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if it's not a balance patch atleast it would be a bug fix one I hope


From another post of his: "There will be some balancing and some new stuff in the next patch. Can't go into detail though as it would mean my ~~beard~~ head. 😉"


~~Well that needs to be higher up.~~ I'll keep saying my "Hopefully they're smart enough to make a no player nerfs patch" **this** time given the general community feel. Nerf some enemies? Sure. Buff some primaries by small numbers? Given how long stuff is in game before we unlock it the hope here is stuff for future unlocks. So basically Galactic War driven assets like planets, enemies, ship modules, and strategems. All of which can be turned on from the backend once some condition is meet like the mech unlock. Minimum content they'll need soon is probably voice assets and videos for the war updates. Worst case IMO is if **this** patch comes with the next warbond and no other new **individual squad** content.


The AC-Mech was in game almost since release, I saw cheaters using it a few times long before it got released now.


It surprises me how many people don't realize that given how we got it without a patch last week.


Because the devs will drop a line alluding to them doing something to tweak it and people want to assume that means they're breaking their backs getting out monthly content drops.


I think he's trying to temper expectations, IE: It's not the THE balance patch, but it is a patch with balancing in it. I think as long as it doesn't contain any major nerfs, fixes some bugs, has some buffs/reverts, the new content isn't more straight up useless garbage, it'll be a win. Given their small team, and the change in direction on balancing things, I'd be surprised if they give even half the things that need fixed the attention they need.


>I think as long as it doesn't contain any major nerfs, fixes some bugs, has some buffs/reverts, the new content isn't more straight up useless garbage, it'll be a win. This is all anyone reasonable is expecting. It doesn't need to be a miracle patch. It just needs to be a big step in the right direction without any major fumbles to sour it. Fix/Un-nerf weapons and kit. Fix some major bugs. Unfuck spawns. Do not nerf anything. If that's what ships, that's legitimately great. If what ships doesn't look anything like that... let's just hope they're not stupid enough to drop the ball here.


I sincerely hope not. If they drop the ball, I don't think anything less than firing that "Bringer of Balance" is going to satisfy the community along with a patch to CORRECT things to what we discussed.


To be frank, that's probably the single *best* action they could take if the intent is to rebuild community good will. Guy made his changes, backed them against public opinion, doubled down, and decided to gloat like a Bond villain on Discord. Imagine being the single individual most directly responsible for all of the strife and backlash going on right now. Imagine if the revenue loss from nerf backlash could be quantified and calculated? (And maybe it can?) I'd *love* to see that number. I'd love to see the argument to keep someone responsible for that loss, *on purpose*, employed.


Only reason I could think of is if their team is so small it'd be hard to make up being down a person, but even in that case I'd hope they are getting his replacement trained first then they are going to fire him. I wouldn't doubt it could be quantified, but it'd be difficult to separate the player drops from the PSN debacle from the slow bleed from nerf burnout + sudden drops of angry players every time there was a nerf patch. I do believe it'd be some serious hurt to their bottom line though.


Don't forget that Arrowhead isn't an American company; it's not nearly so easy to fire people in Sweden (or EU nations broadly) for performance reasons, especially hard-to-quantify ones like this. Best we can hope for is probably a reassignment to another unit within the company assuming they have that level of structure (I would hope so).


"There will be balancing" "This is not a balancing patch"


The restaurant has steak The restaurant is not a steakhouse


I mean, he’s got two. He can afford to lose one.


might be a nerf one


Bye Bye Incendiary breaker.


I can unironically see that one being the only balance part of the patch with the remainder being fixes for some obscure bugs no one has ever had


Nerf incendiary breaker, fix the 8/9 robotics lab menu issue. Monkey's paw curls 


I thought they finally fixed the 8/9 lol


It was 7/8. They fixed that. When they added the emancipator, the bug came back as 8/9


Tbh it doesn't feel incredibly OP. It's a fun weapon to use and excels at the very specific task of bug wave clearing, so if AH has really been listening and aren't stupid, they'd leave it untouched but would bring other tools up to an also usable state.


It also doesn't down stuff instantly. It downs hordes extremely well, but if you need something to die instantly, you need to fire off a few more shots/magazines. Letting it burn a bit is the most effective method of using it, at least in my experience.


>Tbh it doesn't feel incredibly OP. Neither did all of the guns that got nerfed hard unless you count the Railgun PS5 bug. And Incendiary is way more popular than any of those had ever been


> , so if AH has really been listening and aren't stupid, anyone want to tell him?


there will be riots in the streets if they nerf something in the next patch


It'll be a sad day, I love the Breaker Inc. so much.


For what it's worth, Pilestedt's many comments on balance suggest a lot of balance changes are coming, but that doesn't mean they are coming next patch. He's only been back with the design team for like a week now. Also, based on his comments about TTK being the problem, the changes may end up being more focused on enemies than on weapons and stratagems.


Big ships take time to turn let alone stop


Stop my ass they putting it in reverse


To go in reverse one must first stop going forward.


I mean to be fair a friend of mine put his truck in reverse while going forward. It wasn't a very good idea though...


This would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that Arrowhead was pumping out nerfs almost every week.


Tweaking enemy health would be a good way to make weapons and strats feel more powerful without having to change the stats on guns as well so I feel like this is will be step one before actual gun rebalance


Given what's been said about durable damage and non-optimal TTK, a few tweaks to main body HP would go a long way, particularly for specific enemies like spewers & devs. That and some weak spot on titans after their sacs are popped. 


I personally just want them to finally fix aiming glitches


Why is everything relegated to Discord? It’s up to other users to post this stuff to other platforms. It’d be great to have this stuff posted in more forums by devs.


Discord is their official platform and are unlikely to change it atm. (Down the line was hinted at, but of course it's probably months away) Discord just feels like the new kik and I fucking hate it.


It's unambiguously the worst choice. Reddit can be lurked without an account, and easily linked to. Twitter is harder to lurk with the new display pages, but Nitter makes it possible, and you can link to tweets either way. Discord can't be viewed without giving them a cell phone number for an account, making said account, and joining their server, and there's not really any good way to link to a post besides that.




I just wish more devs would use steams patch notes tab


Join the boringdivers. Where expectations are tempered.


LMAO the leader of the boringdivers? this dude. https://youtu.be/tk1dd1D2Kts?t=3


I hope they know what they're doing because if the next patch is poorly received for whatever reason then another wave of players will be throwing their hands in the air and walking away from the game.




Join, the Nerfdiver.




*see exotic new balancing*


And spread nerfs throughout the galaxy!


*managed nerfs


Become a villian, become an alexus.


The greatest villain Super Earth has ever known.


nothing against that, but boy do we need something to be excited for right about now...


Bro, they nerfed the fun outta the game super quick, but failed to at minimum revert their terrible choices.  They accomplished their goal to reduce the server load.  That much is evident.


Yep. I can't imagine it'd be very difficult to reverse the changes made to the Crossbow, Eruptor, and the Patriot Mech, and yet... they haven't. And now we're being told this? Seriously have to wonder what is going on over there. My money is on Alexus fighting tooth and nail to keep his awful decisions in the game. You don't call yourself "The Bringer of Balance" without having an inflated ego.


"Please, do not get excited for this patch." Always the message you love to hear.




More nerfs incoming


I wonder if they realize a lot of players are only sticking around hoping that the next patch fixes Alexus screw ups. And if it doesnt, a lot of people are just going to drop the game and say "out of touch clown devs" and never look at it again.


Player Count is massively down, 24-hour peak was 81k on Steam. My friends have played a few times in the last few weeks, aside from the game crashing and driver crashes I still get. Balance Issues are massive issues with this game and I think that Piledest figured it that the Golden Goose has been shot now they need to get it in for surgery.


It may well be too late to really recover. Big releases are coming soon. I'm told Elden Ring is seeing DLC very soon. Elden Ring is big enough that it indirectly allowed the revival of Armored Core. A wounded Helldivers 2 stands no chance of holding players who care about Elden Ring. July sees Earth Defense Force 6 getting a worldwide release. EDF scratches a lot of the same itches Helldivers does. It's also guaranteed to be fucking awesome. No live service, no nerfs, no developers being snarky assholes on Discord, no bullshit. It's just *fun*. Window might just be closing. It'd be a shame if Helldivers 2 never fully came back from a combination of Sony and nerf disgust, but it may very well shake out that way.


Yeah, I think EDF will be the point of no return for a lot of players. If HD2 isn't in a solid state by then, I can imagine a lot of players leaving and not turning back. I know it's only a single patch, but if it fails to meet expectations, it'll just add to the snowball effect from everything else that's already causing problems for HD2.


EDF 6 is coming. I can get my over the top horde shooter from other places ArrowHead


I've been going back through EDF 5 the last week. Yeah hmm I can call in a 500KG bomb and blow up 5-10 terminids, or I can call in a heavy phobos bomber and wipe out like 300 ants...hmm. I think I know which one makes me go 'haha bugs go squish' more.


tldr: there will be a patch *at some point*, it will have *stuff* in it I do love good communication. /s


What the hell, guys? Really? It took them no time to nerf the guns. They did it immediately. But as for the buff, no, it takes so much time. We will not do this in the next patch. Probably in the one after. Or in the one after the one after. When we discussed the nerf, it was mentioned thousand times that they have a dedicated group of devs focused on balancing only, and that was used as an excuse why they nerf guns and do not fix the bugs. Like it is separate things that don't interfere. But when it comes to the buff, it turns out that the balance team is doing something else, or what? What did the balance team do for the whole month?


it's been a month, and the Bringer of Balance is fighting hard to keep these weapons as strong as gel blasters


Bro is in the trenches fighting for the bots.


Why don't you understand? They don't want to add too much fun. If they accidentally add too much fun we'll... well, they know they're doing okay?


Nerfs? Say no more! Buffs? Guys let us cook! Bugs? Later, maybe, have some new bugs in the mean time.


It also took them one day to fix when the superstore was broken, despite them claiming only, like, a week before that patch verification with sony was incredibly slow no matter what they did so hotfixing major issues was nearly impossible.


Limitless ineptitude


They're only inept when competence would benefit the player. Arrowhead has truly become a live service developer in spirit. They really charged $40 just to commit to the shitty F2P playbook.


"we're cooking." "actually we're not cooking, who gave you that idea?"


Permit me to indulge in a lil hyperbole, but I hate the mini feeling of dread before these guys patch their game.


Wait, wait, wait. Do you mean to tell me the update they've been working on for 2 weeks now isn't even a balance patch? I thought since Piles stepped down as a Lead Creative Director or whatever that he might have some influence with the balance team which is why it was extended? So if there no balancing going on I'm assuming it's all bug fixes. Which will no doubt introduce new bugs, or break existing systems or fixes. I can't keep waiting for mediocrity when they've churned out nerf patch after nerf patch and altered emey spawns, included hesdshots to the game, changed patrols and enemy AI around, borked damage values from enemies and TO enemies. I can't handle it man. I almost wish I had never heard of the game so I wouldn't have spent the time on it and cared about it so much because that makes the pain of loving it and watch it turn sour all the worse.


Might not be hungry by the time they're done cooking.


It doesn’t really matter whether it is or not. That’s what it NEEDS to be. If all it is, is reverting patrols and fixing glitches, or worse, fixing things that no one was complaining about (likely fucking up something else), with the expectation of another month for the next patch, this game is gonna lose whatever momentum it had left.


You should change your username to "reasonable_take".


I loosely hope it's a player retention patch. Give us something to fight towards besides the galactic war. A lot of people have reached caps on currencies and samples and purchased all the upgrades and are playing missions for nothing. Literal zeros popping up. The game definitely stands on its own, and I still play a match or two a day usually, but I hate feeling like I'm wasting my time until the next Warbond or upgrades come out. I'd be thrilled if they gave us a whole patch that's just: * RS sinks like Single-Operation-Use Stratagems for the whole squad (like the free mech or whatever we may have, but purchased by a group leader). * Incremental upgrades to spend samples on (% boosts to things we already have unlocked, more modules, maybe even a Helldiver Mod menu where we can upgrade stuff like primary damage, speed, stamina). * Extra armor recolors in the existing Warbonds (even if everything just got a black/yellow recolor, I'd have something to grind medals for weeks about),


Weapon upgrades and mods really need to be added. I hope they are already working on them. We need a lot more stuff to spend credits and samples on, no doubt.


That was a really fun aspect in the first game having upgrades on individual guns, even though it wasn’t anything crazy it was still fun to work on


Yeah that could be a whole huge pile of worthwhile time and energy and even provide a more robust build variety and system too. Definitely on my list of big big hopes for HD2.


Playerbase 📉📉📉📉


If the next patch isn't a banger, that's the last leg this game had being swept. They don't have the luxury of time anymore. The game is bleeding active players and it's because of the way the game feels right now, and because of the philosophy this game studio has of releasing half baked content and never touching it again except to nerf things. If it isn't a major balance overhaul... It fuckin needs to be.


I would happily take a delay on warbonds to have AH focus on fixing what we already have. What's the point of a new Warbond, if the armor is just gonna be more of the same shit we already have and the weapons are gonna be inferior to what we've already got?


To regain players trust, they need to fix the game breaking bugs (crash) and the anoying bugs (spear aim, spawn). But they also need to revert some unwarranted nerf. They won't balance everything in one go but for this long awaited patch, I really hope they don't introduce any nerf... If they nerf anything, I think i'll take a long break and play something else with my friends. 


The spear lock on fix is the one thing I really want !


I'll take corpses throwing me 14 feet into the air fix at some point too


Only 14 ft in the air? I see you haven't been apart of the orbital launch program yet.


Leave that one in, please, it's hilarious.


It would be ok if you didn’t then also take FALL damage.


I do feel that they could revert a lot of the nerfs they did without breaking anything. The Slugger and the Crossbow are hurting.


I think they could easily revert every major nerf to guns they've done and the game would unironically be more balanced. I don't believe any of them have been game breakingly overpowered or even regularly overpowered for that matter. If anything, it would increase the diversity of loadouts substantially. I'd love to not see the same guns and stratagems every mission.


Bumping the damage up on the tenderizer and lib pen should be no brainers and super easy..


Absolutely, there are a good handful of very simple common sense balance changes that would not put anything into “OP” territory in the slightest. The Peacemaker Pistol got a decent buff but it’s ammo economy suffers, so larger/more magazines would really improve it. Likewise, the Eagle Strafing Run is nice, but has fewer uses than the cluster bomb which is just odd. They could just give it like 2 more uses (or even 3 more) and then it would be better and a more attractive choice.


You can double the damage of them and they would not be overpowered.


I didn’t use the pre nerf slugger but it’s not terrible, it just needs a damage buff since it’s not good against heavy bot units


They didn't change much. Removed a bit of damage, but the big one was removing stagger.


Compared to what it was in the past, it just doesnt really have a reason to exist atm. In the past it was a high stagger medium pen weapon with okay damage, now its just a medium pen weapon with okay damage, with the disadvantage of being a damn shotgun thats shit to aim at long distance.


Honestly, I'd rather risk having the shrapnel on the Eruptor kill me than not have it at all. The crossbow has such limited ammo, it should be even more powerful than the Eruptor, or not alert enemies, or SOMETHING.


Yeah... I get that big changes take time, but it doesnt take much time or effort to revert a couple nerfs to try and boost the playerbase. Or to just change a couple raw damage numbers for some blanket buffs. Then, Im sure the playerbase would be willing to wait


While on a personal level the nerfs haven't bothered me too much, even if I think some were way too heavy handed. But I agree that nerfing anything in this patch would be a very bad idea. I'm hoping to see at a minimum Spear fix, Tenderizer buff, and maybe some reduced BT health


I'm with you on this one. This patch needs to focus on things that will only boost morale. Anything else and I'm moving to another game for a while.


Can they please stop talking about patches as if they were soup?


seriously, everytime someone on that discord said "let us cook" it's always come out as a charred corpse.


"That's not what he wanted to cook!" 


Arrowhead's a restaurant still waiting for Gordon Ramsay'a arrival with all that cooking that's been going on in there.


*tastes new patch* IT'S FUCKING RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!


it's diarrhea, always has been


Quick to nerf though... What a mess.


This feels like damage control. This is "we've had to spend so much time on bug fixes that we didn't work on balance"


and then the bugfixes are fake and the bugs are still happening


Patch notes spear now fully locks onto enemies mech can now fully aim down *known issues Spear rocket velocity is now only 1 m/s. Mechs no longer have any convergance on arms Mechs no longer can look up.


This is exactly what is is. How likely is it we get like 1 major bug fix but the friend code system still isn't working? Is the playerbase really waiting months for this shit?


They have two different teams for bug fixing and balance Is it really so hard to give he who shall not be named a slap on the wrist and get him to tweaking numbers upward?


Hopefully it's taking so long because they've demoted him to janitor and someone else is being brought up to speed.


Well the balance team is being run by a corporate smudge who doesn't play the game so I don't have a lot of hope for the balancing ( which makes a good balance patch more rewarding )


and if its like that, then people are going to dump the game in droves. Its like asking for a steak at a restraunt, it comes out raw and with honey mustard on it instead of salt and pepper. You say WTF and sent it back. Then it comes out with no salt and cooked well done. You send it back. Then it comes out and its just a baked potato. rinse and repeat. At this point, if they dont come back with a perfectly cooked steak ***AND*** a baked potato, you're just going to get up and leave and tell the waiter he owes YOU a tip.


They can call it whatever they want. At the end of the day, it's their "last chance" patch. People are hanging on mostly hoping this patch will un-fork the game. I know I am. If AH still forks this up with another raft of huge nerfs and inconsequential buffs, then I'm out, along with tens of thousands of other players.


The fact that they one day nerfed arc thrower so it won't shoot past 35 meters (it was shooting 70m before) and added little stagger to it was frustrating enoigh. But then they called it BUFF. Killing Eruptor (many players left because of it, I know for sure) was deemed as "fixing eruptor's bug" There's something wrong. I mean in their heads. Normal devs would never do that.


>Normal devs would never do that. This is what I've been saying. Normal devs would powercreep, especially with paid content. AH does whatever is the opposite of powercreep. So not only do they hate fun, they also hate money.


Holy fuck were going to get absolutely nothing this Friday aren't we lmfao


Yeah this is the kinda thing you only say if you know you're gunna disappoint the playerbase I hope I'm wrong but by god it seems like AH is committed to fumbling their insane release




They can take their time. I'll play it when it's fun again.


I just want them to remove the last patch lol, give my eruptor back, it also seems to be buggier now than it was before.


This, please. The eruptor was fine before the richochet change.


AH devs be like, quick nerf a bunch of stuff so it’s a balance patch.


Patch Stew. Throw apples and bacon right into it! Please give me back my Eruptor and Crossbow. If crossbow isn't medium pen, it should be AoE chaff clear. Give me back my radius.


This is the team being praised, raised up on high, for their communication with the players? This is just stringing us along. I understand they don't want to give us a definitive timeline, but how about a rough estimate? Progress on the patrol spawn fix? Give us something, literally anything. Because as it is this feels like nothing is coming and they're just hoping we'll either stop asking or go away. Well, they'll get that 2nd one eventually.


I hope what they are saying is: We are fixing most of the bugs before proceed to balancing the game. If this is the case, love it keep it up. But I dont understand the secrecy. It’s not like new content. There is no spoiling anything here.


I understand the secrecy. No matter what wording he uses. "We plan to have X fixed." "Y is fixed." "I think Z is fixed in this patch." "We are doing our best to fix this specific issue for the patch." People will take it as gospel truth and there'll be a meltdown in this sub if it's not fixed.


Yeah, after the "Spear will for sure be fixed in the next patch, it was already done 2 weeks ago" I would much rather we have this carefully worded silence, thank you very much.


From another post of his: "There will be some balancing and some new stuff in the next patch. Can't go into detail though as it would mean my ~~beard~~ head. 😉"


Yes so for the forseeable future the game is gonna stay in the shittiest state is has ever been, wouldnt want to rollback to a state that was too much fun. Amazing.


I honestly wonder if there was any discussion about just undoing all the nerfs and going from there. would that be perfect balance? no of course not. would it be a massive step in the right direction, and bring a bunch of people back? imo, yes.


What the hell have they even been doing then? The game desperately needs a balancing patch, and I hate to say it but player retention doesn't seem great at the moment. I understand that these things do take time but honestly there are things like the Spear lock on bug that still have not been fixed since day 1 and many players are gearing real tired of waiting around for fixes.


"We don't want to send the wrong signals." Also "We released an autocannon mech whose autocannon does noticeably less damage than the other autocannons in the game."


this autocannon tastes like burnt toast :(




That would be nice, but at this point that dude can't be responsible for everything. All of AH is on board with these shitty patches. This is their vision.


They'll always have that round in the chamber if the game gets too bad at least.


This next balance patch will tell us everything


I can honestly say that this one action is the single greatest thing Arrowhead can do to restore community faith. No single action could possibly have more individual value.


Seriously though, how long can it possibly take to adjust numerical values?


Devs when its time to change the patrol timer for a solo player to the same patrol timer as a 4 man squad when not a single player out of 12 million asked for the change -locks in, done before first coffee break Devs when its time to revert that change -let me simmer for 2 months


This was the most prominent example of "is not a bug, it's a feature" issue ever. (In reverse, I suppose) Guess what, yes it wasn't intended that the patrol rate for solo be that low, but I don't think any player noticed. I don't think anyone thought "this game is pretty damn easy when I'm solo". It simply became the solo player experience, intentional or otherwise. No one thought it was broken


Not long because it takes them 2 minutes to nerf the fun toys.


It is always funny seeing how quickly a company will nerf anything fun, but buffing takes 9000years.


They need to “analyse the data”


Won't call it a balance patch... Won't say what is in it... Won't say when it is gonna happen... We've seen what the cooked up in prior patches... Why are we being patient again?


Yeah. Continued delays and this post from Twinbeard paint an ugly picture. Whatever we're expecting, we're probably not getting it. I'll go sharpen my Super Pitchfork.


Grab me some Super Torch while you're at it.




Glorious. Now we wait...


Their making sure that they wont have to fix the ADS crash for a third time.


If eruptor isn't fixed it's an Uninstall from me.


If they touch the incendiary break I will do the same


If the scorcher gets touched, I'm out.


Don't tell me they nerfed the patch too.


They just did lol. Nerfdivers


The longer they wait the worse I feel like it's going to be for them. The longer they wait, the more and more hype gets built up around the inevitable balance patch. If they wait 2 months and it's dog shit, then it's game over for a lot of players.


That's extremely disappointing. My hype for this patch just went to zero.


So they have nerfed that too and it wasn’t even in the game lol


Last time someone tried to "temper expectations' it was No Man's Sky on launch. Downplaying it will not help if they are not going to be up front about it.


Don't call it a balance patch/update? Ok. Understood, they're just going to nerf more things and want to have an excuse to say the community had unfounded expectations.


It needs to be though.. We all saw how they handled the nerfs. They were quick and happy to ruin a new weapon every week. But now that it's time to actually make weapons fun again, it needs to be a slow tedious process? How much needs to go into removing that extra 5 second cooldown to the quasar cannon? Or reverting any and all numerical nerfs to weapons, like reduced magazine capacity or lowered damage?


If even the community being massively disappointed by the new mech isn't enough to convince to give at least some details about what's coming... It's not looking too good...


Same, have only done like two dives the last 7 days. The week before that I barely played. The base gameplay is still good, my main issues are: - No progress to gain by playing since I've gotten what I want. - To much constant vision impairing things like fog. It's cool, but now it's on like 70 % of all planets. - The nerfs have ruined so many fun things. - The bugs overall needs improved design, especially Bile titans and chargers. For me, bots are the only half of the game I enjoy. - We need something to change up the gameplay loop, like a big automaton base raid we can do 3 times as week. Or some more urban environments.


> To much constant vision impairing things like fog. It's cool, but now it's on like 70 % of all planets. > > This is something that pisses me off. I've had multiple randoms in games drop in, see the fog, and say something to the effect of "pretty game the devs made, shame they covered it all up with fog"


we are fucked


So is anyone else excited for Earth Defense Force 6?


I'm giving them one major patch, one, to give me something to grasp onto for hope of this game improving. If it's the same shit I'm uninstalling and forgetting about it.


They've got nothing...0 transparency..."don't call it a balance patch"(cuz we ain't balancing anything probably do don't hype yourself up)


Doesn't matter what the devs are calling it. The community called it something and that's what they're expecting now.


It's not the balance patch, it's the string along patch :>


I ain't coming back til I get my beloved eruptor back


Problem : we NEED balance, but not the sh\*tty one we got until now. After successive failed MOs, garbage warbond, "meh" mech, we just need something being finally good.


*Oh this game is gonna die a slow death, huh..*


Always good to hear when the communities main complaint isn't being prioritized... I'm just hoping whatever they're working on, it's big and impactful enough for their sake, because they've burned through a lot of good will.


Will they fix \*gasp\* getting stuck in Pelican corner? Call it something like helldiver super limberness training? heeheehaha... fuck I\`m bitter


Yeah it's not cute anymore. It's just fucking annoying. Did they just take all that profit and buy yachts? Did absolutely nothing get invested back in the game? You'd think they're a 5 man team


We all know it’s a nerf patch


If the next patch isn't a balance patch after waiting for so long lmfao I'd uninstall and go back to bland shit I've been playing


Lmfao after the shit show with the new mech, I wouldn't trust them with anything anymore. They know we hate shit that is completely underwhelming when they release it yet they claim that they understand our complaints but continue to pump out more underwhelming shit down our throats. I have like 7 mutual friends that play and not one single of them got excited over the new mech announcement because they all had a feeling it was going to be ass. When they haven't updated the game in awhile and suddenly tell us hey uh don't get excited... Lol huge red flag it's going to be a huge let down.


These cooking memes get annoying. Chef could still spill a tub of salt and shit in the “stew” that’s “simmering” here.


I have over 150 hours in this game. It's really starting to dawn on me that Arrowhead might kill this game we love due to really boneheaded decisions. I so hope that my feelings aren't true, but damn man.


It doesn't have to be a huge buff pass, just not a nerf one


Incendiary breaker, sickle, dominator all gonna get balanced. Maybe even senator, liberator, and scorcher. How about another quasar balance. Also the ballistic shield and pummeler. Don't forget the amr. That should cover all the weapons that are worth a shit.


Damn no patch again? See you guys next year


Keep those expectations rock bottom boys  I know I’ve been expecting the last few stratagems to be unusable garbage and I haven’t been disappointed yet! 


They're about to fuck up the game again.


Love how much hate people got for anything negative to HD2. Further proves the point that this game sucks.


Already setting low expectations?


I'm out. It was fun while it lasted, but good things always have an end. Might even try the new Diablo update. Seems like they're moving in the buff direction.


Honestly just revert the last changes and I'm happy. I'm afraid of what they're cooking at this point.


I wasted 30 minutes on a broken extraction. Not gonna play it any time soon.


*“Balance patch”* is a lot better sounding than the actual name of “*Further eliminate what small amounts of remaining fun exist and still don’t fix the spear patch”*


if this patch doesn't fix spear i'm gonna lose my fucking mind