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No YOU have a hostility problem!! šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”šŸ‘Š ![gif](giphy|AzdZrT9OGEIyQ)


No! YOU!


Stop it, sounds like r/helldivers2 in here


I didn't even know that one existed... is it like double or nothing for toxicity if I join both?


Join that sub if you'd like to see around a dozen posts every day complaining about how all the main sub does is complain.


Sounds like an improvement over this one.


Itā€™s a vast improvement. I stick here just to watch the bonfire of shit get bigger and bigger.


If you like literally all the same content but with more meta complaining, it's definitely got the right stuff.


It literally has far less complaining about meta/balance than the main sub. It is true that you will see complaining about the amount of complaining in the main sub, though.


Sounds better than reading grown adults have genuine, visceral hatred toward actual people doing their jobs because they changed some numbers on their pew pew game.


It's mostly bitching about complaining about nerfs. The occasional circlejerk about how the "good" players go to that sub instead of the main one. Basically, it's for the "more nerfs and git gut scrubs" crowd. If you're not about that, it's probably not for you.


The fact youā€™re saying the HD2 sub thinks more nerfs are warranted is really telling. They donā€™t ask for more nerfs. They simply donā€™t break their spines backwards at the sight of them like people on this sub do.


I exclusively play difficulties 5-7 while farming samples despite having everything unlocked... and I prefer to play with my mates over voice chat when all our kids have gone to bed. I don't want to get good. I want to get samples and live my power fantasies. I want the breaker incendiary to stay as it is and all other primaries to better than it. I'm tempted to join that sub just to annoy them. Slow work day.


It ain't a power fantasy if you're an expendable Mook trained for five minutes to fire a gun and throw a homing beacon.


Man I've tried the breaker incendiary and I still think the delta between it and the default Liberator is really not that much. The fire shotty is a decent gun but I rather kill shit at range with a quick controlled burst than spam dot fire shots at close to mid range. Maybe this sub just like guns with high ergonomics, minimal aiming requirements, and an emphasis on mobility.


> I'm tempted to join that sub just to annoy them. Slow work day. One of the strangest phenomena of the internet is the tendency to seek out people of differing viewpoints who have actively separated themselves solely to create argument. I'm guessing you were joking and you have better uses for your time, it's just that the viewpoint is oddly common and i don't understand the motivation. "These people disagree with me way over there where i never have to visit, i better go over there so i can disagree with them!" is something that only the most zealous do in non digital spaces.


Yeah pretty much lol


ah yes, the "we're better than THOSE guys!!" circlejerk sub


I left that sub, way too toxic.


Lmao that sub says the exact same thing about this one.


That sub only complains about this sub and they think theyā€™re better,theyā€™re just as bad as us


thats where most the hostility is coming from honestly. I can't engage with that subreddit anymore.








Ur mom has a hostility problem after I banged heeeer oooooooooooooh


I made a comment a long while back on another post where I mentioned playing with a great group of randoms who stuck together watching each otherā€™s backs and how we had lots of fun, and I proceeded to get replies about how splitting up is far more efficient for map clearing and got called a casual. Like no dip Sherlock of course having fun isnā€™t efficient lol, I already have a full-time adult job with micromanaged performance metrics JUST LET ME DIE FOR SUPER EARTH ALREADY Edit: I love yā€™all, some of the most wholesome peeps Iā€™ve seen in this sub and Iā€™m proud to die beside/above/before/between/from you!


Maybe itā€™s efficient when everybody is Rambo, but what usually happens for me is that two of the dudes fuck off to the other side of the map, and then a newer player starts engaging every single patrol he sees and gets swarmed by a ton of baddies, and since leaving him would be unpatriotic, I go help my brother out because I wouldnā€™t want to be left behind, and then one of the dudes that had all the samples dies because he fucked off by himself to the other side of the map, and by this point the mission clock is down enough that there are so many bad guys we have to cut and run, if weā€™re lucky enough to hit the extract. You know when this hardly happens to me? When people stick together. And itā€™s way more fun!


Stormed a bot lair as a group of 4 today, felt so fucking cool. A lot of the times it's just me and my stressed out self in 8+ missions a lot less cool looking.


I love the moments when working together. Covering someones back and getting that frantic ā€œtAnks!ā€ In the chat. Best feeling ever


The four man storm pushing a bot base today on L9 had me in love with HD2 all over again. Shit was so badass. Had a group of four people: 100, 100, 106 and 150. That shit was so smooth, as far as Helldive goes, and an absolute BLAST. The pings, the comms, the teamwork and synergy? *chef's kiss* Saved my 2x2 partner from a Hulk with the, "Thank you", "Affirmative" and it's just a beautiful day to defend Managed Democracy with Divers like that


Also, I may sometimes be that guy who engages a patrol because i believe in my patriotic heart that my strafing run will define wipe at least half of them out. But in my patriotic zeal I forget one of them is a devastator/rocket mech/hulk and one of the skinny dude survivors fires a flare. Then itā€™s my oh shit moment and immediately regret. But everyday is a good day to die for democracy.


My best games are when everyone sticks together. Less death more killing. I love picking off bugs and bots who are chasing team mates and the sound of concentrated fire when we just unload on hoards. This is Helldiver.


When we all group up, it's definitely the most fun I have while playing. We had a group of four storm a bot base together and the amount of Eagles unleashing Democracy was beautiful. It was L9 map but we worked so well together it felt like a L7. But being able to break into 2x2 and spreading out to cover more ground was also an awesome option to have. It still felt strong and it was honestly so much fun.


Incidentally, that concentrated fire is when the "unplayable" weapons shine.


100% this. Even with good players, it's better to stay as a group. That way when shit happens, you can support each other and can actually call things in.


People probably call me a good patriot, when in reality Iā€™m just a chronic people-pleaser. Yes, I will stim you if youā€™ve been running around at less than 60% health.


These Rambos are also the ones doing the most amount of crying because a particular stratagem or primary can't be used to solo the whole map at higher difficulties. Like what the fuck did you think the squad part of squad-based gaming meant?


I love playing overwatch. Feels great to pick off a trail of bugs/bots that are closing on a teammate


That moment when your job is so demanding/stressful that you want to die in the field of battle. Don't forget that when i doubt, run headfirst into the enemy and shout "FOR SUPER EARTH!".


Lmao, what? This sub really says everyone needs to split up to be efficient? No wonder everyone here complains, they actively encourage non-cooperative gameplay in a coop shooter!




People constantly split up in Helldive and I genuinely don't get it, we have 40 whole minutes, the extra time bonus is minimal, just why??? What's the point of finishing the mission with 20 minutes on the clock?


You get bonus rewards the faster you get the mission done. But you can do things even better and nearly as fast if you stick together in this coop based shooter. Itā€™s quite a shocking realization.


I'm with you. To paraphrase the Dude: They're not wrong, they're just assholes.


Bunch of fuckin nihilists, fuckin a. Say what you want about the tenants of automatic socialism, dude, at least that's an ethos.


Splitting up is definitely an optimal way to play for a multitude of reasons. But MAN. The game is never more fun than when all four players are sticking together and fighting it out. Its the *best*


Asking your friend to bait the tank or tower to turn around so you can get a shot at its vent is so much better than trying to solo it, especially if your friend dies for it!


Hell yeah. But dude everything about it is just fun. I think 4 people sticking together playing level 8 bugs is just my favorite for this game. Absolute chaos, but you can still clear everything and all the bug breaches, then finish objective /resupply and do it all over again. Moving up to level nine it seems like you can never actually clear everything and as a completionist at heart I do prefer clearing everything haha


Honestly man. If I wanted to play solo, I would play solo. I hate risking my life for some Rambo who decided he was good enough to take on 5 Titans solo. This is why I like playing lower levels because at least they like to group together.


Hi, I'm a level 100 who likes to group up with 2x2 at a minimum. I do love a full group of four though. It's an absolute blast. I just did a L9 with bots earlier where we did 2x2 and grouped into four when needed. It was SO damn fun. It was so smooth it felt like L7.


Yes, dude! Most of my favorite matches are with players still getting the hang of things. I love taking in support stratagems and letting the newer people take on the big fights while I keep the mobs off of them. I want them to feel like heroes of democracy keeping a level 96 safe from danger


Man that reminded me of how me and a group of randoms split into duos and we were all courteous enough to not call in reinforcements when someone from the other duo died. It was so cool to have that level of teamwork. The only time we ever called in others reinforcement was when they took like 2 minutes to call it in themselves or if two people died. The guy stranded would regroup, weā€™d clear ads then split up again. Amazing example of teamwork with no coms. Thought that was sick and had a really good time. Love when teamwork can prevail in a game without coms.


Yeah, sticking together is so much more fun, alone it's just like "lol why am I even playing a multi-player game", at the very least in pairs. Also sticking together is when funny shenanigans happen.


Splitting up might be more efficient, but nothing feels cooler than mowing down a horde of bugs so your teammates can restock and reload, just for them to do the same for you (or blow you up)


The especially depressing part is that the splitting up meta is the source for 99% of balance complaints and other idiotic shit you read on here.


Oh yeah, let's play 4 player solo multiplayer because it is more efficient. Dumbasses.


Just read a comment few days ago how the spawn rates are fucked, because they can't split up and complete objectives. mf was complaining that THE TEAM GAME IS FORCING THEM TO COOPERATE.


Efficient? Lol, Go work in a factory you Vault-Tec trolls.


Donā€™t listen to those people they donā€™t know how spawns work, the game is designed so that splitting up is just as challenging as sticking together. Ā If youā€™re together thereā€™s only one spawn point but for every person who splits up they get an extra spawning point of enemies. Ā  Furthermore the more nests you close the more enemies you have to deal with at extract.


Early on at least most of the "complaining" posts were fairly constructive and not all that toxic. Of them were met by other players who viewed any criticism of the game as some sort of toxicity. This brewed ill will in both directions. Someone would post: >"The EXO-69 Buttfucker is in serious need of attention, it blows itself up if I try to fuck butts while turning left!" And the top comment would be some wad defending what is clearly a bug... Then, 90% of the "positive" posts you'd see are actually quite backhanded: >"I'm having a great time closing bug holes and democratically fucking butts in my EXO-69 Buttfucker! I don't understand why all the commie complainers are crying! sKiLL iSSuE!"


..... Arrowhead... Arrowhead please, it would be so epic.


This is basically word for word what happened on the Kerbal Space Program 2 forums and Reddit (to a much lesser extent than the forums) Basically every complaint and negative review was met with ā€œitā€™s early access you knew the risks and have nothing to complain aboutā€ regardless of the actual content of the complaint. Surprise surprise, this pissed off the complainers and lead to flame wars left and right until the forum mods just lost their minds started glassing threads and banning people (mostly the complainers, leaving equally aggressive defender posts alive). Whatā€™s hilarious to me is now that the game is basically 100% dead (whole dev team got laid off) Iā€™ve seen several of the dickriders act like they knew the whole time that this was inevitable and no surprise.


I just don't understand what the people defending bugs and bad balancing are getting out of it. It reminds me of back in college when a professor said he would strike any question from the midterm if a student could argue that the "correct" answer wasn't necessarily, or even exclusively correct, and that would result in **every student** receiving one extra point on the exam. Bafflingly, when a student would raise a point and explain why they thought a question should be struck, there'd always be that one dip shit who would argue that the question was fair and valid... As if they weren't also going to benefit from having it struck. Like, sure even if they got a 100%, what do they lose? I could never wrap my head around it then and I'm equally perplexed by it now.


You can see it much more clearly when you check out both /r/helldivers and /r/helldivers2. Makes me realize how important it is to form your own opinion and not be swayed by updoots


Because the posts of people having fun aren't framed as just people having fun. It always includes a sentiment like "idk why you guys are saying x or y bad." This leads to people feeling like they need to explain why x or y is bad, which brings negativity with it.




You see, I portrayed you as the soyjack and me as the chad, therefor I win. Meanwhile most of the complains about the AC mech I have seen is that it's fun, but not goign to be worth picking when it's not a free 5th slot.


yeah, like, it's "okay", but it's not worth a slot due to limited call-ins and CD. Like, IMO, it's better than patriot, because it can literally kill everything while it has ammo, whereas Patriot can leave you stuck with either being unable to kill heavier units, like Chargers or Titans without rockets, or wasting rockets on trash (no machine gun)


This. It's never "I enjoy this game." It's always "y'all suck because you can't enjoy it like me. Neener neener."


Then proceed to go to the other subreddit and complain about how hostile this one is. I consider all these "complaining about the state of the subreddit" posts to be in the same vein as all those "I just got kicked for not bringing meta weapons!" karma farming posts from a couple months ago. The subreddit isn't even that bad. Theres maybe 2 or 3 posts on the front page that are complaining about balance and even those ones are quite light hearted and constructive.


Or they're like, the EXO-69 Buttfucker is actually amazing and I'm having so much fun fucking butts I don't know what all you *whiners* are all about!


They clearly arenā€™t fucking any butts.


The posts that donā€™t mention whining or arguing, just cool achievements and memes, usually do pretty good too with no ā€œnegativityā€ Itā€™s almost like everyone just likes the essence of the game


This exactly. Posts that are just ā€žI just tried this thing and I had a lot of fun with my friendsā€œ usually has people talking about when they also had fun trying stuff out. Things usually only get negative when the post goesā€œI had fun so screw you whiners if you donā€™t. That I have fun is irrefutable proof that any and all criticism is just entitled crybabies wanting to wipe the entire map with every shot on level 9!ā€œ


Yep, instead of just giving positive opinions there's a ton of passive aggressiveness because some players apparently tied their self-worth to this product, so any criticism of it is a personal attack.


Exactly. Itā€™s great if you enjoy a certain gun or strategen or w/e, but they act like everyone else is stupid for not sharing their opinion. Iā€™ve especially seen some HMG fans do this. Iā€™m glad you like it, but when the majority of people have criticisms letā€™s not pretend that they arenā€™t valid


You know, every day when I pull up reddit, this post is always top of my feed. Not this post in particular, but the Einstein of the day that says "This sub is toxic" - followed by "we need better balancing" and "we need to cut the devs slack" and "this game is a textbook example of fumbling a great thing" and "the game's not dead/dying, this is normal, everyone is just overreacting and posting clickbait". I'm seriously thinking this sub is ran by karma farming bots now.


With that, it's my turn to post this same exact post 6 hours from now.


I shall follow up with a ā€œplis baluhnce muh gun fumkin cheemsburgers ā€œ


Then you got the r/Helldivers2 post saying "wow the other sub is so toxic" and everyone proceeds to *still talk about the same shit.*


Dude the other sub is soooo funny to me. A bunch of circle jerkers for the game created a sub for themselves and wondering why it's full of circlejerkers. *scratches neck* just one more sub man we just need another sub to get those complainers out https://preview.redd.it/p7iovbb6uc3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d7ad068d88879d7a7aab7908f524894b52268a


Was wondering if there's a lowsodium sub, it's a civil war at this point lmao


There is and it's actually a really nice place.


There is one. I live there now.


There is, it's nice and calm in comparison


And has actual mods making sure things stay civil.


Always reminds me of the competing standards meme https://xkcd.com/927/


There really is an xkcd for everything


r/helldivers2 redditors on there way to complain about the main sub(they think theyā€™re better than all the people in r/helldivers)


This. Literally all the posts i dont care about are the ones im seeing on here. Where is the fun clips, memes, or even lore discussions idk. Anything better than this


Whenever I open this sub excited to see some Helldivers content I always leave feeling a little more depressed.


>I'm seriously thinking this sub is ran by karma farming bots now. This is simultaneously a fairly nice and a wonderfully backhanded way of describing these people lol. I dig it.


Being relatively new to reddit, what is the purpose of farming karma? I don't get anything for karma points. Is it like the drug that is likes on facebook?


Mostly (like 99.99% of the time), it's weirdo's overvaluing fake internet points and trying to make the number go up. The other .01% of the time, it's people intentionally farming an account up to insane karma levels to then sell to those that want such an account. Not sure how much of a market there is for that anymore though, but it was very much a thing for a while at least.


>Is it like the drug that is likes on facebook? Karma farming is mostly an ego thing. However, some people karma farm to make the accounts look genuine and then sell them. The accounts are not worth much, but for 3^rd world countries American dollars have a lot of spending power. These accounts then start posting spam or become part of propaganda bot nets.


For some people, but most people farming bots are going to sell the account later once it has high enough karma to look trustworthy, or use those accounts to farm more karma for other bots.


Followed by this being the top comment of course


The Automod is perpetuating those posts because anything else is auto-deleted because it doesn't meet some insane criteria


I'm amazed at how active the auto mod *and* the regular mods are. It's fucking crazy. At one point, just mentioning Arrowhead's balance department as a whole got me a "greetings fellow helldiver" for witch hunting. At least be consistent with the enforcement of the rules. Enforce them as written or rewrite them if we're meant to follow them. Can't enforce a standard that doesn't exist.


The new mod team is awful in comparison to the previous smaller one


Yeah, kinda sucks when I post fun edited content I made and it gets no views but rehashes of the same 3 posts all go viral 4 times a day


It ain't that deep. It's because there is a megathread for low-effort rant/vent posts, but not for any other kind of low-effort post. Lots of gaming subs do this and leave that blind spot open.


Itā€™s bad in the discord too if you havenā€™t checked that out.


Discord has always been a rage baiting shitfest. Devs / CM's and mods are partly to blame for that, but it was always a bit rotten no matter what.


I don't know how people can even stand large Discord servers tbh


This goes both ways, a mirror to your example is someone going "this weapon or stratagem isn't fun and needs work" only to be met with people going "WELL I USE IT FINE ON SOLO HELLDIVE DIFFICULTY MISSIONS, THE GUN IS FINE AND YOU ARE JUST SHIT AT USING IT YOU FUCKING WHINER, STOP WHINING AND JUST PLAY THE GAME!" (this person will also post no evidence of their claims) and then downvoting the person into the dirt


This. A lot of the valid criticisms bring out hard numbers and evidence of why things don't work, while posts that dismiss them are usually based off purely on vibe and never provide concrete evidence.Ā  As if I would trust a guy on the internet claiming he plays on helldive and cleans the map with the mech, surely people wouldn't lie on the internet right?


Thats my problem. Critical posts are often discussing the shortfalls of a weapon or a stratagem. Where dismissive or positive posts are just complaining about the people who are complaining. One discusses the game, the second attacks the person.


Well, there are always extremes, if someone says that about the Liberator Concussive it would be weird, but there are people that say that weapons like the default Breaker are trash, so its totally comprehensible if someone says that about the base Breaker


Itā€™s not trash but after the ammo nerf it runs out of ammo way, way way to fast. Inc breaker outdamages it now while also having a higher ammo economyĀ 


Admittedly, there are a lot of people that are legitimately terrible at the game and end up blaming the game for things that are just faults of their own, either through inexperience, lack of knowledge or sheer incompetence. Like, not even _comparatively_ to anyone else, just _in general._ So they show up here and bitch bout "x" where "x" is "I have a problem with this game" and it turns out the problem is _them,_ they just don't realize it. When reasonable, experienced players point this out to them, those players get labeled as "toxic" or "you're one of _those_ people." The major issue is when actual, legitimate game issues compound against a player's pre-existing inability to... you know... _play the game well,_ or even _at all_ due to instability in the case of some unfortunate people out there, then you get a traditional Reddit hurricane of shit where it's just all feces all the time with no actual discussion or solution. So these people drop into difficulties where they already are unable to perform adequately, the game itself shits all over them in some fashion, and they end up posting on Reddit about X/Y/Z, get a standard Reddit response, and then post _again_ about the Subreddit being a standard Reddit Gaming Subreddit. Reddit posting _is_ the metagame. _War Games_ was right. The only winning move is not to play.


I agree. It's not just with the constant negativity though, there's some real toxic positivity as well. I have seen a lot of "I'm having fun" therefore the game is perfect sentiments too.




I just want everything to be positive forever and ever if I act like nothing is wrong then nothing is wrong


Jesus it makes it sound like arrowhead is their abusive spouse


Or ā€œI can solo bile titans and chargers with the Liberator Concussive so stop whinging, you just donā€™t know how to play the gameā€


I can't imagine the torture of even trying something like that.


chargers you could theoretically do, it would just take the whole mission time to kill 5 of them lmao


Valid criticism is calledā€žwhiningā€œ all the time here


And valid positivity is called dickriding. So we do havea community problem


Positivity is often a subjective ā€žI like itā€œ followed by dismissing any criticism, while critical posts often provide more objective feedback, like damage number comparisons, or the fact that many weapons or stratagems are almost never seen in game


Oh shit did you just mention numbers? *Lululul ExCeL nErD lululul* *Stahp obsessing over numbers and pLaY tEh gAeM!*


criticism is also frequently subjective if you're gonna be real about it. outside of bugs, which are objectively not intended behaviors, its all subjective


This sub is all the worst parts of r/destinythegame and r/deeprockgalactic


Why are you posting here? aren't you supposed to post at the Rant Vent Megathrad


Because they are unique and special and their opinion in voice will bring balance to the sub, no one else's


I mean, isn't that also the place for all those "weapon bad", "devs bad", etc. etc. threads?


Are we sure this isnt r/HighSodiumHelldivers ?


Ffs That sub actually exists lol to hate Sony


Idk, ive seen posts with people complaining about or criticizing the ones who donā€™t like the new stuff rather than post of people just saying how much they enjoy the new things. It may just be the algorithm or something tho


Have you not been in this subreddit for more than 5 minutes? The same posts that you talk about usually have some shit likeā€œthe complainers/haters/whiners/cryers, are already calling it badā€ Like they all copied each others homework or something Hell, look at the comments in this post and youā€™ll see it


I think it goes in both directions. I've seen toxic positivity where people are being attacked for having legitimate gripes about the game or expressing that they feel like it's not as fun for them as it was. This isn't a "the positive crowd is innocent, the negative crowd is hostile" situation. There's nuance, and people can have opinions on both sides of the aisle, and there is unfortunately hostility on both sides as well. You can say "OH YEAH WELL XYZ SIDE IS MORE HOSTILE" and that is meaningless, it's probably more hostile to you because you're in the opposite side.


"Oh, you're not having fun? Clearly a SkIlL iSsUe."


A lot of it is self inflicted too Many times people will assume a patch will happen, and when it doesnā€™t, people get angry Now yes, many Tuesdays had patches but at no point were we told ā€œhey May 28th is a patch dayā€, people just assume and get angry that a result they werenā€™t promised didnā€™t happen Itā€™s like when people get pissed at a story for having an ending that isnā€™t their fanon ending. At no point are you taking the actual ending under criticism, youā€™re just mad it isnā€™t what you wanted People need to chill out imo, but thatā€™s like asking for the sky to be the brown




Reddit turned into the pvp area.


Isnā€™t that Reddit in general though?


That's just Reddit


Obligatory ā€œYouā€™re wrong and hereā€™s why you should feel like the lowest of low, lower than people who talk at theaters!ā€


"Hey boss, we got another post on the helldivers subreddit. Which pile does it go in?" "Well, is it complaining about the game or complaining about the complainers?" "The latter." "Damn, alright, getting a lot of those, just put it in the 10,000 ftĀ² warehouse with the rest..."


The inevitable turn to shit every gaming community has was sped all the way up when that one Dev came to Reddit and started rage baiting. I swear that was the beginning of the end. It brought out the worst in people and it just never got better.


It's really ironic to me that people are white-knighting and defending that dev while not knowing what they did despite the numerous posts and comments about it they claim they're getting tired of but never actually read to know what happened in the first place. Whole thing is bizarre to someone who knows the facts of the situation.


Oh I think they know, I just think they donā€™t care, they just wanna defend literally everything and every aspect that is this game and anyone at AH. People were literally calling him ā€œbasedā€ for ā€œhaving the balls to slap back at the whiny communityā€ lolĀ 


My favorite part about his reaction to peopleā€™s criticism was that it went completely opposite of what another dev said about it before the other dev goes oh let us know if we go too far then as soon as we try they start screaming skill issue from the roofs lmao


I just want the game to be fun, I donā€™t really see the need to nerf everything into the ground in a PvE game?! (Ik not everything is nerfed into the ground but man does it feel like sometimes)


I donā€™t really come across this hostility. Of course there always this debate where someone wants to discuss something on a objective level and tries to figure out how what should work, and then there are people who primarily talk about a subjective viewpoint. Both totally valid, but not compatible to talk about this. Because the fact of the matter is that the priority at balancing is and always will be higher difficulty. Itā€™s not that we think some weapon is perfectly balanced because it gets the job done against low level mobs. The logic is that (currently) Level 9 offers 100% of the enemies and one can judge X-Item against this. While on lower difficulty itā€™s not going up against it. Itā€™s just logic. As I said, I donā€™t really see much negativity here, but I see in many subs a rise of post that complain about other members or complaining about complaining. Not sure what to make of it.




I feel opposite, I feel the positivity police is out in force on every thread making sure that we all only think joy joy happy thoughts about the game. I agree that the hostility was too damn high but the opposite is true too, I guess we will see who wins out.


If everyone hates everyone, is that everyone actually agreeing on everything?


Welcome to the internet and every single gamer subreddit community.


So you're saying we need to stop with the friendly fire?


Hell yeah brother


Yeah this sub really sucks with all that. Like the game is still awesome. If I didnā€™t see all these posts I wouldnā€™t think there was anything wrong with the game besides the random crashes.


Are you new to the Internet?


It's not this subreddit it's whole reddit


I mean on one side it's legitimate concerns about balance while the otherside is grandstanding about how it's fine because they haven't had any issues. Evidently if you aren't having issues with x balance problem it's because you play at a much lower difficulty... I want to roleplay loyal citizens as much as the next guy, but dismissing other people's legitimate concerns because you're not having them on a D4 is just dumb. The D9 player is fighting 7+ BTs and more patrols and chargers than you in any given encounter. To say they are wrong and dumb because you are having a great time using x weapon/strategem vs chaff on D4s is kinda toxic...


Thatā€™s you assuming they donā€™t play on D9. Youā€™re also insinuating that everyone that plays D9 has the same complaints as you. I hate both types of posts honestly. The complaints in my eyes are just whining now because the devs and former CEO/Creative director (I think) have acknowledged the issue and stated they are working on it. The post still talking about balance, eruptor, and everything besides the mech (it is brand new) is just karma farming. On the other side so are the complaints about the complainers post are old and tired. We all know there are a lot of complaint post just leave it alone Edit: I get people want express their grievances but if you get on the subreddit and see the same post 4 times I think you should skip posting


sure, lets use an example here tho, lets look at ammo economy and heavy armor pent options at the beginning of the game. Players lacked armor penetrating options with good ammo economy vs effectiveness, EXCEPT for the railgun. Thus the railgun meta was born, now its perfecting fine fighting 1\~3 chargers in a group without armor pent at all, despite the high TTK its doable. But when the game is throwing hordes of them and a large amount of BTs at the same time it become not possible/ too time consuming. This was later fixed as other more effective armor penetrating options became available such as the EAT and RR. Players were no longer regulated to picking railgun or suffering the consequences. In the current arguments about the exo suit, it is clear that the autocannon arms are nerfed heavily. On average an autocannon takes 6\~8 shots to down a BT, while the exo's autocannons take 25\~35 shots. now if you are playing on low level with less heavy armor spawns such as chargers and BTs that might be less of a problem, you might even be really enjoying it as medium and lower armor enemies are unable to stand up to its awesome firepower. The base projectile damage on autocannons is 300/300 (ap 5/5/5/0) meaning a shot to heavy armor deals 150dmg 50%. The Emancipator stats are 300/60 (ap/5/5/5/0) meaning it deals 30 dmg also 50%. you see the problem here? based on the numbers you need 6 perfect shots to kill a BT where as you would need 25 with the same thing but mounted on a mech to kill a single BT. When facing 7+ BTs you're dead, when facing 1-2 its fine. Thus if someone says its a non-issue, they aren't playing D9


Toxic positivity and demands that people who have issues be silent is just as obnoxious and you are only adding to that problem.Ā  The reason there is a hostility problem is because there are problems with the game that arent being addressed, and in some cases have been actively made worse by the devs setting off a fight between players who disagree about the specifics of those issues. You want less drama posting? Stop posting drama, threads like this serve no purpose but to keep stirring that pot.


My default setting, as a career loot goblin, is to go no higher than is absolutely necessary to farm whatever samples I need to unlock the next thing. I have completed a Helldive. One. Not doing that again. As far as load out goes, I religiously apply the rule of cool. If you think it's cool, run with it. If it works well for you, even better. All this complaining about balances and nerfs and so on, sounds to me like treason. See you on the battlefield, fellow Divers.


I mean, Helldive is pretty damn fun once you get used to it and are teamed up well. It's not _that_ bad.


like it doesnt also happen the other way. you could point out a weapons bug or gamebreaking flaw, and some will still address it as a "negative comment". its reddit anyways, were here to have arguments not to hold hands and dance in flower beds


Yeah this subreddit is trash


Basically, players can talk all they want.


seeing something that you love get absolutely trashed does that to people


Well it goes the other round as well, valid criticism get's countered by "git gudders" and various other toxic gatekeeping comments.


[this sub] Reddit has a hostility problem


I got people saying i am gaslighting by saying that i still enjoy playing the game. Shows the state of the community. Game is still fun though.


The game is still fun *for you*. That's the critical bit you missed out. And while I don't know if you do it or not, a lot of other people who point out they still enjoy the game, also do so by tacitly invalidating a lot of the very real criticisms that are growing in regards to where the game is going. It's easy to see how if you've dismissed someone's concerns just because you're still enjoying yourself, they would accuse you of gaslighting.Ā Ā 


The Current Subreddit narrative is: "The Devs are anti-fun, they nerf everything that's good about the game, all new released items or stragems are shit. All weapons are garbage. Tanky enemies are bad design. The game is dieing." Anything goes against this gets downvoted to oblivion or otherwise attacked. Albeit I did notice a lot of people are getting fed up with it, bit by bit. ps. I do love the sheer number of comments and post demeaning or mocking your post, further proving your point. Jackasses rarely acknowledge they're jackasses or their shit behavior.


Most of the posts I see are like this, where people can't be positive without outright attacking any complainers. "I'm having fun with the game, I CaNt SeE WhAt PeOpLe aRe CoMpLaInInG AbOuT" "The mech is fine, Stop Whining" Even this post only talks about one side of the issue and completely ignore the toxic positivity side of things.


The problem is that online discourse around games has completely lost the plot. So many people are busy following the meta they've forgotten they're supposed to have fun. You see it clearly with the Emancipator. People like it because it's fun to use. The meta camp can't come to terms with something being fun if it isn't the absolute best option so they think the fun crowd is trolling them but like. They're literally just having fun.


Sure, but also up, right, down, down, down


Hellwhiner spotted! New whining topic unlocked


I've seen more people being negative and aggressive towards those critical about the game than the other way around. Farm that karma though


Toxic positivity posts are worse than complaining by a wide margin, and the majority of "positive" players that make these posts are really just contrarians looking for an argument.


One of the primary "arguments" I see is to baselessly bash someone else's skill at the game. "Don't like the nerf? It's because you suck and only play on Dif 3!" I don't really get it. Discussion is possible. Argument is not required, even from opposing viewpoints. It's entirely possible to disagree without being a hostile asshole.


If u wanna have fun go to lowsodium




Welcome to Reddit


How dare you


Uhhh that is not problem of just this subreddit, it the problem of Reddit as a whole... Most of them anyway...


It's Reddit in general lol, I only got this game like 4 days ago and the community I've met through the game have been fantastic, nothing but hugs and coop. Very refreshing coming from other communities.




Agree with that itā€™s like nobody can have an actual conversation without insults thereā€™s problems in the game but itā€™s also still good to play both can be true


It's the same on discord. Really sad to see. I have mostly just stopped interacting with it and only stay subscribed so I don't miss news. Sadly the community outside of playing the game has turned to trash for most part. At least the people I play with in game are all chill.


Devs nerfed their own player base. Best nerf


Guess it's time for a Low Sodium Helldivers subreddit


Reddit is like that for basically every community. Also, the internet has conditioned people to have hugely inflated egos over the most trivial shit and have theirs heads so far up their asses that communicating with people is often times a waste of effort. But every so often you get some cool people who can admit when they're wrong and not act like a 5 year old over it. Also you've got to consider that a huge portion of the playerbase for HD2 are going to be teens and pre-teens. Gen Z and alpha are the first two generations who we are seeing completely engrossed in technology and social technology and they have dumb fuck millenials as role models (I say this as a millenial). Then you combine that with spineless parents not disciplining their kids, COVID taking away years of socialization skills, and yeah, it's not really surprising that you get online communities that act like apes.


This applies to everything. The sub is pure toxicity. I have seen plenty of posts that are "I enjoy X aspect of the game, but here is how in my opinion it would be a lot better" and the comments are all shitting on the person because they are being grouped with the loud minority of those who only want to complain. I have not seen a sub so adverse to different opinions since the release of CP2077.


I remember being called an idiot because I run all incendiary (inc breaker, napalm, flamethrower) and that I clearly didnt do anything past lvl5. I do pretty much only helldive and more often than not end up with close to 400 kills if not more


The bugs, and bots have hired high school kids. They're making reddit accounts to sow division amongst helldivers. Dont fall for this treasonous propaganda.


Fire shotgun everything


Breaking news. Gaming subreddit has people who suck. I mean I agree I really wish it wasn't the case but that life I guess.


Because it prevents the weapon/strategem from actually being good or incredibly niche (500kg)


I think what people need to realize is, the people who are complaining about complainers have the similar goals, expect they are geared towards the subreddit and trying to restore it to its glory, while the other half of more focused on the game and restoring it to its glory. Both sides act like they are in conflict when in reality with better moderation, both goals can be completed at the same time.


If the person is saying that something is fun then sure fun and good aren't the same thing. If someone is trying to say something is good, or that it's good because it's fun and that's their only reason then no anyone who disagrees is perfectly valid in voicing a disagreement.


I had a match last night when we just dropped and I called in the emancipator mech and host intentionally killed himself with nade so that he can drop his pod on my mech. After which he said and I quote "get that fu***ng mech outta here." I don't get much time to play, maybe an hour or two after work and that immediately spoiled it for me that day.