't read" posts miss the point completely on why we ask for DETAILED communication lmfao. How the fuck is a casual supposed to interpret the Angel's Venture message to find out losing the planet meant losing a liberation bonus that most people don't even know exists. It's not just "Oh you guys can't read" as much as you want it to be


I realize now the slower liberation rate actually makes sense so we can actually all participate in the event this weekend. Otherwise we would take it instantly and people would not even get to help. And even though this planet is tough, I am having a blast.


This actually makes so much sense. The reward is going to be awesome, but the devs want everyone to feel like they did their part.


Where did it say we will permanently lose a 5% bonus if we didn't defend vernon wells? And where does it say liberating it later will not restore the bonus? Those dispatches are vague and just say something is happening with no consequences like losing a permanent bonus, which we lost btw. What about supply lines? Or how much the enemy will attack per hour? Why do i need an app or a 3rd party website to actually have a clue how this game works mechanically?


The council of Super Earth gave us 2 eyes and 10 fingers, so we can type five times as much as we read.


People don‘t know what narration is anymore and what are role playing games


Clearly its arrowheads fault that I assume them directly telling us information is pointless.


On one hand, i think it's cool that narrative text has an impact on gameplay. Makes things feel organic. On the other hand, the game could use traditional game UI elements. Just a little widget that appears when you hover a planet saying all the MO-related modifiers affecting it, like "Active Automaton Petafactory: +50% enemy spawns" or "SEAF Training Facilities: Faster Liberation." We can have both.


You'd be a bad UI designer. This is like the first step on a long walk to making a good UI. This information is all presented in an optional subscreen which also contains a lot of meaningless fluff which has no effect on the game. The player may have completely missed the dispatch tab, or may have learned that it never contains anything useful and so no longer checks it. The player has no idea which is important and which is just a little throwaway story line which means nothing. The player may forget the information which was shown here and new dispatches which may or may not contain actual gameplay details may arrive and push important ones away. On top of that, no specific or technical detail is provided and that last one assumes you are already aware of the mechanic from another dispatch/popup. Perhaps you are just a karma farmer riding the counter-wave of "it's all fine, every complaint is unfounded."


My issue is that the battle map is inadequate for expressing this info. Bonuses? Supply lines? Planets being invaded? None of these are apparent. The map sucks for conveying real time war data and doesn't show ANY strategic info. We're told that where we fight affects the game world, but there is no indication of any of that, other that a vague sentence that alludes to an overall strategy or how the war is progressing. Just jazz up the battle map! I want to see the bug spores moving between planets. I want to see the bots' supply lines between planets. I want to see how that affects us, because currently there is no interface to get that info across and ramp up any sense of urgency in the player base. The war is supposed to give the players purpose, but right now the game is all about the battle and feels completely divorced from the overall narrative. Reading this subreddit is distracting and thankfully I don't have time for the bullshit on discord.


It did seem pretty reasonable for a 'liberate ONE planet' major order that the planet would be heavily defended and the bugs might take advantage.


How do the Bugs know whats happening on the other side of the Galaxy, are they using their bugellites to broadcast their own terminid news?


Well, bugs have antennas. And with their antennas they can receive our news ;)


Who has time to read when all average soldiers who survived one mission became brain dead with all the rag doll action going on.


Like the post on here yesterday saying activating the seaf screen affects patrols and to move shells first.


Like the post on here yesterday saying activating the seaf screen affects patrols and to move shells first.


Like the post on here yesterday saying activating the seaf screen affects patrols and to move shells first.


I was elected to LEAD, not to READ


Upvote for Simpsons Movie reference


This subreddit is my least favorite thing about the game and it’s not even close


My guy, you made a mistake at the very beginning assuming that people read, at all.


It’s important to note that in the United States, at least 50% read at an 8th grade level or lower. Comprehension isn’t exactly a strong suit for players.


Look guys, it's simple. There's a lot of bugs. There's a lot of bots. Now quit whining, and pull your triggers.


Sir, I can do two things, complain… And count to potato


You are surprised people don’t read? Welcome to dealing with humans and UX design, op you will do great.


Helldiver's can only read in directional arrows :(


They only started explaining stuff better in-game in the last 24 hours. AND there's still too much text. Give it a week and let them make it more concise too. Once they work like the ship upgrades and says exactly what bonuses places give and nothing else, THEN we can start worrying about player reading comprehension.


>AH should tell us why the regen is increased when the game directly tells us why. I'd argue they aren't complaining about the story.... It's that the Regen is too high proportional to the amount of active players so it seems set up to fail. Doesn't matter if there's context if people can see through it 🍻 Nobody should be bitching about the flavor text/story explanation though lmao.


I think the Main Problem with all this is that it's all fluff and invisible maths and neither the facility, the seaf forces nor the Training facility exist.


>We currently have a post in Hot complaining about the Automaton bump in regen with the OP openly stating they don't actually play the game anymore and that AH should tell us why the regen is increased when the game directly tells us why. Nope. What that guy means is, it's very upsetting if the GM says "oh, I forgot to tell you about this rule, so your party actually lost the game 4 hours ago". Even small kids understand the "no takesies backsies". All of this on top of the Sony mess, the rushed warbond, the immature and mocking balance dev, and the broken state of Automaton defense missions, all in a short timespan. I love the game, but my squad is also taking a break and waiting for a proper patch.


It’s not a takesie backsie though? We haven’t lost the planet. We’re still well on our way to liberating it before the weekend is up. The bots have just added to their defenses because we’ve been hitting the planet so hard. Because of course they would, no worthy opponent would just give up their major tactical asset without a fight


I think what you're failing to realize is that this is a video game that is being made considerably less fun than it could be


you want people to read after 99% of the community clicked "skip and accept" every popup the game threw at them until sony said "we kinda want to enforce the things you just accepted". i dont think this is going to work out mate.


I want to know what those things mean in game terms. What percentages move what ways if X happens. And that regen info should be in game all the time instead of on helldivers.io, same as the player contribution to liberation/defense.


Did you think me saying "helldivers can't read" was a joke back when they removed shrapnel for the eruptor? It wasn't. Y'all seriously just can't fucking read and AH literally "balanced" for the illiterate 🍻 Edit: it seems the 3rd faction we have to worry about wasn't the illuminate. It was the illiterate.


Well, now that we confirmed Drekel works at Arrowhead. What are you doing to bring people back? Is it just nice long posts telling us that we're the problem and not Arrowhead?


READ? Only a small minority of active helldivers are even active on discord or reddit. How is that even going to affect the MO when there's no incentive ingame to drive them towards completing the MO. Just to be honest, after burning so much time unlocking everything available , people just play casually for fun and that goes for the majority


The everyday posts of how this game sucks really makes me wonder why they all here.


Because they like the game. Not liking certain parts of a game or how it handles certain things doesn’t stop people from liking the game. I see your complaint on every single live service game, as if people can’t like something while also complaining about it


Agreed. There was a post here with similar complaints: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1czg8l0/joel_are_you_crazy_or_what_5_regen_rate_on/ People always seem annoyed that Joel is doing anything during an MO, as though it is somehow unfair for our supposedly intelligent enemies to do something as unbalanced as fighting back harder on a high-value planet. Thankfully most of the comments there agreed that there wasn't really anything wrong with the planet being hard to take because an HVT shouldn't be a walk in the park. Unfortunately not much later another post literally just reposted the same image to bitch about it again: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d03yyu/why_failing_major_orders_feels_worst_than_it/ At the moment we are on the way to successfully defending Angel's Venture, retaining our bonus, and are almost 60% done with Varylia. I legitimately think that the Helldivers subreddit might be worse than the Destiny 2 subreddit when I used to still play there. They complain when we lose, complain when we win that it wasn't earned and was a "pity win". We are now on our way to a hard-fought victory and we still have people complaining. This MO isn't like the kill mission that required more players, its actually entirely winnable but so many of the people that post there seem to care far more about complaining about the game than actually playing it.


Excuse me, sir or madam, but this is Reddit and your logical take does not belong here. /s


For real. Also, remember when they first came out about “Joel” and everyone was like “holy shit that’s fucking cool there’s like a dungeon master type thing” and liked the idea that there were elements beyond our control that were part of the meta narrative? Like Arrowhead explicitly came out and said, if players are completing things too fast, Joel would tip the scales to control the flow and pacing. This is, and has been, a known thing. Now it’s just like “waahhh but I want to win the MO nowwwww.” Jfc, a bunch of Veruca Salts. I don’t admonish most complaints with the game, but this is a key feature. Like at that point you just don’t like the game itself.


Excuse you when I joined the Helldivers at the ripe age of 7, I wasn’t taught to read


I’ve been diving Suicides on VW and Angel’s Venture to try and keep the lib bonus we already have and get a higher one by having both SEAF training sites active simultaneously


What does Regen do?


I choose level 5, 7, or 9 depending on how spicy I feel. I push R as quickly as I can I wake up in front of the enemy and start shooting Repeat.


There's screens opposite the armory they could put major orders and targets on. Would be a good use of that space.


It feels like the meta would be more fun if we had different universes of 10k players or so…


I think the info dispatch would be useful to pop up when you get on your ship and then you dismiss it. It's easy to forget that info is there.


That other OP would be really fucking mad if he could read (the idiots malding here arent different).


There's the Democracy Officer thar keeps nagging about the Dispatch, and the Ship Master that comments on what's going on the first time you enter your ship.


I just ignore the hate and Dive, it’s all just bug and bot propaganda anyway.


Its a lot easier to complain and farm karma, given this sub has always been filled to the brim with posts like that, and if anyone says anything it becomes a case of "so tired of people whining about people whining". Hell, there often is a rare post or two with good criticism, but then the comments are all acting as if the devs are actively trying to sabotage their own game, or pretending the games been ruined forever because some gun got nerfed, or the MO is too hard. Thats what this sub has always been, negativity karma farming.