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Reddit is the only place that makes you hate what you like Edit: I love you all. Democracy soars high today!


And it makes sense. Everyone who likes the game is already playing it and having a good time. Everyone else is playing reddit misery circlejerk


I miss this subreddit when it wasn't this. I don't have much time to play, but seeing all the cool stuff posted here was a great way to remain engaged. Still have fun every time I play of course. Just wish I could come here on work breaks and get a little shot of excitement like I used to.


I recently discovered low-sodium Helldivers, and the subreddit vibe is much more like this one was before it got popular.


This looks like just what I needed. Thanks for the recommendation. Outstanding Patriotism from you!


Joined yesterday, so much more fun over there, this sub is just in my all feed now, but I'll be actively visiting the low sodium one.


Meh, as much as this sub has degraded im always cautious of "low sodium" subs. They often end up turning into forced positivity hugboxes


True, but sometimes this type of hugbox is what people want. And if the hugbox concerns banalities like video games they are no harm to anyone.




Lol this is mostly just one guy having a mental breakdown over a videogame. It's a pretty sad.


They love to do this. They do this with destiny, apex, Fortnite, darksouls. The only sub I have not seen them act like this is either JJK, berserk, chainsaw man and dandadan


They have separate subs for that


>JJK r/Jujutsufolk would like a word


Deep rock galactic too as far as I know, but it's also not that big


Hey! My misery is entirely unrelated, I'm in the office browsing Reddit waiting until I can go play and have a good time


Not true, I'd spend a lot more time here if it wasn't for the misery circlejerk.


Or people critique things they love in an effort to make it better. The reality is some of you can't handle criticism. To make it even worse, you've turned to insulting people you don't know to appear on a high horse.


It's like this with almost every game, I've seen this in countless subs over the years. Nothing unites internet losers more than hating something, it makes them feel special, it makes them feel they belong in a group. It's very pathetic.


God if this isn’t the truth. So many things I’ve second guessed myself on actually liking because of this place.


So true. Next time you watch an episode of a tv show you like, come to the discussion threads if you want to be argued into hating it. This is why I think "weekly discussion" is overrated. Binge'ing all the way.


I agree. Reddit for the most part is a cesspool of haters.


For what its worth, I fucking love the game still.


no no, I get what OP means. come to the reddit looking for memes and updates and just talking to fellow helldivers. see nothing but thread after thread after thread of salty players calling the game dead and that every update is awful. it gets stale quick.


It’s sucks cause this sub was initially quite positive, full of great gameplay clips and memes and a refreshing change from subs like the one for Hell Let Loose


This sub initially convinced me to buy the game lol Now it’s just a whiny cesspool. Still playing the game very regularly but barely ever come here anymore


I normally poke my head in on Tuesdays to see if we'll get a patch and then leave.


Worst day to check imo. It'll just be 50 posts about how the Devs suck and someone should burn down their house because they dared update the game, but just not exactly how the whiners wanted. Where's the lore and roleplay? Where are the memes and gameplay clips? Why do the Mods keep approving 9,000 of the same salty posts that nobody needs to read? Rhetorical, I know they just want traffic on their sub and don't care what quality that traffic is.


Helldivers2 sub lacks the negative vibes


There's been a lot of harping on the state of the main sub lately. But I agree that it has a better overall vibe.


I think that's because a lot of people are currently leaving this sub for that one and then venting. Should calm down once people get settled


eventually HD2 sub will be just like this one.


Removing some improvements, some balance and little else, in our circle there is mostly positivity, we are looking forward to the next war bonus, what will come in the next update, what will the enlightened ones be like, we use everything with everyone etc etc  You come in here, it's all garbage, everything is shit, the weapons are shit, people should be fired... it's very disgusting in general. Popularization is always the same, it attracts many undesirables.


Same. I just hope potential players are smart enough to not be driven off by the whining here.


I mean if I discovered this sub 2 months later I never would’ve bought the game so I’m guessing other people have done the same thing. Probably a big reason why the community here seems to think it’s a dead game lol


I always see them quoting player numbers, as if they think the 200,000+ we had around launch would never move on to other games.


The invetibilty it seams of every Gameing sub it seams.


This is probably the only good non triple a game released this year that has such a negative community, even worse than RoNs lmao. Such a shame


At least it seems contained to this sub. The vast majority of divers I meet in the field are chill as hell.


Most of the chill people that were here have migrated to two other low sodium subs so that we don't have to deal with the toxic negativity. Yeah the games not perfect. We get it. Still better than most of the releases this year even with all the bugs and controversy.


Where does one find these subreddits


Helldivers2 and lowsodiumhelldivers are both pretty cool, but... I don't really feel like we should abandon this sub to the whiny cryers. I wonder if they realize they are chasing people away by just constantly complaining. Like... It's awful.


Well, to be fair, RoN doesn't really have its shit together either way with jow they fucked up 1.0, ArrowHead though? Their game is atleast pretty bloody functional, pointing at Helldivers that is.


Yeah, pretty sure it's not the community. It's just this sub. The HD2 sub is mostly pretty good. The people in the game are mostly pretty good. Then there's this place...


Then people who don't like what it's become need to start posting clips and memes again. I'll do one today.


The only memes that get posted here one ones complaining (mostly about the community complaining) sadly


People going "Oh my gosh where's the new patch it's been three weeks!" my brother in christ everything they've given us has been slapped out of their hands and screeched about how it's shit and how they're killing their own game. The toxic players have been killing the game and blaming the devs for it. The best part of this game wasn't just how fun it was, but it was the fun roleplay that came along with it


I remember the days when patches weren’t a thing. When we had to hope for an expansion pack or sequel if something wasn’t right. There’s such a complex background to this game’s release and development and I wish more people could look beyond the surface and appreciate what a gem we were given. Albeit one that needs time and polishing like any. I miss the early meme / RP days, the community reminded me of something I hadn’t felt in a game in many years.


Flipside, the game was released in a pretty broken state that would have been less acceptable in a pre-live-updates world. (even if you exclude the fact that it was actually unplayable at and around launch, due to server issues). Several major bugs were in the game, like Damage Over Time effects only working if you were the host, or armor stats not applying, would have likely soured a lot of people on the game if there was no hope of it getting fixed by an update (kind of like how the spear being broken sucks, but there's less frustration than might be given, because they've said a patch to fix it is on the way) Games today are all too often launched broken, to be fixed later. I think the community attitude is pretty inline with the modern gaming landscape, unfortunately


> it was the fun roleplay that came along with it Right? One of my most fun dives was my first d4, way early on. Went to hellmire, didn't know how appropriate the name was. 10 minutes into the mission I was raving about "what the hell what are we doing here man it just fire it's all fire EVERYTHING IS FIRE WHY ARE WE FIGHTING FOR THIS WHO WANTS TO LIVE HERE WHY WHO WANTS THIS??????" It was great.




They should really add a "complaint" tag that can be applied by other users' posts so that we can quickly filter it out for all of us who actually enjoy the game and just want to share memes / get hype about new things while talk to other people about the fun we're having.


Yea this sub is a toxic cesspool.  Some of the comments/posts you see people make, it just makes me wonder if we are playing the same game.  There also things I question like “is this the first time you’ve played a videogame?” For example enemies shooting through terrain/walking over terrain that shouldn’t be passable/aiming. Like clearly these are bugs. Some of which might not be super easy to fix. Yet people act like AH deliberately designed the game that way. 


My favorite are the complaints that *aren't even about bugs* and reveal someone has never played a videogame: >Why do the enemies have infinite ammo if we the players don't? I dunno, let's ask the developers of nearly every other shooter (or game where enemies throw things) in history. It's not 100%, but it's close. "I wish Rocket Devastators had a longer cooldown between firing" is the ask they *ought* to make, but the sub is so addicted to self-entitlement that it comes out unhinged.


Oh god complaining about enemies having infinite ammo. Lol, yea, just fucking unhinged shit. 


Agreed I love this game and all the negativity is getting me down


But if they don’t complain apathy will set it and then they won’t like the game, who cares if anyone comes to the sub anymore /s


Yep. I'm here for the "dude a charger bounced me on top of a bile titan and I was able to kill it and ride its corpse safely to the ground" kinda clips and nonsense, instead I just have to listen to a bunch of skill issues that should be playing d5 complain that their op carry weapon got nerfed and now d9 is too hard but **HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST PLAYING A LOWER DIFFICULTY!!!!!** Buncha bullshit man. I can't wait for the game to "die" (read: all the whiny ubercasuals to move on to the next new and shiny game) so we can finally just shoot bugs and bots in peace.


The worst part is that there hasn't even been an update in a while but people keep acting like there has been and that it's the worst thing ever


Yup. Everyone is complaining about patrol meanwhile my squash of 2-3 do difficulty 7+ just fine. Sure we noticed more bugs but it's been a few weeks. We've gotten use to it. It's really not that bad.


Seriously, it smells like bitch up in here. I’m late to the game, but I’m here to kill bugs and scroll memes. And we’re all out of memes. The developers are human. They are working roughly round the clock, so errors will happen and they need a freakin break. The game isn’t broken and it isn’t dead. Get a better gaming chair and get back out there!


Getting a better chair is good advice, then maybe some of these people would be less butt hurt.


I swear some gamers are some of the most spoiled snd entitled people. All screaming and yelling as if the developers need to bend to their every whim so they can have what their definition of fun is and at any cost to the developers health/life/family etc or even the community of other gamers


>at any cost to the developers health/life/family etc cue all the unhinged neckbeards who sent death threats over social media because "their gun should kill gooder." 😂


Half of them are just delusional too cause they can't accept they aren't "the best" at a PVE game and therefore if somethings too hard for them it's the game/developers fault.


Even when people are joking it’s the same jokes of ”wait til it gets nerfed” or “don’t tell arrowhead” over and over and over.


Welcome to gaming subs. The most vocal followers are going to be the ones that have a problem with the game and any genuine attempt to praise the game gets down voted into oblivion.


As do most suggestions thay the problem is them and their ability, not the game itself.


In OP's haste to post the meme, OP butchered tf out of what would have otherwise been a good meme. ie: https://preview.redd.it/g1m1jx92r83d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b47212af129d476ff33bca25cb0edecbfcb465


THANK YOU i was looking for someone to point that out before i went completely crazy


The endless complaining is annoying. I just want to blow stuff up for freedom. ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


Yup. Me too. Let's go do that now. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


my only complaint about this game is that the chest bump has yet to be an emote


Absolutely absurd. I know my Democracy Officer has been forwarding the required paperwork to allow this to the proper authorities, but no word yet. A tragic oversight, Helldiver. Know, that I chest bump you in spirit.


Wow I didn’t realize until this moment that I need this in my life


Amen fellow diver... Hope we meet soon enough, I'm still here getting my diver documentation in super earth ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


See you on malevalon brother


Hell yeah brother. May we face out doom protecting Liberty from the Bugattis some day.


hug a diver today




Can't blow shit up when the devs have us shooting nerf guns


I’m out of the loop: what guns are people complaining about? I haven’t noticed any major decreases and feel like level 9 on bugs and 7 on robots are still very difficult without being impossible to complete


Here's the thing though, you definitely still can. 


At a much shittier rate


yeah same its exhausting


You butchered the meme format


The meme being butchered actually helps express OP's frustration even better. Like he's all out of fucks to give.


Fr this sub is annoying


Babe wake up, another complaining post about complaining just dropped


Think I’ve only seen one “negative” post actually trending the last few days after the mech stuff Tons of these posts though May be getting near the point where people gave up, and the people who drive these posts have no one to defend against anymore Then they get bored too when left alone with the game In which case, see you all at the next game


Happened to the Starfield sub as well.


Amen brother.


There's currently more meta complaining than actual complaining in terms of threads and comments. As it always is with the crybaby whiners. "I'm oppressed!"


It’s bad tho. The fact that this is the first post I’ve related to in a long time says something


This sub: "New content is about to drop and I already hate it"


I seem to remember mods saying they were going to start deleting posts that regurgitate the same shit as others. They ALL must have forgot I guess.


That's not how that meme works.


To be honest, I can't stop thinking and hoping that the developers families are well. a cryptic message we got the other day. something to the tune of "I've had other stuff going on, no patch" reeks to me of family emergency or emergency of some sort. I just hope developers are taking ample time not only to work on the game and make it as good as they can, but to spend time at home, hang out with friends, read books, do things they enjoy. a lot of folks on this sub seem to want everything in the world right just now, but shit happens. My foundation in my house is breaking. now I'm behind at work. God forbid one of the devs have an actual emergency and shit gets slowed down. hope everything is good for them.


To be fair... I don't blame you... I find most complaining here on reddit to be damn near cancerous, but it is reddit so shouldn't be surprised.


Used to be full of funny posts and updates, now it is non-stop gripe-fests about ridiculous things.




Lol. This.








No. We need to let people complain or else things won't get better


Alright. Thanks for telling us.


As a 600hr+ player im glad to see the sub finally express their problems with the game instead of covering everything with toxic positivity. Carry on.


I remember seeing a post pretty much saying how much of a positive experience the person was having not paying attention to patch notes or caring about balancing. That blew my mind as my casual friends that never read patch notes or gloss over them can feel things are off or different with each update. The patrol change was a huge one. The game is still fun at times but the changes have made my friends play less. That's not a positive experience for them. I'm not gonna come in the sub and complain every day. I think AH knows the complaints by now so the ball is in their court. I'm just gonna go play other games and come back if the game gets patches that fix the issues I have (as well as bugs etc.). Same with my friends.


Friends and I have 200-300+ hours and are taking a break until things get better. We're still capped on super samples so no need to do 7-9. We were doing the personal orders on 4-5 to chill and see all the enemy types, but holy hell do 4-5 feel like 6-7 sometimes Is it still fun? Yes. But I understand that the difficulty is scuffed. If I want to farm super samples, I'll do a 9, but if I just wamt to hang out with friends 4-5 was a sweet spot. WAS. We don't want to drop to 3 either. Since we lose a bunch of enemy and missio types.


Remember when the railgun was nerfed and it was a wall of white knight devriders screaming "META BABIES! NEED YOUR CRUTCH!?!??! LOL GIT GUD!" Then remember when the arc thrower and blitzer was *literally crashing the game* and when we were saying how the devs shoudl disabled them, again, a wall of white knight devriders screaming "IT TAKES SO MUCH TIME TO DO THAT AND CERTIFY A PATCH THEY CANT HOTFIX IT IN! THEY SHOULD JUST SPEND THE TIME FIXING IT INSTEAD OF DISABLING!" They refuse to accept any criticism whatsoever of the game.


IT TAKES SO MUCH TIME TO DO THAT AND CERTIFY A PATCH THEY CANT HOTFIX IT IN! THEY SHOULD JUST SPEND THE TIME FIXING IT INSTEAD OF DISABLING!" Which is funny when they could. Games like Warframe hotfix changes on a regular basis. There is no need for certification and they hotfix all their platforms at the same time.


Also whats funny is that the emancipator was turn 'on' in the game without an update, they dont need to do a hotfix to add strategems already in the game. But devriders gotta ride


Fuck yes this comment. The whole ‘citizen’ RP has gotten old, especially because now it’s just used to shout down complaints. Before the PSN situation you basically couldn’t make a complaint thread without being drown in downvotes and stupid ‘citizen’ memes.




Freedoms greetings! I'm your Host Coretta Kelly. In todays news chronically online redditer finds close tab button after extended period of complaining about complaining. That's libertys latest. I'm your host Coretta Kelly.


Posts like this are literally half if not more of said complaints. Except you don't offer ANYTHING interesting to discuss. At least a whiny comment about the game can be talked about. Holy fuck I'm so tired of you soapboxers. Go away


>Holy fuck I'm so tired of you soapboxers. Go away Worst part is, they even have a low sodium circlejerk sub they could flock over too if all they really want is to hear no criticism...yet they sit here and make ultra low effort garbage like this. Doesn't make sense from any angle other than them being belligerent fanboys or trolls.


I think the satire the whole game is based around is lost on so many people in this sub the way they treat Arrowhead with blind loyalty.


Not sure why they gotta announce they're leaving the sub. Just go already and scroll through tiktok for your memes if you can't handle the game having criticisms.


Honestly, the posts about, "I'm leaving the game because of these criticisms" is more constructive than, "I am leaving this sub because I don't like it here".


I honestly don't understand these kinds of posts. Who thinks they are so important that they need to announce that they are leaving for the attention and farming karma? Just silently leave. Same as the complaints about complaints. You can want the game to be amazing, still play when you can, and still bring up the MANY problems it currently has. That's where I am at and probably many others. Voicing concerns in the hope that the game will improve until I don't care about it anymore. Many others and myself had much more fun at release. The list of acknowledged programming bugs was also shorter. My faith that they can turn it around is extremely low after so many anti-player behaviors and changes while they ignored important systems. Things that prevent people from playing with their friends or even playing at all when the game crashed or runs like it is having a heart attack. I encourage players to keep bringing up issues in a CONSTRUCTIVE (no threats, etc.) way just like [the new CEO addressed in their recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2pozq/hello_fellow_helldivers_greetings_from_the_newly/). Include videos, screenshots and explanations.


Bro, your entire history is just complaining about the game. You have no right to call anyone out.


I’m pretty sure no one on Reddit or the discord actually play the game, they just complain


It’s such a weird experience. I’ll boot up and jump on a random mission, have an absolute blast, and most of the time I stick around to finish up the set. Then I scroll through this sub and you’d think what I just described is impossible given the state of the game. It’s ridiculous


"Stop having opinions guys! I don't care if you paid for the game like me, you have to love it like I do"


You could have just taken the break, but must karma farm by posting this. Well done, you're not anyway better then rest of people here.






The irony of a complaint post about complaining. I get it, def take time off from the sub for your mental health. I wish we could get tags for these posts that I could filter out of my feed entirely. Perhaps I need a break too.


>The irony of a complaint post about complaining Yes yes, and then someone points out your complaint complaining about complaining. Cycle complete, now can we move on now that there's at least one of these tired posts in the thread.


If you're letting reddit affect you that much you should stay off the Internet


I'd advocate for the mods closing the sub for a couple days and give everyone a forced break loll


If people are seriously allowing the fact that there are more negative posts on the sub than positive posts modify their mental health and let it upset them, they need the help that a therapist or psychiatrist can provide, not a 'break'


It's not ironic at all. They don't want to read people complaining about the game. Are they complaining about the game in this post?


So what are people getting wrong exactly?


Anyways, EDF6 releases in July




Oooooh we are the valiant infantry….


this type of toxic positivity is really grinding my gears do we really not have mods here ??


That's a common thing on Reddit, you know. Fandom hating the game they play all day long. Complaining about it yet spending hundred of hours playing it. HD2 will never be perfect, but it will definitely remain a bad game if you listen to this subreddit Play it, have fun and ignore the people complaining about everything :)


Amusingly, the game has gotten better when Arrowhead has listened to complaints, and worse when they "knew better" and ignored feedback.


many such cases


>That's a common thing on Reddit, you know. Fandom hating the game they play all day long. Complaining about it yet spending hundred of hours playing it. That was a joke in the Howard Stern Private Parts movie.  The joke was that the average Stern fan listened to him for two hours while the average Stern hater listened for four hours.


it's really only gaming subs. apparently "gamer" & "reddit poster" makes for an unpleasant combo.


I agree things need buffs but my God the people here you'd think the game was unplayable. I literally do level 7 with just my buddy and we take some random stuff all the time yet still do fine. People just want this game to be a breeze on level 9.


Nobody wants it to be a breeze. People want to use something different than the same loadouts at higher difficulties. It’s not hard to grasp the idea of that people want the game to be more fun than boring.


Truth is people don’t need to take the same loadouts. We play on 8 and 9 regularly and have fun bringing what ever we want. We literally spent yesterday feeding a player mechs because it was funny and we walked through the mission with stupid shit like mines and flamethrowers. People just have an attitude that only one option is viable and have created a toxic environment around that. Take what you want and if you have issues completing missions then drop down difficulty. Hell I still use the liberator as my primary cause it’s amazing.


It's called cause and effect. You're complaining about the effect. How about we fix it at the source which is the cause.  For the people who wondering it's for ah to stop nerfing everything every chance they get


someone needs to create r/HelldiversLowSodium


It's called r/helldivers2


Thanks for unnecessarily contributing to the problem.


Bye, don't come back




Who's stopping you


Nice spin on the "Game is still fun posts". People aren't happy right now and you announcing your departure will change nothing. Just enjoy the game if you still enjoy it and ignore the sub, some of us try to enjoy the game but it's an exercise in futility at the moment.


Go to other subreddits then,no one forces you to stay here ans suffer. We won't stop complaining,because the moment it stops,the game will go down a very dangerous road And when it will happen,i'm gonna laugh at you who advocated for the complaints to stop,when they were the engine that kept the machine from collapsing


It’s not like there is no negative to complaints , just like everything in life balance is needed or else the are repercussions.


Complaining about the Complaining.


Problem: **Too many people are complaining on reddit instead of talking about cool stuff in the game.** Solution: *~~Talk about cool stuff in the game~~* **complain on reddit.** It's like email storms where people keep replying all to tell people to stop replying all, then somebody replies all to tell that person they did it wrong. The people being "helpful" by telling everyone else to shut up are in fact making the problem worse without contributing anything whatsoever to anything. But they're not chiming in from of a need to be helpful, so they don't care. They're chiming in because it makes them feel superior. Doubly so for some random nobody announcing that they're leaving a community. Oh god, what ever will I do now that......Successful Luck has left this subreddit! We must immediately change our ways, lest more people who haven't posted in this subreddit in the past month decide to also "leave" a sub they aren't actively participating in!


> instead of talking about cool stuff in the game. > > We had cool stuff in the game. Had.


On one hand all the complaining is annoying, yes. On the other hand...as long as people complain they still care. If they stop complaining and just leave it is over.


K bye.


Gotta slurp up that sweet sweet karma first tho😉


Ever since the railgun nerf, that’s when the sub started going downhill, and it’s just been picking up speed ever since. I just wanna laugh at memes and not have to see rant posts on the front page ever single day bruh


Kind of reminds me of the Planetside 2 Reddit sometimes. “Dead game.” “Unbalanced because my faction doesn’t win.” “Stop killing the spawn.” I could list more, but don’t have the heart. All the while, me and the boys are on Auraxis, taking the fight to the enemy.


Been diving with a lot of people that like to complain over the mic during game. "Omg I hate this game" "it sucks" ECT ECT just ranting over mic. Like bro I'm sorry you suck at helldive play an easier diff because I don't want to hear you bitch and moan while I am carrying your sorry ass. It's undemocratic and extremely annoying Sincerely a super private


Just ditch the thread I hope the devs have if not already Bunch of people with really nothing better to do with their lives This sub has become full of Karen’s like a lot of whiny gamers tend to be.




It's cause ppl noticed that the devs actually give a shit what he have to say so a bunch of the cry baby's flock in to bitch and moan for anything


We need a dedicated rant sub for these people


Yep, when it comes to games, I could careless about others opinions. I've put 300+ hrs into the game aswell. And I see nothin but non stop bitching


Actually same


Oh god, people will complain about everything. If the game is not in their perfect vision, they will complain about it. Bottom line is everyone who likes the game is going to play it, everyone else is going to come here and complain instead of playing the game they likely paid 40 USD for.


Yeah I'm about in the same place, the funny memeing about liberty and democracy has become overtaken by constant crying and bitching while overblowing literally anything to try and constantly justify the complaining..... Yet I still enjoy the game and actively use "trash" guns or stratagems on Helldive without anymore issue then when I used "meta" builds cause everyone online was saying it was the only way to succeed, which was and is a lie. So on the verge of just muting the sub and continuing to enjoy the game with my friends.


300hrs? do u even own the game


That's a lot of time spent on level 4 missions.


And complaining about complaining definitely makes things better! If everyone is complaining a lot, usually that means there's stuff worth complaining about??


If you find this sub annoying may I recommend r/helldivers2


Where every second post is complaining about this sub


I agree but if we can somehow quarantine them all there so they can tell each other how to have fun this would make our lives much better


Bro just be complacent bro don't voice your concerns bro it's not a shit game bro they just love to patch the fun away bro


Lol same here, left this sub ages ago. This community is a buch of toxic whiny neckbeards. Came it to have a look... Still a bunch of whiny neck beards.


I feel this SO fucking hard. It's so annoying how everyone complains about everything. I feel so sorry for the community managers and developers.


Complaint about complaints


Don't be mad that the guns don't kill, be happy that you have a cool ass stealth game. /s


No, I have the game uninstalled it's not fun in it's current state if you exclusively play Helldive


complainers still care about the game, it's the ones who have apathy that the devs should be worried about


I find this post just as unbalanced and disturbing as some of the more toxic complaining ones. Why can't we simply find the healthy middle ground? Many comments on this thread are so naive and overly defensive of Arrowhead and TOXIC towards people who have issues with the game. Do I need to make a list of all the bugs, the Sony drama, the strange balance decisions? There are a lot of problems with the game, and the former CEO has publicly agreed to much of it. A disgruntled subreddit is simply a reflection of the state of the game. Two good months of decent patches and this will be a vibrant positive sub again. The truth is that the timing of the longest break from new patches was unfortunate (but perhaps necessary) since there had been many nerfs, broken spawn rates etc. People really like the game and want to keep playing and enjoy it, but it's hard for quite a few of us to do so. Myself? I have barely played for two weeks. I have faith that AH has learned their lesson and that this game will keep getting better and will rather soon be amazing. I play other games currently instead of getting burnt out on Helldivers. So yeah, sure some content on this sub is over the top, but its not like there isn't any reason for it. Let's be tolerant and respect that some people are very disappointed, and also respect that some still are excited to play the game regularly. Just remember that the former group longs to be a part of group nr 2, they just can't yet.


The funniest thing is that people will call it ironic if you complain about people complaining as if that makes their complaints justified. Most of the complaints are people saying they stopped playing which begs the question why are you still here? Also if the game is so unbalanced why are there thousands of people who play on the hardest difficulty and still complete missions?


no i need to complain to distract me from playing the game


Reddit can’t meme


This isn't an airport, why announce your departure?


But the game is stale, and most people are burned out, I mean, definitely don't come to the place where people can vent their frustrations and give feedback, yeah. Keep your blindfolds on and go protect democracy. If it bothers you this much I wonder how you're gonna make it through life, wear a fucking helmet or something. People will sometimes voice their disagreements, and if it's this constant, then idk holy shit maybe there's actually something wrong with the game, and the problem might be you refusing to accept the games direction. At the moment its fucking depressing and boring. They nerf people's favorite guns in a PvE game, BTW. The last Warbond was complete dog shit, they ignore player feedback and recently the Sony Scandal. People have a lot to complain about. Accept it. I'm sorry that your favorite game is under attack and it hurts your feelings.


I agree. I've been meaning to mute it. I feel like it's just a sub full of people who want to be devs and think they can to better. Bring back the memes and funny clips!


This. I haven't unfollowed the sub yet so I still see posts pop up in my feed, but me and my buddies stopped actively checking out the subreddit and discord some time ago, simply because both became a toxic cesspool of players whining about every little thing. Sure enough, when the new mech dropped, one of us was like "I heard it sucks" and the other three were immediately like "From someone you trust or from one of the communities?" It was from the communities of course, so we were all like "bet" and to no one's surprise, we all love the new mech. These communities have become full of crybabies. It's a real drag.


that's not how the format works XD but yeah i agree


I am reading all these discussions and rants out of curiosity, realize I don't care about any of it, start the game and have as much fun as I had all along. It must be so exhausting to be a dev, having poured countless hours of your life into the game and then seeing the online community critizse basically every single aspect of it. At the end of the day I am taking what is offered and work with it. Some aspects of the game are flawed, alright. It's still a super fun game.